165 research outputs found

    Navigating transformations from artisanal fishers to entrepreneurial scallop farmers in Chile

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    The expansion of neoliberalization of fisheries in developing countries has been largely driven by political economic decisions. Artisanal fisheries and aquaculture have not been exempt from these privatization measures, the implementation of deregulation measures in the fisheries sector, and commoditization strategies oriented mainly to exports. However, little research has been done about these issues jointly in South America. Therefore, the adoption of these measures and the adaptation and transformation of artisanal fishermen to entrepreneurs were studied in the scallop (Argopecten purpuratus) fishery/aquaculture in Tongoy Bay, Chile. We use qualitative research and an analysis of historical archives to describe a series of political-economic changes, stages, and processes involved in the transformation of the sector. The analysis focuses on conflicts, resistance practices, and value regimes between fishers and farmers to explore the different moral economies at play. Our results show that (a) changes in moral economies are neither automatic nor unidirectional; (b) the State, through its economic policy, technological development institutions, and technology transfer actions, does not directly generate expected results; (c) artisanal fishers who have become entrepreneurs understand and justify competitiveness (or lack of it) because some are more entrepreneurial than others; (d) despite the adoption of neoliberal guidelines, aspects of a more traditional moral economy remain, such as the role of family units in the configuration of enterprises; and, finally, (e) artisanal fishers have moved from a traditional moral economy based on collective and historical rights to a neoliberal moral economy based on the individual and his or her capacity for self-improvement, entrepreneurship, and efficient work management

    Educación virtual en tiempos del COVID-19, brechas y oportunidades: una revisión sistemática

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    The objective of this systematic review article is to analyze the different scientific studies that approach distance education and virtual education in times of COVID-19, developed in the field of Latin American countries, at the educational levels of primary education, secondary, high school and / or middle education. The documentary search of articles was carried out in the databases of Ebsco, Scopus, Scielo and Redalyc.org; in the period of 2020 and 2021; using the search criteria determined in the methods section. As findings, opportunities and gaps have been identified that societies have for equitable access to virtual education, records that are recommended to be taken into account for the generation of public policies in education.El presente artículo de revisión sistemática tiene como objetivo analizar los diferentes estudios científicos que hacen abordaje a la educación a distancia y educación virtual en tiempos del COVID- 19, desarrollados en el ámbito de los países de Latinoamérica, en los niveles educativos de primaria, secundaria, bachillerato y/o educación media.  La búsqueda documental de artículos se realizó en las bases de datos de Ebsco, Scopus, Scielo y Redalyc.org; en el periodo del 2020 y 2021; utilizando los criterios de búsqueda determinados en la sección de métodos. Como hallazgos se han identificado oportunidades y brechas que tienen las sociedades para el acceso en equidad a una educación virtual, registros que se recomienda tomar en cuenta para la generación de políticas públicas en educación

    Characterization of congenital craniofacial anomalies in a specialized hospital of Risaralda, Colombia. 2010-2014

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    Introduction: Congenital craniofacial malformations have a major impact on the lives of children and their relatives when the face is compromised since they may present along with cognitive deficits or altered facial appearance. There are no conclusive data on the presence of these malformations in the Coffee Region.Objective: To identify the frequency of congenital craniofacial malformations during a 4-year period in a private institution of the city of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia.Materials and methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Data were collected from the medical records of 243 883 patients who were attended for the first time at a private health institution of the central-western region of Colombia. Statistical analysis was performed using the R software and Excel version 2007.Results: Between January 2010 and December 2014, 1 807 patients with congenital craniofacial malformation were treated, which corresponds to 19.5% of the total of congenital anomalies, being cleft lip and palate the most frequent.Conclusion: Although congenital cranial malformations occur frequently, there is little information about its etiology. Early diagnosis can prevent future complications that lead to deterioration of health or to an additional cost to the health system.Introducción. Los defectos craneofaciales congénitos pueden causar un impacto en la vida de los niños y de sus familias cuando comprometen el rostro. Además, pueden estar acompañados de alteración de las funciones cerebrales o de la apariencia facial. No se tienen datos concluyentes sobre la presencia de estos defectos en el Eje Cafetero.Objetivo. Identificar la frecuencia de las malformaciones craneofaciales congénitas en un periodo de cuatro años en una institución privada de la ciudad de Pereira, en Risaralda, Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Estudio trasversal retrospectivo. La información fue recolectada a través del sistema de información de historias clínicas de pacientes que consultaron por primera vez en una institución privada de salud. El análisis estadístico fue realizado mediante el software R y Microsoft Excel versión 2007.Resultados. Entre enero del 2010 y diciembre del 2014 se atendieron 1 807 pacientes con malformaciones craneofaciales congénitas, lo que corresponde al 19.5% del total de las anomalías congénitas. La hendidura labio-palatina fue la más frecuente.Conclusiones. Aunque las malformaciones craneofaciales congénitas se presentan con frecuencia, se sabe muy poco de su etiología. El diagnóstico temprano puede prevenir futuras complicaciones que deterioren la salud o que generen un sobrecosto para el sistema de salud

    Stability and electrochemical performance of nanostructured La2CuO4þd cathodes

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    La2CuO4þd cathode layers are prepared by spray-pyrolysis deposition and their structural, microstructural and electrical properties are compared with those of submicrometric powders obtained from freeze-dried precursors. In order to improve the cathode performance, three different electrode architectures have been proposed: (i) powder cathodes obtained by conventional screen-printing and sintering, and cathodes deposited by spray-pyrolysis on: (ii) as-prepared electrolyte surfaces and (iii) porous electrolyte backbones. The cathode activity for the oxygen reduction reaction has been investigated as a function of the microstructure and the sintering temperature. The microstructural optimization of the cathodes and the low fabrication temperature minimize the instability problems between the electrolyte and the cathode materials, leading to polarization resistances as low as 0.14 U cm2 at 600 C.MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), MAT2016-77648-R y EC2014-53906-

    Durability and performance of CGO barriers and LSCF cathode deposited by spray-pyrolysis

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    Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) protective layers are prepared by two different methods to prevent the reaction between the Zr0.84Y0.16O1.92 (YSZ) electrolyte and the La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) cathode. In the first method, the CGO layers are deposited by an airbrushing technique from an ink containing CGO particles without and with cobalt as sintering aids. The second strategy consists in preparing both a dense CGO barrier layer and a porous LSCF cathode by spray-pyrolysis deposition, in order to further reduce the fabrication temperature and minimize the reaction between the cell components. The samples prepared by spray-pyrolysis exhibit better performance and durability than those obtained by conventional sintering methods. The results suggest that the interfacial reactivity between YSZ and LSCF as well as the Sr-enrichment at the cathode surface can be avoided by using low-temperature fabrication methods and by operating at temperatures lower than 650 °C.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, EC2014-53906-R y MAT2016-77648-

    Genetic variants associated with addictive behavior in Colombian addicted and non-addicted to heroin or cocaine

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    Objective: Determine the prevalence and compare some genetic markers involved in addictive behavior in a group of addicts to derivative of coca (cocaine/crack) or heroin and a control group of non-addicted people matched for gender, age and ethnicity.Methods: A 120 addicts and 120 non-addicts Colombian male were surveyed and genotyped for 18 polymorphism of the OPRM1, DRD2, DRD4, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, ABCB1, DβH and CYP2B6 genes. For the identification of alleles markers were used mini-sequencing and fragment multiplex PCR techniques; ethnicity of cases and controls was analyzed with 61 AIMs. Results: The age of onset use of heroin or coca derivatives (cocaine/crack) was 16.5±6 years and 99.2% of them consume several illicit drugs. It showed that controls and addicts belong to the same ethnic group. Significant differences between addicts and controls in relation to schooling, marital status, social security family history of substance abuse (p T ABCB1 gene (p= 0.001) were found. Conclusion: The present results indicate that the VNTR-6R polymorphism of the gene SLC6A3 and the genotype 3435CC in the ABCB1 gene, are both associated with addictive behavior to heroin or cocaine.Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y comparar marcadores genéticos involucrados en conducta adictiva en un grupo de adictos a cocaína/crack o heroína y en un grupo control de no adictos apareados por género, edad y etnicidad.Métodos: 120 varones adictos y 120 no adictos fueron encuestados y genotipificados para 18 alelos de los genes OPRM1, DβH, DRD2, DRD4, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, ABCB1 y CYP2B6. Para la identificación de los diferentes alelos se utilizaron las técnicas de minisecuenciación y multiplex PCR. La etnicidad de casos y controles fue analizada con 61 marcadores ancestro-informativos.Resultados: La edad de inicio en el consumo de heroína o derivados de la coca fue de 16.5±6 años y el 99.2% de ellos eran policonsumidores. Los controles y los adictos pertenecen al mismo grupo étnico. Diferencias significativas entre adictos y controles fueron encontradas en relación con escolaridad (p T (rs1045642) del gen ABCB1(p= 0.001).Conclusión: Los resultados indican que el polimorfismo VNTR-6R del gen SLC6A3 y el genotipo 3435CC en el gen ABCB1, están asociados con conducta adictiva a heroína o cocaína.Funding for this study was provided by Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones, Innovación y Extensión of the Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Pereira (Colombia)S

    La crisis de gobernabilidad de la educación en el Chocó, 2002-2017: ilusiones, desesperanzas y retos en los procesos de descentralización y recentralización del sector educativo en el departamento

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    La institucionalidad del Chocó se ha caracterizado por la insuficiencia en los procesos de planificación, ejecución y gestión de políticas públicas y por una escasa capacidad para satisfacer demandas sociales y llevar a cabo sus propósitos -- A pesar de que, con la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución de 1991, Colombia redefinió sus valores constitucionales, consagrando la descentralización como pilar fundamental de la Nación, con lo que se buscaba mejorar la gobernabilidad del país, aumentar la legitimidad del Estado, resolver los problemas de ineficiencia y garantizar la provisión de bienes y servicios públicos locales, en el departamento del Chocó no se han cumplido estos fines -- A partir de allí, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la crisis de gobernabilidad del sector educativo del Chocó, producto de los procesos de descentralización y recentralización del mismo, que llevaron al parcial derrumbe del sistema entre los años 2002 y 2017 -- Se estudian las figuras de descentralización y recentralización en el ordenamiento jurídico y se analiza el impacto de la primera en el sector educativo; se realiza un diagnóstico del sector educativo del Chocó durante los años 2002 a 2009, se analiza la ola recentralizadora del sector durante 2009 a 2017 por parte del Ministerio de Educación Nacional y se hace un balance de las ilusiones y esperanzas creadas en el Chocó durante los últimos 15 años a raíz de la aplicación de estos dos procesos -- Lo anterior para evidenciar que no es suficiente el retiro de las competencias por parte del Gobierno central a las entidades territoriales que poseen problemas técnicos, administrativos y financieros para garantizar la prestación de los servicios, sino que se hace necesario someter estas administraciones a un proceso de fortalecimiento institucionalThe institutionality of Chocó has been characterized by the insufficiency in planning, execution and management of public policies and by a limited ability to meet social demands and carry out its purposes -- Although with the entry into force of the Constitution of 1991, Colombia redefined its constitutional values, devoting decentralization as a fundamental pillar of the Nation, which sought to improve the country's governance, increase the legitimacy of the State, resolve the problems of inefficiency and guarantee the provision of local public goods and services, however in this Department these purposes have not been fulfilled -- From there, the objective of this paper is to analyze the governance crisis in Chocó’s educational sector, as a result of the decentralization and recentralization processes, which led to the partial collapse of the 2002 - 2017 system -- Here, the figures of decentralization and recentralization in the legal system and the impact of the first in the education sector are studied and analyzed, a diagnosis of Chocó’s educational sector from 2002-2009 is also made -- The recentralizing wave of the sector from 2009-2017 is analyzed by the MEN and a balance is made of the illusions and hopes created in Chocó during the last 15 years as a result of the application of these two processes -- The above to show that the withdrawal of competences by the Central Government of territorial entities that have technical, administrative and financial problems is not enough to guarantee the provision of services -- It is necessary to subject those administrations to a process of institutional strengthenin

    MYT1 role in the microtia-craniofacial microsomia spectrum

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    Q2Background: Craniofacial microsomia (CFM), also known as the oculo-auriculovertebral spectrum, comprises a variable phenotype with the most common features including microtia and mandibular hypoplasia on one or both sides, in addition to lateral oral clefts, epibulbar dermoids, cardiac, vertebral, and renal abnormalities. The etiology of CFM is largely unknown. The MYT1 gene has been reported as a candidate based in mutations found in three unrelated individuals. Additional patients with mutations in this gene are required to establish its causality. We present two individuals with CFM that have rare variants in MYT1 contributing to better understand the genotype and phenotype associated with mutations in this gene. Methods/Results: We conducted genetic analysis using whole-exome and -genome sequencing in 128 trios with CFM. Two novel MYT1 mutations were identified in two participants. Sanger sequencing was used to confirm these mutations. Conclusion: We identified two additional individuals with CFM who carry rare variants in MYT1, further supporting the presumptive role of this gene in the CFM spectrum.N/

    Peru: 2021 elections in the context of COVID-19 pandemic

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    The holding of the parliamentary and presidential elections in Peru during the pandemic caused by COVID-19 was a controversial issue, to the point that its suspension or postponement was put into debate, especially if we take into account the effects that could have generated both in the right to vote as in the right to health. In this context, various constitutionalists, academics and international organizations pointed out that it was necessary to strengthen democratic institutions by exercising the citizen's right to vote, but it was necessary to have biosafety protocols to avoid further contagion.  From an international perspective, there were successful cases in the implementation of the electoral process in 2020, South Korea being one of them as it used electronic voting, verifying, with subsequent tests, the low rate of contagion. The authors point out that this solution, in Peru, has been incorporated since 2010. However, it has not yet become widespread, which is why it could not be applied in the first and second electoral rounds in 2021. For this reason, in this article, the authors analyze the actions taken by the State in order to carry out the elections from the perspective of fundamental rights.La realización de las elecciones parlamentarias y presidenciales en Perú durante la pandemia ocasionada por el COVID-19 fue un tema controvertido, al punto que se puso en debate su suspensión o aplazamiento, especialmente si tenemos en cuenta los efectos que podrían haber generado tanto en el derecho al voto como en el derecho a la salud. En este contexto, diversos constitucionalistas, académicos y organismos internacionales señalaron que era necesario fortalecer las instituciones democráticas ejerciendo el derecho ciudadano al voto, pero era necesario contar con protocolos de bioseguridad para evitar mayores contagios. Desde la perspectiva internacional, hubo casos exitosos en la implementación del proceso electoral en el 2020, siendo Corea del Sur uno de ellos pues empleó el voto electrónico, comprobando, con testeos posteriores, el bajo índice de contagios. Los autores señalan que esta solución, en el Perú, se ha ido incorporando a partir del 2010. No obstante, aún no se ha masificado, razón por la que no se pudo aplicar en la primera y segunda vuelta electoral en 2021. Por ello, en el presente artículo los autores analizan las acciones tomadas por el Estado con la finalidad de realizar las elecciones desde la perspectiva de los derechos fundamentales

    Evaluación del efecto del número de generaciones en un cultivo de leuconostoc mesenteroides ibun 91.2.98 sobre la producción de un extracto enzimático

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    Por medio de este trabajo de investigación se estudió el efecto del número de generaciones de la cepa IBUN 91.2.98 de Leuconostoc mesenteroides sobre la producción de un complejo enzimático. Para ello se empleó la técnica de subcultivos en un medio diseñado específicamente para este microorganismo, con fines de producción de un complejo enzimático. La estabilidad se determinó, de manera indirecta, por medio del seguimiento del crecimiento del microorganismo y la medición de las actividades glucosiltransferasa e hidrolítica de un extracto enzimático obtenido del cultivo. En total se realizaron 40 subcultivos, correspondientes a 196 generaciones de Leuconostoc mesenteroides IBUN 91.2.98. Los resultados obtenidos permiten establecer que la mayor actividad del extracto enzimático (entre 4 y 6 U/mL) se alcanza al final de la fase exponencial del cultivo y que dicha actividad se mantiene estable durante los subcultivos, confirmando que hasta ese número de generaciones no se presenta una variación de la cepa en la producción del extracto enzimático, por lo que no constituye límite para escalar hasta 8.000 litros.This work studied the effect of the number of generations of the IBUN 91.2.98 Leuconostoc mesenteroides strain on enzyme complex production. The subculturing technique was used on a medium which had been designed specifically for this organism for producing an enzyme complex. The effect was indirectly determined by monitoring microorganism growth and measuring the glucosyltransferase and hydrolytic activity of an enzyme extract obtained from such culture. There were 40 subcultures, representing 196 generations of IBUN 91.2.98 Leuconostoc mesenteroides. The results led to establishing that the extract’s higher enzymatic activity (from 4 to 6 U/mL) was reached at the end of the culture’s exponential phase and that this activity was stable during subculturing, confirming that there was no variation in strain regarding enzyme extract production until such number of generations had occurred, thereby not being limited to scaling-up to 8,000 litres