261 research outputs found

    Control over phase separation and nucleation using a laser-tweezing potential

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    Control over the nucleation of new phases is highly desirable but elusive. Even though there is a long history of crystallization engineering by varying physicochemical parameters, controlling which polymorph crystallizes or whether a molecule crystallizes or forms an amorphous precipitate is still a poorly understood practice. Although there are now numerous examples of control using laser-induced nucleation, the absence of physical understanding is preventing progress. Here we show that the proximity of a liquid–liquid critical point or the corresponding binodal line can be used by a laser-tweezing potential to induce concentration gradients. A simple theoretical model shows that the stored electromagnetic energy of the laser beam produces a free-energy potential that forces phase separation or triggers the nucleation of a new phase. Experiments in a liquid mixture using a low-power laser diode confirm the effect. Phase separation and nucleation using a laser-tweezing potential explains the physics behind non-photochemical laser-induced nucleation and suggests new ways of manipulating matter

    Transcriptome analysis in Coffea eugenioides, an Arabica coffee ancestor, reveals differentially expressed genes inleaves and fruits.

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    Studies in diploid parental species of polyploid plants are important to understand their contributions to the formation of plant and species evolution. Coffea eugenioides is a diploid species that is considered to be an ancestor of allopolyploid Coffea arabica together with Coffea canephora. Despite its importance in the evolutionary history of the main economic species of coffee, no study has focused on C. eugenioides molecular genetics. RNA-seq creates the possibility to generate reference transcriptomes and identify coding genes and potential candidates related to important agronomic traits. Therefore, the main objectives were to obtain a global overview of transcriptionally active genes in this species using next generation sequencing and to analyze specific genes that were highly expressed in leaves and fruits with potential exploratory characteristics for breeding and understanding the evolutionary biology of coffee. A de novo assembly generated 36,935 contigs that were annotated using eight databases. We observed a total of ~5000 differentially expressed genes between leaves and fruits. Several genes exclusively expressed in fruits did not exhibit similarities with sequences in any database. We selected ten differentially expressed unigenes in leaves and fruits to evaluate transcriptional profiles using qPCR. Our study provides the first gene catalog for C. eugenioides and enhances the knowledge concerning the mechanisms involved in the C. arabica homeologous. Furthermore, this work will open new avenues for studies into specific genes and pathways in this species, especially related to fruit, and our data have potential value in assisted breeding applications

    Identificação de polimorfismos em genótipos de Coffea arabica de uma coleção da Etiópia.

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    Os marcadores moleculares são ferramentas importantes para acelerar os programas de melhoramento. Para o cafeeiro, uma espécie perene, o uso de marcadores é particularmente desejável devido ao tempo e recursos gastos para o lançamento de uma nova cultivar. Duas espécies do gênero Coffea são responsáveis por quase toda a produção de café: Coffea arabica e C. canephora. Contudo, para C. arabica, o número de marcadores polimórficos é relativamente baixo comparado a C. canephora e outras culturas, uma vez que a espécie apresenta baixa diversidade genética. Muitos estudos com marcadores genéticos foram feitos para analisar a diversidade da C. arabica, mas os resultados não foram eficientes para a discriminação genotípica detalhada e mapeamento genético. O Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) possui uma coleção de 132 acessos de C. arabica originários da Etiópia, que apresentam variabilidade fenotípica com potencial para serem utilizados para exploração da diversidade. Neste sentido, este estudo buscou analisar a diversidade nucleotídica pela identificação de polimorfismos, SNPs e INDELs, de uma população do centro de origem de C. arabica, associado com o sequenciamento de nova geração. O RNA-seq de dois tecidos, frutos e folhas, de quatro genótipos de C. arabica de uma população da Etiópia, C. arabica cv. Mundo Novo e de um dos seus ancestrais de C. arabica ? C. eugenioides, foram sequenciados pela metodologia Illumina HiSeq2000. Os reads obtidos foram processados e posteriormente as sequências foram mapeadas em uma referência de C. canephora para identificação dos polimorfismos. Foram feitas duas estratégias: i) na primeira estratégia, foi utilizado uma ferramenta chamada SNiPloid com critérios de cobertura para o polimorfismo identificado e ii) uma segunda estratégia que considera os polimorfismos encontrados diretamente dos arquivos de detecção dos polimorfismos. Os resultados identificaram um número grande de polimorfismos. Na primeira estratégia, foram encontrados pelo menos 5.500 SNPs potenciais para a genotipagem e na segunda, 103.791 SNPs potenciais. Para essa última, ainda é necessário estabelecer critérios e filtros para escolher os polimorfismos que serão inicialmente genotipados. Os dados também mostraram a importância de utilizar um grupo mais diverso de genótipos associado com o sequenciamento de nova geração para detecção de SNPs. Este trabalho será importante para direcionar futuros trabalhos na caracterização da diversidade genética em C. arabica, além de estudos de mapeamento genético por associação

    Programa de melhoramento genético de pupunha na Embrapa, IAC e INPA.

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    Estado da arte; Recursos genéticos; Estratégias de melhoramento; Desenvolvimento experimental.bitstream/item/30975/1/Doc205.pd

    Contribution of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil to the development of plant cultivars and their impact on agriculture.

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    This paper describes the development of breeding programs in northern Brazil and their main impacts on agriculture. Their contribution to the breeding of the species palm oil, acai fruit, cacao, cupuaçu, guarana, tomato, camu-camu, cocona, peach palm, and rubber was laid out in detail. Advances in breeding programs of institutions such as Embrapa, Ceplac, Inpa, and Universities require investments in infrastructure and in human and financial resources to ensure continuity and efficiency in economic, social and environmental gains. The improvement of native species, the main focus of the breeding programs of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil, is a form of exploiting the Amazonian biodiversity for the benefit of society. Therefore, policies to foster research institutions should be a subject of deliberation and action of the scientific and technological community in Brazil

    Optical and mechanical properties of cocona chips as affected by the drying process

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    [EN] The effect of the application of a pre-osmotic treatment to obtain hot air dried cocona(Solanum sessiliofurum Dunal) chips was studied. The drying kinetics and the optical andmechanical properties of cocona chips obtained by the combined method of osmotic dehy-dration and hot air drying (OD + HAD) and by only hot air drying (HAD) were compared.Samples were dried by hot air at 60◦C. For the combined method, they were pre-dried toa moisture content of 75 gwater/100 g, immersed in a 55◦Brix sucrose solution at 25◦C for48 min. The pre-osmodehydration applied did not influence the subsequent hot air dryingkinetics, resulting in a final product with 0.055 ± 0.005 gwater/gcocona.The optical properties ofOD + HAD chips were more favorable, exhibiting a smaller color change with respect to thefresh fruit (±15 units) than the HAD samples (±23 units). On the other hand, the OD + HADchips presented more fracture peaks than HAD ones, this related with a structure with ahigher degree of crispness, a very desirable property for a chip product.The authors thank the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia for the financial support given throughout the Project ADSIDEO-COOPERACION 2010 "Adaptacion de procesos de secado para favorecer la comercializacion de super frutas de origen colombiano".Agudelo Sterling, CM.; Igual Ramo, M.; Talens Oliag, P.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2015). Optical and mechanical properties of cocona chips as affected by the drying process. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 95:192-199. doi:10.1016/j.fbp.2015.05.009S1921999