757 research outputs found

    Essentially Grounded Non-Naturalism and Normative Supervenience

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    Non-naturalism – roughly the view that normative properties and facts are sui generis and incompatible with a purely scientific worldview – faces a difficult challenge with regard to explaining why it is that the normative features of things supervene on their natural features. More specifically: non-naturalists have trouble explaining the necessitation relations, whatever they are, that hold between the natural and the normative. My focus is on Stephanie Leary's recent response to the challenge, which offers an attempted non-naturalism-friendly explanation for the supervenience of the normative on the natural by appealing to hybrid properties, the essences of which link them to both natural and sui generis normative properties in suitable ways. I argue that despite its ingenuity, Leary's solution fails. This is so, I claim, because there are no hybrid properties of the sort that her suggestion appeals to. If non-naturalists are to deal with the supervenience challenge, they will have to find another way of doing so

    Osaprojektin johtaminen autoteollisuudessa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on luoda kokonaiskuva projektinjohtamisesta autoteollisuudessa ja toimia apuna vastaavissa tehtävissä toimiville. Työn oppeja voidaan soveltaa myös muissa projektityyppisissä tehtävissä eri toimialoilla. Tämä saavutetaan kuvaamalla modernin autotehtaan muutosprosessia, jossa valmistaudutaan kokonaan uuden automallin tuotantoon. Tuotantoon tuleva uusi automalli on Daimlerin Mercedes-Benz W177 korimallin A-sarjan henkilöauto ja se tulee valmistumaan rinnakkain jo aiemmin valmistetun automallin, X253 korimallin GLC:n, kanssa samalla tuotantolinjalla. Tämän työn projektin aiheena on auton katon äänieristepahvien liimaus- ja kiinnitysprosessin automatisointi robotilla. Opinnäytetyö jakaantuu seuraavasti. Ensin työssä käydään läpi teoriaa projektinjohtamisen perusteista. Sen jälkeen siirrytään autoteollisuuden historiaa käsittelevään osioon, sekä Valmet Automotiven yritysesittelyyn. Tämän jälkeen esitellään Uudenkaupungin autotehtaan kokoonpanolinjaa, josta siirrytään itse projektin kuvaukseen. Projektista käydään läpi sen alkutilanne, projektin eteneminen ja sen haasteet, sekä projektin johtaminen päätökseen. Pääpainopisteenä oleva projektinaikainen johtaminen on aiheena laaja. Tämän takia sitä edeltävät ja sen jälkeiset vaiheet käydään läpi kevyemmin.The aim of this Bachelor’s Thesis is to create an overview of project management within the automotive industry and to provide assistance for people acting in similar tasks. The studies of this thesis can be implemented in various project-type tasks in different industries. This is achieved by illustrating the change process within a modern car factory which is preparing to start the production of a completely new car model. This new car model, the Daimler’s new W177-body A-model, will be manufactured side to side with another model, the X253 GLC. This X253 model is already in production on the same production line where the W177 will join it. The subject of the project described in this thesis is the automation of a roof insulation and reinforcement cardboard gluing and assembly process by robot. The thesis is structured as follows. First the thesis will go through theory about basics of project management. Next section is handling the history of automotive industry and the company overview of Valmet Automotive. From there the thesis will introduce the assembly line of Uusikaupunki car factory. Last section to be handled is the project itself. The topics that will be dealt with are the situation at the beginning of the project, the progress of the project and its’ difficulties as well as taking the project to a conclusion. The topic of main focus, the project leadership during the project, is broad as a topic. For this reason the preceding and following parts will be handled in less detail

    Hybrid Accounts of Ethical Thought and Talk

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    This is a draft of a chapter for the Routledge Handbook of Metaethics, edited by David Plunkett and Tristram McPherson. I offer an overview of hybrid views in metaethics, with main focus on hybrid cognitivist views such as those defended by Daniel Boisvert and David Copp, and on hybrid expressivist views such as those defended by Michael Ridge and myself

    Hinnanmuodostus Suomen raakapuumarkkinoilla – täydellistä vai epätäydellistä kilpailua?

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    Tieteen tor

    Composite leading indicators of Finnish sawnwood exports.

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    Review of Allan Gibbard's Meaning and Normativity

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    Book review. Reviewed work: Meaning and Normativity / Gibbard, Allan. - . New York: Oxford University Press, 2012Peer reviewe

    Finnish young adults’ perceptions of the health, well-being and sustainability of wooden interior materials

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    Wood as a renewable construction material presents positive human health, well-being and sustainability-related features. Several studies have indicated its lower carbon footprint compared to the main alternative construction materials and its physiological and psychological characteristics have positive impacts on human health. The objective of this study is to investigate how young adults perceive the health, well-being and sustainability impacts of wooden interior materials. The findings from the four focus groups indicate that generally the image of wooden materials is positive although some concerns were identified. Further, wood as an interior material is perceived to have mainly positive psychological impacts on human health and well-being. From a sustainability perspective, participants recognized both negative and positive impacts of wooden materials mainly relating to environmental sustainability. Findings also revealed that although participants appreciate health and sustainability in the contexts of housing and particularly interior materials, still the materials' appearance and the financial situation of young participants' households dictate their criteria for choosing housing. The study results suggest that positive health impacts of wood, as well as its broader sustainability impacts, should be better acknowledged and promoted more broadly in society. This could result in greater appreciation towards wood and wooden materials among consumers.Peer reviewe

    The challenges and opportunities of the European Union leadmarket initiative:case bio-based products

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    The role of innovations as an engine for European competitiveness is largely accepted as a part of the EU Lisbon strategy, and the Lead Market Initiative (LMI) has been seen as an innovative platform for advancing the knowledge-based bio-economy in Europe. Our research questions are; first, what are the main challenges and opportunities of the LMI on bio-based products in comparison to other EU initiatives such as JTIs and CIP? Second, does the LMI address those challenges adequately, and what areas of improvement can be identified? Methodologically, we use a qualitative case study approach with data from both documentary sources and in-depth elite interviews. Based on our results, the strong demand-side characteristics of LMI, such as public procurement, standardization and legislation, can accelerate the time-to-market in case of the bio-based products and services. However, the speed of diffusion is dependent on overcoming the problems of the critical-mass market creation and fragmented supply-side of bio-based industry. Ensuring coherence and coordination of activities between policy-makers in the Member states, EU Commission services, businesses and other stakeholders is also crucial to the success of LMI for bio-based products

    A Little Chapter on the Big Picture

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 selection and editorial matter, Dalia D‘Amato, Anne Toppinen and Robert Kozak; individual chapters, the contributors.Businesses are extractive in nature, reliant on the bounty of natural capital and related ecosystem services that our planet offers. Equally perplexing is the role that governance and policy mechanisms play in fostering an enabling environment for sustainable businesses to thrive. The past decades have seen an undeniable shift towards the use of private sector policy innovations, like finance- and market-driven tools and third-party certification schemes, being utilised to address critical issues related to environmental degradation and the overall health of our planet, as articulated in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Results have been, at best, mixed in terms of curbing global deforestation, emissions, or environmental degradation, even when these efforts are part of larger governmental or intergovernmental initiatives. One mechanism that shows a good deal of promise is the hybrid organisation. These are businesses with a societal purpose, which focus not on profit maximisation, but on creating a meaningful sustainability orientation.Peer reviewe