47 research outputs found

    Tipos de terapia visual y resultados obtenidos en pacientes con afectación del campo visual central

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    Este estudio bibliográfico busca la comparación de los diferentes tipos de rehabilitación visual en pacientes con afectación del campo visual central. En todos los estudios se resalta la importancia de la localización y desarrollo del Locus retiniano preferencial (LRP), para el éxito de la terapia visual. Se reportan algunas de las técnicas para la mejora de la función visual en tareas cercanas y lejanas, así como el procedimiento a seguir en una consulta de baja visión. Además, se realiza una comparativa de los tipos de servicios de rehabilitación visual en los diferentes países, que pone de manifiesto la necesidad del trabajo multiprofesional para el éxito. Se observa que, aunque en algunos estudios no se obtengan resultados funcionales positivos, cualquier terapia proporciona resultados positivos en el aspecto del apoyo emocional en el paciente.Máster en Rehabilitación Visua

    Novel two-component systems implied in antibiotic production in Streptomyces coelicolor

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    [EN] The abundance of two-component systems (TCSs) in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) genome indicates their importance in the physiology of this soil bacteria. Currently, several TCSs have been related to antibiotic regulation, and the purpose in this study was the characterization of five TCSs, selected by sequence homology with the well-known absA1A2 system, that could also be associated with this important process. Null mutants of the five TCSs were obtained and two mutants (ΔSCO1744/1745 and ΔSCO4596/4597/4598) showed significant differences in both antibiotic production and morphological differentiation, and have been renamed as abr (antibiotic regulator). No detectable changes in antibiotic production were found in the mutants in the systems that include the ORFs SCO3638/3639, SCO3640/3641 and SCO2165/2166 in any of the culture conditions assayed. The system SCO1744/1745 (AbrA1/A2) was involved in negative regulation of antibiotic production, and acted also as a negative regulator of the morphological differentiation. By contrast, the system SCO4596/4597/4598 (AbrC1/C2/C3), composed of two histidine kinases and one response regulator, had positive effects on both morphological development and antibiotic production. Microarray analyses of the ΔabrC1/C2/C3 and wild-type transcriptomes revealed downregulation of actII-ORF4 and cdaR genes, the actinorhodin and calcium-dependent antibiotic pathway-specific regulators respectively. These results demonstrated the involvement of these new two-component systems in antibiotic production and morphological differentiation by different approaches. One is a pleiotropic negative regulator: abrA1/A2. The other one is a positive regulator composed of three elements, two histidine kinases and one response regulator: abrC1/C2/C3SIThis work has been supported by grants GEN2003-20245-C09-02 from the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) to R. Santamaría, SA072A07 from the Junta de Castilla y León to M. Díaz and BFU2010-17551 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) to M. Díaz. A. Y. was a holder of a predoctoral grant from the Junta de Castilla y León, S.R. has a predoctoral grant from the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Metodología de elaboración de mapas acústicos como herramienta de gestión del ruido urbano - caso medellín

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    Dada la naturaleza de la variable ruido y su variabilidad espacio – temporal, se tomó como base fundamental la aplicación de la metodología Geoestadística para la predicción y valoración de la distribución del ruido en las zonas de estudio del proyecto “Elaboración del Mapa Acústico para el Municipio de Medellínâ€�, realizado en el año 2006, mediante Convenio 680 de 2005, entre el Área Metropolitana del Valle de Aburrá y el Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, con la participación de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín. Con base en esta metodología se concluyó que Medellín presenta un nivel de ruido diurno global de 73dB(A), indicando que su zona urbana tiene niveles de ruido apropiados solo para sectores industriales. De igual manera en la noche, se presenta un nivel de ruido global de 68 dB(A), apropiado solo para el mismo tipo de sector

    Space-vector PWM with common-mode voltage elimination for multiphase drives

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    Switching common-mode voltage (CMV) generated by the pulse width modulation (PWM) of the inverter causes common-mode currents, which lead to motor bearing failures and electromagnetic interference problems in multiphase drives. Such switching CMV can be reduced by taking advantage of the switching states of multilevel multiphase inverters that produce zero CMV. Specific space-vector PWM (SVPWM) techniques with CMV elimination, which only use zero CMV states, have been proposed for three-level five-phase drives, and for open-end winding five-, six-, and seven-phase drives, but such methods cannot be extended to a higher number of levels or phases. This paper presents a general (for any number of levels and phases) SVPMW with CMV elimination. The proposed technique can be applied to most multilevel topologies, has low computational complexity and is suitable for low-cost hardware implementations. The new algorithm is implemented in a low-cost field-programmable gate array and it is successfully tested in the laboratory using a five-level five-phase motor drive.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónEuropean CommissionMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. DPI2012-31283Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad | Ref. DPI2015-6541

    Geomorphology of the Avilés Canyon System, Cantabrian Sea (BayofBiscay)

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    The Avilés Canyon System (ACS) is a complex, structurally-controlled canyon and valley system constituted by three main canyons of different morphostructural character. They are, from east to west: La Gaviera Canyon, El Corbiro Canyon and Avilés Canyon. In addition to this ACS, a new canyon has been surveyed: Navia Canyon. We present for the first time a high resolution multibeam map showing with great detail the morphological and structural complexity of this segment of the Cantabrian margin. ACS presents a tectonic imprint marked by NW-SE, NNE-SSW and E-W structures. The morphology of their reaches as well as their single mouth, in addition to some rock dredges in their major valleys, demonstrates active down-slope flushing. The continental shelf shows a flat, uniform slope with local and well defined rock outcrops south of Aviles Canyon head. Sedimentary zones are limited, showing thin unconsolidated sedimentary cover. Strong continental margin water dynamics avoid thicker sediment deposition, being littoral sedimentary dynamics responsible for transport to the canyons heads and conduit to the Biscay Abyssal plain. Biscay Abyssal Plain shows evidence of a strong westward current affecting the surveyed strip of this more than 10 km wide plain. Presence of two parallel deep sea channels, erosive scarps, and erosion of gully divides on the lower slope, may indicate that this is part of the distal fan at the termination of the large turbiditic system fed by Cap Ferret, Capbreton and other large canyons (Santander, Torrelavega, Lastres and Llanes) to the west of ACS.Instituto Español de OceanografíaVersión del edito

    Patient preferences and treatment safety for uncomplicated vulvovaginal candidiasis in primary health care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vaginitis is a common complaint in primary care. In uncomplicated candidal vaginitis, there are no differences in effectiveness between oral or vaginal treatment. Some studies describe that the preferred treatment is the oral one, but a Cochrane's review points out inconsistencies associated with the report of the preferred way that limit the use of such data. Risk factors associated with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis still remain controversial.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This work describes a protocol of a multicentric prospective observational study with one year follow up, to describe the women's reasons and preferences to choose the way of administration (oral vs topical) in the treatment of not complicated candidal vaginitis. The number of women required is 765, they are chosen by consecutive sampling. All of whom are aged 16 and over with vaginal discharge and/or vaginal pruritus, diagnosed with not complicated vulvovaginitis in Primary Care in Madrid.</p> <p>The main outcome variable is the preferences of the patients in treatment choice; secondary outcome variables are time to symptoms relief and adverse reactions and the frequency of recurrent vulvovaginitis and the risk factors. In the statistical analysis, for the main objective will be descriptive for each of the variables, bivariant analysis and multivariate analysis (logistic regression).. The dependent variable being the type of treatment chosen (oral or topical) and the independent, the variables that after bivariant analysis, have been associated to the treatment preference.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Clinical decisions, recommendations, and practice guidelines must not only attend to the best available evidence, but also to the values and preferences of the informed patient.</p