900 research outputs found

    A novel mechanism for bubble formation in fluidized systems: The effects of granular temperature on the stability in fluidization

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    This work contains a novel approach for the study of stability in fluidized systems. It includes the influence of solid particle kinetic energy variations, which are known as granular temperature. The stability is verified by the temporal evolution of bed fluid-dynamics properties (solid volumetric fraction, fluid velocity, solid particles velocity) after small perturbations. The bed is stable when the amplitudes of perturbations decrease with time. The work departs from the mass and momentum continuity equations for the solid and fluid phase, as proposed by Anderson and Jackson (1968). Those are complemented by an equation describing the energy balance from the point of view of granular temperature. Then, a linear approximation for the equations after the introduction of small magnitude perturbations is obtained. The application of harmonic solutions allows arriving to the temporal description of the perturbations. Results show the occurrence of instabilities on the direction transverse to gravity. This cannot be observed by previous approaches (Anderson and Jackson, 1968, 1969; Homsy et al., 1980; Liu, 1982). The present work also suggests a new mechanism for the formation of bubbles in fluidized systems. The parametric influence of the model on the stability of fluidized systems is also verified.21347948

    Sialic Acid Glycobiology Unveils Trypanosoma cruzi Trypomastigote Membrane Physiology.

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    Trypanosoma cruzi, the flagellate protozoan agent of Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis, is unable to synthesize sialic acids de novo. Mucins and trans-sialidase (TS) are substrate and enzyme, respectively, of the glycobiological system that scavenges sialic acid from the host in a crucial interplay for T. cruzi life cycle. The acquisition of the sialyl residue allows the parasite to avoid lysis by serum factors and to interact with the host cell. A major drawback to studying the sialylation kinetics and turnover of the trypomastigote glycoconjugates is the difficulty to identify and follow the recently acquired sialyl residues. To tackle this issue, we followed an unnatural sugar approach as bioorthogonal chemical reporters, where the use of azidosialyl residues allowed identifying the acquired sugar. Advanced microscopy techniques, together with biochemical methods, were used to study the trypomastigote membrane from its glycobiological perspective. Main sialyl acceptors were identified as mucins by biochemical procedures and protein markers. Together with determining their shedding and turnover rates, we also report that several membrane proteins, including TS and its substrates, both glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, are separately distributed on parasite surface and contained in different and highly stable membrane microdomains. Notably, labeling for α(1,3)Galactosyl residues only partially colocalize with sialylated mucins, indicating that two species of glycosylated mucins do exist, which are segregated at the parasite surface. Moreover, sialylated mucins were included in lipid-raft-domains, whereas TS molecules are not. The location of the surface-anchored TS resulted too far off as to be capable to sialylate mucins, a role played by the shed TS instead. Phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase-C activity is actually not present in trypomastigotes. Therefore, shedding of TS occurs via microvesicles instead of as a fully soluble form

    Essential oils as antibacterial agents against food-borne pathogens: are they really as useful as they are claimed to be ?

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    Original articleMost studies evaluating the use of essential oils (EO) as antibacterial agents focus mainly on minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) rather than minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBC). In this work, we compared MICs and MBCs of EO from condiment plants commonly used in Mediterranean Europe, namely Origanum vulgare, Salvia lavandulaefolia, Salvia officinalis, Salvia sclarea and Rosmarinus officinalis, aiming to evaluate their application as disinfecting agents in minimally processed produce. Outbreaks-related pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Yarrowia lipolytica were used. Results showed that all EO were able to reduce bacterial growth in all bacterial strains tested, particularly O. vulgare. However, fewer EO exhibited bactericidal activities, and were only effective against one or two bacterial strains, hence eliminating the possibility to use them as broad range disinfectants. Furthermore, the necessary concentrations were too high for food application. Hence, our work suggests the need to evaluate MBC rather than MIC and questions EO usefulness in controlling undesired microorganisms. Overall, and despite the large volume of data published on EO, results obtained were not very encouraging for a realistic application on produce and question the viability of EOs as disinfecting agents in foodinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação das técnicas de massagem e ordenha no tratamento do ingurgitamento mamário por termografia

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    OBJETIVO: evaluar los métodos de masaje y bombeo en el tratamiento de la congestión mamaria posparto a través de la termografía. MÉTODO: el estudio se realizó en el Banco de Leche Humana de un hospital en Curitiba, Brasil. Se seleccionaron al azar 16 mujeres en periodo de lactancia con congestión con clasificación lobar, ampular y glandular, moderada e intensa. Se compararon los patrones diferenciales de temperatura, antes y después del tratamiento por medio de masaje y bombeo. RESULTADOS: se encontró un degradado negativo de 0,3°C de temperatura entre el pre y post-tratamiento en el grupo experimental. Las mamas con intensa congestión eran 0,7°C más caliente en comparación a aquellos con congestión moderada. CONCLUSIÓN: el masaje y el bombeo electromecánico fueron superiores a los métodos manuales cuando se evaluaron por termografía. REBEC: U1111-1136-9027.OBJETIVO: avaliar técnicas de massagem e ordenha no tratamento do ingurgitamento mamário puerperal, por meio da termografia. MÉTODO: a pesquisa foi realizada no Banco de Leite Humano de um hospital de Curitiba, Brasil. Selecionaram-se, aleatoriamente, 16 lactantes com ingurgitamento com classificação lobar, ampolar e glandular moderado e intenso. Compararam-se os padrões diferenciais de temperatura, antes e após o tratamento realizado, por meio de massagem e ordenha. RESULTADOS: constatou-se um gradiente negativo de 0,3ºC de temperatura entre o pré e o pós-tratamento no grupo experimental. Mamas com ingurgitamento intenso foram 0,7ºC mais quentes quando comparadas com ingurgitamento moderado. CONCLUSÃO: a massagem e ordenha eletromecânicas são superiores às manuais, quando avaliadas por termografia. REBEC: U1111-1136-9027.OBJECTIVE: to evaluate techniques of massage and pumping in the treatment of postpartum breast engorgement through thermography. METHOD: the study was conducted in the Human Milk Bank of a hospital in Curitiba, Brazil. We randomly selected 16 lactating women with engorgement with the classification lobar, ampullary and glandular, moderate and intense. We compared the differential patterns of temperature, before and after the treatment by means of massage and pumping. RESULTS: we found a negative gradient of 0.3°C of temperature between the pre- and post-treatment in the experimental group. Breasts with intense engorgement were 0.7°C warmer when compared with moderate engorgement. CONCLUSION: massage and electromechanical pumping were superior to manual methods when evaluated by thermography. REBEC: U1111-1136-9027

    Interobserver reliability in the classification of pairs of records formed by probabilistic linkage of SISMAMA databases.

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    INTRODUCTION: The study assessed interobserver reliability in the classification of record pairs formed during probabilistic linkage of health-related databases, a key step in the methodology validation to be used in a larger on-going study on inequalities in the access to breast and cervical cancer control activities in Brazil (DAAC-SIS). METHODOLOGY: The RecLink software was used to link two databases of the Breast Cancer Control Information System (SISMAMA) in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil: a reference database, which included 301 screening mammograms with probable benign diagnosis (BI-RADS 3 category) recorded in October 2010, and a database comprising 158,517 mammograms registered in 2011. Subsequently, the 215 pairs of records that were not assigned the maximum RecLink score were independently classified as being true or false by ten independent evaluators from four participating centers. RESULTS: The Kappa coefficient ranged from 0.87 to 1.00. Six evaluators were in perfect agreement with one or more evaluators from the other centers. The global Kappa was 0.96 (95% confidence interval - 95%CI 0.94 - 0.99). DISCUSSION: Assessment of interobserver reliability is key to ensuring the quality of the record linkage, and it should be routine practice in studies of this nature. The disclosure of such results contributes to transparency in the conduct of such studies and in the reporting of their findings. CONCLUSION: Interobserver reliability in this study was excellent, indicating satisfactory team consistency in the classification of record pairs

    Social distancing measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic: potential impacts and challenges in Brazil.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged researchers and policy makers to identify public safety measures forpreventing the collapse of healthcare systems and reducingdeaths. This narrative review summarizes the available evidence on the impact of social distancing measures on the epidemic and discusses the implementation of these measures in Brazil. Articles on the effect of social distancing on COVID-19 were selected from the PubMed, medRXiv and bioRvix databases. Federal and state legislation was analyzed to summarize the strategies implemented in Brazil. Social distancing measures adopted by the population appear effective, particularly when implemented in conjunction with the isolation of cases and quarantining of contacts. Therefore, social distancing measures, and social protection policies to guarantee the sustainability of these measures, should be implemented. To control COVID-19 in Brazil, it is also crucial that epidemiological monitoring is strengthened at all three levels of the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). This includes evaluating and usingsupplementary indicators to monitor the progression of the pandemic and the effect of the control measures, increasing testing capacity, and making disaggregated notificationsand testing resultstransparentand broadly available

    Genomic epidemiology unveils the dynamics and spatial corridor behind the Yellow Fever virus outbreak in Southern Brazil

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    Despite the considerable morbidity and mortality of yellow fever virus (YFV) infections in Brazil, our understanding of disease outbreaks is hampered by limited viral genomic data. Here, through a combination of phylogenetic and epidemiological models, we reconstructed the recent transmission history of YFV within different epidemic seasons in Brazil. A suitability index based on the highly domesticated Aedes aegypti was able to capture the seasonality of reported human infections. Spatial modeling revealed spatial hotspots with both past reporting and low vaccination coverage, which coincided with many of the largest urban centers in the Southeast. Phylodynamic analysis unraveled the circulation of three distinct lineages and provided proof of the directionality of a known spatial corridor that connects the endemic North with the extra-Amazonian basin. This study illustrates that genomics linked with eco-epidemiology can provide new insights into the landscape of YFV transmission, augmenting traditional approaches to infectious disease surveillance and control

    Mercury exposure, malaria, and serum antinuclear/antinucleolar antibodies in amazon populations in Brazil: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Mercury is an immunotoxic metal that induces autoimmune disease in rodents. Highly susceptible mouse strains such as SJL/N, A.SW, B10.S (H-2(s)) develop multiple autoimmune manifestations after exposure to inorganic mercury, including lymphoproliferation, elevated levels of autoantibodies, overproduction of IgG and IgE, and circulating immune complexes in kidney and vasculature. A few studies have examined relationships between mercury exposures and adverse immunological reactions in humans, but there is little evidence of mercury-associated autoimmunity in humans. METHODS: To test the immunotoxic effects of mercury in humans, we studied communities in Amazonian Brazil with well-characterized exposures to mercury. Information was collected on diet, mercury exposures, demographic data, and medical history. Antinuclear and antinucleolar autoantibodies (ANA and ANoA) were measured by indirect immunofluorescence. Anti-fibrillarin autoantibodies (AFA) were measured by immunoblotting. RESULTS: In a gold mining site, there was a high prevalence of ANA and ANoA: 40.8% with detectable ANoA at ≥1:10 serum dilution, and 54.1% with detectable ANA (of which 15% had also detectable ANoA). In a riverine town, where the population is exposed to methylmercury by fish consumption, both prevalence and levels of autoantibodies were lower: 18% with detectable ANoA and 10.7% with detectable ANA. In a reference site with lower mercury exposures, both prevalence and levels of autoantibodies were much lower: only 2.0% detectable ANoA, and only 7.1% with detectable ANA. In the gold mining population, we also examined serum for AFA in those subjects with detectable ANoA (≥1:10). There was no evidence for mercury induction of this autoantibody. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to report immunologic changes, indicative of autoimmune dysfunction in persons exposed to mercury, which may also reflect interactions with infectious disease and other factors
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