81 research outputs found

    Assessing the regional surface influence through Backward Lagrangian Dispersion Models for aircraft CO<sub>2</sub> vertical profiles observations in NE Spain

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    In this study the differences in the measured atmospheric CO2 mixing ratio at three aircraft profiling sites in NE Spain separated by 60 km are analyzed in regard to the variability of the surface fluxes in the regional surface influence area. First, the Regional Potential Surface Influence (RPSI) for fifty-one days in 2006 is calculated to assess the vertical, horizontal and temporal extent of the surface influence for the three sites at the regional scale (104 km2) at different altitudes of the profile (600, 1200, 2500 and 4000 meters above the sea level, m a.s.l.). Second, three flights carried out in 2006 (7 February, 24 August and 29 November) following the Crown Atmospheric Sampling (CAS) design are presented to study the relation between the measured CO2 variability and the Potential Surface Influence (PSI) and RPSI concepts. At 600 and 1200 m a.s.l. the regional signal is confined up to 50 h before the measurements whereas at higher altitudes (2500 and 4000 m a.s.l.) the regional surface influence is only recovered during spring and summer months. The RPSI from sites separated by 60 km overlap by up to 70% of the regional surface influence at 600 and 1200 m a.s.l., while the overlap decreases to 10–40% at higher altitudes (2500 and 4000 m a.s.l.). The scale of the RPSI area is suitable to understand the differences in the measured CO2 concentration in the three vertices of the CAS, as CO2 differences are attributed to local surrounding fluxes (February) or to the variability of regional surface influence as for the August and November flights. For these two flights, the variability in the regional scale influences the variability measured in the local scale. The CAS sampling design for aircraft measurements appears to be a suitable method to cope with the variability of a typical grid for inversion models as measurements are intensified within the PBL and the background concentration is measured every ~102 km

    Quantifying the added value of climate information in a spatio-temporal dengue model

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    Dengue is the world’s most important vector-borne viral disease. The dengue mosquito and virus are sensitive to climate variability and change. Temperature, humidity and precipitation influence mosquito biology, abundance and habitat, and the virus replication speed. In this study, we develop a modelling procedure to quantify the added value of including climate information in a dengue model for the 76 provinces of Thailand, from 1982–2013. We first developed a seasonal-spatial model, to account for dependency structures from 1 month to the next and between provinces. We then tested precipitation and temperature variables at varying time lags, using linear and nonlinear functional forms, to determine an optimum combination of time lags to describe dengue relative risk. Model parameters were estimated using integrated nested Laplace approximation. This approach provides a novel opportunity to perform model selection in a Bayesian framework, while accounting for underlying spatial and temporal dependency structures and linear or nonlinear functional forms. We quantified the additional variation explained by interannual climate variations, above that provided by the seasonal-spatial model. Overall, an additional 8 % of the variance in dengue relative risk can be explained by accounting for interannual variations in precipitation and temperature in the previous month. The inclusion of nonlinear functions of climate in the model framework improved the model for 79 % of the provinces. Therefore, climate forecast information could significantly contribute to a national dengue early warning system in Thailand

    Cutaneous vasculitis in children: A nationwide epidemiological study in Spain [version 1; referees: 1 approved]

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    Background: Cutaneous vasculitis (CV) are a complex group of conditions in children, of which IgA vasculitis (IgAV) is the most common. The objectives of the current study are to describe the incidence of CV in Spain and to analyze the temporal trend in the last 11 years, as well as it seasonal distribution. Methods: Hospital discharges of patients aged 0-18 years with a diagnosis consistent with CV in Spain from 2005 to 2015 were collected from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (INE) databases. Results: A total of 7304 patients from January 2005 to December 2015 were included; 6991 patients (95%) had a diagnosis of IgAV. The yearly incidence in the whole group was 7.7 per 100,000. Mean age at diagnoses was 6±3 years and 52% were male. The highest rate of admissions was found in the 5-9 year-old group, followed by those with 0-4 years of age (15.7 and 9.0 admissions per 100.000, respectively). Admissions due to CV followed an annual cyclic pattern, with the highest number of daily admissions during fall and winter months and the lowest number in summer months. There was an overall downwards trend of the number of hospital admissions during the period of study, in both males and females (p=0.01). Conclusions: We have estimated an incidence of a 7.7 cases per 100,000 CV in children in Spain. CV-related hospitalization rates have a marked seasonal pattern, with a peak in fall and winter and a nadir in summer months. Children between 5 and 9 years of age are most frequently affected. There is a decreasing trend in CV-related hospitalization, the causes of which should be further assessed

    Dengue outlook for the World Cup in Brazil: an early warning model framework driven by real-time seasonal climate forecasts.

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    PublishedJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tBACKGROUND: With more than a million spectators expected to travel among 12 different cities in Brazil during the football World Cup, June 12-July 13, 2014, the risk of the mosquito-transmitted disease dengue fever is a concern. We addressed the potential for a dengue epidemic during the tournament, using a probabilistic forecast of dengue risk for the 553 microregions of Brazil, with risk level warnings for the 12 cities where matches will be played. METHODS: We obtained real-time seasonal climate forecasts from several international sources (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts [ECMWF], Met Office, Meteo-France and Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos [CPTEC]) and the observed dengue epidemiological situation in Brazil at the forecast issue date as provided by the Ministry of Health. Using this information we devised a spatiotemporal hierarchical Bayesian modelling framework that enabled dengue warnings to be made 3 months ahead. By assessing the past performance of the forecasting system using observed dengue incidence rates for June, 2000-2013, we identified optimum trigger alert thresholds for scenarios of medium-risk and high-risk of dengue. FINDINGS: Our forecasts for June, 2014, showed that dengue risk was likely to be low in the host cities Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, and São Paulo. The risk was medium in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, and Manaus. High-risk alerts were triggered for the northeastern cities of Recife (p(high)=19%), Fortaleza (p(high)=46%), and Natal (p(high)=48%). For these high-risk areas, particularly Natal, the forecasting system did well for previous years (in June, 2000-13). INTERPRETATION: This timely dengue early warning permits the Ministry of Health and local authorities to implement appropriate, city-specific mitigation and control actions ahead of the World Cup. FUNDING: European Commission's Seventh Framework Research Programme projects DENFREE, EUPORIAS, and SPECS; Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.DENFREE projectEUPORIAS projectSPECS projectEuropean Commission's Seventh Framework Research ProgrammeConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeir

    Refractory periods and climate forcing in cholera dynamics

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    Outbreaks of many infectious diseases, including cholera, malaria and dengue, vary over characteristic periods longer than 1 year(1,2). Evidence that climate variability drives these interannual cycles has been highly controversial, chiefly because it is difficult to isolate the contribution of environmental forcing while taking into account nonlinear epidemiological dynamics generated by mechanisms such as host immunity(2-4). Here we show that a critical interplay of environmental forcing, specifically climate variability, and temporary immunity explains the interannual disease cycles present in a four-decade cholera time series from Matlab, Bangladesh. We reconstruct the transmission rate, the key epidemiological parameter affected by extrinsic forcing, over time for the predominant strain ( El Tor) with a nonlinear population model that permits a contributing effect of intrinsic immunity. Transmission shows clear interannual variability with a strong correspondence to climate patterns at long periods ( over 7 years, for monsoon rains and Brahmaputra river discharge) and at shorter periods ( under 7 years, for flood extent in Bangladesh, sea surface temperatures in the Bay of Bengal and the El Nino Southern Oscillation). The importance of the interplay between extrinsic and intrinsic factors in determining disease dynamics is illustrated during refractory periods, when population susceptibility levels are low as the result of immunity and the size of cholera outbreaks only weakly reflects climate forcing.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62876/1/nature03820.pd

    Application of Atmospheric Transport Models at the new atmospheric Ebre Delta station (ClimaDat network) in Eastern Spain

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    Abstract: The Ebre Delta atmospheric station (DEC3) was installed in Eastern Spain, within the framework of the ClimaDat project of the Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3). This station offers continuous measurements of greenhouse gases and tracers concentrations (CO 2 , CH 4 , CO, N 2 O and SF 6 ), along with atmospheric concentrations of the natural radioactive gas 222 Rn. Meteorological parameters, such as humidity, temperature, wind speed and wind direction are also measured at DEC3 site. This qualitative analysis aims to use the FLEXPART and the HYSPLIT models, with meteorological input of ECMWF and with spatial resolution of 0.2 degrees, to perform back trajectories at DEC3 station and qualitatively analyze how different air masses coming from the Northern Western Europe or from the Mediterranean Sea influence observed gases concentrations

    Application of atmospheric transport models at the new atmospheric Ebre Delta station (ClimaDat Network) in Eastern Spain

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    The Ebre Delta atmospheric station (DEC3) was installed in Eastern Spain, within the framework of the ClimaDat project of the Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3). This station offers continuous measurements of greenhouse gases and tracers concentrations (CO2, CH4, CO, N2O and SF6), along with atmospheric concentrations of the natural radioactive gas 222Rn. Meteorological parameters, such as humidity, temperature, wind speed and wind direction are also measured at DEC3 site. This qualitative analysis aims to use the FLEXPART and the HYSPLIT models, with meteorological input of ECMWF and with spatial resolution of 0.2 degrees, to perform back trajectories at DEC3 station and qualitatively analyze how different air masses coming from the Northern Western Europe or from the Mediterranean Sea influence observed gases concentrations.Postprint (published version

    Association of Kawasaki disease with tropospheric wind patterns

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    The causal agent of Kawasaki disease (KD) remains unknown after more than 40 years of intensive research. The number of cases continues to rise in many parts of the world and KD is the most common cause of acquired heart disease in childhood in developed countries. Analyses of the three major KD epidemics in Japan, major non-epidemic interannual fluctuations of KD cases in Japan and San Diego, and the seasonal variation of KD in Japan, Hawaii, and San Diego, reveals a consistent pattern wherein KD cases are often linked to large-scale wind currents originating in central Asia and traversing the north Pacific. Results suggest that the environmental trigger for KD could be wind-borne. Efforts to isolate the causative agent of KD should focus on the microbiology of aerosols

    The Effect of Climate Fluctuation on Chimpanzee Birth Sex Ratio

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    Climate and weather conditions, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation, precipitation and temperature influence the birth sex ratio (BSR) of various higher latitude species, including deer, elephant seals or northern human populations. Although, tropical regions show only little variation in temperature, climate and weather conditions can fluctuate with consequences for phenology and food resource availability. Here, we evaluate, whether the BSR of chimpanzees, inhabiting African tropical forests, is affected by climate fluctuations as well. Additionally, we evaluate, if variation in consumption of a key food resource with high nutritional value, Coula edulis nuts, is linked to both climate fluctuations and variation in BSR. We use long-term data from two study groups located in Taï National Park, Côte d'Ivoire to assess the influence of local weather conditions and the global climate driver El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on offspring sex. Côte d'Ivoire has experienced considerable climate variation over the last decades, with increasing temperature and declining precipitation. For both groups we find very similar time windows around the month of conception, in which offspring sex is well predicted by ENSO, with more males following low ENSO values, corresponding to periods of high rainfall. Furthermore, we find that the time spent cracking and feeding on Coula nuts is strongly influenced by climate conditions. Although, some of our analysis suggest that a higher proportion of males is born after periods with higher nut consumption frequency, we cannot conclude decisively at this point that nut consumption may influence shifts in BSR. All results combined suggest that also chimpanzees may experience climate related shifts in offspring sex ratios as response to climate fluctuation

    Complex temporal climate signals drive the emergence of human water-borne disease

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    Predominantly occurring in developing parts of the world, Buruli ulcer is a severely disabling mycobacterium infection which often leads to extensive necrosis of the skin. While the exact route of transmission remains uncertain, like many tropical diseases, associations with climate have been previously observed and could help identify the causative agent's ecological niche. In this paper, links between changes in rainfall and outbreaks of Buruli ulcer in French Guiana, an ultraperipheral European territory in the northeast of South America, were identified using a combination of statistical tests based on singular spectrum analysis, empirical mode decomposition and cross-wavelet coherence analysis. From this, it was possible to postulate for the first time that outbreaks of Buruli ulcer can be triggered by combinations of rainfall patterns occurring on a long (i.e., several years) and short (i.e., seasonal) temporal scale, in addition to stochastic events driven by the El Nino-Southern Oscillation that may disrupt or interact with these patterns. Long-term forecasting of rainfall trends further suggests the possibility of an upcoming outbreak of Buruli ulcer in French Guiana