293 research outputs found


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    The object of research is PO. Pisang Suseno Bandar Lampung Chips located at Jalan Ikan kakap No. 78 Teluk Betung. PO. The problem studied was to find out the influence of financial and marketing factors on business feasibility of PO. Suseno Banana Chips in Bandar Lampung because of the business feasibility of PO. Suseno Banana Chips in Bandar Lampung business feasibility PO. Suseno Banana Chips in Bandar Lampung are declining. The research method used in this study is library research carried out by reading and studying books, scientific works and other library support related to this research and field research conducted by examining directly on PO. Suseno chips in Bandar Lampung through interview methods and questionnaires related to financial and marketing factors to the business feasibility of Suseno Keripik in Bandar Lampung. The results showed that the influence of financial and marketing factors on business feasibility of PO. Suseno Chips in Bandar Lampung, Based on calculations and research results from several financial feasibility criteria, it can be seen that the Net Present Value (NPV) is 226,745,626 and the Profitability Index (PI) is 1.87, the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 40.47% and Payback period (PP) for 2 years 23 days. This business should be developed in the direction of a larger processing industry given the products of PO chips. Suseno is a product that is quite popular with the community and this business can be used as an example by various parties who want to pursue similar businesses


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    Penelitian ini berangkat dari kebijakan pemerintah daerah untuk mendirikan SMA Terbuka. Salah satunya SMA Negeri 4 Bandung yang sudah satu tahun menjalankan kelembagaan SMA Terbuka menggunakan model pelayanan pembelajaran dominan online (DOMON). Namun dalam pelaksanaan pembelajarannya masih banyak kendala yang menghambat efektivitas pembelajaran, khususnya pada pembelajaran sejarah. Tujuan penelitian yang ditinjau oleh peneliti yakni mendeskripsikan latar belakang berdirinya SMA Terbuka, menganalisis pelaksanaan PJJ pada pembelajaran sejarah, menganalisis kegiatan evaluasi pembelajaran sejarah PJJ, dan mengidentifikasi kendala serta daya dukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran sejarah PJJ. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni studi kasus, dengan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentansi. Dari temuan dan hasil penelitian yang didapat bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran sejarah di SMA terbuka realtif kurang efektif dikarenakan kurangnya motivasi belajar peserta didik pada kegiatan belajar mandiri maupun bersama, dan kuranya memanfaatkan fasilitas dan teknologi yang dapat membantu efektifitas pembelajaran. Selain itu belum ada training skill yang dikhususkan untuk para tutor dan PTK di sekolah tersebut, sehingga dalam pembelajarannya pendidik masih menggunakan pembelajaran yang bersifat konvensional dan terpusat pada pendidik. Tetapi SMA negeri 4 Bandung memiliki daya dukung juga dalam pelaksanaan SMA Terbuka seperti fasilitas yang lengkap serta letak lokasi SMA negeri 4 Bandung yang berada di pusat kota, dan termasuk pada wilayah APK/APM rendah. Selain itu SMA Negeri 4 juga mendapatkan dukungan dari pemerintah dan masyarakat sekitar yang ikut berpartisipasi dalam mensukseskan SMA Terbuka.; This research departs from the policy of the regional government which seeks in the middle level education distribution. . One of them formed an Open High School in a Public High School in the area of high school dropout rates. SMA Negeri 4 Bandung itself has been running the Open High School institution for one year because previously it has been submitted and has criteria for opening an Open School with the dominant online service model (DOMON). But in the implementation of learning there are still many obstacles that hinder the effectiveness of learning at the Open High School, especially in history learning. Open High School which has the basis of distance learning that requires students to be able to study independently or minimize assistance from others including educators, by utilizing the development of communication technology. The research objectives reviewed by researchers were describing the background of the establishment of the Open High School in SMA 4 Bandung, analyze the implementation of distance learning with the DOMON service model in history learning, analyze the evaluation of historical learning activities in distance learning, and identify the constraints and carrying capacity of the implementation of historical learning Distance learning at SMA Terbuka Induk SMA Negeri 4 Bandung. The research method used is a case study, through observation, interviews, and documentation. From the results of the study, it was found that the implementation of historical learning in open high school was effectively less effective due to the lack of learning motivation of students in independent and joint learning activities, and the need to utilize the facilities available in learning. But SMA Negeri 4 Bandung have the carrying capacity in the implementation of Open High School such as complete facilities and location of Bandung 4 high school located in the city center

    Pengaruh Terapi Zikir Terhadap Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Primigravida Trimester III Pra-Persalinan di Poskesdes Desa Ciporeat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh terapi zikir terhadap kecemasan ibu hamil primigravida trimester III di Poskesdes Desa Ciporeat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuantitatif, dengan sampling jenuh, teknik pengolahan data menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabelitas dan uji hipotesis. Berdasarkan analisis data, pengaruh terapi zikir terhadap kecemasan ibu hamil pra melahirkan memiliki korelasinya 69.8% dapat dikatakan kuat. Artinya terdapat hubungan positif yang kuat antara terapi zikir dan kecemasan ibu hamil. Sedangkan uji koefisien regresi diperoleh nilai Sig 0.012 ? 0.05, artinya ada pengaruh terapi zikir terhadap kecemasan ibu hamil pra melahirkan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terapi zikir secara efektif dapat membantu subjek dalam mengatasi kecemasan tersebut

    Collective Cost Calculation Analysis In Determining The Cost Of Production Cv. Barokah

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    The purpose of writing this thesis is to determine the calculation of the cost of goods manufactured CV. Barokah uses cost accounting calculations and finds out the amount of profit / loss obtained by the company. In this study using the relative selling value method, the authors conclude that: In calculating the joint cost allocation on CV. Barokah generates a total cost of Rp. 38,188,130. From the calculation of the joint allocation, the cost of the product was obtained, for brown bread of Rp. 972, cheese bread of Rp. 1,085, of strawberry bread of Rp. 1,108, and for peanut bread of Rp. 1,031. In calculating the profit using the relative selling value method, it generates a gross profit of Rp. 10,037,871, which consists of profit for brown bread of Rp. 2,325,470, cheese bread of Rp. 2,596,055, strawberry bread of Rp. 2,650,172, and bread peanuts amounting to Rp. 2,466,174. So that this company can determine the selling price of its products precisely and accurately, in the sense that it is neither too low nor too high

    Analisis Sistem Pemungutan PBB terhadap Optimalisas Penerimaan PAD Kecamatan Ciomas Kabupaten Bogor

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    Regional governments now have control over the PBB-P2 tax on rural and urban land and buildings, which is a significant source of local revenue from the regional tax sector. In certain places, this has the potential to make a significant contribution to the local economy. Every year, Ciomas Regency has difficulty collecting taxes for various new reasons. Ciomas Regency learned from bitter experience that some residents are still not aware that they have to pay taxes. This will certainly lead to tax arrears and financial losses for Ciomas Regency. The implementation of PBB-P2 in Ciomas District shows a promising increasing trend from year to year. This research tries to investigate the optimization of PAD in Cio. Qualitative descriptive analysis, as well as optimization and contribution analysis, were used in this research. The realization of PBB income during this study has increased, but the level of effectiveness is still not ideal because it has not achieved the goals set by the regional government. The influence of PBB-P2 on PAD is quite large. The success of PBB-P2 can be increased by strengthening the data in the SPTPD and providing education to the public about the importance of taxes for development


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship: (1) knowledge management learning on the performance of teachers Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Medan; (2) commitment to tasks to the performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Medan teachers; and (3) knowledge management knowledge and commitment on task simultaneously to performance of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 3 Medan teacher. The subjects of the study were MTs Negeri 3 Medan teachers with a total sample of 54 peoples. Descriptive research method that aims to obtain information about a symptom in the study. The results showed: (1) there is a significant correlation between the knowledge of learning management on teacher performance as ry1.2 = 0,442 > r-table = 0,266 with significance 0,001; (2) there is a significant relation between commitment on task to teacher performance equal to ry2.1 = 0,592 > r-table = 0,266 with significance 0,000; and (3) there is a significant correlation between learning management knowledge and commitment on task simultaneously to teacher performance equal to Ry(12) = 0,665 > r-table = 0,266 with significance 0,000. Knowledge of learning management and commitment to tasks together contributes 44.3% to teacher performance, and the rest is determined by other circumstances. The results of this study conclude that knowledge of learning management and commitment to the task has a relationship to the performance of teachers MTs Negeri 3 Medan. Thus, it can be said that improving the performance of MTs Negeri 3 Medan teachers can be done by improving the knowledge of learning management and commitment to good tasks. Keywords: Knowledge management learning, Commitment to the task, Teacher        performanc


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    The object of this research is PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung. One concern in the field of economic and social organization of society embodied in the form of the establishment of the Bank, so that at the start of operations of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung more social character. The problem under study is to determine the quality of products on the number of customers of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung because the number of customers of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung declining. The method used is the literature research, interviews and questionnaires related to product quality and its effect on the number of customers of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung. The results showed that the calculation of product moment correlation and coefficient of determination (KD), it can be concluded that the seven dimensions of perception of product quality (performance, survive in the hearts of customers, service, reliability, product characteristics, compliance with specifications, results) overall influence positively to the number of customers of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung with a value of 32.49%. Hypothesis tests were carried out, can be concluded that the quality of the product has a positive influence on the decision to become customers of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung. This is evident from the results of hypothesis testing to see that t = 6.6 t greater than t table for n = 92, at the 95% confidence level that is equal to 1.658. Based on a qualitative analysis of questionnaires submitted, it can be concluded that the decision to become customers of PT. BPR Eka Bumi Artha Lampung to the product formed from the seven dimensions of quality overall is considered good with an average value of 352.64. Keywords: Quality, Product, Customer, Product Moment Correlation, Coefficient of Determinatio


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    Penelitian dilakukan atas dasar pemikiran bahwa kehadiran Undang-Undang no.16 tahun 1964 tentang bagi hasil perikanan yang bertujuan untuk kepentingan para nelayan yang masih mengandung unsur-unsur yang diragukan,sesuai dengan syari'ah Islam. Baik dari segi pembagian prosentase, perjanjian bagi hasil,syarat-syarat penggarap.Dengan semua latar belakang masalah tersebut,maka permasalahan utama yang diteliti dalam skripsi ii adalah apakah pembagian prosentase bagi hasil dalam Undang-Undang no.16 tahun 1964 sudah sesuai dengan hukun Islam.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa,mejelaskan dan menyimpulkan tentang Undang-Undang no.16 tahun 1964. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan prespektif (sudut pandang) yuridis syar'i normatif), ditetapkan denga desain Library Research(studi keputakaan).Ada dua tahap penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu tahap diskriptif dan tahap analisis kritis.Tekhnik dan metode pengumpulan data adalah menggunakan studi pustaka yaitu mengkaji berbagai ide,teori,dan konsep dari berbagai literatur yang releven. Pengaruh dari aktivitas Undang-Undang no.16 tahun 1964 ternyata lebih banyak mendatangkan manfaat bagi para nelayan terutama bagi pembagian prosentase bagi nhasil perikanan.Sebab,ketentuan yang ada dalam Undang-Undang no.16 tahun 1964 akan mendorong mereka(para nelayan) untuk tetap konsisten serta bersikap adil dalam pembagian hasil perikanan yang ada pada hukum Islam dan terkendali oleh nilai-nilai Islam. MIsalnya, dengan menjauhi sifat gharar (penipuan),qhas (curang) dan seagala tindakan yang merugikan orang lain.Agar tidak bertentangan dengan maqasid asy-syari'ah, maka aktifitas ini pantas mendapatkan dukungan untuk pekembangannya dengan pertimbangan bahwa kegiatan Undang-Undang no.16 tahun 1964 lebih banyak mendatangkan manfaat

    Pengaruh Media Promosi (Periklanan, Wiraniaga dan Promosi Penjualan) terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah pada PT. BPR Trisurya Bumindo Bandar Lampung

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    BPR Trisurya Bumindo Bandar Lampung has a potential market, namely all customers in Lampung, especially Bandar Lampung, but there are several problems that will be investigated, namely knowing the effect of promotional media (advertising, salespeople and sales promotions) on customer loyalty at PT. BPR Trisurya Bumindo Bandar Lampung. The research method used in this research is library research and field research through interviews and distributing questionnaires to customers of BPR Trisurya Bumindo Bandar Lampung. The results showed that the results of calculations using multiple linear regression analysis showed that overall advertising and sales promotion media had a significant influence on customer loyalty at BPR Trisurya Bumindo Bandar Lampung.  Keywords: promotion, advertising, salesperson, sale


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    This study using the object research is breeder chicken egg layer Surajiman, Tanjung Bintang. The effort farms chicken egg layer Surajiman, Tanjung Bintang. Was founded by Mr. Surajiman in 2016 in the Village Serdang IIIA, Tanjung Bintang. This is built on a farm land with a land area of 200 m2, with the number of cattle chicken as much as 600 tail. In this study data taken still 600 tail. In doing this business Mr. Surajiman still managed myself because the number of chicken in pet still relative a little. If a farm knowing stages where at first chicken only number 600 tail. On the life-cycle of certain before the production of the egg declined, then it can be added to the become more, in addition should also divide the chicken in some period of the age of chicken in order to maintain the cycle of the age of chicken so can improve the quality of the egg results his production. With knowing the cycle of chicken, it will make a farm become more advanced in the production of peck at her eggs and increased profits that in the future. Key Word : The point behind his back in the capital