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    Group communication is an interaction that is carried out face to face between three or more people with the aim of sharing information, taking care of themselves, solving problems where members can remember the characteristics of each member. This study aims to determine the group communication that occurs in the classroom environment in the learning process for students in grade 6 at SDN Kalibaru III. The method used in this study is a qualitative method using a descriptive approach. The data collection technique used by the researcher is through the interview process with 6 informants & observing in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The results of this study can be concluded that the process of group communication that occurs at the Kalibaru III State Elementary School is a communication that occurs directly and is carried out in two directions, this is described during the group discussion or learning takes place. The group communication process that occurs in this class will make it easier for students to understand learning

    Identitat i Escola. Els canvis de l'educació en el segle XXI

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    Donostia / Travnik / Dubrovnik / Bilbo

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    La ruptura revolucionaria con el Ancien Régime trajo consigo un concepto de nacionalismo ligado a la izquierda política. Entre los siglos XIX y XX, sin embargo, hará su aparición otra forma de nacionalismo contrarrevolucionario y de derechas que pretenderá absorber las potencialidades de aglutinación y movilización social que obtuvo su predecesor. Frente a las versiones republicanas, de participación política popular y/o representativa defendidas por el nacionalismo revolucionario, el nuevo nacionalismo de la Restauración quiso rescatar formas anteriores de fidelidad a tradiciones soberanas monárquicas e inamovibles. ¿Qué es, entonces, ser soberanista? Evidentemente, tener conciencia de la importancia ideológica de las referencias comunitarias e identitarias para la formulación de alternativas políticas transformadoras y emancipadoras frente a la mundialización del intercambio desigual. No resignarse ante la administración indiscriminada del “ius cogens” para frenar los procesos de decisión colectiva de aquellos pueblos que pretendan decidir libremente su futuro.The revolutionary break (rupture) with the Ancien Régime brought a concept of nationalism linked to the left-win political. However, among the nineteenth and twentieth century, will appear another form of against the revolutionary nationalism and right-wing which will pretend absorb the potential agglutination and social mobilization which won its predecessor. Facing Republican versions of popular political participation and / or representative defended by revolutionary nationalism, the new nationalism of the Restoration would rescue earlier forms of fidelity to monarchical sovereign and immovable traditions. So, what means to be sovereignty? Obviously, be aware of the ideological importance of community and identity references for formulating transformative and emancipatory political alternatives facing the globalization of unequal exchange. Don’t be resigned to the indiscriminate administration of ius cogens to curb collective decision-making processes of those people who wish to freely decide their future


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    [EN] The production of citrus fruit in Spain generates more than 0.5 million tons of waste. This is mainly due to rejects when packing fresh fruit and the waste generated by processing industries. An important challenge for the citrus sector is the use of this waste to unlock its economic value and eliminate the environmental problems that it generates. The Instituto Universitario de Ingeniería de Alimentos para el Desarrollo (Iu-IAD) at the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia (UPV) has developed a system for transforming citrus waste into bioethanol and into high value-added products such as essential oils. The purpose of this study was to find the most appropriate sites to implement a bioethanol industry from citrus waste. A spreadsheet has been created to calculate the bioethanol mass flow from oranges, tangerines, lemons, and limes and grapefruits flow waste. Total waste of the main citrus producers was estimated as the sum of the rejects when packing fresh fruits and the waste generated by processing industries. Total waste value (oranges, tangerines, lemons and, limes and grapefruits) was multiplied by the ratio between mass flow and citrus waste flow in order to calculate the bioethanol production in different countries. The results suggest that Brazil, USA, Mexico, China, India and Italy would be the most appropriate countries to implement a bioethanol industry from citrus waste.Conesa Domínguez, C.; Fito Suñer, PJ.; Fito Maupoey, P. (2015). EXTENSION OF THE PROJECT FOR OBTAINING BIOETHANOL FROM CITRUS WASTE. Acta Horticulturae. (1065):1693-1702. doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1065.217S16931702106

    A study on the rehydration ability of isolated apple cells after osmotic dehydration treatments

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    [EN] A study on rehydration of isolated apple cells is presented. Isolated cells previously dehydrated in 35% and 25% sucrose solutions were rehydrated in 5% sucrose under the microscope with the aim of analyzing the phenomena that take place during rehydration. Cells response to rehydration was found to be more heterogeneous than their response to hypertonic treatments. Cells showed different degrees of delay in their response, which was related to differences in the formation and preservation of membrane-to-wall connections. Results confirmed that rehydration success is based on the preservation of the structures along both, dehydration and rehydration treatments. During swelling, Hechtian strands are reincorporated to the protoplast as far as they are formed and preserved during dehydration and rehydration; their absence or shortage leading to a loss of rehydration capacity or even membrane lysis. Different stages have been identified during rehydration, mass transfer being coupled with deformation–relaxation phenomena once the protoplast reaches the cell wall. Phenomenological coefficients for water transfer indicated that rehydration kinetics is faster than water transfer during dehydration.The authors would like to acknowledge Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Spain) for financial support (Project AGL2009-09905).Seguí Gil, L.; Fito Suñer, PJ.; Fito Maupoey, P. (2013). A study on the rehydration ability of isolated apple cells after osmotic dehydration treatments. Journal of Food Engineering. 115(2):145-153. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.08.038S145153115

    Les perífrasis modals de necessitat-obligació i probabilitat en català. Seguiment diacrònic. Segles XIII al XX

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    The analysis presents a serie of systematized information which helps to retrace the application frequency that modal periphrasis deure + infinitive, haver + infinitive and tenir + de + infinitive have reached from 13th to 20th centuries, their formal variants and functional changes. It has also analysed another periphrastic structures that eventually they join Catalan modal periphrastic system, and it has been examined some specific aspects of the analysis: the notion of verbal periphrasis, the variations that involve modal variables and the others that belong to deure + infinitive syncretic form, the monitoring in cult and late Latin of periphrastic forms with the habeo and debeo verb, in addition to the use of modal indicators, the repetition of periphrastic forms in the syntagmatic sequence, nexus variables, syncretic structures and some analogical process


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    ASSA FITO MOHAMMAD: Perkembangan perbankan syariah mengalami peningkatan yang relatif tinggi. Walaupun pertumbuhan perbankan syariah relatif tinggi, akan tetapi pangsa pasar aset Perbankan syariah jika dibandingkan dengan aset Perbankan Nasionalmasih sangat kecil. Kecilnya aset akan berdampak pada kecilnya tingkat economic of scale dari bank. kecilnya economic of scale menyebabkan kecilnya tingkat laba, kecilnya Return on Aset (ROA) dan lamanya pencapaian Break Efent Point (BEP). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui factor-faktor yang mempengaruhi total asset bank syariah. Dengan variabel Independen Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK), Financing to Deposits Ratio (FDR),Non Performing Financing (NPF) dan Return on Aset (ROA). Sementara itu variabel dependennya adalah total Aset. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan model regresi panel data. Data yang digunakan adalah data skunder berbentuk data panel, yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan yang diterbitkan masing-masing Bank Umum Syariah. Berdasarkan uji normalitas, uji multikolinieritas, uji heteroskedstisitas dan uji autokorelasi, data yang digunakan terbebas dari asumsi klasik, sehingga sesuai dengan model penelitian yang digunakan yaitu egresi linier berganda. Model estimasi yang digunakan adalah FGLS Fixed Effect Model. Hasil dari penelitian ini menujukan bahwa secara bersama-sama variabel DPK, FDR, ROA dan NPF berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap total Aset Bank Umum Syariah. Sementara secara parsial semua variabel berpengaruh signifikan terhadap total aset dengan nilai thitung DPK, FDR, NPF dan ROA berurutan 86.44, 13.21, 3,03 dan -1.70 lebih besar daripada ttabel 1.65468 (153:0.05). Variabel DPK, FDR dan NPF berpengaruh positif terhadap total aset bank syariah. Sedangkan variabel ROA berpengaruh negatif terhadap total aset. Hasil regresi panel data adalah Asetit = 1,783994it + 0,8788DPKit + 0,0053FDRit + 0,0179NPFit – 0,0104ROAit. Kata Kunci: DPK, FDR, ROA, NPF, total aset

    Understanding osmotic dehydration of tissue structured foods by means of a cellular approach

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    [EN] This contribution presents a study on osmotic dehydration of tissue structured foods based on a microstructural approach in which simplified systems such as isolated apple cells and protoplasts have been used. An appropriate description of the microstructure of the raw material and its evolution during processing has been evidenced as critical in order to better understand and describe osmotic dehydration processes; as a direct consequence, it is stated that predictive models should incorporate this microstructural information so as to be more reliable. Microstructural changes observed by examining the isolated cells under the microscope along the treatments have been used to identify critical points that separate the stages that a cell undergoes, and which depend also on its particular response to the osmotic treatment (lysis, shrinkage or complete plasmolysis). Irreversible thermodynamics has been used to mathematically describe the process by distinguishing two main stages: one at which significant deformation-relaxation phenomena are coupled with mass transfer, and another one at which the former may be neglected. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors would like to thank the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (Spain) for financial support, and the organising committee of the International Conference on Food Innovation 2010 (FoodInnova2010) for granting this work with the best oral communication for young scientists award.Seguí Gil, L.; Fito Suñer, PJ.; Fito Maupoey, P. (2012). Understanding osmotic dehydration of tissue structured foods by means of a cellular approach. Journal of Food Engineering. 110(2):240-247. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2011.05.012S240247110

    Hero Dan Villain Dalam Penciptaan Seni Lukis

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    Tema dalam tugas akhir ini berangkat dari hobi membaca komik kemudian muncul sebagai ide dalam penciptaan karya lukis. Hero dan villain mengetengahkan karakter pahlawan dan penjahat, dalam tugas akhir ini hero dan villain diangkat untuk menampilkan sosok mereka dalam dunia nyata berdasarkan sifat-sifat serta karakter manusia pada umumnya. Semua itu ditampilkan dalam bentuk figuratif dan imajinatif

    Descartesen itzala Gilles deleuzeren gogamenean

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    Rene Descartesen IV. mendeurrena ospatzen den honetan filosofo frantziarraren ekarpenen garrantziaz ohartzea ez da beharrezkoa izaten. Aitzitik, honelako efemerideek eragindakoaren arabera, askoz zuhurragoa dirudi tenore honetan bere gogamenaren filosofia errelatibizatzen liastea edo, bestela, Iotsagabeko apologiaren bidetik ibiltzeko arriskuan egongo ginateke. Hori da, asmoz behintzat, Ierro xume hauen nahia. Hau da, denboraren jarioak ekarritako Gilles Deleuzeren heriotzaz baliatuz (edota, zehazkiago esanda, bere suizidioa aitzaki), berak kudeatutako Descartesen aurkaklo filosofiaz aritu ahal izatea, (bere hitzetan, "fonder une philosophie post-cartésienne")- Izan ere, honetaz arduratu naiz aspaldidanik zeren Descartesen itzala mendebaldar gogamenarean luzea bada ere, filosofo frantziarren artean erabatekoa izan dugu... Deleuzek arrazionalismo klasikoaren epistemeari egindako kritika gizarteratu bitarean, ene aburuz