292 research outputs found

    Biogazownia jako potencjalne źródło zagrożeń emisjami odorowymi oraz działania prewencyjne.

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    Ortiz Gómez, Teresa. 2006. Medicina, historia y género: 130 años de investigación feminista. Oviedo: KRK. 368 pp.

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    Reseña de libroMedicina, historia y género by Teresa Ortiz can be considered a successful attempt at transferring the author’s knowledge and experience in researching and teaching the history of medicine, science, and women’s/gender studies. This research was gathered during her long career at the University of Granada, Spain, where she is at present professor at the Department of the History of Science at the Faculty of Medicine. Ortiz currently teaches the history of science and medicine to undergraduate medical students, and is also one of the key lecturers in postgraduate women’s and gender studies in Spain

    Contraception and abortion: an analysis from gender studies

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    Las prácticas y los conceptos de la anticoncepción y del aborto constituyen un tema de gran interés para la investigación feminista. Los estudios de género en la historia y en las ciencias sociales aportan la historización y contextualización de estos conceptos, que permanecían unidos hasta finales del siglo XIX, y destacan a los agentes y las estructuras sociales implicadas en la formulación de los debates y discursos acerca del aborto y la anticoncepción. Asimismo, surgen dimensiones de análisis que resultan particularmente útiles para los estudios comparativos. En este artículo, propongo las siguientes dimensiones de análisis histórico de la anticoncepción y del aborto en relación con el género: la medicina y el sector sanitario, la economía, la religión (cristiana) y los movimientos sociales (movimiento feminista y movimiento pro-vida), y las aplico a los estudios de caso de las políticas acerca del aborto y de la anticoncepción en Polonia e Italia en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y en el siglo XXI.Contraception and abortion, understood both as practices and concepts, have constituted an issue of a great interest for the feminist scholarship. Gender-focused historical and social studies have contributed to the historization and contextualization of these concepts, which remained united till the end of the 20th century, and have provided tools as far as approaching social agents and structures involved in the shaping the debates and discourses on abortion and contraception is concerned. In this manner, medicine and medical profession, economy, religion and social movements such as the feminist movement and pro-life movement can be considered as useful dimensions of analysis of gender in relation to contraception and abortion, especially in comparative studies. As an example of the application of the proposed dimensions, this article provides a brief analysis of the debates and discourses on abortion and contraception in Poland and Italy in the second half of the 20th and in the 21st century

    Catholic Intimacies: Negotiating Contraception in Late Communist Poland

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    The authors would like to thank the reviewers and Joanna Baines. This article is a result of the research project "Catholicising Reproduction, Reproducing Catholicism: Activist Practices and Intimate Negotiations in Poland, 1930-Present" (principal investigator Agnieszka Ko~scia~nska), funded by the National Science Center, Poland (Opus 17 scheme, grant number 2019/33/B/HS3/01068). The authors are also grateful to the members of the Scientific Research Network (WOG) "Medicine and Catholicism since the late 19th Century" funded by Research Foundation - Flanders for their comments and support.The majority of people in Poland self-identified as Catholic throughout the second half of the twentieth century. Despite the Polish Episcopate’s unanimous rejection of contraception as immoral and sinful, a considerable proportion of Polish Catholics utilized family planning techniques and technologies explicitly banned by their institutional Church. This article uses personal narratives to show how Polish Catholics negotiated their use of Church-authorized and Church-banned family planning methods with their lived experiences of faith in a communist state where both abortion and contraception were legal. We explore the strategies of interpretation, relativisation, and (selective) rejection through which Catholics who self-identified as “practising” approached birth control as a social issue and an individual practice and show how communist secular approaches to birth control contributed to extending the scope of Catholics’ agency in the realm of reproductive decision making.National Science Centre, Poland 2019/33/B/HS3/01068FW

    Sensores óticos a fibra aplicados à área de petróleo

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    This work describes the production of fiber Bragg gratings and long period gratings in optical fibers and their characterization as sensors devices in the detection of hydrocarbons that flow in pipelines, as well as its temperature measurement. The work was accomplished at Laser Laboratory of UTFPR. The long period gratings were produced using the point-to-point electric arc discharge technique from a splice machine and characterized as refractive index sensors of the fiber surroundings. The characterization was accomplished using different samples of alcohol, gasoline, turpentine, thinner, kerosene and naphtha. The biggest wavelength shift presented by the grating was 15.57 nm in the presence of the kerosene. The average refractive index grating sensitivity was 2.6x10-6 pm-1 in the range from 1.432 (thinner) to 1.448 (kerosene). This sensitivity relates to a smallest refractive index variation of 2.6x10-5 that can be measured, for an optical spectrum analizer with wavelength precision of ± 5 pm. The response time of the sensor was 3 seconds for the different samples used. The fiber Bragg gratings were characterized as temperature sensor devices of the samples. The gratings were produced both in SMF hydrogenated and photosensitive fibers, using an ultraviolet laser and a phase mask interferometer. The devices were characterized as temperature sensors, and a study for thermal stabilization of them was carried out. The obtained sensor sensitivity ranged from 10.2 nm/ºC up to 11.4 nm/ºC. As the precision of this type of sensor is related to the bandwidth of the fiber Bragg grating, a writing system technique based on a phase mask and an UV laser was implemented, making possible the writing of long and narrow bandwidth gratings.Este trabalho descreve a produção de redes de Bragg e de período longo em fibras óticas, e a caracterização destas redes como dispositivos sensores na detecção de hidrocarbonetos que fluem em polidutos, bem como na monitoração de sua temperatura. O trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Laser da UTFPR. As redes de período longo foram produzidas pela aplicação ponto-a-ponto do arco elétrico de uma máquina de emendas de fibras óticas e caracterizadas como sensores de índices de refração de meios exteriores à fibra. Essa caracterização foi realizada usando diferentes amostras de fluidos tais como, álcool, gasolina, aguarrás, tíner, querosene e nafta. O maior deslocamento em comprimento de onda apresentado pela rede foi de 15,57 nm na presença do querosene. A sensibilidade média ao índice de refração da rede foi 2,6x10-6 pm-1 para a região compreendida entre 1,432 (tíner) e 1,448 (querosene). Esta sensibilidade resulta em uma mínima variação de índice de refração de 2,6x10-5 que pode ser medida por um analisador de espectros óticos com precisão em comprimento de onda de ± 5pm. O tempo de resposta do sensor foi da ordem de 3 segundos. As redes de Bragg foram caracterizadas como dispositivo sensor de temperatura dos fluidos. As redes de Bragg foram produzidas inicialmente em fibras SMF hidrogenadas e posteriormente em fibras fotossensíveis, utilizando a técnica de escrita interferométrica com máscara de fase e laser ultravioleta. Os dispositivos foram caracterizados como sensor de temperatura, tendo sido feito um estudo para estabilização térmica dos mesmos. A sensibilidade das redes variou desde 10,2 nm/ºC até 11,4 nm/ºC. A precisão deste tipo de sensor está intimamente relacionada com a largura de banda espectral da rede, portanto, um sistema de gravação utilizando a técnica de escrita com máscara de fase e laser UV foi implementado, tornando possível a escrita de redes mais longas com menor largura de banda

    Cecylia Walewska 1859-1940. Evolution of attitudes of the Polish intelligentsia

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    O działalności polskich kobiet na rzecz równouprawnienia, emancypantkach czy feministkach pisano w większości jako o całej grupie działaczek, które uczestniczyły w życiu politycznym i na szeroką skalę zakładały stowarzyszenia. Na rynku wydawniczym niedostatek jest natomiast ich indywidualnych opracowań biograficznych. Z tych nielicznych należy tutaj wymienić biografie: Kazimiery Bujwidowej, Jadwigi Petrażyckiej-Tomickiej, Elizy Orzeszkowej, Marii Konopnickiej, Zofii Nałkowskiej czy najnowsze Marii Dulębianki i Aleksandry Szczerbińskiej. Dlatego też zamierzeniem moim przy wyborze tematu dysertacji stało się pragnienie chociaż pewnego wypełniania luki badawczej nad historią ruchu kobiecego na ziemiach polskich w ostatnich latach XIX w. i w pierwszych dekadach XX stulecia. Stąd też bohaterką niniejszej pracy o charakterze biograficznym stała się Cecylia z Zaleskich Walewska, uznawana za najważniejszą, a w zasadzie jedyną kronikarkę ruchu kobiecego w interesującym mnie okresie. Jako zasadnicze cele dysertacji postawiłam sobie zarysowanie możliwie pełnego obrazu jej życia i działalności na tle trzech epok (okres zaborów, lata Wielkiej Wojny, Druga Rzeczpospolita). Podjęłam próbę ukazania ewolucji jej postaw i ich zróżnicowanych uwarunkowań, a także zdecydowałam się przybliżyć najważniejsze problemy i procesy zachodzące na ziemiach polskich po klęsce powstania styczniowego, z którymi bohaterka musiała się zmierzyć. Tego typu biografistykę nazywa się biografią pretekstową. Czy wybór Cecylii z Zaleskich Walewskiej na bohaterkę dysertacji doktorskiej jest uzasadniony? Odpowiem na to pytanie słowami znakomitego opiniotwórcy tamtych czasów, Stefana Żeromskiego, który nakazywał wręcz pamiętajcie uczcić zasługi Cecylii Walewskiej – tej pracownicy na polu społecznym – cichej a niezmordowanej – nie przeoczcie tego – powinna mieć byt zabezpieczony. Uważam, że powyższe słowa jednego z najwybitniejszych pisarzy w historii naszego kraju tym bardziej uzasadniają moją celowość podjęcia tematu. Bohaterka niniejszej rozprawy należała do elity społecznej reprezentując dziewiętnastowieczną i dwudziestowieczną inteligencję polską. Inteligencję rozumiemy tutaj jako grupę ludzi, zajmujących się zawodowo pracą umysłową, którą mogli podjąć dzięki odpowiednio zdobytemu wykształceniu. Cecylia Walewska przez cały okres swojego życia, utrzymywała się z umysłowej pracy najemnej, najpierw jako nauczycielka, następnie jako pisarka i publicystka, stąd powyższe argumenty pozwalają uzasadnić, że traktuje ją jako przedstawicielkę ówczesnej inteligencji. Cecylia Walewska żyła na przestrzeni trzech odmiennych epok, stąd była świadkiem wielu ważnych historycznych, politycznych i społecznych wydarzeń. Dlatego też ewolucję postaw pisarki zdecydowałam się przedstawić na pięciu płaszczyznach: emancypacyjnej, narodowej, oświatowej, politycznej i pisarskiej

    Implantação do Programa 5S em revenda de insumos agrícolas

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    Orientadora : Ana Paula NahirnyMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em MBA em Gestão do AgronegócioInclui referênciasResumo : O Programa 5S é uma metodologia de organização que visa simplificar procedimentos, otimizar recursos e tempo. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso sobre a aplicação do Programa 5S e avaliação de sua performance na melhoria do gerenciamento de uma revenda de insumos agrícolas. Os funcionários foram treinados e com base em questionários foram definidos em quais locais da empresa o programa seria implantado. Após a implantação foram realizadas avaliações por meio de registro fotográfico (antes e depois) e inspeções para definir se os objetivos foram alcançados. Seiri (utilização) e Seiton (organização) obtiveram o conceito "Ótimo", Seiso (limpeza) e Seiketsu (higiene) obtiveram o conceito "Bom’’ e por fim Shitsuke (disciplina) obteve o conceito "Ótimo’’. Com base nas mudanças foi possível alcançar os objetivos do programa 5S na empresa. Palavras Chave: utilização, organização, limpeza, higiene, disciplina, ferramenta de gestão, mudança comportamental

    Trafficking of plasmepsin II to the food vacuole of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum

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    fA amily of aspartic proteases, the plasmepsins (PMs), plays a key role in the degradation of hemoglobin in the Plasmodium falciparum food vacuole. To study the trafficking of proPM II, we have modified the chromosomal PM II gene in P. falciparum to encode a proPM II–GFP chimera. By taking advantage of green fluorescent protein fluorescence in live parasites, the ultrastructural resolution of immunoelectron microscopy, and inhibitors of trafficking and PM maturation, we have investigated the biosynthetic path leading to mature PM II in the food vacuole. Our data support a model whereby proPM II is transported through the secretory system to cytostomal vacuoles and then is carried along with its substrate hemoglobin to the food vacuole where it is proteolytically processed to mature PM II