14 research outputs found

    Effect of surgical experience and spine subspecialty on the reliability of the {AO} Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System

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    OBJECTIVE The objective of this paper was to determine the interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility of the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System based on surgeon experience (< 5 years, 5–10 years, 10–20 years, and > 20 years) and surgical subspecialty (orthopedic spine surgery, neurosurgery, and "other" surgery). METHODS A total of 11,601 assessments of upper cervical spine injuries were evaluated based on the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System. Reliability and reproducibility scores were obtained twice, with a 3-week time interval. Descriptive statistics were utilized to examine the percentage of accurately classified injuries, and Pearson’s chi-square or Fisher’s exact test was used to screen for potentially relevant differences between study participants. Kappa coefficients (κ) determined the interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility. RESULTS The intraobserver reproducibility was substantial for surgeon experience level (< 5 years: 0.74 vs 5–10 years: 0.69 vs 10–20 years: 0.69 vs > 20 years: 0.70) and surgical subspecialty (orthopedic spine: 0.71 vs neurosurgery: 0.69 vs other: 0.68). Furthermore, the interobserver reliability was substantial for all surgical experience groups on assessment 1 (< 5 years: 0.67 vs 5–10 years: 0.62 vs 10–20 years: 0.61 vs > 20 years: 0.62), and only surgeons with > 20 years of experience did not have substantial reliability on assessment 2 (< 5 years: 0.62 vs 5–10 years: 0.61 vs 10–20 years: 0.61 vs > 20 years: 0.59). Orthopedic spine surgeons and neurosurgeons had substantial intraobserver reproducibility on both assessment 1 (0.64 vs 0.63) and assessment 2 (0.62 vs 0.63), while other surgeons had moderate reliability on assessment 1 (0.43) and fair reliability on assessment 2 (0.36). CONCLUSIONS The international reliability and reproducibility scores for the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System demonstrated substantial intraobserver reproducibility and interobserver reliability regardless of surgical experience and spine subspecialty. These results support the global application of this classification system

    Wpływ ogólnej zawartości związków fenolowych w wybranych roślinach kapustowatych na żerowanie i rozwój Dolycoris baccarum i Carpocoris fuscispinus (Pentatomidae, Hemiptera)

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    Background. The plants from the Brassicaceae family are the basic food product practically all over the world. In the growing season these plants can be attacked by insects. We studied the response of two phytophagous species from the family Pentatomidae to little-known but interesting plants from the family Brassicaceae. Material and methods. In laboratory conditions, the effect of the total content of phenolic compounds (Folin-Ciocalteau colorimetric method) in a few plants from the family Brassicaceae (Thlaspi arvense L., Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl, Berteroa incana (L.) D.C. and Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) D.C.) on the feeding and development parameters of two herbivores from the family Pentatomidae (Hemiptera): Dolycoris baccarum L. and Carpocoris fuscispinus (Boh.) was studied. Results. From among the above four plant species, B. incana contain the highest total amounts of phenolic compounds of 1.87% DM. D. baccarum much prefer feeding on D. sophia (53.3%) and the other one (C. fuscispinus ) on T. arvense. The eggs need on average 11 days for embryonal phase of development. There is a strong correlation between the total content of phenolic compounds and the total pricks of plant tissues for D. baccarum (r = -0.7812) and for C. fuscispinus eggs hatching (r = 0.9299). Conclusion. Among the two Pentatomidae insects, C. fuscispinus much prefer feeding and oviposition on all four plant species than D. baccarum.Rośliny kapustowate są podstawowym produktem żywnościowym praktycznie na całym świecie. Podczas wzrostu w sezonie wegetacyjnym mogą być atakowane przez owady. W warunkach laboratoryjnych badano wpływ zawartości sumy związków fenolowych (metoda kolorymetryczna Folin-Ciocalteau) w wybranych roślinach z rodziny Brassicaceae (T. arvense, D. sophia, B. incana i D. tenuifolia) na żerowanie i rozwój dwóch owadów z rodziny Pentatomidae (Hemiptera): D. baccarum i C. fuscispinus. Stwierdzono, że największą ilość polifenoli zawierał ekstrakt z części nadziemnych B. incana (1,87% SM). D. baccarum zdecydowanie preferowały żerowanie na D. sophia (53,3%), zaś C. fuscispinus na T. arvense. Jaja owadów potrzebowały średnio ok. 11 dni na przejście okresu rozwoju embrionalnego. Stwierdzono silną ujemną korelację pomiędzy zawartością sumy związków fenolowych a sumą nakłuć tkanek roślinnych przez D. baccarum (r = -0,7812) oraz z wylęgiem larw L1 dla C. fuscispinus (r = 0,9299). Wykazano, że spośród dwóch pluskwiaków z rodziny tarczówkowatych, C. fuscispinus chętniej żeruje i składa jaja na badanych gatunkach roślin niż D. baccarum

    Cytotoxic activity of ethanolic extracts of Eleutherococcus species cultivated in Poland on HL60 leukemia cell line

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    The Eleutherococcus species including 40 species native to Asia are medicinal plants widely used in traditional medicine. Some of these species are cultivated at the botanical gardens in Europe. On the basis on our earlier studies it was concluded that the extracts of analyzed species act as antioxidants, inhibitors of MMPs, and cytotoxic against Jurkat 45 leukemia cell line. In this study, the anti-leukemic potential of roots and leaves from six Eleutherococcus species cultivated in Poland was determined. The in vitro cytotoxic activity towards human promyelotic leukemia cell line HL60 using trypan blue assay was evaluated. The induction of apoptosis in stimulated leukemia cells was determined by AnnexinV method. Morphological changes in treated cells were observed by microscopic investigations

    Evaluation of the yield, chemical composition and biological properties of essential oil from bioreactor-grown cultures of Salvia apiana microshoots

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    Abstract Microshoot cultures of the North American endemic Salvia apiana were established for the first time and evaluated for essential oil production. Stationary cultures, grown on Schenk-Hildebrandt (SH) medium, supplemented with 0.22 mg/L thidiazuron (TDZ), 2.0 mg/L 6-benzylaminopurine and 3.0% (w/v) sucrose, accumulated 1.27% (v/m dry weight) essential oil, consisting mostly of 1,8-cineole, β-pinene, α-pinene, β-myrcene and camphor. The microshoots were adapted to agitated culture, showing biomass yields up to ca. 19 g/L. Scale-up studies demonstrated that S. spiana microshoots grow well in temporary immersion systems (TIS). In the RITA bioreactor, up to 19.27 g/L dry biomass was obtained, containing 1.1% oil with up to ca. 42% cineole content. The other systems employed, i.e. Plantform (TIS) and a custom made spray bioreactor (SGB), yielded ca. 18 and 19 g/L dry weight, respectively. The essential oil content of Plantform and SGB-grown microshoots was comparable to RITA bioreactor, however, the content of cineole was substantially higher (ca. 55%). Oil samples isolated from in vitro material proved to be active in acetylcholinesterase (up to 60.0% inhibition recorded for Plantform-grown microshoots), as well as hyaluronidase and tyrosinase-inhibitory assays (up to 45.8 and 64.5% inhibition observed in the case of the SGB culture)