478 research outputs found

    Hacia la unificación marxista

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    Seventy five years ago the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification) was formed in Barcelona. The POUM was to play a central role in the revolution that unfolded as a result of the military uprising of July 1936. This contribution looks at the context of the party’s founding, the development of the two organisations that formed it and its ideological basis. In particular, it examines its attempts to extend the process of unification to include other Marxists. These moves towards unity contrasted with the growing campaign against the new party by the Communists; a campaign that would prove to be the first step towards the repression of the party during the Civil War accused of Trotskyism and by extension ‘fascism’. The exact relation between the POUM and Trotsky is thus also commented on. Finally the strength and implantation of the POUM on the eve of the revolution is evaluated.Setenta y cinco años atrás se formó en Barcelona el Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista. El POUM jugaría un papel clave en la revolución que se desarrollaría como resultado del levantamiento de Julio de 1936. Esta contribución se centra en el contexto de la fundación del partido, el desarrollo de las dos organizaciones que lo formaron y su base ideológica. En particular, examina sus intentos de extender el proceso de unificación al incluir otros grupos marxistas. Estos movimientos hacia la unificación contrastaban con la creciente campaña adversa fomentada por el partido de nueva fundación de los comunistas; una campaña que se convertiría en el primer paso hacia la represión del partido durante la Guerra Civil cuando se les acusó de Trotskistas y, por extensión, de “fascistas”. La relación exacta entre el POUM y Trotsky también se comenta aquí. Finalmente, se evalúa la fuerza e implantación del POUM en vísperas de la revolución

    With the POUM International volunteers on the Aragon Front (1936-1937)

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    Mentre que la història de les Brigades Internacionals està ben documentada, es coneix poc sobre els centenars de voluntaris estrangers que van lluitar amb les milícies obreres. Aquest article proporciona un resum dels orígens i característiques dels mes o menys sis-cents milicians internacionals que lluitaven amb el POUM durant els primers deu mesos de la Guerra Civil. Es contrast seva experiència amb la versió trobada en Homenatge a Catalunya de George Orwell, examinant tant el seu paper militar com la seva subseqüent destí després de la il·legalització del partit al juny 1937 i la dissolució de les seves milícies. Calumniats com «agents del feixisme», dotzenes d’aquests voluntaris van ser detinguts. No obstant això altres seguien lluitant amb altres unitats, incloent les Brigades Internacionals. Finalment, l’article examina la sort d’alguns d’aquests voluntaris com a combatents i víctimes a la Segona Guerra Mundial

    Dissident Communism in Catalonia 1930-1936

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    PhDThis thesis traces the history of dissident communism in Catalonia during the years of the Spanish Second Republic. It centres on the ideological, organisational and tactical development of the Bloc Obrer i Camperol (Workers and Peasants Bloc) and, from 1935, the Partido Obrero de Unificacion Marxista (Workers Party of Marxist Unification). It places the dissident communist parties in the context of the turbulent years leading up to the Civil War and the changing fortunes of the Spanish workers movement both in Catalonia and at a national level. In particular, the history of the BOC and POUM is examined in relation both to other tendencies in the region's labour movement - anarcho-syndicalists, socialists and "Official" communists - and to Catalan nationalism. Reference is also made to the Catalan dissident communists' relations with, and ideological differences from, the international communist movement. The principal aspects of the BOC's and POUM's politics - united front and trade union policies, the agrarian and national questions, concept of the revolutionary party and analysis of the threat of fascism - are placed in their overall context. Finally, the analysis underlying their positions - the impossibility of the middle classes or petty bourgeoisie carrying out the final stages of the bourgeois (democratic) revolution, the choice between revolution or counter-revolution - is assessed critically throughout the thesis

    Diary, Paul A. Durgan, 1862-1868

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    Diary kept by seaman Paul A. Durgan during his time aboard the Schooner Linda, a fishing vessel out of Freeport (Me.) whose master was Captain John McVane. Records fishing voyages to the grounds off Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island from to August 19 to October 28, 1862. Includes much reference to weather conditions with some account of salting catch, primarily mackerel. Also includes account of personal daily life and entries for personal expenses, mostly gear and supplies with some groceries, in latter half of diary

    Protein Kinase C - Binding partners and phosphorylation.

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    Protein Kinase C (PKC) comprises a family of phospholipid-dependent Ser/Thr kinases, implicated in a broad array of cellular processes. PKC activity is subject to a complex network of regulatory inputs, including co-factor binding, phosphorylation and protein-protein interaction. In addition, the chronic activation of PKC frequently leads to its down-regulation this process may be intrinsic to the tumour promoting activity of the phorbol esters. The aim of this work was to investigate the regulation of the novel PKC-e isoform by binding partners and phosphorylation, with a particular focus on the process of agonist-induced degradation. A yeast 2-hybrid screen was performed using a PKC-e bait and two novel binding partners were identified, both with associations to the ubiquitin/proteasome system VHL Binding Protein 1 (VBP1) and F-box WD40 protein 7 (Fbw7). Interactions were verified in mammalian cells and mapped to the catalytic domain of PKC-e. Extensive studies revealed that neither partner influenced the process of PKC-e down-regulation. However, Fbw7a was demonstrated to represent an in vitro PKC substrate. The site of phosphorylation was mapped to Ser-18 and, using phospho-specific antibodies, was shown to be phosphorylated in the cell. PKC-e activity is required for its agonist-induced degradation. Studies were therefore undertaken to investigate autophosphorylation, which may be implicated in this process. Serine residues 234, 316 and 368 were identified as novel PKC-e autophosphorylation sites. Using phospho- specific antibodies, all three sites were shown to be occupied in response to PKC-e activation. Phosphorylation at these sites was found not to influence agonist-induced PKC-e down-regulation. However, a critical role was established for phosphorylated Ser-368, in the recruitment of the PKC-e binding partner, 14-3-3(3. Together these findings provide insight into the mechanisms controlling PKC-e activity and demonstrate a relationship between regulation through phosphorylation and protein-protein interaction

    Hacia la unificacion marxista

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    Setenta y cinco años atrás se formó en Barcelona el Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista. El POUM jugaría un papel clave en la revolución que se desarrollaría como resultado del levantamiento de Julio de 1936. Esta contribución se centra en el contexto de la fundación del partido, el desarrollo de las dos organizaciones que lo formaron y su base ideológica. En particular, examina sus intentos de extender el proceso de unificación al incluir otros grupos marxistas. Estos movimientos hacia la unificación contrastaban con la creciente campaña adversa fomentada por el partido de nueva fundación de los comunistas; una campaña que se convertiría en el primer paso hacia la represión del partido durante la Guerra Civil cuando se les acusó de Trotskistas y, por extensión, de “fascistas”. La relación exacta entre el POUM y Trotsky también se comenta aquí. Finalmente, se evalúa la fuerza e implantación del POUM en vísperas de la revolución.Seventy five years ago the Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista (Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification) was formed in Barcelona. The POUM was to play a central role in the revolution that unfolded as a result of the military uprising of July 1936. This contribution looks at the context of the party’s founding, the development of the two organisations that formed it and its ideological basis. In particular, it examines its attempts to extend the process of unification to include other Marxists. These moves towards unity contrasted with the growing campaign against the new party by the Communists; a campaign that would prove to be the first step towards the repression of the party during the Civil War accused of Trotskyism and by extension ‘fascism’. The exact relation between the POUM and Trotsky is thus also commented on. Finally the strength and implantation of the POUM on the eve of the revolution is evaluated

    Tips for reducing weed control costs

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    1 online resource (PDF, 4 pages)This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu

    An investigation of procedure and techniques involved in graphic representation

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    Call number: LD2668 .T4 1958 D85Master of Scienc

    Color, the Visual Arts, and Representations of Otherness in the Victorian Novel

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    This dissertation investigates the cultural connections made between race and color in works of fiction from the Victorian and Edwardian era, particularly how authors who are also artists invent fantastically colored characters who are purple, blue, red, and yellow to rewrite (and sometimes reclaim) difference in their fiction. These strange and eccentric characters include the purple madwoman in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847), the blue gentleman from Wilkie Collins’s Poor Miss Finch (1872), the red peddler in Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native (1878), and the little yellow girls of Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Yellow Face” (1893) and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden (1911). These fictional texts serve as a point of access into the cultural meanings of color in the nineteenth century and are situated at the intersection of Victorian discourses on the visual arts and race science. The second half of the nineteenth century constitutes a significant moment in the history of color: the rapid development of new color technologies helps to trigger the upheavals of the first avant-garde artistic movements and a reassessment of coloring’s prestige in the art academies. At the same time, race science appropriates color, using it as a criterion for classification in the establishment of global racial hierarchies. By imagining what it would be like to change one’s skin color, these artist-authors employ the aesthetic realm of color to explore the nature of human difference and alterity. In doing so, some of them are able to successfully formulate their own challenges to nineteenth-century racial discourse

    Chronic intermittent hypoxia disrupts cardiorespiratory homeostasis and gut microbiota composition in adult male guinea-pigs

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    peer-reviewedBackground: Carotid body (peripheral oxygen sensor) sensitisation is pivotal in the development of chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH)-induced hypertension. We sought to determine if exposure to CIH, modelling human sleep apnoea, adversely affects cardiorespiratory control in guinea-pigs, a species with hypoxia-insensitive carotid bodies. We reasoned that CIH-induced disruption of gut microbiota would evoke cardiorespiratory morbidity. Methods: Adult male guinea-pigs were exposed to CIH (6.5% O2 at nadir, 6 cycles.hour−1) for 8 h.day−1 for 12 consecutive days. Findings: CIH-exposed animals established reduced faecal microbiota species richness, with increased relative abundance of Bacteroidetes and reduced relative abundance of Firmicutes bacteria. Urinary corticosterone and noradrenaline levels were unchanged in CIH-exposed animals, but brainstem noradrenaline concentrations were lower compared with sham. Baseline ventilation was equivalent in CIH-exposed and sham animals; however, respiratory timing variability, sigh frequency and ventilation during hypoxic breathing were all lower in CIH-exposed animals. Baseline arterial blood pressure was unaffected by exposure to CIH, but β-adrenoceptor-dependent tachycardia and blunted bradycardia during phenylephrine-induced pressor responses was evident compared with sham controls. Interpretation: Increased carotid body chemo-afferent signalling appears obligatory for the development of CIH-induced hypertension and elevated chemoreflex control of breathing commonly reported in mammals, with hypoxia-sensitive carotid bodies. However, we reveal that exposure to modest CIH alters gut microbiota richness and composition, brainstem neurochemistry, and autonomic control of heart rate, independent of carotid body sensitisation, suggesting modulation of breathing and autonomic homeostasis via the microbiota-gut-brainstem axis. The findings have relevance to human sleep-disordered breathing