377 research outputs found

    Análisis palinológico del yacimiento arqueológico del Patio de las Doncellas del Real Alcázar de Sevilla

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    XV lnternational A.P.L.E. Symposium of Palynolog

    Left ventricular ejection fraction… What else?

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    Preclinical models of congestive heart failure, advantages, and limitations for application in clinical practice.

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    Congestive heart failure (CHF) has increased over the years, in part because of recent progress in the management of chronic diseases, thus contributing to the maintenance of an increasingly aging population. CHF represents an unresolved health problem and therefore the establishment of animal models that recapitulates the complexity of CHF will become a critical element to be addressed, representing a serious challenge given the complexity of the pathogenesis of CHF itself, which is further compounded by methodological biases that depend on the animal species in use. Animal models of CHF have been developed in many different species, with different surgical procedures, all with promising results but, for the moment, unable to fully recapitulate the human disease. Large animal models often provide a more promising reality, with all the difficulties that their use entails, and which limit their performance to fewer laboratories, the costly of animal housing, animal handling, specialized facilities, skilled methodological training, and reproducibility as another important limiting factor when considering a valid animal model versus potentially better performing alternatives. In this review we will discuss the different animal models of CHF, their advantages and, above all, the limitations of each procedure with respect to effectiveness of results in terms of clinical application.post-print608 K

    Educational Needs and Future Prospects in the Field of Health and Safety at Work in Spain

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    Aiming to identify educational needs to promote employment in the field of Occupational Health and Safety in Spain, this paper analyses the matching degree between the existing university educational offer and the professional demand. Results indicate that the new official Masters are well driven but, at graduate level, a broad range of topics regarding occupational hazards should be promoted and the scope of cross subjects should be expanded. New profiles that are emerging within this field are also identified

    Economic rationale shaping music teacher education: the case of Spain

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    This article discusses the literature on music teacher education programmes for mainstream education in order to undertake critical reflection on what we are doing and why in our university classrooms, what theories are implicit and what could be done to improve our programmes. After analysis, mainly from European contexts, and considering the Spanish one in particular, we find an influence of the economic – and, ultimately, political – rationale on substantial aspects, manifested in apparent disjunctions between musical and educational features, as well as in formal issues, fundamentally due to the European Higher Education Area. In the end, it is concluded that, without renouncing the economic aspects, curricula should be more addressed towards the integration of pedagogical and musical knowledge, and the treatment of aspects related to social justice, if we do not want an uncritical reproduction of rationalities that are often obsolete in the training of pre-service music teachers.Proyecto de investigación I+D EDU2017-84782-P sobre Formación del Profesorado y Música en la Sociedad y en la Economía del Conocimiento, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España.Universidad de Granad

    Coste-efectividad del implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica con SAPIEN 3 en pacientes con bajo riesgo de mortalidad quirúrgica en España

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    España; Prótesis valvular cardiaca; Coste-efectividadSpain; Prosthetic heart valve; Cost-effectiveness analisyEspanya; Pròtesis valvular cardíaca; Cost-efectivitatIntroduction and objectives: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) was first introduced in 2007 as an alternative to open heart surgery to treat patients with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (sSAS) with various indication expansions since that date. Recently, the PARTNER 3 study (Placement of aortic transcatheter valve) demonstrated clinical benefits with TAVI with the SAPIEN 3 valve vs surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in selected low surgical mortality risk patients. We reviewed data from the PARTNER 3 and economic data from Spain to assess the cost-effectiveness ratio of TAVI vs SAVR in patients with sSAS and low surgical mortality risk. Methods: A 2-stage model was used to estimate direct healthcare costs and health-related quality of life data regarding TAVI with the SAPIEN 3 valve and SAVR. Early adverse events associated with TAVI from the PARTNER 3 were fed into a Markov model that captured longer-term outcomes after TAVI or SAVR. Results: TAVI with SAPIEN 3 improved quality-adjusted life years per patient (+ 1.00) with an increase in costs vs SAVR (€6971 per patient). This meant an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio/quality-adjusted life year of €6952 per patient. The results were robust with TAVI with the SAPIEN 3 valve remaining cost-effective across several sensitivity analyses. Conclusions: TAVI with the SAPIEN 3 valve is cost effective compared to SAVR in patients with sSAS and low surgical mortality risk. These findings can inform policymakers to facilitate policy development in Spain on intervention selection in this patient population.Introducción y objetivos: El implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica (TAVI) se introdujo en 2007 como una alternativa a la cirugía a corazón abierto para tratar a pacientes con estenosis aórtica grave sintomática, y desde entonces han aumentado las indicaciones autorizadas. Recientemente, el Placement of Aortic Transcatheter Valve Study (PARTNER) 3 ha demostrado beneficios clínicos con el TAVI con la válvula SAPIEN 3 frente al reemplazo quirúrgico de válvula aórtica (RVAo) en pacientes seleccionados con bajo riesgo de mortalidad quirúrgica. Utilizando los datos del PARTNER 3 junto con datos económicos de España, se evaluó la relación coste-efectividad del TAVI en comparación con el RVAo en pacientes con estenosis aórtica grave sintomática con bajo riesgo de mortalidad quirúrgica. Métodos: Se utilizó un modelo en dos etapas para estimar los costes directos sanitarios y los datos de calidad de vida relacionados con la salud para TAVI con la válvula SAPIEN 3 y RVAo. Los eventos adversos tempranos relacionados con TAVI del PARTNER 3 se incluyeron en un modelo de Markov, que capturó los resultados a más largo plazo tras TAVI o RVAo. Resultados: El TAVI con SAPIEN 3 mejoró los años de vida ajustados por calidad por paciente (+1,00), con un aumento en el coste frente al RVAo de 6.971 € por paciente. Esto representó una ratio coste-efectividad incremental por año de vida ganado ajustado por calidad de 6.952€ por paciente. Los resultados fueron robustos en los diversos análisis de sensibilidad realizados, en los que el TAVI con SAPIEN 3 se mantiene como una opción coste-efectiva. Conclusiones: El TAVI con SAPIEN 3 es coste-efectivo en comparación con el RVAo en pacientes con estenosis aórtica grave sintomática con bajo riesgo de mortalidad quirúrgica. Estos resultados pueden informar a los decisores políticos en España para facilitar el desarrollo de políticas sobre la selección de opciones terapéuticas en esta población de pacientes. Palabras clave: España. Implante percutáneo de válvula aórtica. Cirugía cardiaca. Prótesis valvular cardiaca. Reemplazo quirúrgico de válvula aórtica. Análisis coste-beneficio. Análisis coste-efectividad. Estenosis aórtica. Bajo riesgo.Edwards Lifesciences SA, Switzerland provided funding for the economic assessment and was involved in the analysis as well as in the drafting of this manuscript

    AF in Cancer Patients: A Different Need for Anticoagulation?

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    Cancer and cancer therapies might be a risk factor for developing Atrial Fibrillation (AF). It remains unclear if one is the cause or consequence of the other, or if they simply coexist. An unpredictable response to anticoagulation can be expected, as a result of the lack of information in oncology patients. The balance between thromboembolic and bleeding risks of AF in these patients is particularly challenging. Little is known about whether embolic and bleeding risk scores used for the general population can be applied in oncologic patients. Cardiology involvement in the management of these patients seems to be associated with favourable AF-related outcomes

    Procesamiento de lenguaje natural aplicado a datos masivos generados en medios sociales

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    La aparición y auge de la comunicación canalizada digitalmente, especialmente de las llamadas redes sociales, reclama capacidades analíticas automatizadas para extraer información y patrones a partir de datos masivos baja o pobremente estructurados con el objetivo de predecir tendencias, acciones y eventos futuros. Este ámbito concita el interés de investigadores y empresas, con implicaciones para la lingüística, la informática, la psicología, las ciencias sociales o la estadística, entre otras área

    Análisis estructural de bóvedas y cúpulas

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    Las bóvedas y cúpulas son un sistema constructivo permanente a lo largo de toda la historia del hombre como constructor. Su origen se sitúa en tierras bíblicas, entre el Tigris y el Éufrates. Su existencia se ha constatado en ciudades como Ur, Babilonia o Nínive. Sin embargo, su conocimiento y desarrollo se han visto condenados al ostracismo tras la aparición de nuevas tecnologías, como el acero y el hormigón. Extremadura es una tierra con gran abundancia de bóvedas y cúpulas. Este contexto ha permitido mantener vivo el interés por estas piezas, por su construcción, funcionamiento e investigación. En esta línea hemos desarrollado un software capaz de analizar cualquier estructura abovedada, que, partiendo de su geometría y el estado de cargas, se pueden determinar las tensiones de trabajo en cada uno de sus puntos, así como los puntos de articulación (que serán los puntos donde aparecerán las grietas) y los coeficientes de seguridad de cada elemento (indicador de lo lejos o cerca que se encuentra de una situación crítica). Todo ello basado en la teoría de los estados límites y los teoremas del profesor Jacques Heyman referente al comportamiento de las fábricas. Esta recuperación del conocimiento de técnicas antiguas se ha demostrado válido, tanto para intervenir en edificios históricos, como para su utilización en obras nuevas de ciertas características

    Native forest replacement by exotic plantations in southern Chile (1985–2011) and partial compensation by natural regeneration

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    Although several studies have reported rates of deforestation and spatial patterns of native forest fragmentation, few have focused on the role of natural forest regeneration and exotic tree plantations on landscape dynamics. The objective of this study was to analyze the dynamics of land cover change in order to test the hypothesis that exotic tree plantations have caused a major transformation of temperate forest cover in southern Chile during the last three decades. We used three Landsat satellite images taken in 1985 (TM), 1999 (ETM+), and 2011 (TM) to quantify land cover change, together with a set of landscape indicators to describe the spatial configuration of land cover. Our results showed that the major changes were dynamic conversion among forest, exotic tree plantation and shrubland. During the study period, the area covered by exotic tree plantations increased by 168% (20,896–56,010 ha), at an annual rate of 3.8%, mostly at the expense of native forest and shrubland. There was a total gross loss of native forest of 30% (54,304 ha), but a net loss of initial cover of only 5.1% (9130 ha), at an annual net deforestation rate of 0.2%. The difference between gross and net loss of native forest was mostly the result of conversion of shrubland and agricultural and pasture land to secondary forest following natural regeneration. Over the course of the study period, exotic tree plantations showed a constant increase in patch density, total edge length, nearest-neighbor distance, and largest patch index; maximum mean patch size occurred in the middle of the study period. Native forest exhibited an increase and then a decrease in patch density and total edge length, whereas mean patch size and largest patch index were lowest in the middle of the period. Overall, the observed trends indicate expansion of exotic tree plantations and increase in native forest loss and fragmentation, particularly between 1985 and 1999. Forest loss included both old-growth and secondary forests, while native forest established after secondary succession differed in diversity, structure, and functionality from old-growth and old growth/secondary forests. Since different successional stages influence the provision of ecosystem services, the changes observed in our study are likely to have consequences for humans that extend beyond immediate changes in land use patterns