The New Role of Academic Disciplines in the Perspective of Discipline Construction in Chinese and American Universities: A Comparative Study


在世界各国 ,以学科建设为根本和核心的高等教育教学改革正日渐深入。诠释学科的内涵和功能 ,明确其在我国高校改革和发展中的地位和作用 ,对于我国高等学校稳步而高效地推进学科建设而言实属必要。试图从中美高校学科建设比较的视角重新界定学科的新角色 ,并提出我国学科建设的对策 ,从而能对我国高校学科建设有所裨益Reforms in higher education with academic discipline construction as its core are well under way the world over. Clarifying the connotation and the function of the various disciplines and defining their status and roles in the reforms and development of the universities in China are highly necessary in promoting discipline construction. A comparative perspective is adopted in redefining the new role of academic disciplines and a series of measures are proposed regarding discipline construction in institutions of higher learning in China

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