Pengaruh kecerdasan emosi terhadap stres dan komitmen guru novis


The literature review on novice teachers shows 33 percent teachers leave the teaching profession at the early stage meanwhile local studies emphasis mainly on the aspects related to classroom, effectiveness and the quality of the Post Graduate Teacher Training Programme. It also showed that aspects related to emotional intelligence, work stress and work commitment amongst novice teachers are less researched on although it is proven that they have high impact on these teachers. Hence, this research aims to thoroughly look into the influence of emotional intelligence on the stress and commitment levels among novice teachers in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Three data collection methods used in this research were Assessing Emotions Scale, Teachers Stress Inventory and Organisational Commitment Questionnaire. Observational research design was conducted through stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. Sample of respondents comprised of 325 novice teachers with one to three years of teaching experience. Various data analysis techniques were applied in this research such as mean, correlation analysis and Structural Equation Model. Multiple Group Analysis was carried out whereby the result shows no demographic differences except for gender and age of the novice teachers. However, correlation analysis showed low positive value whereas the emotional intelligence and stress factors showed 18 percent changes of the variant towards novice teachers’ commitment. The analysis from SEM also showed that emotional intelligence and work stress contribute to the teachers’ level of work commitment. Work stress also influences 91 percent of the relationship between emotional intelligence and work commitment. Hence, this research shows that it is important for novice teachers to have a solid emotional intelligence. They should be able to manage their work stress wisely in order to improve their work commitment in the teaching profession. This strength will help to develop and maintain human capital amongst teachers and to undergo dynamic changes in the education

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