1,290 research outputs found


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    In connection with the expansion of distance education there is a necessity of the development and use of computer-aided learning and knowledge control. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of software development and the problems of optimization of the educational material structure, and the development of a methodology of knowledge testing and methods of verification remain on the sidelines. This article proposes a new approach to the development of automated control systems of knowledge based on ontology of subject areas, which in this case are the training courses. The formation of ontology and logic scheme of control of knowledge allows structuring the learning material, to identify topics and issues that represent challenges for the cadets (students), as well as to develop a software wrapper for uniform formation of control systems of knowledge of various training courses.У зв'язку з поширенням дистанційної освіти виникає необхідність розробки і використання засобів автоматизованого навчання і контролю знань. При цьому головну увагу звертають на особливості розробки програмного забезпечення, а проблеми оптимізації структури навчального матеріалу, а також розробки методології тестування знань і методів її верифікації залишаються осторонь. Запропоновано новий підхід до розробки автоматизованих систем контролю знань, заснований на онтологіях предметних областей, якими в даному випадку є навчальні курси. Формування онтології та логічної схеми контролю знань дозволяє структурувати навчальний матеріал, визначити теми і питання, які становлять труднощі для курсантів (студентів), а також розробити програмну оболонку для уніфікованого формування систем контролю знань з різних навчальних курсів

    A population study of gaseous exoplanets

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    We present here the analysis of 30 gaseous extrasolar planets, with temperatures between 600 and 2400 K and radii between 0.35 and 1.9 RJupR_\mathrm{Jup}. The quality of the HST/WFC3 spatially scanned data combined with our specialized analysis tools allow us to study the largest and most self-consistent sample of exoplanetary transmission spectra to date and examine the collective behavior of warm and hot gaseous planets rather than isolated case-studies. We define a new metric, the Atmospheric Detectability Index (ADI) to evaluate the statistical significance of an atmospheric detection and find statistically significant atmospheres around 16 planets out of the 30 analysed. For most of the Jupiters in our sample, we find the detectability of their atmospheres to be dependent on the planetary radius but not on the planetary mass. This indicates that planetary gravity plays a secondary role in the state of gaseous planetary atmospheres. We detect the presence of water vapour in all of the statistically detectable atmospheres, and we cannot rule out its presence in the atmospheres of the others. In addition, TiO and/or VO signatures are detected with 4σ\sigma confidence in WASP-76 b, and they are most likely present in WASP-121 b. We find no correlation between expected signal-to-noise and atmospheric detectability for most targets. This has important implications for future large-scale surveys.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, published in A

    Symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis functions for variational nuclear motion calculations: TROVE approach

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    We present a general, numerically motivated approach to the construction of symmetry adapted basis functions for solving ro-vibrational Schr\"{o}dinger equations. The approach is based on the property of the Hamiltonian operator to commute with the complete set of symmetry operators and hence to reflect the symmetry of the system. The symmetry adapted ro-vibrational basis set is constructed numerically by solving a set of reduced vibrational eigenvalue problems. In order to assign the irreducible representations associated with these eigenfunctions, their symmetry properties are probed on a grid of molecular geometries with the corresponding symmetry operations. The transformation matrices are re-constructed by solving over-determined systems of linear equations related to the transformation properties of the corresponding wavefunctions on the grid. Our method is implemented in the variational approach TROVE and has been successfully applied to a number of problems covering the most important molecular symmetry groups. Several examples are used to illustrate the procedure, which can be easily applied to different types of coordinates, basis sets, and molecular systems

    Interaction between superconducting vortices and Bloch wall in ferrite garnet film

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    Interaction between a Bloch wall in a ferrite-garnet film and a vortex in a superconductor is analyzed in the London approximation. Equilibrium distribution of vortices formed around the Bloch wall is calculated. The results agree quantitatively with magneto-optical experiment where an in-plane magnetized ferrite-garnet film placed on top of NbSe2 superconductor allows observation of individual vortices. In particular, our model can reproduce a counter-intuitive attraction observed between vortices and a Bloch wall having the opposite polarity. It is explained by magnetic charges appearing due to discontinuity of the in-plane magnetization across the wall.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    A weak spectral signature of water vapour in the atmosphere of HD 179949 b at high spectral resolution in the L band

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    High-resolution spectroscopy (R≤20,000) is currently the only known method to constrain the orbital solution and atmospheric properties of non-transiting hot Jupiters. It does so by resolving the spectral features of the planet into a forest of spectral lines and directly observing its Doppler shift while orbiting the host star. In this study, we analyse VLT/CRIRES (R=100,000) L-band observations of the non-transiting giant planet HD 179949 b centred around 3.5μm. We observe a weak (3.0σ, or S/N=4.8) spectral signature of H2O in absorption contained within the radial velocity of the planet at superior-conjunction, with a mild dependence on the choice of line list used for the modelling. Combining this data with previous observations in the K band, we measure a detection significance of 8.4σ for an atmosphere that is most consistent with a shallow lapse-rate, solar C/O ratio, and with CO and H2O being the only major sources of opacity in this wavelength range. As the two sets of data were taken 3 yr apart, this points to the absence of strong radial-velocity anomalies due, e.g. to variability in atmospheric circulation. We measure a projected orbital velocity for the planet of K_P=(145.2±2.0) km/s (1σ ) and improve the error bars on this parameter by ∼70 per cent. However, we only marginally tighten constraints on orbital inclination (66.2+3.7−3.1 deg) and planet mass (0.963+0.036−0.031 Jupiter masses), due to the dominant uncertainties of stellar mass and semi-major axis. Follow ups of radial-velocity planets are thus crucial to fully enable their accurate characterization via high-resolution spectroscopy

    Reentrant stability of superconducting films and the vanishing of dendritic flux instability

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    We propose a mechanism responsible for the abrupt vanishing of the dendritic flux instability found in many superconducting films when an increasing magnetic field is applied. The onset of flux avalanches and the subsequent reentrance of stability in NbN films were investigated using magneto-optical imaging, and the threshold fields were measured as functions of critical current density jc. The results are explained with excellent quantitative agreement by a thermomagnetic model published recently [D. V. Denisov et al., Phys. Rev. B 73, 014512 (2006)], showing that the reentrant stability is a direct consequence of a monotonously decreasing jc versus fiel

    The resonance lines of sodium and potassium in brown dwarf spectra

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Accurate pressure broadened line profiles of alkali resonance dou-blets are needed for the modelling of atmospheres of cool stars and for generat-ing their synthetic spectra in the region 400 - 900 nm. When the lines utterly dominate their region of the spectrum, it becomes important to represent the profiles accurately over the whole range from the line centre to the far line wings. In this paper we examine the theories of spectral line shapes that have been used and carry out new calculations of the line shapes for the resonance lines of sodium and potassium broadened by helium.Science and Technology Facilities Counci

    Methane in the atmosphere of the transiting hot Neptune GJ436b?

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    We present an analysis of seven primary transit observations of the hot Neptune GJ436b at 3.6, 4.5 and 8 μ8~\mum obtained with the Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) on the Spitzer Space Telescope. After correcting for systematic effects, we fitted the light curves using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique. Combining these new data with the EPOXI, HST and ground-based V,I,HV, I, H and KsK_s published observations, the range 0.510 μ0.5-10~\mum can be covered. Due to the low level of activity of GJ436, the effect of starspots on the combination of transits at different epochs is negligible at the accuracy of the dataset. Representative climate models were calculated by using a three-dimensional, pseudo-spectral general circulation model with idealised thermal forcing. Simulated transit spectra of GJ436b were generated using line-by-line radiative transfer models including the opacities of the molecular species expected to be present in such a planetary atmosphere. A new, ab-initio calculated, linelist for hot ammonia has been used for the first time. The photometric data observed at multiple wavelengths can be interpreted with methane being the dominant absorption after molecular hydrogen, possibly with minor contributions from ammonia, water and other molecules. No clear evidence of carbon monoxide and dioxide is found from transit photometry. We discuss this result in the light of a recent paper where photochemical disequilibrium is hypothesised to interpret secondary transit photometric data. We show that the emission photometric data are not incompatible with the presence of abundant methane, but further spectroscopic data are desirable to confirm this scenario.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Astrophysical Journal in pres