2,070 research outputs found

    Psychological interventions for improving adherence to oral hygiene instructions in adults with periodontal diseases

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    Background: Adherence to oral hygiene is an important aspect of the treatment of periodontal disease. Traditional educational interventions have been shown to be of little value in achieving long term behaviour change. Objectives: The aim of this review was to determine the impact of interventions aimed to increase adherence to oral hygiene instructions in adult periodontal patients based on psychological models and theoretical frameworks. This review considered the following outcomes:Observational measures of oral health related behaviourSelf reported oral health related behaviours, beliefs and attitudes towards oral health related behaviourClinical markers of periodontal disease. Search methods: The Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (2005), CENTRAL (The Cochrane Library 2004, Issue 4), MEDLINE (from 1966 to December 2004), EMBASE (from 1980 to December 2004), PsycINFO (from 1966 to December 2004), Ingenta (from 1998 to December 2004) and CINAHL (from 1966 to December 2004). Reference lists from relevant articles were searched and the authors of eligible trials were contacted to identify trials and obtain additional information. No language restriction was applied. Selection criteria: Randomised controlled trials testing the effectiveness of interventions based on psychological models compared with educational, attention or no active intervention controls to improve adherence to oral hygiene in adults with either gingivitis or periodontitis. Data collection and analysis: Titles and abstracts of studies that were potentially relevant to the review were independently screened by two review authors. Those that were clearly ineligible were rejected. For the remaining studies, the full paper was reviewed by two review authors and where necessary further information was sought from the author to verify eligibility. Included studies were assessed on their quality using standard criteria. Main results: The review identified four studies (including 344 participants) in which a psychological model or theory had been explicitly used as the basis for the design of the intervention. The overall quality of trials was low. Due to the heterogeneity between studies, both in terms of outcome measures and psychological models adopted, a meta-analysis was not possible. The four studies adopted four different theoretical frameworks, though there was some overlap in that three of the studies incorporated elements of Operant and Classical Conditioning. Psychological interventions resulted in improved plaque scores in comparison to no intervention groups, and in one study in comparison to an attention control group. One study found decreased gingival bleeding in the active intervention group but no change in pocket depth or attachment loss after 4 months. Psychological interventions were associated with improved self reported brushing and flossing in both studies which assessed these behaviours. Only one study explored the impact of psychological interventions on beliefs and attitudes, the psychological intervention, in comparison to educational and no intervention controls, showed improved self efficacy beliefs in relation to flossing, but no effect on dental knowledge or self efficacy beliefs in relation to tooth brushing. Authors' conclusions: There is tentative evidence from low quality studies that psychological approaches to behaviour management can improve oral hygiene related behaviours. However, the overall quality of the included trials was low. Furthermore, the design of the interventions was weak and limited, ignoring key aspects of the theories. Thus, there is a need for greater methodological rigour in the design of trials in this area

    The problems of implementation and using of e-learning in high educational establishments

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    Розглянуто стан впровадження електронного навчання у вищих навчальних закладах України та за кордоном. Проаналізовано результати експериментального дослідження щодо ставлення викладачів до впровадження та реалізації електронного навчання на прикладі педагогічного університету. Встановлено, що однією з причин гальмування реалізації електронного навчання в Україні є проблема нормативно-правового забезпечення електронного навчання.Рассмотрено состояние внедрения электронного обучения в высших учебных заведениях Украины и за рубежом. Проанализированы результаты экспериментального исследования в отношении преподавателей к внедрению и реализации электронного обучения на примере педагогического университета. Установлено, что одной из причин торможения реализации электронного обучения в Украине есть проблема нормативно-правового обеспечения электронного обученияThe state of implementation of e-learning in high educational establishments in Ukraine and abroad is reviewed in the article. The experimental research results of teachers’ attitude to the implementation and realization of e-learning on the example of Pedagogical University was analyzed in the article. One of the reasons of slowing down the realization of e-learning in Ukraine is a legal problem

    The relation of preventive dental behaviors to periodontal health status

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    . Current recommendations for periodontal health maintenance emphasize toothbrushing, flossing and periodic dental checkups. The purposes of this study were to examine (1) the effects of these practices on periodontal health and (2) the relationships of demographic and socioeconomic variables with these behaviors and with periodontal health. Adults ( n = 319) in the Detroit, Michigan tri-county area were asked how frequently they performed the 3 preventive behaviors. Levels of plaque, gingivitis, calculus, and periodontal attachment were then assessed during in-home dental examinations. There were no statistically significant differences in these health measures between those with acceptable and unacceptable brushing behavior. About 20% of the subjects reported acceptable flossing behavior, and these individuals had significantly less plaque and calculus than other participants. Over 3/4 of subjects reported having a dental checkup at least 1 × a year, and these persons were found to have significantly less plaque, gingivitis, and calculus compared to less frequent attenders. Acceptable brushing behavior was not associated with any particular demographic or socio-economic characteristic, while differences in acceptable flossing behavior were found among age groups. Frequencies of yearly dental checkups varied significantly within every demographic and socioeconomic characteristic.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75510/1/j.1600-051X.1994.tb00303.x.pd

    Bacterial morphotype grading for periodontal disease assessment

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    BACKGROUND: Listgarten and Hellden (1978) used darkfield microscopy of wet mounts to differentiate between healthy and periodontally diseased sites in the mouth by expressing the different bacterial morphotypes observed as a percentage of the total number of bacteria counted. This method of periodontal disease assessment gained favour as a diagnostic tool but presented with the limitation of immediate examination to determine the number of motile rods present and an inability to distinguish between gingivitis and periodontitis. Grading of bacterial morphotypes into several distinct categories of health or disease (Ison and Hay, 2002), simplified the scoring system of Gram-stained smears for the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis (Nugent et al. 1991). The application of a similar grading system using stained smears rather than wet mounts could be advantageous to the diagnosis of periodontal disease. OBJECTIVES/AIMS: This study tested the hypothesis that stained smears of dental plaque collected from the gingival crevice of individuals with varying probing pocket depths (PD) may provide a grading system for periodontal disease assessment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Subgingival plaque samples were collected from 49 patients, stained with a silver stain and the proportions of each bacterial morphotype graded relative to their respective PD measurements. RESULTS: This technique allowed for a grading system of I–IV, with grade I indicating health and grade IV indicating severe periodontal disease. DISCUSSION: Stained smear examination eliminates the time restriction for motile rod enumeration and allows for storage of smears for future reference. CONCLUSION: Standardization of the microscopic areas to be evaluated or examined will facilitate the agreement of cut-off values for the diagnosis of periodontal disease.This material is based on work partially supported financially by the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa

    Factors associated with the appearance of gingival papillae

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    Chow YC, Eber RM, Tsao Y-P, Shotwell JL, Wang H-L. Factors associated with the appearance of gingival papillae. J Clin Periodontol 2010; 37: 719-727 doi: . The purpose of this study was to evaluate factors associated with the fill of inter-dental spaces by gingival papillae.Ninety-six adult subjects were evaluated. Papilla score (PS), tooth form/shape, interproximal contact length and gingival thickness were recorded for 672 maxillary anterior and first pre-molar interproximal sites. Statistical analyses included a non-parametric χ 2 test, anova , the Mixed Procedure for SAS and Pearson's correlation coefficient ( r ).Papilla deficiency was more frequent in older subjects ( p <0.05), as papilla height decreased 0.012 mm with each year of increasing age ( p <0.05). Competent papillae (complete fill inter-dentally) were associated with: (1) crown width: length ges;0.87; (2) proximal contact length ges;2.8 mm; (3) bone crest-contact point ≤5 mm; and (4) interproximal gingival tissue thickness ges;1.5 mm. Gingival thickness correlated negatively with PS ( r =−0.37 to −0.54) and positively with tissue height ( r =0.23–0.43). Tooth form (i.e. crown width to length ratio) correlated negatively with PS ( r =−0.37 to −0.61). Other parameters failed to show any significant effects.Gingival papilla appearance was associated significantly with subject age, tooth form/shape, proximal contact length, crestal bone height and interproximal gingival thickness.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/79213/1/j.1600-051X.2010.01594.x.pd