279 research outputs found

    Prevalence and outcome of hypothyroidism in women attending antenatal clinic at J. J. M Medical College

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    Background: Pregnancy induces physiological and metabolic changes, when overlapped with endocrine imbalance leads to undesirable consequences for both mother and fetus. Thyroid pathology has major negative impact on both mother and fetus. Hypothyroidism may be pre-existent or may begin during pregnancy; severity depends on how early and appropriately treatment is initiated. Aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and its outcome.Methods: 150 pregnant women obstetric files were studied based on their TSH value, women with TSH levels greater than 3mIU/ml who were on L-Thyroxin were included. All others who had diabetes, collagen disease, heart disease with pregnancy were excluded from the study.Results: Prevalence of hypothyroidism in pregnancy is 1.2%.Conclusions: Hypothyroidism presents with complex and serious complications with increase in maternal morbidity and perinatal mortality. To identify potential and overt hypothyroid patient thyroid screening is must during pregnancy. TSH levels should be kept less than 2mIU/L for adequate control

    Death Penalty for Drugs Dealers and Traffickers From the Perspective of Islamic Law

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    This article examines the Islamic legal perspective on the application of capital punishment against drug dealers/traffickers. The aim is to find out whether these provisions are in accordance with the rules of Islamic law or not. This study uses a normative juridical approach which is carried out by examining legal norms or norms related to the object of discussion. This study finds out that Islamic law does not explicitly regulate drug crime, including determining sanctions for the dealers/traffickers. Islamic law only regulates the crime of liquor (khamer). Therefore, this criminal act can be included in the category of jarîmah ta\u27zîr which its legal sanctions are left to the authorities policy. Although this crime can be classified as a common crime, it is reasonable that the dealers/traffickers of the illicit goods are given severe punishment, even until sentenced to death, as this crime has a tremendously adverse effect not only for individuals but also for society and the nation as a whole. The sanction is in accordance with the principles of ushûl fiqh

    Family Background and Entrepreneurial Intention of Fresh Graduates in Nigeria

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    This study seeks to assess, empirically, the impact of family background on the entrepreneurial intention among fresh graduates in Nigeria. The family as a social institution remains resilient in its psychological functions in Nigeria. It is a source of finance and human resources, social and cultural values, and role modeling.  While studies have shown that family background is one of the numerous determinants of entrepreneurial intention, we know little about the role which family background plays in the promotion of entrepreneurial intentions in Nigeria, especially among the fresh graduates.  This study, therefore, seeks to test the hypothesis that family background has significant influence on the entrepreneurial intention among fresh graduates in Nigeria. We draw a sample of 250 corps’ members, currently serving with the Nigerian Youth Service Corp (NYSC) in Bayelsa state, using a simple random sampling technique. With the aid of the primary data collected, our findings are quite revealing. Following the preliminary conclusions drawn from this study, we offer suggestions for further studies. Keywords; Entrepreneurial intention, perception of feasibility, perception of desirability, family background, and Problem-Based Learning

    Aging detection of glass disc insulator by using infrared camera

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    Suitable diagnostic techniques for outdoor glass insulators are important for ensuring the reliablilty and stability of power system. The possibility of insulator flash-over increases, especially when the insulator is covered by pollution layers or has an internal defect. In this paper, a new technique to detect the pollution level and invisible damage by measuring the surface temperature of glass disc insulators is proposed. A high definition camera had been used to determine the surface temperatures of four glass insulators. The effects ofapplied voltage on the surface temperature and its distribution were studied. The results show the possibility of using the infrarad camera to detect the aging level and invisible damages of the glass insulators

    Leakage current based thermal modeling of glass disc insulator surface

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    The stability of transmission lines relies on the health of the insulators, such as glass string insulators, which may occasionally flashover during an overvoltage. The likelihood of flashover increases notably when the glass insulator is wrapped by a wet contaminant layer. In this paper a study of the surface thermal profile of glass disc insulators insulation had been carried out for both clean and polluted surfaces. A finite-element simulation with time dependent model was carried out using COMSOL Multiphysics software. The variation of the insulator surface temperature with applied voltage as well as with pollution layer thickness is explained. The results illustrate the significant effect of pollution conductivity on heat propagate along the surface of the glass insulators with the increase higher voltages’ magnitudes. Study of the aging level impact on a steady state thermal for glass insulation surface is also carried out

    A hybrid analysis model supported by machine learning algorithm and multiple linear regression to find reasons for unemployment of programmers in Iraq

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    The problem of unemployment is one of the most important problems faced by most countries of the world, and it is one of the intractable problems in developing countries, and in Iraq unemployment occupies great importance due to its high rates. This problem in itself is a serious condition, because it results from mismanagement and the structure of the economy, and despite its great importance, it has not been carefully monitored. There are studies and strategies that deal with the analysis and study of those causes that lead to this problem, such as traditional statistical methods, various mathematical and statistical methods, in this research proposed a method uses machine learning methods to find the factors that affect the causes of this problem, as well as the multiple linear regression method

    Assessment of post intervention of geohelminth infection and risk factors among school aged children in the most endemic area of Kano, Nigeria

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    This study is an initial attempt at determining the prevalence of geohelminth infections among school aged children (SAC) in the most endemic area of Kano State as well as risk factors associated with the infection and the impact of deworming programme in SAC. A retrospective study on the prevalence of geohelminth infection in the 44 Local Government Areas (LGA) of Kano State was conducted. A stratified random sampling technique was used for sample collection. A total of 3000 children were recruited aged 6-15 years. Retrospective study showed that none was of high endemicity. The present status of geohelminth showed that only hookworm was present among SAC with a prevalence of 2.2% and intensity was light (mean: 17 epg). Risk factors that predispose SAC to geohelminth infection like eating outside home, poor hand washing practice, and nail biting were found not to be significantly associated with hookworm infection except risk factor like walking bare footed which was significantly associated with hookworm infection. In conclusion, Prevalence of geohelminth infection in Kabo LGA prior to deworming was 35.1% and post intervention among SAC was generally low (2.2%). The observed low prevalence of geohelminth infection could be attributed to the success of the deworming programme carried out in the district in 2013. Risk factors like poor hand washing practice (2.3%), walking bare footed (2.6%) and eating outside home (2.6%) were pre-dominant among SAC

    Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Dalam Sengketa Tanah Lapangan Bola Kab. Lampung Selatan (Studi Putusan Nomor: 17/pdt.g/2020/PN Kla)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan bola di Dusun Jatisari Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dimana berdasarkan Putusan Nomor: 17/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kla disebutkan bahwa mengabulkan gugatan Penggugat (M. Basyarruddin) untuk seluruhnya, menyatakan bahwa Para Tergugat (Sumarjo, Sugiyanto, Sarjiyo, Djumino dan Jumadi) telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum, menyatakan sah secara hukum atas objek tanah sengketa dimaksud. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan empiris. Sumber data  normatif dan empiris. Pengumpulan data melalui penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah yuridis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa faktor penyebab terjadinya perbuatan melawan hukum dalam sengketa tanah lapangan bola di Dusun Jatisari Desa Jatimulyo Kecamatan Jati Agung Kabupaten Lampung Selatan berdasarkan Putusan Nomor 17/Pdt.G/2020/PN Kla adalah karena adanya kelalaian (culpa) atau karena kesengajaan (dolus) yang dilakukan Kecamatan Jati Agung dalam pembuatan surat tidak dalam sengketa atas tanah objek perkara sehingga Pihak Tergugat mendaftarkan tanah objek perkara ke kantor Badan Pertanahan Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Oleh karena perbuatan karena kelalaian atau kesengajaan akan menghasilkan sertifikat yang cacat hukum atau adanya sertifikat ganda yang termasuk dalam kategori perbuatan melawan hukum

    Determinants of the Measures to Prevent Future Drug Abuse to Children in Temeke Municipality, Dar es Salaam Region

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate measures to prevent future drug abuse to children in Temeke Municipality in Dar es Salaam Region. This study addressed three specific objectives; to identify factors influencing children to use drugs and engaged in drug abuse in Temeke Municipality, to assess measures to prevent future drug abuse to children in Temeke Municipality and to examine challenge encountered in preventing drug abuse to children in Temeke Municipality. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews and documentary literature review. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistics Packages for Social Science version 20. The data obtained were presented in tables and graphs. Qualitative information were analysed using content analysis where results were presented in narratives. The study found that influence of peers, availability of drugs, family conflicts and academic pressure were factors influnecing children to engage in drugs. The study revealed that guidance and counceling, peer counseling, psyochotherapy and punishment were preventive measures exstimg in Temeke Municipal. The study further revealed that aggression, poor cooperation from children and parents, lack of education and illiterates of parents were challenges encountered in preventing drug abuse among children. Furthermore combined efforts from children, parents, teachers, communities and government were required in order to fight against drug abuse. The government should put strict penalties, laws and regulation to those involved in drug abuse. These recommendations helped in eradicating drugs and drug abuse to children in the study area. Keywords: Children, Determinants, Measures to prevent, Drug abuse, Temek
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