12 research outputs found

    Evaluation de l'efficience probable d'un projet de restauration fonctionnelle et durable d'un cours d'eau

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    La restauration des cours d'eau de montagne ainsi que l'Ă©volution du contexte hydro-sĂ©dimentaire et des facteurs de contrĂŽle associĂ©s (climat, modification des usages de sol, reboisement, anthropisation, etc.) ont Ă©tĂ© amplement Ă©tudiĂ©es dans les bassins versants alpins. Les cours d'eau pyrĂ©nĂ©ens restent quant Ă  eux trĂšs peu documentĂ©s et les connaissances concernant leur dynamique torrentielle sont limitĂ©es. Pour autant, les problĂ©matiques observĂ©es rĂ©cemment dans ces bassins, et les quelques trajectoires d'Ă©volution renseignĂ©es tendent Ă  montrer des changements allant sur la mĂȘme tendance. Ce travail de recherche a l'ambition d'aborder, sous une approche globale et systĂ©mique, un projet de restauration d'un tronçon de riviĂšre de montagne. La dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique adoptĂ©e se veut pluridisciplinaire. La dynamique du systĂšme est ainsi apprĂ©hendĂ©e sous diffĂ©rents angles et diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, nĂ©cessitant l'intervention de domaines scientifiques variĂ©s (hydrologie, hydraulique, gĂ©omorphologie, risques). Les objectifs de la thĂšse sont nombreux. Le premier concerne la comprĂ©hension des Ă©volutions du tronçon du Lac des Gaves, au sein du bassin versant du Gave de Pau dans les Hautes-PyrĂ©nĂ©es et du systĂšme torrentiel en amont immĂ©diat. Il s’agit d'identifier les diffĂ©rents forçages (anthropiques et naturels) ayant conduit au contexte hydro-sĂ©dimentaire actuel Ă  travers une approche rĂ©trospective et expĂ©rimentale. Il rĂ©sulte de cette analyse une caractĂ©risation de l’évolution du contexte sĂ©dimentaire du bassin versant du Gave de Pau sur huit pĂ©riodes, indiquant que ce dernier se situe toujours dans une pĂ©riode de rĂ©ajustement post-crue de juin 2013. Le second concerne la quantification du comportement des flux liquide et solide provenant du systĂšme torrentiel amont afin de comprendre leurs effets sur le milieu physique Ă©tudiĂ© et de fixer des ordres de grandeur. Pour ce faire, une modĂ©lisation hydrologique avec le modĂšle MARINE Ă  l’échelle du bassin versant est effectuĂ©e afin de reconstituer les Ă©vĂ©nements de crues majeurs et d’alimenter le modĂšle hydro-sĂ©dimentaire bidimensionnel dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  l’échelle du tronçon avec le modĂšle TELEMAC. Cette approche montre Ă  quel point il est difficile d’effectuer des estimations prĂ©cises de l’hydrologie en terrains de montagne et que, si de bons rĂ©sultats peuvent ĂȘtre observĂ©s en aval, il reste compliquĂ© de trouver un consensus pour la calibration du modĂšle en amont. A l’échelle du tronçon, les rĂ©sultats tĂ©moignent de la difficultĂ© de reproduire l’évolution d’un chenal Ă  morphologie trĂšs complexe. Des calculs de bilans sĂ©dimentaires ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© conduits dans le but d’identifier la quantitĂ© de matĂ©riaux arrivant au Lac des Gaves et modifiant potentiellement sa morphologie. Cette dĂ©marche a permis de sĂ©lectionner une formule adaptĂ©e au bassin versant du Gave de Pau et d’obtenir des ordres de grandeur des volumes de matĂ©riaux provenant du systĂšme torrentiel amont. Enfin, ce projet de restauration suscite vivement l’intĂ©rĂȘt de diffĂ©rentes parties prenantes des vallĂ©es des Gaves. Les enjeux sont multiples et une mesure de restauration donnĂ©e peut impacter significativement la sĂ©curitĂ© des biens et des personnes, les diffĂ©rents aspects socio-Ă©conomiques et la continuitĂ© Ă©cologique du systĂšme. Afin d’intĂ©grer ces diffĂ©rents critĂšres, une approche participative impliquant les parties prenantes du projet est dĂ©ployĂ©e sous la forme d’une mĂ©thodologie orientĂ©e systĂšme. Pour soutenir cette approche, les RĂ©seaux BayĂ©siens sont utilisĂ©s comme outils de modĂ©lisation de par leur propension Ă  combiner des connaissances transdisciplinaires, multidimensionnelles et des donnĂ©es de natures diverses. Leur utilisation comme support Ă  la prise de dĂ©cision dans le cadre d’un projet de restauration de cours d’eau est finalement abordĂ©e et appliquĂ©e au cas d’étude particulier du Lac des Gaves

    Participatory Bayesian modelling for sustainable and efficient river restoration projects: Feedback from the case study of the Gave de Pau River, Hautes-Pyrénées, France

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    Through the diversity of criteria and stakes, the uncertain nature of the entailed phenomena and the multi-scale aspects to be taken into account, a river restoration project can be considered as a complex problem. Integrative approaches and modelling tools are thus needed to help river managers make predictions on the evolution of hydromorphological, socio-economic, safety and ecological issues. Such approach can provide valuable information for handling long-term management plans that consider the interaction and the balance of stakeholders interests and river system functioning. In this paper, we present a probabilistic participatory modelling (PM) method that assesses the effects of given restoration actions, knowing the hydromorphological modifications that they may induce on the safety, ecological and socio-economic aspects with the help of local stakeholders through several workshops. To support this strategy, we used Bayesian networks (BNs) as modelling tools as their causal graphs can combine multidimensional knowledge and data from diverse natures. We introduce the causal graphs elaborated with the help of the stakeholders and convert it into BNs that can assist restoration decisions by considering the available decision and utility functions to provide guidance to decision-makers. This was applied to the “Lac des Gaves” reach in the Hautes-PyrĂ©nĂ©es, France, a reach that has gone through severe sediment extractions for over 50 years. Each network represents possible restoration decisions linked to one of the observed issues. The paper demonstrates how BNs used as a decision support system (DSS) can help to assess the influence of given management strategies on the river system with the consideration of stakeholders’ knowledge and integration in all the modelling process

    River widening in mountain and foothill areas during floods: Insights from a meta-analysis of 51 European Rivers

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    River widening, defined as a lateral expansion of the channel, is a critical process that maintains fluvial ecosystems and is part of the regular functioning of rivers. However, in areas with high population density, channel widening can cause damage during floods. Therefore, for effective flood risk management it is essential to identify river reaches where abrupt channel widening may occur. Despite numerous efforts to predict channel widening, most studies have been limited to single rivers and single flood events, which may not be representative of other conditions. Moreover, a multi-catchment scale approach that covers various settings and flood magnitudes has been lacking. In this study, we fill this gap by compiling a large database comprising 1564 river reaches in several mountain regions in Europe affected by floods of varying magnitudes in the last six decades. By applying a meta-analysis, we aimed to identify the types of floods responsible for more extensive widening, the river reach types where intense widening is more likely to occur, and the hydraulic and morphological variables that explain widening and can aid in predicting widening. Our analysis revealed seven groups of reaches with significantly different responses to floods regarding width ratios (i.e., the ratio between channel width after and before a flood). Among these groups, the river reaches located in the Mediterranean region and affected by extreme floods triggered by short and intense precipitation events showed significantly larger widening than other river reaches in other regions. Additionally, the meta-analysis confirmed valley confinement as a critical morphological variable that controls channel widening but showed that it is not the only controlling factor. We proposed new statistical models to identify river reaches prone to widening, estimate potential channel width after a flood, and compute upper bound width ratios. These findings can inform flood hazard evaluations and the design of mitigation measures

    Probabilistic assessment of the efficiency of a functional and sustainable river restoration projet

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    La restauration des cours d'eau de montagne ainsi que l'Ă©volution du contexte hydro-sĂ©dimentaire et des facteurs de contrĂŽle associĂ©s (climat, modification des usages de sol, reboisement, anthropisation, etc.) ont Ă©tĂ© amplement Ă©tudiĂ©es dans les bassins versants alpins. Les cours d'eau pyrĂ©nĂ©ens restent quant Ă  eux trĂšs peu documentĂ©s et les connaissances concernant leur dynamique torrentielle sont limitĂ©es. Pour autant, les problĂ©matiques observĂ©es rĂ©cemment dans ces bassins, et les quelques trajectoires d'Ă©volution renseignĂ©es tendent Ă  montrer des changements allant sur la mĂȘme tendance. Ce travail de recherche a l'ambition d'aborder, sous une approche globale et systĂ©mique, un projet de restauration d'un tronçon de riviĂšre de montagne. La dĂ©marche mĂ©thodologique adoptĂ©e se veut pluridisciplinaire. La dynamique du systĂšme est ainsi apprĂ©hendĂ©e sous diffĂ©rents angles et diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, nĂ©cessitant l'intervention de domaines scientifiques variĂ©s (hydrologie, hydraulique, gĂ©omorphologie, risques). Les objectifs de la thĂšse sont nombreux. Le premier concerne la comprĂ©hension des Ă©volutions du tronçon du Lac des Gaves, au sein du bassin versant du Gave de Pau dans les Hautes-PyrĂ©nĂ©es et du systĂšme torrentiel en amont immĂ©diat. Il s’agit d'identifier les diffĂ©rents forçages (anthropiques et naturels) ayant conduit au contexte hydro-sĂ©dimentaire actuel Ă  travers une approche rĂ©trospective et expĂ©rimentale. Il rĂ©sulte de cette analyse une caractĂ©risation de l’évolution du contexte sĂ©dimentaire du bassin versant du Gave de Pau sur huit pĂ©riodes, indiquant que ce dernier se situe toujours dans une pĂ©riode de rĂ©ajustement post-crue de juin 2013. Le second concerne la quantification du comportement des flux liquide et solide provenant du systĂšme torrentiel amont afin de comprendre leurs effets sur le milieu physique Ă©tudiĂ© et de fixer des ordres de grandeur. Pour ce faire, une modĂ©lisation hydrologique avec le modĂšle MARINE Ă  l’échelle du bassin versant est effectuĂ©e afin de reconstituer les Ă©vĂ©nements de crues majeurs et d’alimenter le modĂšle hydro-sĂ©dimentaire bidimensionnel dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  l’échelle du tronçon avec le modĂšle TELEMAC. Cette approche montre Ă  quel point il est difficile d’effectuer des estimations prĂ©cises de l’hydrologie en terrains de montagne et que, si de bons rĂ©sultats peuvent ĂȘtre observĂ©s en aval, il reste compliquĂ© de trouver un consensus pour la calibration du modĂšle en amont. A l’échelle du tronçon, les rĂ©sultats tĂ©moignent de la difficultĂ© de reproduire l’évolution d’un chenal Ă  morphologie trĂšs complexe. Des calculs de bilans sĂ©dimentaires ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© conduits dans le but d’identifier la quantitĂ© de matĂ©riaux arrivant au Lac des Gaves et modifiant potentiellement sa morphologie. Cette dĂ©marche a permis de sĂ©lectionner une formule adaptĂ©e au bassin versant du Gave de Pau et d’obtenir des ordres de grandeur des volumes de matĂ©riaux provenant du systĂšme torrentiel amont. Enfin, ce projet de restauration suscite vivement l’intĂ©rĂȘt de diffĂ©rentes parties prenantes des vallĂ©es des Gaves. Les enjeux sont multiples et une mesure de restauration donnĂ©e peut impacter significativement la sĂ©curitĂ© des biens et des personnes, les diffĂ©rents aspects socio-Ă©conomiques et la continuitĂ© Ă©cologique du systĂšme. Afin d’intĂ©grer ces diffĂ©rents critĂšres, une approche participative impliquant les parties prenantes du projet est dĂ©ployĂ©e sous la forme d’une mĂ©thodologie orientĂ©e systĂšme. Pour soutenir cette approche, les RĂ©seaux BayĂ©siens sont utilisĂ©s comme outils de modĂ©lisation de par leur propension Ă  combiner des connaissances transdisciplinaires, multidimensionnelles et des donnĂ©es de natures diverses. Leur utilisation comme support Ă  la prise de dĂ©cision dans le cadre d’un projet de restauration de cours d’eau est finalement abordĂ©e et appliquĂ©e au cas d’étude particulier du Lac des Gaves.The restoration of mountain rivers as well as the evolution of the hydro-sedimentary context and associated control factors (climate, land use change, reforestation, human impacts, etc.) have been widely studied in Alpine catchment areas. Pyrenean watercourses remain very poorly documented and knowledge related to their torrential dynamics is limited. However, the problems observed recently and the evolutionary trajectories documented tend to show the same tendencies. The aim of this research project is to address, under a global and systemic approach, a restoration project of a mountain river reach. The methodological approach adopted is intended to be multidisciplinary. The system dynamics is thus apprehended from different angles and scales, requiring the intervention of various scientific fields (hydrology, hydraulics, geomorphology, risks). The objectives of the thesis are numerous. The first addresses the understanding of the evolution of the “Lac des Gaves” reach, within the Gave de Pau watershed in the Hautes- PyrĂ©nĂ©es department as well as the torrential system immediately upstream. The aim is to identify the different pressures (anthropic and natural) that led to the current hydro-sedimentary context through a diachronic and experimental approach. The result of this analysis is the characterization of the evolution of the Gave de Pau watershed’s sedimentary context over eight periods, indicating that it is still in a post-flood readjustment period. The second concerns the quantification of the behaviour of liquid and solid flows coming from the upstream torrential system in order to understand their effects on the physical environment studied and to set orders of magnitude. To this end, hydrological modelling with the MARINE model at the watershed scale is carried out in order to reproduce the major flood events and to feed the two-dimensional hydro-morphological model developed at the reach scale with the TELEMAC model. This approach demonstrates how difficult it is to make precise estimates of hydrology in mountainous catchments and that, while good results can be observed downstream, it remains complicated to find a consensus for the calibration of the model upstream. At the section scale, the results reveal the challenge to reproduce the evolution of a channel with a very complex morphology. Sediment budget calculations were also performed in order to identify the quantity of material arriving at the “Lac des Gaves” and potentially modifying its morphology. This approach made it possible to select a formula adapted to the Gave de Pau watershed and to obtain orders of magnitude of the volumes of sediments coming from the upstream torrential system. Finally, this restoration project is of big interest for the various stakeholders in the Gaves valleys. The stakes are multiple and a given restoration measure can significantly impact the safety of goods and people, the various socio-economic aspects and the ecological continuity of the system. In order to integrate these different criteria, a participatory approach involving the project stakeholders is deployed in the form of a system-oriented methodology. To support this approach, the Bayesian Networks are used as modelling tools because of their propensity to combine transdisciplinary and multidimensional knowledge as well as data of various kinds. Their use as a decision-making support in the framework of a river restoration project is finally addressed and applied to the specific case study of the Lac des Gaves

    Are hydrologic-hydraulic coupling approaches able to reproduce Alex flash-flood dynamics and impacts on southeastern French headwaters?

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    International audienceDuring the last 5 years, south-eastern France experienced four deadly Mediterranean flash-floods: one in October 2015, two in November and December 2019 and the last one in October 2020, caused by the Storm Alex. The 2015 and 2019 events mostly affected small coastal catchments of the French Riviera ( 100 km2) and (ii) in the context of significant topographic changes due to the flood. A continuous semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model has been coupled with the Basilisk software, which is based on state-of-the-art 2D hydraulic modelling (well-balanced finite volume method for shallow water equations) with adaptive grid refinement. The streamflow series and inundation extents simulated have be compared with available observations gathered from post-event surveys with a particular focus on two places (Saint-Martin-VĂ©subie and RoquebiliĂšre)