53 research outputs found

    Pengaruh kecerdasan emosi terhadap stres dan komitmen guru novis

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    The literature review on novice teachers shows 33 percent teachers leave the teaching profession at the early stage meanwhile local studies emphasis mainly on the aspects related to classroom, effectiveness and the quality of the Post Graduate Teacher Training Programme. It also showed that aspects related to emotional intelligence, work stress and work commitment amongst novice teachers are less researched on although it is proven that they have high impact on these teachers. Hence, this research aims to thoroughly look into the influence of emotional intelligence on the stress and commitment levels among novice teachers in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Three data collection methods used in this research were Assessing Emotions Scale, Teachers Stress Inventory and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire. Observational research design was conducted through stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Sample of respondents comprised of 325 novice teachers with one to three years of teaching experience. Various data analysis techniques were applied in this research such as mean, correlation analysis and Structural Equation Model. Multiple Group Analysis was carried out whereby the result shows no demographic differences except for gender and age of the novice teachers. However, correlation analysis showed low positive value whereas the emotional intelligence and stress factors showed 18 percent changes of the variant towards novice teachers’ commitment. The analysis from SEM also showed that emotional intelligence and work stress contribute to the teachers’ level of work commitment. Work stress also influences 91 percent of the relationship between emotional intelligence and work commitment. Hence, this research shows that it is important for novice teachers to have a solid emotional intelligence. They should be able to manage their work stress wisely in order to improve their work commitment in the teaching profession. This strength will help to develop and maintain human capital amongst teachers and to undergo dynamic changes in the education

    Cultivating positive values via online project-based module (M-Pat) / Ashfahani Zakaria … [et al.]

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    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use of the Online Project-based module (m-PAT) to cultivate positive values among students. Evaluation was made to the positive values used in this study based on the six constructs of Contextual Development Model for Positive Youth Development namely competence, confidence, connection, caring, character and contribution (6C’s). The learning approach used by m-PAT is project-based learning which is applied as a School Based Assessment activity for Physics subject. A mixed method case study design was employed, where the findings of quantitative data were confirmed using the findings of qualitative data. A total of 42 Form 4 students were chosen based on purposive sampling from a secondary school in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The data were collected through questionnaire, student reflection, students’ online learning activity and discussion, interviews with the students, as well as teacher’s checklist after each participant generated a physic-learning blog by using the m-PAT as a platform. Quantitative data were analysed descriptively in form of mean scores and standard deviations to observe the distribution of students’ feedback on the constructs being studied. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis related to the constructs being studied and confirmed by teacher’s checklist. The results showed that m-PAT was able to cultivate all positive values of 6C’s among the participants of the study. Overall, the findings has important implications for contributing to a new approach in learning which integrates the use of information technology and communication via project-based online learning as well as making it possible for the cultivation of students’ positive values especially in relation to the use of the Internet. Further research with a larger number of participants is needed to support the present findings

    An analysis on the legal framework for disclosure in prospectus and the standard of disclosure in determining takeovers and mergers activities post IPO

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    Initial public offering (IPO) is the maiden issue of shares by a public company. The decision to go public is motivated by several motives and justifications including a motive to pursue a takeover or merger. It is crucial for the investors to predict the possibility of takeovers and mergers after IPO, so that they could make an informed decision in placing their investment. The material and relevant information contained in a prospectus relating to the IPO company could assist the investors to predict the likelihood of takeovers and mergers post IPO. Hence, this paper investigates the relevant and material information that are needed by the investors to predict the likelihood of a takeover or merger post IPO. This paper also analyse the standard of disclosure required in prospectus for initial public offering in order to determine whether the information compelled for disclosure can be used by investors to predict the likelihood of takeovers and mergers post IPO. For this purpose, the laws and regulations on capital market and securities industries as contained in the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 and Prospectus Guidelines is analysed. The guidelines for the offering of electronic prospectus are also discussed in order to shed light on the duties of the host of e-prospectus and the safeguards for investors. The result of the study shows that the standard of disclosure in prospectus allow the investors to predict and anticipate the likelihood of takeovers and mergers post initial public offering

    Effects of monoculture and polyculture practices in oil palm smallholdings on tropical farmland birds

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    Industrial oil palm expansion has led to dramatic landscape changes that have negatively affected forest biodiversity in the tropics. In contrast to large-scale plantations, oil palm smallholdings may support greater levels of biodiversity through the implementation of multi-cropping system or polyculture. We examined bird species richness, together with community structure, conservation status, and feeding guild of existing smallholdings in Peninsular Malaysia. Based on point transect sampling, we sampled birds in 100 smallholdings that practiced either monoculture or polyculture farming. Our results revealed that bird species richness was significantly greater in monoculture smallholdings than in polyculture smallholdings, but the opposite was true for bird abundance. Non-forest birds constituted the major species of bird communities in oil palm smallholdings. However, we found that the abundances of insectivores and frugivores were greater in polyculture smallholdings than in monoculture smallholdings. In the monoculture models, predictor variables explained 11.31–19.98% of the variation in bird species richness. When polyculture was being practiced, bird species richness increased significantly with the height of ground vegetation cover, distance to major roads, and distance to rice fields. In the polyculture models, predictor variables accounted for 11.71–24.85% of the variation in bird species richness. We also found that bird species richness increased significantly with height of ground vegetation, but it decreased with ground vegetation cover and distance to rivers. The evidence from this study suggests that monoculture and polyculture farming were able to maintain farmland biodiversity in smallholdings, at least for birds, but differed in richness, population, and feeding guild

    Prevalence of thyroid disorders in pregnant women in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan & International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Centre

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    Introduction: Data on the burden of thyroid disease in pregnant women in our community is scarce albeit the detrimental effects it brought to both the mother and fetus if left untreated. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of thyroid disorders, socio-demography distribution, and method of diagnosis in pregnant women of both tertiary centres in Kuantan, Pahang. Materials and Methods: A retrospective cross sectional study involving patients under follow ups at the Endocrine and Obstetric Clinics of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) and International Islamic University Malaysia Medical Center (IIUM MC) from the 1st January until the 30th June 2017. Out of 923 pregnant women, 29 were found to have thyroid disorders. Detailed demographic data and thyroid function test readings were taken from their medical records and thyroid status were determined from TSH and FT4 readings using the trimester-specific thyroid reference range. Results: The prevalence of thyroid disorders in both centres was 3.14%, with specific prevalence of 2.80% for HTAA and 6.12% for IIUM MC. Nearly half of them were hyperthyroid (47.85%), 17.4% was hypothyroid and Graves’ disease dominated the diagnosis of thyroid disease (30.43%). Significant association was found in weight changes with patients’ thyroid status; reduction in weight in first trimester and increment in weight in second trimester were mainly seen in the hyperthyroid group (p<0.01, p=0.027). Conclusion: The acceptable prevalence of 3.14% for thyroid disorders in pregnancy could be contributed by the iodine availability in this community. High prevalence of Graves’ disease warrants future screening for maternal thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin amongst hyperthyroid women

    Time-series classification vegetables in detecting growth rate using machine learning

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    IoT based innovative irrigation management systems can help in attaining optimum water-resource utilisation in the exactness farming landscape. This paper presents a clustering of unsupervised learning based innovative system to forecast the irrigation requirements of a field using the sensing of a ground parameter such as soil moisture, light intensity, temperature, and humidity. The entire system has been established and deployed. The sensor node data is gained through a serial monitor from Arduino IDE software collected directly and saved using the computer. Orange and MATLAB software is used to apply machine learning for the visualisation, and the decision support system delivers real-time information insights based on the analysis of sensors data. The plants organise either water or non-water includes weather conditions to gain various types of results. kNN reached 100.0%, SVM achieved 99.0% owhile Naïve Bayes achieved 87.40%

    Flow Characteristics in Perforated Subsurface Drain of Drainage System Application: Case Study of Gate Fully Open with Longitudinal Slope 1/500

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    Subsurface drainage is part of a sustainable drainage system's components. This component represents the infiltration of stormwater into the subsurface drainage system for flow attenuation purposes. This study examines the flow parameters of subsurface drainage components. The laboratory validation of perforated subsurface drains was conducted at a longitudinal slope gradient of 1/500 with the Gate Fully Open. The manning, n data obtained in these experiments varies with several hydraulic parameters. Therefore, the experimental relationship between the flow characteristics of these subsurface drain components has been investigated. The relationship between flow behavior has been determined. The sub-critical and supercritical, and turbulence flow has occurred in this stud

    Flow Characteristics in Perforated Subsurface Drain of Drainage System Application: Case Study of Gate Fully Open with Longitudinal Slope 1/500

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    Subsurface drainage is part of a sustainable drainage system's components. This component represents the infiltration of stormwater into the subsurface drainage system for flow attenuation purposes. This study examines the flow parameters of subsurface drainage components. The laboratory validation of perforated subsurface drains was conducted at a longitudinal slope gradient of 1/500 with the Gate Fully Open. The manning, n data obtained in these experiments varies with several hydraulic parameters. Therefore, the experimental relationship between the flow characteristics of these subsurface drain components has been investigated. The relationship between flow behavior has been determined. The sub-critical and supercritical, and turbulence flow has occurred in this stud

    E-hailing services: antitrust implications of uber and grab`s merger in Southeast Asia

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    Uber-Grab’s merger had attracted antitrust scrutiny by competition authorities in Southeast-Asia. The merger between the two had created a large giant company that provides various services through a platform such as ridesharing and food delivery services. According to the deal, Grab will take over Uber’s assets (ridesharing and food delivery service), and in return, Uber will take a 27.5 percent stake in Grab. Although Grab claimed that the merger would create a cost-efficient platform in Southeast Asia and put it in a better position to serve consumers, there was a genuine concern that the merger will reduce competition in the market and provide incentives to Grab to engage in anti-competitive behaviour such as increasing the price of its services. This article aims to analyse how different countries in Southeast Asia responded to the Uber-Grab’s merger and measures taken to address competitive concerns ex-ante and ex-post-merger. Unlike other competition jurisdictions in Southeast-Asia, the Malaysia Competition Act 2010 contains no merger control provision, which empowers the Malaysian competition authority to block any merger that has the effect of substantially lessening competition. The studies on how other countries evaluated the Uber-Grab merger could assist Malaysia’s competition authority to regulate the future behaviour of the big digital platform in the Malaysian market. This article was written based on research that relies on both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources include statutory provisions on competition, decision, proposed decision, interim measures, and others. while secondary sources include journal articles, news, internet resources, and others. The article also adopts a comparative approach in order to analyse the approaches and measures taken by the various merger control regimes in Southeast Asia in dealing with the Uber-Grab’s merger

    Development of insulation material using bamboo fibers for thermal and sound properties

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    Currently, fiberglass is used as an insulation material, and this synthetic fiber is categorised as nonbiodegradable and causes air pollution. This study compared the thermal and acoustical properties of Betong bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) and fiberglass. Conductivity (K-Value) and sound absorption coefficient (SAC) were measured for both materials. The SAC was calculated using an impedance tube at low and high frequencies in accordance with EN ISO 10534-2:2001, while thermal conductivity was measured using Solteq HE110 thermal conductivity apparatus. From data analysis, the k-values of bamboo and fibreglass were 0.05 and 0.04, respectively. The analysis also showed that the difference in k-value between natural and synthetic fibers was 0.01 at 25 mm thickness, while fiberglass was 4.986. For sound acoustic, bamboo fibre showed 0.54 and 0.86 SAC between 2000 Hz and 2500 Hz, while 0.47 and 0.71 SAC were recorded for fibreglass. It can be concluded that bamboo fibre could be used as thermal and sound insulation, with performance equal to or better than fibreglass. Further research can be extended to make bamboo fibers as natural insulation for ducting, or in building. This study recommends refining bamboo fibres using different binders to increase durability and be used as insulation in the futur