57 research outputs found

    Physico-chemical properties of different formulations of pequi pulp with milk

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    The objective of this work was to perform the physical-chemical characterization of different formulations of the pequi pulp with the addition of different concentrations of whole milk, in order to identify promising products for commercial use. Three formulations of pequi pulp with whole milk were prepared: PL1- 90% pequi pulp and 10% milk, PL2 - 70% pequi pulp and 30% milk, PL3 - 50% pequi pulp and 50% milk. The formulations were evaluated for physical and physical-chemical parameters of color, water activity, water content, ash, total soluble solids (SST), pH, total titratable acidity (ATT), SST/ATT ratio, ascorbic acid, proteins, lipids, total, reducing and non-reducing sugars. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparison between means by the Tukey test at 5% probability. Among the three tested formulations, the best results were obtained for PL3, where it presented lower total titratable acidity, water activity, red intensity, yellow intensity and chromaticity, however, higher content of total soluble solids, ratio SST/ATT, ash, lipids, sugars (total, dimmer and non-dimmer), luminosity and tint angle. The inclusion of milk in the pequi pulp changed the physical and physical-chemical characteristics of the pulp, and it can be an alternative to add nutritional value to the fruit and consequently a promising product for the market.The objective of this work was to perform the physical-chemical characterization of different formulations of the pequi pulp with the addition of different concentrations of whole milk, in order to identify promising products for commercial use. Three formulations of pequi pulp with whole milk were prepared: PL1- 90% pequi pulp and 10% milk, PL2 - 70% pequi pulp and 30% milk, PL3 - 50% pequi pulp and 50% milk. The formulations were evaluated for physical and physical-chemical parameters of color, water activity, water content, ash, total soluble solids (SST), pH, total titratable acidity (ATT), SST/ATT ratio, ascorbic acid, proteins, lipids, total, reducing and non-reducing sugars. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and comparison between means by the Tukey test at 5% probability. Among the three tested formulations, the best results were obtained for PL3, where it presented lower total titratable acidity, water activity, red intensity, yellow intensity and chromaticity, however, higher content of total soluble solids, ratio SST/ATT, ash, lipids, sugars (total, dimmer and non-dimmer), luminosity and tint angle. The inclusion of milk in the pequi pulp changed the physical and physical-chemical characteristics of the pulp, and it can be an alternative to add nutritional value to the fruit and consequently a promising product for the market

    Comportamento reológico de mel da abelha uruçu (Melipona scutellaris, L.)

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    Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar o comportamento reol´ogicode mel de uru¸cu (Melipona scutellaris, L.), produzido em Campina Grande, Para´ıba. Asan´alises reol´ogicas foram conduzidas em um viscos´ımetro rotativo da marca Brookfield, modeloRVT, nas temperaturas de 10, 20, 30, 40 e 50 ◦ C. Os resultados experimentais foram ajustadospelos modelos de Newton, Ostwald-de-Waelle (Lei da Pot^encia) e Herschel-Bulkleyna faixa de deforma¸c~ao de 0,13 - 38,12 s-1. As amostras apresentaram comportamentopseudopl´astico a 10◦C, aproximadamente newtoniano a 20 ◦C e dilatante a 30, 40 e 50 ◦C. Oefeito da temperatura sobre a viscosidade aparente foi adequadamente representado pelaequa¸c~ao de Arhenius. O valor da energia de ativa¸c~ao obtido foi de 0,8456 kJ / g·mol

    Processamento e caracterização físico-química de néctar goiaba-tomate

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    A formulação de blends está cada vez mais incrementada e inovadora, buscando o equilíbrio na junção de fatores que tenham como objetivo proporcionar o enriquecimento nutricional e funcional, sem deixar de lado o aspecto sensorial do produto. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar néctares mistos de goiaba e tomate em diferentes concentrações e avaliar a caracterização físico-química destas formulações. Foram determinadas a acidez total titulável (ATT), pH, teor de água, atividade de água (Aw), cinzas, sólidos solúveis (ºBrix), açúcares redutores, totais e não-redutores, e os parâmetros instrumentais de cor para luminosidade (L*), intensidade de vermelho (+a*) e intensidade de amarelo (+b*). Os néctares de goiaba e tomate apresentaram elevador teor de água e altos valores de Aw, com pH dentro da faixa ácida (≤ 4,5). A formulação destes néctares resultou em amostras com cores mais claras, na medida em que se aumentou a concentração de polpa de goiaba. A elevação da proporção desta polpa influenciou o pH, o percentual de cinzas, o teor de água e a Aw. De acordo com a legislação vigente os parâmetros de ºBrix, acidez, açúcares totais atenderam aos padrões mínimos exigidos. Ressalta-se que os valores médios de pH e acidez, favorecem a conservação destas bebidas, não havendo necessidade da adição de ácido cítrico, para inibir a proliferação de leveduras, contribuindo para garantir a segurança alimentar

    Development and characterization of tapioca yogurts

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    Tradicionalmente as frutas são utilizadas para conferir aroma e sabor em iogurtes, entretanto o mercado de produtos lácteos requer inovações a fim de atrair e satisfazer um maior número de consumidores. Uma alternativa para diversificar a "apresentação" desses produtos é a incorporação de ingredientes não convencionais, a exemplo da tapioca. Objetivou-se com este trabalho elaborar iogurtes adicionados de diferentes concentrações de tapioca (0, 7, 14 e 21%) e avaliar as características físicas, químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais. Observou-se que o aumento da concentração de tapioca promoveu reduções significativas nos teores de umidade, proteínas, lipídeos, lactose e acidez, e elevação significativa nos valores de cinzas, carboidratos, calorias, extrato seco total e pH. Não foi detectada a presença de coliformes totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus coagulase positiva ou Salmonella spp. nas amostras. Os atributos sensoriais avaliados pelos provadores revelaram escores superiores a 6,0 (gostei ligeiramente) para as formulações com 0% (padrão) e 7% de tapioca, e escores inferiores a 5,0 (nem gostei e/ou nem desgostei) para os iogurtes com 14 e 21% de tapioca. A pontuação da intenção de compra foi acima de 3,0 (talvez comprasse/talvez não comprasse) apenas nas formulações padrão e com 7% de tapioca, que também apresentaram índice de aceitabilidade superior a 70%. O iogurte com 7% de tapioca foi a amostra que apresentou as características mais semelhantes do iogurte natural, além de ser o mais preferido segundo testes sensoriais.Traditionally fruits are used to impart flavor and aroma in yogurts, however the dairy market requires innovation in order to attract and satisfy a greater number of consumers. An alternative to diversify the "presentation" of these products is the incorporation of unconventional ingredients, like tapioca. The objective of this work was to prepare yogurts with added tapioca with different concentrations (0, 7, 14 and 21%) and to evaluate the physical, chemical, microbiological and sensory. It was observed that increasing the concentration tapioca promoted significant reductions in moisture content, proteins, lipids, lactose and acidity values and the increase in the ash, carbohydrates, calories, total solids and pH. Was not detected the presence of total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive Staphylococcus or Salmonella spp. at the samples. The sensory attributes evaluated by the tasters showed scores higher than 6.0 (like slightly) for formulations with 0% (default) and 7% tapioca, and scores below 5.0 (neither liked and / or disliked or) for yogurts with 14 and 21% tapioca. The purchase intent score was above 3.0 (maybe buy / might not buy) only in standard formulations and 7% tapioca, which also showed acceptability index higher than 70%. Yoghurt with 7% tapioca was the sample that showed characteristics more similar yogurt, besides being the most preferred second sensory tests


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    This paper is a study of the drying process of residual grains ofannatto in a heat accumulator dryer during the night combinedwith a solar dryer during the day. Different mathematical modelswere adjusted regarding experimental data for the dryings andfor determining the effective diffusivity for all the processes. Thegrains were divided into two groups; one with oil, reproducing theconditions of the grains after the oily extraction of bixin, and anothergroup without oil. The drying of the annatto grains of during the nightwas performed with a heat accumulator dryer, which consisted ofsolar panel systems that heat water, which is transferred to a thermaltank where it is used as a heat source; during the day a solar dryerwas used. Residual grains of annatto with an initial moisture at~18 % w.b. were dehydrated until they reached ~5 % w.b. Combineddrying using a heat accumulator dryer and a solar dryer proved tobe effi cient, with samples presenting lower amounts of moisturecompared to the control samples. Midilli’s equation was consideredthe best model to represent the kinetics of drying residual grains ofannatto both with and without oil. Grain samples presented effectivediffusivity in the order of 10-9 m2 s-1

    Índice de cor e sua correlação com parâmetros físicos e físico-químicos de goiaba, manga e mamão

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    Usou-se um colorímetro de baixo custo para determinação da cor em produtos agrícolas. Foram feitas análises colorimétricas nas cascas e polpas de mamão, goiaba e manga. Dos valores de cor L*a*b* encontrados, calculou-se os índices de cor, que foram relacionados com o teor de sólidos solúveis totais, pH e consistência das frutas durante o amadurecimento. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que é possível estimar a maturação do mamão pela cor da casca, tendo-se encontrado uma relação precisa entre o índice de cor da casca e os sólidos solúveis totais, expressa em termos de uma equação de terceiro grau. Para goiaba e manga não há correlação entre os índices de cor da casca e os sólidos solúveis totais. Não há correlação entre os índices de cor das polpas e os sólidos solúveis totais, bem como entre os índices de cor da casca ou polpa e o pH

    Physico-chemical properties of mango pulp and cajarana blends

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    The mango and cajarana are pleasant-tasting fruits, yellow in color, have ascorbic acid with antioxidant properties that slow down oxidation and help the immune system to promote well-being. The production of blends can improve nutritional and sensory characteristics, combining macro and micronutrients that may be present in a higher concentration in one fruit and deficient in another, increasing the possibility of obtaining new flavors constituting a new product. The study had as objective the elaboration of blends of mango cv. espada and cajarana and to determine the physical-chemical characteristics and color parameters. Three formulations were prepared: F1 - 50% mango pulp and 50% cajarana pulp; F2 - 90% mango pulp and 10% cajarana pulp and F3 - 10% mango pulp and 90% cajarana pulp. The formulations were evaluated for physicochemical parameters of water activity, moisture content, ash, total soluble solids, pH, total titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, proteins, lipids, total sugars, reducers, non-reducers and color parameters. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and comparison between means by the Tukey test. The blends caused significant changes in most of the parameters evaluated, with an increase in the moisture content, ash, total titratable acidity, proteins and lipids as the concentration of the cajarana pulp was increased. The increase in the proportion of mango pulp favored the achievement of lighter blends, with a predominance of yellowness. However, the development of blends from this study presents itself as a viable alternative for the use of fruit pulps, both in terms of nutrition, complementing the nutrient content through this mixture as a very promising product for the market.The mango and cajarana are pleasant-tasting fruits, yellow in color, have ascorbic acid with antioxidant properties that slow down oxidation and help the immune system to promote well-being. The production of blends can improve nutritional and sensory characteristics, combining macro and micronutrients that may be present in a higher concentration in one fruit and deficient in another, increasing the possibility of obtaining new flavors constituting a new product. The study had as objective the elaboration of blends of mango cv. espada and cajarana and to determine the physical-chemical characteristics and color parameters. Three formulations were prepared: F1 - 50% mango pulp and 50% cajarana pulp; F2 - 90% mango pulp and 10% cajarana pulp and F3 - 10% mango pulp and 90% cajarana pulp. The formulations were evaluated for physicochemical parameters of water activity, moisture content, ash, total soluble solids, pH, total titratable acidity, ascorbic acid, proteins, lipids, total sugars, reducers, non-reducers and color parameters. The data obtained were submitted to analysis of variance and comparison between means by the Tukey test. The blends caused significant changes in most of the parameters evaluated, with an increase in the moisture content, ash, total titratable acidity, proteins and lipids as the concentration of the cajarana pulp was increased. The increase in the proportion of mango pulp favored the achievement of lighter blends, with a predominance of yellowness. However, the development of blends from this study presents itself as a viable alternative for the use of fruit pulps, both in terms of nutrition, complementing the nutrient content through this mixture as a very promising product for the market

    Spray drying of the buriti pulp at different maltodextrin concentrations and temperature

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    In this work, the formulations prepared with buriti pulp and different maltodextrin concentrations (5, 10 and 15%) were dried in spray dryer and the chemical, physical and physical-chemical characteristics of the formulations and powder samples were evaluated. In this drying process two kinds of powder samples were collected: one into drying chamber and another in the cyclone. Using a factorial experimental planning, the experiments were conducted, in order to assess the moisture and ash contents, total acidity and density of both samples. The formulations dried in the spray dryer presented be feasible for the production of buriti pulp powder; however, powder samples collected into drying chamber and cyclone were different. Among the parameters analysed, it was found that only for density the samples collected into drying chamber, that the first-order empirical model obtained was statistically significant and predictive

    Cinética de secagem em camada de espuma da polpa da manga cv. Haden

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    Foam mat drying is an economical process based on the formation of a stable foam by beating the raw material with foam promoters, obtaining after drying a product in a powder form. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the drying kinetics of mango flesh cv. Haden with the foam mat drying method at drying temperatures of 50, 60 and 70 ° C, with three different thickness of the layer (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 cm). The mathematical models of Henderson & Pabis, Henderson and Logarithmic were fitted to experimental data and were used as criteria for evaluating the models the coefficient of determination (R2) and the root mean square deviation (DQM). It was observed that smaller thickness of the foam mat and higher air temperature decreased the drying time. Short drying time occurred at 70 ° C, with 480, 660 and 780 minutes for the thickness of 0.5; 1.0 and 1.5 cm, respectively. The Henderson & Pabis, Henderson and Logarithmic models can be used to represent the drying process since high coefficients of determination (R2) and lower root mean square deviation (DQM) were observed.A secagem em camada de espuma é um processo econômico baseado na formação de uma espuma estável através do batimento da matéria-prima com promotores de espuma e que se obtém após a secagem um produto em pó. Com isso, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a cinética de secagem da polpa da manga cv. Haden pelo método de secagem em camada de espuma nas temperaturas de 50, 60 e 70 ºC e com três diferentes espessuras da camada (0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 cm). Os modelos matemáticos de Henderson & Pabis, Henderson e Logarítmico foram ajustados aos dados experimentais das secagens, adotando-se como critério de avaliação dos modelos o coeficiente de determinação (R2) e o desvio quadrático médio (DQM). Dos experimentos de secagens realizados foi observado que quanto menor a espessura da camada de espuma e maior a temperatura do ar de secagem menor é o tempo de secagem. Os menores tempos de secagem ocorreram na temperatura de 70 ºC, com os tempos de 480, 660 e 780 minutos, para as espessuras de 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 cm, respectivamente. Os modelos de Henderson & Pabis, Henderson e Logarítmico podem ser utilizados para representar o processo de secagem em razão de terem apresentado altos coeficientes de determinação (R2) e baixos desvios quadráticos médios (DQM)