54 research outputs found


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    The aim of the study is improving fourth grade visual handicaped students’ reading ability simester I in SLB Negeri 1 pemalang using braille reading text. The method of the study was classroom action research and the subject of the reseach was 2 person of visual handicaped students. Data collecting method used test, documentation and observation. The data analysis was comparative descriptive by comparing the results between cycles. The result indicates that student’s initial capability in reading was 48,18. The improvement occured after 2 cycles using short braille reading text. Students’ reading score on the second cycle was 78,5. The conclusion of the reseach indicated that short braille reading text improved the fifth grade of visual handicaped student’s short reading text in the 1st simester of SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang 2012/2013


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    The aim of the study is improving fourth grade visual handicaped students’ reading ability simester I in SLB Negeri 1 pemalang using braille reading text. The method of the study was classroom action research and the subject of the reseach was 2 person of visual handicaped students. Data collecting method used test, documentation and observation. The data analysis was comparative descriptive by comparing the results between cycles. The result indicates that student’s initial capability in reading was 48,18. The improvement occured after 2 cycles using short braille reading text. Students’ reading score on the second cycle was 78,5. The conclusion of the reseach indicated that short braille reading text improved the fifth grade of visual handicaped student’s short reading text in the 1st simester of SLB Negeri 1 Pemalang 2012/2013. Keywords: visual handicaped, Braille, reading, tusin

    Pengaruh LKS Berbasis Model SiMaYang dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Siswa

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    This study aims to describe the effect of using SiMaYang model based student worksheet to improve critical thinking skills on electrolyte and nonelectroit solution. The population in this study is all students of class X MIA in SMA Negeri 1 Natar in the even semester of academic year 2017/2018. The sampling technique used was clauster random sampling and obtained sample of class X MIA 5 as experiment class and X MIA 7 as control class. This research method is quasi experiment with pretest-posttest control group design. The effect of LKS based on SiMaYang model is measured on the average value of n-Gain critical thinking skills. The results showed that in the experimental class the average value of n-Gain critical thinking skills was 0.71. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that LKS based on SiMaYang model have a high effect in improving critical thinking skills on electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh penggunaan lembar kerja siswa berbasis model SiMaYang dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis pada materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektroit. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X MIA yang ada di SMA Negeri 1 Natar pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah clauster random sampling dan diperoleh sampel kelas X MIA 5 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X MIA 7 sebagai kelas kontrol. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.  Pengaruh penggunaan LKS berbasis model SiMaYang diukur berdasarkan rata-rata nilai n-Gain keterampilan berpikir kritis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada kelas eksperimen rata-rata nilai n-Gain keterampilan berpikir kritis sebesar 0,71. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa LKS berbasis model SiMaYang berpengaruh tinggi dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa pada materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit. Kata Kunci: lembar kerja siswa, kemampuan berpikir kritis, SiMaYang


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    Seiring dengan perubahan paradigma pembelajaran, maka keberhasilan kegiatan belajar mengajar di perguruan tinggi tidak hanya ditentukan oleh faktor pengajar/dosen, melainkan sangat dipengaruhi oleh keaktifan mahasiswa. Belajar sebagai bagian dari aktifitas mahasiswa merupakan perubahan yang relative permanen dalam perilaku atau potensi perilaku sebagai hasil dari pengalaman atau latihan yang diperkuat.             Internet sebagai salah satu sumber belajar dari adanya perkembangan teknologi informasi menjadi sangat berperan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Secara umum masih banyak mahasiswa yang belum menggunakan internet sebagai sumber belajar. Walaupun ada masih terbatas pemanfaatannya hanya untuk komunikasi dan hiburan. Sedangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar seorang mahasiswa baik internal maupun eksternal seperti: kecerdasan emosional, minat dan bakat, metode pembelajaran, sarana dan prasarana(Internet), motivasai, cara belajar, dan kecerdasan intelektual. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan penelitian apakah ada hubungannya pemanfaatan internet terhadap prestasi mahasiswa.           Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analitik, karena bertujuan untuk menganalisis, menjelaskan suatu hubungan, menguji berdasarkan teori yang ada  dipakai untuk tujuan eksplorasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan pengukuran variabel independent dan dependent yang sesuai dari obyek yang diteliti. Analisis Statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Korelasi Pearson Product moment dengan taraf signifikansi 0,05.Hasil analisis korelasi terlihat bahwa nilai korelasi antara pemanfaatan internet sebagai sumber belajar dan nilai indeks prestasi mahasiswa semester III Prodi DIII Kebidanan Sutomo Surabaya sebesar 0,026,  yang memiliki hubungan korelasi sangat lemah.  Hal ini berarti terdapat hubungan yang sangat lemah antara pemanfaatan sumber belajar internet dengan nilai indeks prestasi mahaisiswa sehingga pemanfaatan internet sebagai sumber belajar tidak memberikan  pengaruh sangat nyata (signifikan) terhadap indeks prestasi mahasiswa semester III Prodi DIII Kebidanan Sutomo Surabaya. Kata Kunci : Sumber belajar Internet, Korelasi Pearson Product Moment, Indeks Prestas


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    Mata kuliah sistem operasi merupakan mata kuliah wajib di jurusan teknik informatika UIN SUSKA RIAU. Permasalahan yang sering muncul dalam proses pembelajaran mata kuliah sistem operasi yaitu sulitnya memahami materi perkuliahan yang bersifat abstrak yang memerlukan penggambaran atau animasi dalam menjelaskannya. Pada Tugas Akhir ini dibangun perangkat lunak pembelajaran mata kuliah sistem operasi berbasis multimedia. Materi perkuliahan ini sesuai dengan silabus mata kuliah sistem operasi di jurusan teknik informatika. Perangkat lunak pembelajaran yang dibangun bersifat statis terdiri dari tutorial pembelajaran dan quisioner. Tutorial pembelajaran menerangkan materi mata kuliah sistem operasi, sedangkan quesioner dibuat dalam bentuk latihan-latihan soal pilihan objektif. Hasil setelah diimplementasikan sistem bisa menampilkan materi mata kuliah sistem operasi, gambar-gambar, animasi dan simulasi yang mendukung materi mata kuliah serta soal-soal evaluasi. Kata kunci: Multimedia, Pembelajaran mata kuliah sistem operasi berbasis multimedi

    Properties of n-octadecane-encapsulated activated carbon nanocomposite for energy storage medium: the effect of surface area and pore structure

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    Shape-stabilized phase change materials (PCMs) composed of n-octadecane encapsulated into activated carbon (AC) micro-and meso-pores were prepared by direct impregnation method. Three types of ACs with different pore structures were used as frameworks, namely AC prepared from peat soil using phosphoric acid activation method (PSAC-C) and physical activation method (PSAC-P), and a commercial activated carbon (CAC). The results show that the phase change properties of the n-octadecane/AC PCM nanocomposite are governed by the pore structure-adsorption interaction of the n-octadecane on the AC. Generally, the specific surface area is the important parameter, which is directly proportional to the latent heat of fusion and encapsulation efficiency. Similarly, the encapsulation efficiency is directly proportional to the latent heat of fusion. This study shows that peat soil is a potential, cheap source for activated carbon which can be used as inorganic frameworks for the preparation of shape-stabilized phase change materials which can be designed by tuning the pore structures of the activated carbon

    Advanced energy storage materials for building applications and their thermal performance characterization: a review

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    Advanced energy storage technology based on phase change materials (PCMs) has received considerable attention over the last decade for used in various applications. Buildings are the major industry which needs this advanced technology to improve internal building comfort and the reduction of energy usage. However, the main barrier which affects the application of this technology in building sector is the method to incorporate the PCMs into the building materials and the method used to measure the effectiveness of the PCMs as TES in building. In this paper, a review on the TES systems based on PCMs, their thermo-physical and chemical properties, and potential application as TES for buildings have been carried out. The methodologies for the incorporation of PCMs into the building materials, and their thermal performance are discussed

    Laboratory-scale studies on smart gypsum composite boards incorporated with nano-encapsulated organic phase change material for thermal comfort building application

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    An experimental study is presented examining the preparation and characterization of a smart gypsum composite board for thermal comfort building application. Composite boards were prepared by mixing 1-30% by weight nano-encapsulated n-octadecane phase change material (PCM) with gypsum to develop gypsum-based building materials with thermal energy storage (TES) capability. The nanocapsules were prepared by encapsulating n-octadecane in nano-sized styrene-methyl-methacrylate copolymer shells using one-step mini-emulsion in situ polymerization. A thermal performance testing device was designed to evaluate the heat storage effect of the resulting gypsum composite. The results indicated that composite boards containing n-octadecane nanocapsules effectively decreased the temperature peak of the experimental test room compared with gypsum board without n-octadecane nanocapsules. This suggested that the composite boards had good thermal energy storage properties. It was also demonstrated that the composite boards containing n-octadecane nanocapsules could be used as a smart heat storage medium for thermal comfort building application. From the thermal properties point of view, incorporating 10% by weight n-octadecane nanocapsules in gypsum was more beneficial than adding more than 10% by weight

    Activated carbon derived from peat soil as a framework for the preparation of shape-stabilized phase change material

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    This work focuses on the preparation of AC (activated carbon) through a physical activation method using peat soil as a precursor, followed by the use of the AC as an inorganic framework for the preparation of SPCM (shape-stabilized phase change material). The SPCM, composed of n-octadecane as the core and AC pores as a framework, was fabricated by a simple impregnation method, with the mass fraction of n-octadecane varying from 10 to 90 wt.%. The AC has a specific surface area of 893 m2 g−1 and an average pore size of 22 Å. The field emission scanning electron microscope images and nitrogen gas adsorption-desorption isotherms shows that the n-octadecane was actually encapsulated into the AC pores. The melting and freezing temperatures of the composite PCM (phase change material) were 30.9 °C and 24.1 °C, respectively, and its corresponding latent heat values were 95.4 Jg−1 and 99.6 Jg−1, respectively. The composite shows a good thermal reliability, even after 1000 melting/freezing cycles. The present research provided a new SPCM material for thermal energy storage as well as some new insights into the design of composite PCM by tailoring the pore structure of AC derived from peat soil, a natural resourc