67 research outputs found

    Optimal wind patterns for biological production in shelf ecosystems driven by coastal upwelling

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    Major upwelling systems around the world provide marine productivity and fishery yield out of proportion to their area. Upwelling winds have the counteracting effects that stronger winds upwell more nutrients to the surface for higher production, but they also transport that production off continental shelves where it may not be consumed by shelf-dwelling species. Because the patterns of wind fluctuations vary in these systems, we determined the conditions for maximal biological production using a simple conveyor belt model. The conditions are that: (1) the average cross-shelf velocity produced by the winds be the value that provides the maximum production with constant winds and (2) that the wind pattern be periodic with period equal to the cross-shelf transport time that results from maximizing production with constant winds. Examination of an example using winds in central California indicated wind patterns optimal for phytoplankton occurred more frequently than those for zooplankton

    Verification of technical elements of the advanced spacecraft based upon the CCSDS recommendation

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    We are going to meet the era when advanced spacecraft such as space stations are developed and operated. The current system of the satellite operations control will need to undergo many changes. We consider that the future system will require the following functions: the function for interchanging data between international agencies, processing the various kinds of space data, and distributing data as many unspecified users require. However, we have to solve the following problems in order to satisfy these requirements: the problem of standardization of space data communication protocol, establishment of multimedia data management method, and standardization of the user interface. This paper describes three techniques to solve the above mentioned problems. That is, standardization of the data communication protocol between space and ground by AOS (Advanced Orbiting System) protocol of CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) Recommendation, management of multimedia data by catalog reference, standardization of user interface by SFDU(Standard Formatted Data Unit) of CCSDS Recommendation

    A Case of Benign Schwannoma of the Transverse Colon with Granulation Tissue

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    Schwannomas occurring in the gastrointestinal tract are rare, and among them, schwannomas of the large intestine are extremely rare. In this paper, we report a case of a macroscopically atypical schwannoma of the transverse colon. The case is a female aged 67. Stool occult blood test was positive, and colonoscopy revealed a protruded lesion resembling a type 1 carcinoma measuring 4 cm with a reddish and uneven surface on the transverse colon. The surface was smooth and lobulated in observation with indigo carmine spray, and granulation tissue was revealed by biopsies. CT of the abdomen showed an irregular mass, and clinical examinations could not rule out malignancy. Therefore, partial transverse colectomy with peripheral lymph node dissection was performed. Histologically, proliferation of spindle cells was observed originating from the muscularis propria, and most of the upper part of the lesion was replaced by granulation tissue. In immunohistochemical staining, S-100 protein and NSE were positive while KIT, CD34, desmin and smooth muscle actin were negative, and the tumor was therefore diagnosed to be a schwannoma. In addition, since the MIB-1 labeling index was low and virtually no mitosis was observed, it was diagnosed as benign tumor

    Ramucirumab plus docetaxel versus placebo plus docetaxel in patients with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma after platinum-based therapy (RANGE): a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial

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    Few treatments with a distinct mechanism of action are available for patients with platinum-refractory advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma. We assessed the efficacy and safety of treatment with docetaxel plus either ramucirumab-a human IgG1 VEGFR-2 antagonist-or placebo in this patient population

    Relative robustness of NOEC and ECx against large uncertainties in data.

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    The relative ability of the NOEC (no-observed-effect concentration) and ECx (the effect concentration corresponding to x-percent response) to determine benchmark toxicant concentrations, which are expected to ensure environmental safety, when there are large uncertainties in data was investigated with Monte Carlo simulations. We assumed a hypothetical true concentration-response function, and examined how random fluctuations of responses around the true responses affected the NOEC and ECx values. For assessment of the relative performances of these endpoints, we adopted two criteria: how large uncertainties were allowed for the minimum requirement for safety to be met, and the probability with which the estimated endpoints exceeded the minimum requirement for safety. The results of simulations indicated that, when there were small uncertainties in the data, performance of the NOEC was comparable with or slightly better than the ECx (EC5 and EC10) in providing benchmark concentrations that satisfied the minimum requirement for safety. With larger random variation of data (the coefficient of variation in responses between replicates within treatments or in the control was noticeably larger than 10 percent), the NOEC performed considerably worse than the ECx in terms of the frequency of simulated runs in which the endpoints exceeded the minimum requirement of safety. We conclude that the NOEC is as relevant as the ECx for risk assessment of chemicals under limited situations