34 research outputs found


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    Kemajuan teknologi saat ini memungkinkan untuk dapat mengolah bambu menjadi balok mirip kayu. yaitu bambu laminasi.  Bambu laminasi adalah suatu produk yang dibuat dari beberapa bilah bambu yang direkat dengan arah serat sejajar sehingga dapat memenuhi berbagai jenis dimensi papan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.  Salah satu faktor yang menentukan keberhasilan pembuatan bambu laminasi adalah berat labur perekat.  Berat labur yang ideal akan meningkatkan daya rekat dan kekuatan bambu laminasi.  Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh berat labur terhadap sifat fisika papan laminasi bambu petung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen.  Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor (berat labur perekat) dengan tiga perlakuan  (B1,B2,B3).  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa berat labur perekat B1 (50 gram/cm2), B2(75 gram/cm2) dan B3(100 gram/cm2) tidak berpengaruh nyata pada semua pengujian sifat fisika papan laminasi bambu petung kecuali pada pengujian penyusutan lebar.  Karena tidak terdapat perbedaan yang nyata maka disarankan untuk penggunaan berat labur perekat untuk papan laminasi bambu petung menggunakan berat labur terendah yaitu B1 (50 gram/cm2) untuk efesiensi penggunaan perekat

    SIFAT FISIKA BAMBU GALAH (Gigantochloa atter) BERDASARKAN ARAH AKSIAL DI KECAMATAN GUNUNG SARI KABUPATEN LOMBOK BARAT: Effects of Axial Directions to the Physical Properties of Galah Bamboo(Gigantochloa atter) in Gunung Sari Region, Western Lombok Regent

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    Lombok island is one of the islands in Indonesia which is rich in bamboo varieties and one of them is galah (Gigantochloa atter). This species is generally used for crafting and furniture by people of the Gunung Sari area, Western Lombok Regent. The study of the physical properties of this bamboo was important because they were correlated to bamboo quality especially for cutting, defects, boring, shaping, stripping, and sanding. The objective of this study was to understand the influence of axial directions (bottom, middle, and top portions) on physical properties and their values which were investigated with the experimental method. The experimental design was completed randomized design (CRD) employing axial directions as the parameters with three replications. The statistical analyses were Anova with range tests at α = 5%, and Least Significant Difference (LSD) tests at α = 5%. The results showed that the treatments of physical properties (axial directions at the bottom, middle, and top portions) of galah bamboo were not significantly different. The average fresh moisture content was 176.21%, air-dried moisture content 14.43%; fresh density 0.40; air-dried density 0.54; oven-dried density 0.51.Keywords: axial directions; density; galah bamboo; moisture content; physical propertie

    The Effect of Felt Pressure and Adhesive Lath Weight on The Physical and Mechanical Properties of The Combination of Petung Bamboo and Sengon Laminated Boards

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    Sengon wood as a construction material has several weaknesses, namely its specific gravity of 0.33 which is included in the light specific gravity (0.29-0.56) with a strong class III-IV. To increase the strength of sengon wood by making sengon wood into laminated boards combined with bamboo laminates. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of labur weight, compression pressure and their interactions on the physical and mechanical properties of the laminated boards of a combination of sengon wood and petung bamboo and to determine the strength class of the laminated boards based on their physical and mechanical properties. The research method used was the experimental method with a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experiment with 2 factors with 4 treatments and 3 replications. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that labur weight, felt pressure and their interactions have no significant effect on the physical properties of the laminated board combination of sengon wood and petung bamboo while the mechanical properties have a significant effect. All tests of physical and mechanical properties comply with SNI 01-6240-2000 and JAS 234-2007 standards. Based on the results of testing the physical and mechanical properties, the laminated board combination of sengon wood and petung bamboo is included in the strength class III which can be used for protected heavy construction


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    The centre of bamboo crafts in Gunung Sari District is the largest bamboo centre in West Lombok Regency. One of the bamboo species which is usually used as raw materials is tali bamboo. Studies of physical properties of this bamboo have not been carried out resulting poor quality of bamboo crafts. The physical property was essensial information which would be used for enhancing the products because it correlated with dimensional stability of the bamboo. The objectives of this study were to identify the physical properties of the bamboo with reference to the axial direction. The experiment design was complete random design employing the axial directions (bottom, middle, and top portions) as treatments. The statistical analyses were Anova with range tests at α = 5%. The results showed that the physical properties were: fresh moisture content 51-119.82%; air-dried moisture content 13.03-15.04%; fresh volume density 0.51 – 0.72; air-dried volume density 0.62 – 0.75; oven volume density 0.63 – 0.78. Axial directions of the physical properties were not significantly different except for the fresh moisture content. Therefore all portions of tali bamboo (bottom, middle, and top portions) could be utilized as raw materials for bamboo crafts


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    One area producing bamboos in West Nusa Tenggara Province is a community forest of Aik Bual village. The bamboos have not been investigated for their species and physical characteristics. Spatial distribution of the bamboos is important to determine the potency of the bamboos and physical characteristics are required for craft manufacturing processing industries and simple construction materials. The objectives of this research were to identify the distribution and physical characteristics of the bamboos in the community forest of Aik Bual village. The method of this study was experiment method. The data were collected within two stages: the first stage was collecting data of bamboo species, number of the bamboo clump, and number of bamboos. The second stage was testing of the bamboo’s physical characteristics. the results were described and compared with bamboo’s quality standards. The distribution of bamboo in the area was predominantly along riverbanks and was less in people’s gardens. Four species of bamboo were identified in the area: Tali bamboo (Gigantochloa apus), petung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper Backer), ampel bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Scharder ex Wendland) and galah bamboo (Gigantochloa atter (Hassk) Kurz ex Munro). The highest number of clump was tali bamboo, 1,298 clumps consisting of 41,357 bamboos, while the least was ampel bamboo, 70 clumps consisting of 1,667 bamboos. The total number of all bamboos was 2,444 clumps with 49,873 bamboos in them. Physical characteristics of these four bamboos in Aik Bual Village were: fresh moisture content 67.33% - 176.81%, air-dried moisture content was 11.78% - 18.67%, fresh specific weight was 0.44 – 0.69, air-dried specific weight was 0.56 – 0.78, and oven specific weight was 0.53 – 0.7

    Karateristik dan Sifat Fisik Bambu Petung (Dendrocalamus asper. Backer) di Kawasan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKM) Desa Aik Bual, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Bambu merupakan salah satu HHBK unggulan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Disamping multi fungsi bambu yang tinggi maka terdapat beberapa kelemahan dari bambu antara lain : pengerjaan tidak mudah karena mudah pecah atau retak, mudah terserang serangga perusak kayu sehingga tidak tahan lama (tidak awet), variasi dimensi dan ketidakseragaman panjang ruasnya. Salah satu jenis bambu yang terdapat di Nusa Tenggara Barat adalah bambu petung (Dendrocalamus asper.Backer). Kawasan HKM desa Aik Bual merupakan salah satu kawasan di NTB yang terdapat bambu petung. Informasi identifkasi bambu penting untuk mengetahui karateristik bambu pada kawasan tersebut sedangkan informasi sifat fisika bermanfaat sebagai informasi kestabilan dimensi bahan bambu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karateristik dan sifat fisika bambu petung (Dendrocalamus asper.Backer). Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian observasi dan eksperimen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat ditarik beberapa kesimpulan sebagai berikut: Karakteristik bambu petung : panjang ruas bagian pangkal 39,4-45,8 cm, bagian tengah 46-49 cm dan bagian ujung 46,4-57 cm; diameter batang pada bagian pangkal 6,69-9,25 cm, bagian tengah 5,79-8,32 cm dan bagian ujung 5,06-7,99 cm; ketebalan dinding batang pada bagian pangkal 1,62-2 cm, bagian tengah 1,16-1,57 cm dan bagian ujung 0,85-1,09 cm. Bambu ini baik digunakan untuk konstruksi dengan perlakuan pengawetan sebelumnya, jembatan, furniture bagian tertentu dan kerajinan. Sifat fisik bambu petung : kadar segar bambu petung 67,33% – 108,46 %, kadar air kering udara11,83% - 12,64%, berat jenis volume segar 0,57 – 0,69, berat jenis volume kering udara 0,65 – 0,78 dan berat jenis volume kering tanur 0,66 – 0,76


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    Produk kerajinan Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Karang Sidemen berbahan dasar bambu. Bahan baku berupa bambu sering kurang optimal karena kerentanannya terhadap organisme perusak terutama jamur pelapuk, rayap kayu kering dan kumbang bubuk kayu kering. Kerusakan pada bambu dapat terjadi pada bahan baku, barang kerajinan yang sudah jadi, bahkan yang sudah sampai di tangan konsumen. Oleh karena itu maka perlu dilakukan upaya pencegahan. Salah satu upaya untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut adalah melalui teknologi peningkatan ketahanan bahan baku terhadap organisme perusak. Selain dapat meningkatkan ketahanan bambu terhadap organisme perusak kegiatan ini juga dapat menambah nilai jual produk kerajinan sehingga diperlukan optimalisasi kualitas dan nilai produk kerajinan tersebut melalui pelatihan. Pelatihan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kreatifitas dan kualitas produksi sehingga para pengrajin dapat berkembang baik secara kualitas maupun nilai ekonomi produk kerajinannya. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa anggota KWT Karang Sidemen sangat kooperatif dalam pelaksanaan pelatihan ini dan mampu melaksanakan kegiatan pengawetan bambu dengan baik. Anggota KWT Karang Sidemen menyampaikan apresiasi kepada Tim Pengabdian dari Jurusan Kehutanan Universitas Mataram dan berharap ada kegiatan tindak lanjut terkait pengawetan bahan baku bambu untuk produk kerajinan yang akan bersentuhan langsung dengan makanan


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    Pengembangan budidaya lebah madu trigona sudah banyak dilakukan masyarakat. Akan tetapi pengembangannya masih terdapat sedikit kendala dan permasalahan, salah satunya adalah ketrampilan dan teknologi yang terbatas, serta peralatan budidaya yang belum standar sehingga mempengaruhi hasil produksi madunya. Salah satu komponen peralatan budidaya madu adalah kotak lebah (stup). Bahan baku pembuatan kotak lebah atau stup memberikan pengaruh terhadap produksi madu baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitasnya. Jenis kayu sebagai bahan baku stup berpengaruh terhadap produksi madu yang dihasilkan lebah madu trigona. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat adalah upaya meningkatkan produktivitas lebah madu Trigona sp dengan menggunakan bahan kayu dadap (Erythrina Vareigata L) di kelompok tani lebah madu pendua, Desa Pendua, Kec. Kayangan, Kab. Lombok utara. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu metode partisipasif dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang pembuatan stup dengan bahan baku kayu dadap, serta peran partisipasi kelompok tani lebah madu Pendua. Hasil pengabdian adalah terdapat peningkatan produksi madu yang dihasilkan dengan menggunakan bahan baku stup kayu dadap dan cara pemindahan koloni lebah trigona. Trigona mulai memproduksi kantong madu diperlukan waktu 1,5 bulan, sehingga diperkirakan setelah 3 bulan bisa dipanen, dimana sebelumnya masa panen memerlukan waktu 4 bulan. Rekomendasi yang diberikan yaitu selain menggunakan kayu dadap sebagai bahan baku stup, perlu ditunjang pula dengan diversifikasi sumber pakan lebah juga, sehingga akan lebih meningkatkan produksi madunya


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    This study aims to determine the physical and mechanical properties of sengon and white teak laminated boards, the effect of the weight of the coating, the type of wood and their interactions and the strength class of the laminated board. The physical and mechanical properties of sengon and white teak laminated boards are as follows: moisture content of 12.535%, density of 0.402 gram/cm³, thickness expansion of 1.544%, thickness shrinkage of 3.182%, MoE of 19745,840 kgf/cm², MoR of 330.106 kgf/cm². Laur weight did not significantly affect all physical and mechanical properties of sengon and white teak laminated boards except for water content testing. The type of wood had a significant effect on all tests of physical and mechanical properties of sengon and white teak laminated boards except for the MoE test. The interaction of wood species and pumpkin weight had no significant effect on all physical and mechanical properties tests except for water content and MoR tests. Based on the standards of SNI 03-2105-2006 and JAS 234-2007, all tests of physical and mechanical properties of sengon and white teak laminated boards have complied with the standard except for thick shrinkage and MoE tests. Based on the strength class of the laminated board, the laminated board of sengon wood and white teak is included in the strong class III which can be used as indoor construction materials

    Karateristik Sifat Fisika dan Mekanika Papan Laminasi Kayu Sengon dan Kayu Bayur

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    Currently, it is increasingly difficult to obtain large and quality sawn timber due to the diminishing supply of wood in natural forests. To overcome this problem, innovation is needed to utilize wood scrap waste as a board product. One form of innovation in the use of wood scrap as a board product is laminated boards. In this study, Sengon and Bayur woods were used which had strong grades III-IV and had specific gravity ranging from 0.29-0.70. Bayur and Sengon wood are suitable to be used as raw materials for laminated boards because they have a light density. The purpose of this research was to determine the physical and mechanical characteristics of laminated boards, the effect of Labur weight, wood species and their interactions. The method used in this study is an experimental method with a factorial completely randomized design (CRD). Characteristics of physical and mechanical properties of laminated boards of Sengon and clothes: density 0.412 gram/cm3; water content 12,459%; thick development 2.019%; thick shrinkage 3.183%; MoE 23031,922 kgf/cm²; MoR 357.208 kgf/cm². Laur weight, type of wood and their interactions have a significant effect on all physical and mechanical properties of Sengon and Bayur laminated boards. The interaction of pumpkin weight and wood species had no significant effect on the water content and MoR tests. Based on the wood strength class, Sengon and Bayur wood laminated boards are classified as class III which can be used as protected heavy construction materials