118 research outputs found

    Autophagy, citrullination and cancer

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    A cell needs to maintain a balance between biosynthesis and degradation of cellular components to maintain homeostasis. There are 2 pathways, the proteasome, which degrades short-lived proteins, and the autophagy/lysosomal pathway, which degrades long-lived proteins and organelles. Both of these pathways are also involved in antigen presentation or the effective delivery of peptides to MHC molecules for presentation to T cells. Autophagy (macroautophagy) is a key player in providing substantial sources of citrullinated peptides for loading onto MHC-II molecules to stimulate CD4(+) T cell responses. Stressful conditions in the tumor microenvironment induce autophagy in cancer cells as a mechanism to promote their survival. We therefore investigated if citrullinated peptides could stimulate CD4(+) T cell responses that would recognize these modifications produced during autophagy within tumor cells. Focusing on the intermediate filament protein VIM (vimentin), we generated citrullinated VIM peptides for immunization experiments in mice. Immunization with these peptides induced CD4(+) T cells in response to autophagic tumor targets. Remarkably, a single immunization with modified peptide, up to 14 d after tumor implant, resulted in long-term survival in 60% to 90% of animals with no associated toxicity. These results show how CD4(+) cells can mediate potent antitumor responses against modified self-epitopes presented on tumor cells, and they illustrate for the first time how the citrullinated peptides produced during autophagy may offer especially attractive vaccine targets for cancer therapy

    Photothermal colloid antibodies for shape-selective recognition and killing of microorganisms

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    We have developed a class of selective antimicrobial agents based on the recognition of the shape and size of the bacterial cells. These agents are anisotropic colloid particles fabricated as negative replicas of the target cells which involve templating of the cells with shells of inert material followed by their fragmentation. The cell shape recognition by such shell fragments is due to the increased area of surface contact between the cells and their matching shell fragments which resembles antibody-antigen interaction. We produced such "colloid antibodies" with photothermal mechanism for shape-selective killing of matching cells. This was achieved by the subsequent deposition of (i) gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and (ii) silica shell over yeast cells, which were chosen as model pathogens. We demonstrated that fragments of these composite AuNP/silica shells act as "colloid antibodies" and can bind to yeast cells of the same shape and size and deliver AuNPs directly onto their surface. We showed that after laser irradiation, the localized heating around the AuNPs kills the microbial cells of matching shape. We confirmed the cell shape-specific killing by photothermal colloid antibodies in a mixture of two bacterial cultures of different cell shape and size. This approach opens a number of avenues for building powerful selective biocides based on combinations of colloid antibodies and cell-killing strategies which can be applied in new antibacterial therapies

    T cell repertoire to citrullinated self-peptides in healthy humans is not confined to the HLA-DR SE alleles; targeting of citrullinated self-peptides presented by HLA-DP4 for tumour therapy

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    Post-translational modifications are induced in stressed cells which cause them to be recognised by the immune system. One such modification is citrullination where the positive charged arginine is modified to a neutral citrulline. We demonstrate most healthy donors show an oligoclonal CD4 response in vitro to at least one citrullinated vimentin or enolase peptide. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis patients, these T cell responses were not restricted by HLA-DRB1 shared epitope (SE) alleles, suggesting they could be presented by other MHC-II alleles. As HLA-DP is less polymorphic than HLA-DR, we investigated whether the common allele, HLA-DP4 could present citrullinated epitopes. The modification of arginine to citrulline enhanced binding of the peptides to HLA-DP4 and induced high frequency CD4 responses in HLA-DP4 transgenic mouse models. Our previous studies have shown that tumours present citrullinated peptides restricted through HLA-DR4 which are good targets for anti-tumour immunity. In this study we show that citrullinated vimentin and enolase peptides also induced strong anti-tumour immunity (100% survival,

    U6 snRNA m6A modification is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of <i>C. elegans</i> mRNAs

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    pre-mRNA splicing is a critical feature of eukaryotic gene expression. Many eukaryotes use cis-splicing to remove intronic sequences from pre-mRNAs. In addition to cis-splicing, many organisms use trans-splicing to replace the 5′ ends of mRNAs with a non-coding spliced-leader RNA. Both cis- and trans-splicing rely on accurately recognising splice site sequences by spliceosomal U snRNAs and associated proteins. Spliceosomal snRNAs carry multiple RNA modifications with the potential to affect different stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we show that m6A modification of U6 snRNA A43 by the RNA methyltransferase METT-10 is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of C. elegans pre-mRNAs. The absence of U6 snRNA m6A modification primarily leads to alternative splicing at 5′ splice sites. Furthermore, weaker 5′ splice site recognition by the unmodified U6 snRNA A43 affects splicing at 3′ splice sites. U6 snRNA m6A43 and the splicing factor SNRNP27K function to recognise an overlapping set of 5′ splice sites with an adenosine at +4 position. Finally, we show that U6 snRNA m6A43 is required for efficient SL trans-splicing at weak 3′ trans-splice sites. We conclude that the U6 snRNA m6A modification is important for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing in C. elegans

    Resolving the contributions of the membrane-bound and periplasmic nitrate reductase systems to nitric oxide and nitrous oxide production in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium

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    The production of cytotoxic nitric oxide (NO) and conversion into the neuropharmacological agent and potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) is linked with anoxic nitrate catabolism by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Salmonella can synthesize two types of nitrate reductase: a membrane-bound form (Nar) and a periplasmic form (Nap). Nitrate catabolism was studied under nitrate-rich and nitrate-limited conditions in chemostat cultures following transition from oxic to anoxic conditions. Intracellular NO production was reported qualitatively by assessing transcription of the NO-regulated genes encoding flavohaemoglobin (Hmp), flavorubredoxin (NorV) and hybrid cluster protein (Hcp). A more quantitative analysis of the extent of NO formation was gained by measuring production of N2O, the end-product of anoxic NO-detoxification. Under nitrate-rich conditions, the nar, nap, hmp, norV and hcp genes were all induced following transition from the oxic to anoxic state, and 20% of nitrate consumed in steady-state was released as N2O when nitrite had accumulated to millimolar levels. The kinetics of nitrate consumption, nitrite accumulation and N2O production were similar to those of wild-type in nitrate-sufficient cultures of a nap mutant. In contrast, in a narG mutant, the steady-state rate of N2O production was ~30-fold lower than that of the wild-type. Under nitrate-limited conditions, nap, but not nar, was up-regulated following transition from oxic to anoxic metabolism and very little N2O production was observed. Thus a combination of nitrate-sufficiency, nitrite accumulation and an active Nar-type nitrate reductase leads to NO and thence N2O production, and this can account for up to 20% of the nitrate catabolized

    U6 snRNA m6A modification is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of <i>C. elegans</i> mRNAs

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    pre-mRNA splicing is a critical feature of eukaryotic gene expression. Many eukaryotes use cis-splicing to remove intronic sequences from pre-mRNAs. In addition to cis-splicing, many organisms use trans-splicing to replace the 5′ ends of mRNAs with a non-coding spliced-leader RNA. Both cis- and trans-splicing rely on accurately recognising splice site sequences by spliceosomal U snRNAs and associated proteins. Spliceosomal snRNAs carry multiple RNA modifications with the potential to affect different stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we show that m6A modification of U6 snRNA A43 by the RNA methyltransferase METT-10 is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of C. elegans pre-mRNAs. The absence of U6 snRNA m6A modification primarily leads to alternative splicing at 5′ splice sites. Furthermore, weaker 5′ splice site recognition by the unmodified U6 snRNA A43 affects splicing at 3′ splice sites. U6 snRNA m6A43 and the splicing factor SNRNP27K function to recognise an overlapping set of 5′ splice sites with an adenosine at +4 position. Finally, we show that U6 snRNA m6A43 is required for efficient SL trans-splicing at weak 3′ trans-splice sites. We conclude that the U6 snRNA m6A modification is important for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing in C. elegans

    Targeting gp100 and TRP-2 with a DNA vaccine: incorporating T cell epitopes with a human IgG1 antibody induces potent T cell responses that are associated with favourable clinical outcome in a phase I/II trial

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    A DNA vaccine, SCIB1, incorporating two CD8 and two CD4 epitopes from TRP-2/gp100 was evaluated in patients with metastatic melanoma. Each patient received SCIB1 via intramuscular injection with electroporation. The trial was designed to find the safest dose of SCIB1 which induced immune/clinical responses in patients with or without tumour. Fifteen patients with tumor received SCIB1 doses of 0.4-8 mg whilst 20 fully-resected patients received 2-8 mg doses. Twelve patients elected to continue immunization every 3 months for up to 39 months. SCIB1 induced dose-dependent T cell responses in 88% of patients with no serious adverse effects or dose limiting toxicities. The intensity of the T cell responses was significantly higher in patients receiving 4 mg doses without tumor when compared to those with tumor (p< 0.01). In contrast, patients with tumor showed a significantly higher response to the 8 mg dose than the 4 mg dose (p< 0.03) but there was no significant difference in the patients without tumor. One of 15 patients with measurable disease showed an objective tumor response and 7/15 showed stable disease. 5/20 fully-resected patients have experienced disease recurrence but all remained alive at the cut-off date with a median observation time of 37 months. A positive clinical outcome was associated with MHC-I and MHC-II expression on tumors prior to therapy (p=0.027). We conclude that SCIB1 is well tolerated and stimulates potent T cell responses in melanoma patients. It deserves further evaluation as a single agent adjuvant therapy or in combination with checkpoint inhibitors in advanced disease

    Citrullinated α-enolase is an effective target for anti-cancer immunity

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    Targeting post-translationally modified epitopes may provide a new strategy for generating tumor specific immune responses. Citrullination is the post-translational modification of arginine to citrulline catalyzed by peptidylarginine deaminase (PAD) enzymes. Presentation of citrullinated peptides on MHC-II has been associated with autophagy. Tumors upregulate autophagy and present citrullinated peptides in response to stresses including nutrient deprivation, oxygen deprivation, redox stress and DNA damage, making them good targets for immune attack. The ubiquitous glycolytic enzyme α-enolase (ENO1) is often citrullinated and degraded during autophagy. Immunization of mice with two citrullinated ENO1 peptides (ENO1 241-260cit253 or 11-25cit15) induced strong Th1 responses that recognize the post-translationally modified, but not the wild type unmodified epitope. ENO1 11-25cit15 induced tumor therapy of melanoma cells in C57Bl/6 (B16F1 50% survival p = 0.0026) and ENO1 241-260cit253 in HLA-DR4 transgenic mice (B16-DR4 50% survival p = 0.0048). In addition, ENO1 241-260cit253 induced therapy of pancreatic (Pan02-DR4 50% survival p = 0.0076) and lung (LLC/2-DR4 40% survival p = 0.0142) tumors in HLA-DR4 transgenic mice. The unmodified epitope induced no anti-tumor response. Minimal regression of class II negative B16 or LLC/2 tumor was seen, confirming direct recognition of MHC-II was required. Most tumors only express MHC-II in the presence of IFNγ; an IFNγ inducible model showed strong responses, with rejection of tumors in up to 90% of animals (p = 0.0001). In humans, a repertoire to ENO1 241-260cit253 was observed in healthy donors. This response was CD4 mediated and seen in people with a variety of HLA types suggesting a broad application for this vaccine in human cancer therapy

    Citrullinated vimentin presented on MHC-II in tumor cells is a target for CD4+ T-cell-mediated antitumor immunity

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    Stressful conditions in the harsh tumor microenvironment induce autophagy in cancer cells as a mechanism to promote their survival. However, autophagy also causes post-translational modification of proteins that are recognized by the immune system. In particular, modified self-antigens can trigger CD4(+) T-cell responses that might be exploited to boost antitumor immune defenses. In this study, we investigated the ability of CD4 cells to target tumor-specific self-antigens modified by citrullination, which converts arginine residues in proteins to citrulline. Focusing on the intermediate filament protein vimentin, which is frequently citrullinated in cells during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of metastasizing epithelial tumors, we generated citrullinated vimentin peptides for immunization experiments in mice. Immunization with these peptides induced IFNγ- and granzyme B-secreting CD4 T cells in response to autophagic tumor targets. Remarkably, a single immunization with modified peptide, up to 14 days after tumor implant, resulted in long-term survival in 60% to 90% of animals with no associated toxicity. This antitumor response was dependent on CD4 cells and not CD8(+) T cells. These results show how CD4 cells can mediate potent antitumor responses against modified self-epitopes presented on tumor cells, and they illustrate for the first time how the citrullinated peptides may offer especially attractive vaccine targets for cancer therapy