1,075 research outputs found

    Labelled Lambda-calculi with Explicit Copy and Erase

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    We present two rewriting systems that define labelled explicit substitution lambda-calculi. Our work is motivated by the close correspondence between Levy's labelled lambda-calculus and paths in proof-nets, which played an important role in the understanding of the Geometry of Interaction. The structure of the labels in Levy's labelled lambda-calculus relates to the multiplicative information of paths; the novelty of our work is that we design labelled explicit substitution calculi that also keep track of exponential information present in call-by-value and call-by-name translations of the lambda-calculus into linear logic proof-nets

    A Fully Labelled Lambda Calculus: Towards Closed Reduction in the Geometry of Interaction Machine

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    AbstractWe investigate the possibility of performing new reduction strategies with the Geometry of Interaction Machine (GOIm). To this purpose, we appeal to Lévy's labelled lambda calculus whose labels describe: a) the path that the GOIm will follow in the graph of a term and b) the operations that the GOIm requires to compute the multiplicative part from the Multiplicative and Exponential Linear Logic encoding that the machine uses. Our goal is to unveil the missing exponential information in the structure of the labels. This will provide us with a tool to talk about strategies for computing paths with the GOIm

    New Developments in Environment Machines

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    AbstractIn this paper we discuss and compare abstract machines for the lambda-calculus, implementing various evaluation strategies. Starting from the well-known Categorical abstract machine (CAM) and Krivine's abstract machine (KAM), we develop two families of machines that differ in the way they treat environments. The first family is inspired by the work on closed reduction strategies, whereas the second is built in the spirit of the jumping machines based on the work done on Linear Logic

    Single dose pharmacodynamics of amphotericin B against Aspergillus species in an in vitro pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model

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    Conventional MIC testing of amphotericin B results in narrow MIC ranges challenging the detection of resistant strains. In order to discern amphotericin B pharmacodynamics, the in vitro activity of amphotericin B was studied against Aspergillus isolates with the same MIC with a new in vitro pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) model that simulates amphotericin B human plasma levels. Clinical isolates of A. fumigatus, A. terreus and A flavus with the same CLSI modal MICs of 1 mg/l were exposed to amphotericin B concentrations following the plasma concentration-time profile after single bolus administration with Cmax 0.6, 1.2, 2.4 and 4.8 mg/L. Fungal growth was monitored up to 72h based on galactomannan production. Complete growth inhibition was observed only against A. fumigatus with amphotericin B Cmax ≥2.4 mg/L. At lower Cmaxs 0.6 and 1.2 mg/L, a significant growth delay of 34h and 52h was observed, respectively (pA flavus>A. terreus in the in vitro PK/PD model possibly reflecting the different concentration- and time-dependent inhibitory/killing activities amphotericin B exerting against these species

    HIV and exercise: A pilot study of strength training effects on HIV+ patients and a survey of exercise behaviour in the HIV+population

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    HIV infection is a disease that attacks the immune system. Associated conditions include muscle wasting (occurring at more advanced stages of the disease), and mood disturbances due to stressors like the diagnosis itself, treatment, and social stigma. Exercise has been associated with improved muscle function, more favourable psychological function, and improved immunity, in normal populations. The same has also been postulated for HIV+ populations making exercise an ideal candidate for a complementary therapy for HIV+ patients. This study was undertaken in order to investigate the effects of moderate intensity strength training on various parameters in HIV+ patients. Six subjects were recruited (5 male, 1 female) and randomly assigned to an exercise or control group. At stage 1, the exercise group received 12 weeks of a moderate strength training programme 3 times each week, while the control group went about their normal routines. Changes in variables were compared between the exercise and control group (2 sample-t-test). In stage 2 the control group received the exercise programme, and their changes were compared to their changes in stage 1 (paired-t-test). Results showed that in stage 1 the exercise programme tended to increase muscle function, and this was significant for quadriceps isometric strength when comparing the exercise group to the control group t(3)=3.94, p=0.029. Psychological function also tended to improve, with the strongest evidence coming from the profile of mood states (POMS). Changes reached significant levels for comparison of experimental with control group, for the total POMS scores t(4)=3.83, p=0.019, and two subscales of the POMS, energetic-tired t(4)=2.83, p=0.047, clearheaded-confused t(4)=3.60, p=0.023. The trend of improved mood with exercise in stage 1, was followed by similar changes in stage 2 for the control group. The immunological data did not show any trends of changes with exercise. Because of the low numbers of subjects results from this study are only indicative and by no means strong. In conclusion, it seems that exercise is associated with improved strength and mood. The low recruitment for this pilot study indicated a possible motivational issue with exercise and HIV+ people. Exercise adoption and maintenance is a problem for the general population, but it seems clinical populations are especially problematic. As there were no studies on exercise levels and attitudes towards exercise concerning HIV in the literature, it was deemed worthy of investigating those for the Glasgow HIV+ population. Fifty seven (57) subjects were recruited from the Brownlee outpatients clinic (46 men and 11 women). They were asked to complete a questionnaire on the stages of exercise behaviour, which included the current recommendations for regular physical activity and motivations and barriers to exercise. Medical data (like weight and CD4 cell count) were also collected. The subject population was representative of the whole HIV+ clinic population, in terms of the proportion of subjects who were homosexual, drug users, and "others"(e.g. heterosexuals, haemophiliacs). Results showed that the activity levels of HIV+ patients were similar to those of the general population with 38% regularly active, 62% not meeting the current recommendations. However, under closer examination by method of contraction it seemed that the drug users group and 'others' were less active (74% and 80% respectively not meeting the current recommendations for regular physical activity). It was also seen that of the subjects now inactive, 82% were active before diagnosis. In terms of motivations to exercise the HIV+ subjects did not seem to differ from the general population. In terms of barriers the HIV+ subjects seemed to rate time much lower than the general population and perceive "obstacles" to be higher (e.g. lack of facilities, bad weather), also limiting health reasons were a perceived as higher. In conclusion, there seems to be a large number of HIV+ patients not meeting the current recommendations of regular physical activity, and this is pronounced for non-homosexual HIV+ patients. Given that exercise is safe and has the potential to be beneficial for HIV+ people, promoting exercise would be appropriate. Results from this study suggest that when designing a health promotion strategy for HIV+ patients, the health benefits of exercise and the fact that exercise is a safe practice for HIV+ people should be emphasised

    Orthodeoxia and platypnoea after acute organophosphorus poisoning reversed by CPAP: a newly described cause and review of the literature

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    AbstractThe case of a 60-year-old male patient, who survived severe organophosphorus poisoning, and subsequently developed platypnoea and orthodeoxia is described. The patient was mechanically ventilated for a long period of time in the intensive care unit. During the weaning trial, he developed platypnoea and orthodeoxia (PaO2 85 mmHg in recumbency, and 40 mmHg in upright position). Interestingly, the patient's orthodeoxia was alleviated on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment. This is a newly described cause of the platypnoea-orthodeoxia syndrome. The possible pathophysiological mechanisms are discussed and a review of the reported abnormal states associated with this condition is presented

    Ανάπτυξη Μεθόδου παραλαβής και ανάλυσης του τριτερπενικού κλάσματος και αιθερίου ελαίου της μαστίχας

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης είναι η ανάπτυξη απλής και γρήγορης μεθοδολογίας για την απομόνωση και παραλαβή του πολυμερούς της μαστίχας, με στόχο την ανάπτυξη εύκολων μεθοδολογιών για την περαιτέρω φυτοχημική μελέτη ελασσόνων τριτερπενικών ενώσεων καθώς και η κλασμάτωση του αιθερίου ελαίου της ρητίνης, με καινοτόμες εκχυλιστικές και χρωματογραφικές τεχνικές. Στην παρούσα μελέτη χρησιμοποιήθηκαν χρωματογραφικές τεχνικές για την ανάλυση, κλασμάτωση και απομόνωση των διαφόρων συστατικών της μαστίχας. Συγκεκριμένα χρησιμοποιήθηκε: α) Χρωματογραφία Λεπτής Στοιβάδας (TLC) για την λήψη των πρώτων αναλυτικών προφίλ των κλασμάτων της ρητίνης, β) η Χρωματογραφία Φυγοκέντρου Κατανομής (Centrifugal Partition Chromatography, CPC) για την κλασμάτωση της ρητίνης της μαστίχας, γ) Υψηλής Απόδοσης Υγρή Χρωματογραφία συζευγμένης με ανιχνευτή συστοιχίας διόδων (High Performance Liquid Chromatography Diode Array Detector, HPLC-DAD) για την λήψη του αναλυτικού προφίλ κλάσματος της ρητίνης της μαστίχας, δ) Υψηλής Απόδοσης Υγρή Χρωματογραφία παρασκευαστικής κλίμακας συζευγμένης με συστοιχία διόδων (prep-HPLC-DAD) και δ) Χρωματογραφία Λεπτής Στοιβάδας παρασκευαστικής κλίμακας (prep-TLC) για την απομόνωση ενώσεων από κλάσματα της ρητίνης.The purpose of the present study is to develop a simple and rapid methodology for the isolation and acceptance of mastic polymer, with the aim of developing easy methodologies for further phytochemical study of minor triterpenic compounds as well as fractionation of the essential oil of resin and nitro resin techniques. In the present study, chromatographic techniques were used to analyze, fractionate and isolate the various constituents of mastic. Specifically, we used: a) TLC to obtain the first detailed profiles of the resin fractions, b) Centrifugal Partition Chromatography (CPC) for the fractionation of the mastic resin, c) High Performance Liquid Chromatography Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD) for obtaining the analytical fraction profile of mastic resin, (d) High Performance Liquid Chromatography Prepared Scale (HP-D) and (d) preparative layer thin-layer chromatography (prep-TLC) to isolate compounds from resin fractions

    Εθνικισμός και Εκσυγχρονιστική Διαδικασία στη Μεταπολεμική Ινδοκίνα (1945-1975)

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    Πως επιδρά το ιδεολογικό φαινόμενο του εθνικισμού στα κομμουνιστικά εθνοαπελευθερωτικά κινήματα που ανακύπτουν στην περιοχή της Νοτιoανατολικής Ασίας, πιο συγκεκριμένα στις γεωγραφικές περιοχές του Βιετνάμ, του Λάος και της Καμπότζης, την περίοδο του Ψυχρού Πολέμου. Πιο αναλυτικά η εργασία σκιαγραφεί τους συσχετισμούς και τη συμπόρευση της κομμουνιστικής ιδεολογίας και αυτής των αντίστοιχων εθνικισμών της περιοχής, ελέγχοντας τις βασικές διαφορετικές θεωρίες του εθνικισμού μπροστά στις διαδικασίες που διαδραματίζονται στην περιοχή της Ινδοκίνας μεταπολεμικά, καλύπτοντας την περίοδο 1945-1975.In which ways nationalistic ideologies affect the communistic national movements which occur in Southeast Asia, specifically in the Vietnamese, Laotian and Cambodian geographical regions, during Cold War. More significantly this thesis, frames the correlations and parallel development between, on the one hand, the communistic ideology and on the other, the nationalistic ideologies of Southeast Asian region, respectively. Moreover, effort is given in inspecting some of the major theories of nationalism ideology as far as the procedures which are taking place in Post-War Indochina, during the period of 1945-1975, are concerned