40 research outputs found


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    The application of Production Management is very important in farming, this is reflected in the farmingof red chili as one of the contributing commodities to inflation in Indonesia. chili is a commodity that hasthe most fluctuating price movements, where the price indicator is a reference for a farmer in plantingred chili, therefore a farmer must be able to determine the time and carry out production management,one of which is the efficiency of production factors where this efficiency ultimately affects the the amountof income received by farmers. The purpose of this study is to determine what factors affect production,factors that have been economically efficient and factors that affect income in the red chili farming inPidie Jaya Regency. This study uses Cobb Douglas efficiency analysis and income analysis. The factorsthat influence the production of red chilli farming in Bandar Baru and Trienggadeng Districts in PidieJaya Regency consist of seeds, compost, NPK, urea, KCL, TSP, pesticides and labor where the magnitudeof the influence of the variable reaches 94.9%. The efficiency of production factors, namely compost, andKCL are not efficient, so it needs to reduce production factors, while seeds, NPK, urea, TSP, pesticidesand labor are not efficient so need the addition of production factors. The influence of the factors of theamount of production, the selling price of red chili and production costs to the income of the farming ofred chili in the District of Bandar Baru and the District of Trienggadeng in the District of Pidie Jaya thatis equal to 91.90


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    This research focused on the low of supervisor’s job performance in Sawahlunto based on the worse of planning and motivation. This case was from the lack of service on developing supervisor’s competence at ministry of religion Sawahlunto. This research was an action research where it aimed at testing hypothesis and upgrading supervisor’s job performance through improving service and professional development. The participant of this research was 7 supervisors at ministry of religion Sawahlunto. The data were collected by using interview and documentation. The findings revealed that the supervisor’s job performance on the cycle I was better with 75.29%. The cycle II, the supervisor’s job performance more better with 7,42%. Keywords: Job Performance, Service, Planning, Motivation


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh: 1) Sebagian murid tidak dapat menjawab pertanyaan dalam proses pembelajaran. 2) hanya sebagian kecil siswa yang dapat mengerjakan tugas tepat pada waktunya. 3) hasil belajar murid masih mencapai di bawah Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) yang telah ditetapkan, yaitu dengan rata-rata lebih dari 50% dari jumlah murid 20 orang. Sedangkan KKM yang telah ditetapkan di SDN 021 Pengalehan Keritang INHIL adalah 70. Berdasarkan latar belakang masalah, maka dapat dirumuskan masalah penelitian ini yaitu Bagaimanakah pelaksanaan model pembelajaran cooperative integrated reading and composition dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di kelas V Sekolah dasar Negeri 021 Pengalehan Keritang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir?. Sebagai subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V tahun pelajaran 2010-2011. Sedangkan yang menjadi objek penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN 021 Pengalehan Keritang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Kemudian tahapan-tahapan yang dilalui dalam penelitian tindakan kelas, yaitu: 1) Perencanaan/persiapan tindakan, 2) Pelaksanaan tindakan, 3) Observasi, dan 4) Refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat diketahui bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN 021 Pengalehan Keritang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Pada sebelum dilakukan tindakan hasil belajar siswa tergolong kurang dengan rata-rata 49,0%, terjadi peningkatan pada siklus I dengan rata-rata 60,5%. Sedangkan hasil belajar siswa pada siklus II juga terjadi peningkatan dengan rata-rata 71,3% dengan kategori baik, hal ini membuktikan bahwa dengan model pembelajaran cooperative integrated reading and composition dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas V di SDN 021 Pengalehan Keritang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Berdasarkan hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh pada siklus II, dapat diketahui hasil belajar siswa telah mencapai kriteria keberhasilan, yaitu 65%. Untuk itu, tindakan yang peneliti lakukan pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar pada siswa kelas V SDN 021 Pengalehan Keritang Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir hanya pada siklus II, karena sudah jelas hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh

    Pelaksanaan RPJMDES (Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa) dalam Peningkatan Pembangunan Desa (Studi Kasus di Desa Tanah Abang Kecamatan Galang Kabupaten Deli Serdang)

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    25 HlmDesa Tanah Abang Tahun 2013 -2017,dimana masih banyak tanggung jawab di bidang pembangunan yang masih perlu penyesuaian-penyesuaian dalam rangka memajukan desa dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat. Membangun desa dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat dalam bentuk membangun sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung peningkatan produksi dan distribusi di wilayah pedesaan, mengentaskan masyarakat dari berbagai keterbelakangan dan kemiskinan. Kesemuanya merupakan tantangan bagi pemerintahdan masyarakat saat ini masa mendatang. Pembangunan desa di Indonesia merupakan masalah sosial ekonomi dan politik dalam negeri yang mendapat sorotan dan perhatian dari berbagai kalangan tidak hanya dari dalam negeri tetapi juga mendapat perhatian dari pihak-pihak luar negeri. Pembangunan desa di Indonesia masih lemah dari berbagai aspek pembangunan, baik aspek bantuan dan dukungan moril, politik, teknologi, maupun pendanaan. Pemerintah menyadari akan pentingnya pembangunan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan cara menggunakan deskriptif analisis pada setiap variabelnya serta dianalisis lebih lanjut dalam analisis data.Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua variabel, yaitu variabel bebas (independent) dan variabel terikat (dependent). Rencana Pembangunan Jangkah Menengah Desa (RPJM-Desa) adalah suatu kerangkadalam rangka mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan lima tahunan yang dimulai dari Januari 2013 sampai dengan Desember 2017. RPJM-Desa adalah perencanaan tingkat menengah desa yang harus disosialisasikan dandipahami oleh semua komponen baik masyarakat, BPD dan Pemerintah Desa sebagai dokumenuntuk melaksanakan pembangunan dan pedoman, dokumen RPJM-Desa adalah rencanapembangunan desa Tanah Abang yang pelaksanaan operasionalnya dijabarkan kedalam RencanaKegiatan Pembangunan Tahunan Desa (RKP-Desa). Hendaknya pihak pemerintahan Desa mampu melibatkan seluruh elemen masyarakat, komponen masyarakat dalam ahal pembicaraan Dana Alokasi desa, sehingga terciptanya suatu pembangunan yang transparansi dan mampu dirasakan oleh masyarakat. Desa Tanah Abang Year 2013 -2017, where there are many responsibilities in the field of development still need adjustments in order to advance the country and improve people's welfare. Build a village and improve the welfare of the people in the form of facilities and infrastructure that support the improvement of production and distribution in rural areas, alleviate people from a variety of underdevelopment and poverty. All this is a challenge for the government and the future of today's society. Rural development in Indonesia is a socio-economic and political problems in the country have been the focus and attention from various circles tidakhanya of the country but also received attention from foreign parties. Rural development in Indonesia is still weak on the various aspects of development, both aspects of assistance and moral support, politics, technology, and financing. Government is aware of the importance of rural development. This study uses qualitative research by using descriptive analysis of each variable and analyzed further in this data.Penelitian analysis consists of two variables, namely the independent variable (independent) and the dependent variable (dependent). Intermediate ranges Rural Development Plan (Development-Rural) is a framework in order to realize the development goals every five years that started from January 2013 to December 2017. RPJM-village is a village mid-level planning should be disseminated and well understood by all components of society, BPD and the village government as a document to carry out development and guidelines, document its medium-village is a village development plan Tanah Abang which are translated into operational implementation of Action plan Annual rural development (RKP-Village). The village government parties should be able to involve all elements of society, the community component in Ahal talks village allocation funds, thus creating a development that is transparent and able to be felt by the community

    Distribusi Barang Melalui Asia Tenggara Yang Berlatar Politis

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    Textual data from local historical sources in Indonesia in the form of inscriptions and literary works can be said to have provided a fairly complete explanation of various aspects of life in the past. It would be more complete if the data were combined and compared with data from foreign written sources, from China, Europe and Arabia. Most of the research that concerns the distribution or exchange of goods, especially in the Southeast Asia region, is always related to the economic aspect, namely trade. Several descriptions of Chinese foreign sources indicate another aspect underlying the exchange (delivery) of goods between China and countries in the southern sea region, namely the exchange of goods for political purposes.Data tekstual dari sumber-sumber sejarah lokal di Indonesia berupa prasasti dan karya sastra dapat dikatakan telah memberikan pemaparan yang cukup lengkap mengenai berbagai aspek kehidupan pada masa lalu. Akan lebih lengkap lagi jika data tersebut dipadukan dan diperbandingkan dengan data dari sumber-sumber tertulis asing, baik dari Cina, Eropa maupun Arab. Sebagian besar penelitian yang memasalahkan distribusi atau pertukaran barang, khususnya yang terjadi di wilayah Asia Tenggara, selalu dikaitkan dengan aspek ekonomi, yaitu perdagangan. Beberapa uraian sumber asing Cina, menunjukkan adanya aspek lain yang melatari adanya tukar-menukar (pengiriman) barang antara negara Cina dengan negara-negara di wilayah laut selatan, yaitu pertukaran barang dengan tujuan politis

    Analisis Kesalahan Sintaksis pada Teks Berita Daring berjudul Terlilit Utang Pinjol, Pemuda Tewas Gantung Diri

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    Penelitian ini di latar belakangi karena banyak di temukan kesalah kesalahan dalam penulisan bahasa Indonesia yang benar pada penulisan berita online. Kesalahan yang paling sering terjadi pada penulisan berita online terjadi pada tataran sintaksis. Oleh karena itu, kegiatan penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan kesalahan dalam penulisan berita online pada bidang sintaksis yang terdapat pada portal berita online Poskota pada teks berjudul “Terlilit Utang Pinjol, Pemuda Tewas Gantung Diri”. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Untuk memperoleh data, teknik yang digunakan yaitu teknik obeservasi dipilih sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Setelah seluruh data terkumpul kemudian data akan dianalisis. Hasil dari penelitian mengenai analisis kesalahan berbahasa bidang sintaksis yang ada dalam artikel meliputi kesalahan terdapat pada struktur kalimat yang rumit, kesalahan penulisan kata dan kesalahan penggunaan tanda baca.Temuan penelitian ini menguatkan stigma atau pemikiran bahwa teks berita online sering ditulis dengan mengabaikan prinsip sintaksis bahasa Indonesia


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    ABSTRAKCovid-19 merupakan masalah kesehatan global, belum ada obat yang terbukti efektif mengobati penyakit ini. Penularan Covid-19 terutama terjadi antar manusia, semakin dekat dan semakin lama interaksi maka semakin besar pula resiko penularan yang akan terjadi. Meningkatnya angka kejadian Covid-19 pertengahan tahun ini juga disebabkan oleh varian delta yang tingkat penularannya sangat tingggi dibandingkan dengan varian lainnya. Pemerintah Pusat melalui Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia pun telah mengeluarkan Surat Edaran Menteri Kesehatan Repubik Indonesia tentang Protokol Pencegahan Penularan virus Covid-19, yang salah satu caranya dengan menggunakan masker bagi masyarakat jika ingin keluar rumah. Hasil studi Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) menunjukan bahwa menggunakan Dua Lapis Masker efektif menyaring virus Covid-19 sampai dengan 90%. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah melalui pemberian edukasi cara menggunakan masker (double masker) serta pelatihan cara membuat desain infografis mengenai Covid-19 dan penggunaan masker. Kegiatan dilakukan secara daring melalui zoom meeting pada 55 siswa SMA Negeri 1 Tambun Selatan Bekasi. Siswa diberikan pre dan post test pada saat pelaksanaan pelatihan untuk menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan setelah pemberian pelatihan. Selain itu juga diadakan perlombaan pembuatan desain infografis yang diikuti oleh beberapa peserta. Dari kegiatan ini diharapkan peserta dapat membantu menyebarkan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya penggunaan masker (double masker) untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19 Kata kunci: covid-19; infografis; masker. ABSTRACTCovid-19 is a global health problem, no drug has been proven effective in treating this disease. Covid-19 transmission mainly occurs between humans, the closer and longer the interaction, the greater the risk of transmission that will occur. The increase in the incidence of Covid-19 in the middle of this year is also caused by delta variants whose transmission rate is very high compared to other variants. The Central Government through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has also issued a Circular Letter of the Minister of Health of The Republic of Indonesia on the Protocol to Prevent Transmission of the Covid-19 virus, which is one way to use masks for the community if they want to leave the house. The results of a Study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that using two layers of masks effectively filtered the Covid-19 virus up to 90%. The method of implementing this activity is through the provision of education on how to use a mask (double mask) and training on how to create infographic designs about Covid-19 and the use of masks. The activity was conducted online through a zoom meeting on 55 students of State High School 1 Tambun Selatan Bekasi. Students are given pre and post-tests at the time of training to show an increase in knowledge after the training. In addition, there was also an infographic design competition that was attended by several participants. From this activity, it is hoped that participants can help spread information to the public about the importance of using masks (double masks) to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Keywords: covid-19; infographic; mask.

    A Review on the Phytochemical and Pharmacological Activitities of Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb.

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    Indonesia is a country with a tropical climate, so it can be a place to live for various plants in the world. The use of plants in Indonesia as an alternative treatment requires a lot of research because many plants have not been studied for their chemical compounds and pharmacological effects. Ethnopharmacological studies of a plant can be the basis for medicinal plant research. Empirically, Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb. (angled luffa, gambas) is a plant that has various therapeutic benefits. This study aimed to determine pharmacognostic properties (macroscopic and microscopic fradments of crude drugs), chemical compound content, and pharmacological activity of L. acutangula extract in literature studies. Literature searching were performed by online searching using Google Scholar, Science Direct, and PubMed as the databases. L. acutangula has been used empirically in Indonesia for helping in the treatment of various diseases. The phytochemical content of L. acutangula extract will affect its pharmacological activity. Phytochemical analysis of L. acutangula leaf powder, namely there are chemical compounds of alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids. Analysis of the ethanol extract of L. acutangula contained chemical compounds of alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, carbohydrates, and steroids. Analysis of the aqueous extract of L. acutangula contained alkaloids, saponins, carbohydrates, terpenoids, and triterpenoids. The pharmacological activities of L. acutangula included antimicrobial, anticancer, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, immunomodulatory, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-thyroid. L. acutangula which contain various phytochemical compounds is potentially to be further studied to develop its pharmacological benefits

    Analysis of Cadre Compliance Levels in Running Health Protocol in the Era of Pandemic Covid-19 in Puskesmas Limo Depok

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    Covid-19 outbreak that originated in Wuhan's city is spreading very quickly and is currently a pandemic worldwide. Transmission through droplets that come out of the patient's nose or mouth, whether symptomatic or asymptomatic.  Efforts to prevent and fight COVID-19 must be carried out jointly with the community's cooperation and require strong discipline by washing hands frequently, maintaining distance, wearing masks, staying at home, and increasing body power. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of cadre compliance  in carrying out health protocols in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method with a cross-sectional approach. The respondents were cadres of Limo Health Center, Depok. It was total sampling. The research instrument used a questionnaire of Google Form and analyzed using Chi-Square. The results showed that most of the respondents were included in the 46-60 year interval (51.4%) were highly educated, tertiary education (70%), knowledgeable (54.3%), unemployed (87.1), obeyed the protocol. Health (50%). Compliance increases in the elderly, higher education, sufficient knowledge, work status. conclusion there is no relationship between age (p = 0.632), education level (p = 0.794), knowledge level (p = 0.253), work status (p = 0.074) and compliance with the Covid-19 health protocol