333 research outputs found

    Temperature patterns along the migration routes of European eel larvae towards the south of the Iberian Peninsula

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    This study analysed the variations in sea surface temperature patterns along the two main migration routes of European eel larvae from their spawning grounds (Sargasso Sea) to the southern coasts of the Iberian Peninsula. For this purpose, monthly time series of sea surface temperature associated with theoretical locations along the migratory routes from January 1984 to December 2006 were analysed. The results indicate that regardless of the migration route followed, the temperature pattern was characterized by two periods of maximum temperatures. Likewise, in both routes, surface temperature anomalies indicated the presence of a regime change in the mid- 1990s that significantly correlated with glass eel abundance anomalies in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. Along both routes, strong negative anomalies (mid-1980s, early-1990s and mid-1990s) were associated with positive anomalies of glass eel abundance. In contrast, from the mid-1990s, the negative anomalies of glass eel abundance were associated with a period in which the SST anomalies were clearly positive. These results support the hypothesis that SST is highly important for the recruitment of glass eels in the European coasts.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Diseño y gestión óptimos de sistemas de impulsión y de almacenamiento de agua para riego

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    Los sistemas que se estudiarán serán los constituidos por un conjunto de impulsores de motor eléctrico que tomará el agua de una fuente de suministro y del que partirá una conducción hasta depósito o balsa de regulación desde el/las cuales abastecerá la red de distribución según las demandas de agua existentes. El depósito o balsa, además de cumplir de acumulación del recurso agua, permitirá la reducción de costes energéticos al poder permitir una adaptación entre las horas de bombeo y el tipo de discriminación horaria de la facturación eléctrica. El objetivo principal es conseguir el régimen de explotación integral óptimo que origine el menor coste teniendo en cuenta la capacidad hidráulica de la estación de bombeo, el volumen del depósito o balsa, el coste de elevación del metro cúbico de agua y el contrato del suministro de energía eléctrica, todo ello compatibilizado con la capacidad de satisfacer una demanda dada. De esta manera, se planifica el esquema de operación de los sistemas de impulsión y de almacenamiento de agua en un futuro próximo, que en este trabajo es la campaña de riesgos, teniendo en cuenta las implicaciones en el diseño de los elementos de regulació

    Regionalization of droughts in Portugal

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    Comunicação apresentada na "6th International Conference on River Basin Management", Riverside, California, 2011Droughts are complex natural hazards that distress large worldwide areas every year with serious impacts on society, environment and economy. Despite their importance they are still among the least understood extreme weather events. This paper is focused on the identification of regional patterns of droughts in Mainland Portugal based on monthly precipitation data, from September 1910 to October 2004, in 144 rain gages distributed uniformly over the country. The drought events were described by means of the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) applied to different time scales. To assess the spatial and temporal patterns of droughts, a principal component analysis (PCA) and K-means clustering method (KMC) were applied to the SPI series. The study showed that, for the different times scales, both methods resulted in an equivalent areal zoning, with three regions with different behaviours: the north, the centre and the south of Portugal. These three regions are consistent with the precipitation spatial distribution in Portugal Mainland, which in general terms decrease from North to South, with the central mountainous region representing the transition between the wet north and the progressively dry south. As the mean annual precipitation decreases southwards the hydrological regime becomes more irregular and consequently more prone to droughts

    Dispositivo mecánico para la extracción de tocones y procedimiento de destoconado asociado.

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    Número de publicación: 2 663 656 Número de solicitud: 201600894 51 Int. CI.: A01G 23/06 (2006.01)Dispositivo mecánico para la extracción de tocones y procedimiento de destoconado asociado. Se presenta un dispositivo mecánico en acero diseñado para desarraigar tocones de árboles, el cual es acoplado de manera pivotante al balancín de una retroexcavadora, capaz de extraer tocones de hasta 180 mm de diámetro. El dispositivo está constituido por un único cuerpo en acero que no presenta ningún bastidor pivotante ni ningún sistema hidráulico adicional para su accionamiento. Todo esto se traduce en mejores ventajas mecánicas, ya que se elimina la posible obstrucción por piedras de los elementos pivotantes, así como la eliminación del mantenimiento y averías del sistema hidráulico. El funcionamiento del dispositivo no se basa en el levantamiento directo del tocón, sino en cortar algunas de las raíces del tocón y a continuación extraerlo.Universidad de Almería, Universidad de Huelv

    Procedimiento de construcción de pozos verticales con revestimiento interior

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    Publication number: ES2633749 A1 (25.09.2017) Application number: P201600167 (23.02.2016)Procedimiento de construcción de pozos verticales con revestimiento interno, que comprende la excavación de un primer tramo (4) de pozo, en el que se introduce verticalmente una columna (7) tubular rígida, formada a base de anillos (5) de hormigón unidos entre sí, bajo cuya columna se continua la excavación el descenso de la misma y la disposición de anillos superiores (5c). Los anillos (5) van unidos mediante anclajes superiores (9) e inferiores (8) montados en los anillos superior (5b) e inferior (5a) y conectados mediante cables (10) tensadosUniversidad de Almerí

    Regional frequency analysis of droughts: portuguese case

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    Poster apresentado WCRP (World Climate Research programme)- Workshop on Drought Predictability and Prediction in a Changing Climate: Assessing Current Knowledge and Capabilities, User Requirements and Research Priorities, 2-4 Março 2011, Barcelona (Spain).[Poster introduction] A common problem in drought risk analysis relates to the assessment of the rarity of the events, such as long duration droughts or high magnitude droughts. Being a frequent phenomena in the Southern Europe and in others regions of the world drought constitute a primary natural hazard for human activities. For this reason, and for an improved drought risk management, the preparation of drought hazard maps is an important and urgent task. The drought definition based on deviations from normal conditions or from reference stages implies that droughts can occur in any hydroclimatological region and at any time of the year with the same probability. In order to due so, a large number of quantitative drought characteristics must been considered. Two common approaches to select extreme events from a drought index time series were analyzed: the annual maximum series (AMS) and the partial duration series (PDS) approaches

    Electricity microgeneration in pressure hydraulic networks

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    The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the installation of microturbines placed at selected points of water distribution systems to generating electricity from excess and unused hydraulic energy. In order to achieve this objective, we have considered some alternatives to installation in hydraulic pressurized networks of two municipalities in the province of Huelva: Cañaveral de León and Aracena. These water distribution systems are managed by the public company Giahsa. An economic feasibility analysis of the proposed installation alternatives as well as a proposal for amortization of the investment were shown in this work

    Age-structure, growth and reproduction of the introduced pumpkinseed (lepomis gibbosa, l. 1758) in a tributary of the Guadalquivir river (southern Spain)

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    The age structure, growth and reproduction of Lepomis gibbosa (L. 1758) (= L. gibbosus) was studied from March 1993 to September 1994 in a tributary stream of the Guadalquivir River. The maximum age observed was 5+ years both in males and females. In the O+ group, seasonal growth began in February and lasted 8 months. Males and females matured during their second year of life (l+). There were no significant differences in the overall sex-ratio, which was 1: 1.1 (677 males to 745 females). Reproductive activity started in MarcWApril and lasted until AugusUSeptember. During this period, females spawned 2 batches of eggs. The relationship between fecundity (F) and fork length (&, mm) was: F=5.09 % 279 (1993) and F=85.81 L, ' 56 (1994). The maximum contribution to the fecundity of the population was observed in the 4+ female group. The reproductive effort was maximun in the 3+ group. Compared with the American pumpkinseed populations that have been studied, the lifehistory patterns of this stock are characterized by low annual growth, early maturity, reduced longevity and low fecundity

    Influence of the electric energy non-regulated market in the intensive aquaculture plants associated to cooling effluents

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    En este trabajo se analiza el efecto que la liberalización del mercado eléctrico tiene sobre la variación de los regímenes de temperatura del agua en plantas de acuicultura intensiva que aprovechan los efluentes de refrigeración de centrales generadoras de electricidad. Para ello se han utilizado datos de una instalación dedicada al engorde de anguilas europeas, la cual toma el agua caliente del efluente de refrigeración de la Central Térmica de Puente Nuevo (Córdoba). Los resultados indican que la liberalización del mercado del sector eléctrico tiene una influencia significativa sobre la forma y cantidad de energía generada por la Central Térmica, y por consiguiente sobre el régimen termal del efluente de refrigeración. Los niveles de temperatura en el interior de la instalación son dependientes asimismo de la temperatura del agua en el efluente de refrigeración, estimándose la disminución de los índices de crecimiento debidos a este factor en un 5%.In this paper, the effect of the electric energy non-regulated market in the water thermal regimes variation of intensive fishfarms that use the heated water for cooling of power plants is analysed. This way, data of aneel intensive rearing system was used. In this fishfarm the heated water is drawn from the cooling effluent of the Puente Nuevo power plant (Córdoba). The results show that the non-regulated market has a significant effect on the form and amount of generated energy and the thermal regime of the cooling effluent. The temperature levels in the fishfarm depend of the water temperature of cooling effluent, being estimated the decrease of the growth index in 5%

    ¿Apoyan los entrenadores la motivación de sus deportistas? Diferencias en la percepción del comportamiento

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    El objetivo de este trabajo era valorar la influencia de la percepción de apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) sobre la motivación intrínseca, disfrute, aburrimiento e intención de persistencia en el contexto deportivo de base, y como podía incidir la diferencia entre lo que los entrenadores creían proporcionar y lo que los deportistas percibían, en relación a dicho apoyo. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo 2 estudios diferentes. En el estudio 1 participaron 985 deportistas (M = 14,34; DT = 2,52) y se realizó un análisis de regresión, en el que se demostró la importancia de las percepciones de apoyo a las NPB sobre las variables analizadas. En función de estos resultados, se llevó a cabo el estudio 2, en el que participaron 91 entrenadores (M = 32,41; DT = 6,51) y 432 deportistas (M = 13,44; DT = 2,92), realizándose un análisis de diferencias entre grupos de entrenadores creados en función de la percepción de apoyo proporcionado y el apoyo percibido por los deportistas. Los resultados demostraron diferencias en la motivación intrínseca, aburrimiento e intención de persistencia entre los deportistas cuyos entrenadores creían proporcionar más apoyo a las NPB que el percibido por los atletas, respecto a aquellos cuyos entrenadores consideraban realizar un apoyo similar o inferior al percibido. Por tanto, los resultados hallados tienen implicaciones relevantes para explicar la adherencia deportiva en etapas de formación y en la consideración de los antecedentes motivacionales en el contexto deportivo.The aim of this study was focused on assessing the influence of perception of support for basic psychological needs (BPN) on variables such as intrinsic motivation, enjoyment, boredom, and intention to persist in the training sport context; and how this can affect the difference between what is provided and what coaches believe athletes perceive in relation to such support. To achieve this aim, two different studies were conducted. In the 1st study, 985 athletes participated (M = 14.34; SD = 2.52), and a regression analysis was performed, where the results showed the importance of perception of support for BPN in the variables analyzed. Regarding the outcomes found in the former section, the 2nd study was carried out, where 91 coaches (M = 32.41; SD = 6.51) and 432 athletes (M = 13.44; SD = 2.92) were involved, and an analysis of differences was conducted after the creation of groups of coaches formed with respect to the support given and the support perceived by athletes. The results show differences in intrinsic motivation, boredom and intention to persist between athletes whose coaches were believed to give more support for BPN than perceived by athletes, with respect to participants whose coaches were considered to give support similar to or lower than the perceived. Therefore, the outcomes found have relevant implications to explain sport adherence in training stages, as well as the consideration of motivational background in a sport context.O principal objectivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a influência da percepção de apoio às necessidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) em variáveis como a motivação intrínseca, divertimento, aborrecimento e intenção para persistir no treino desportivo, e como isso pode afectar as diferenças entre o que fornecem e o que pensam os treinadores que os atletas percepcionam no que concerne a esse apoio. Para alcançar este objectivo, foram desenvolvidos dois trabalhos. No primeiro estudo participaram 985 atletas (M = 14.34; DP = 2.52), e foi realizada uma análise de regressão sendo que os resultados demonstraram a importância da percepção de apoio às NPB nas variáveis analisadas. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos no estudo anterior, o segundo estudo foi levado a cabo com a participação de 91 treinadores (M = 32.41; DP = 6.51) e 432 atletas (M = 13.44; DP = 2.92), e uma análise de diferenças efectuada após a criação de grupos de treinadores formados com base no critério de apoio prestado e o apoio percebido pelos atletas. Os resultados revelam diferenças na motivação intrínseca, aborrecimento e intenção de persistir entre atletas cujos treinadores acreditavam fornecer mais apoio pa as as NPB que o percepcionado pelos atletas, relativamente aos participantes cujos treinadores consideravam fornecer igual ou inferior apoio ao percepcionado. Contudo, os resultados obtidos apresentam implicações relevantes na explicação da adesão às etapas do treino desportivo, bem como relativamente à consideração de antecedentes motivacionais no contexto desportivo