1,564 research outputs found

    Rosyjski dowcip polityczny w przekladzie polskim

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    Статья затрагивает вопросы перевода русского политического анекдота с русского языка на польский. Звуковое и грамматическое совпадение анекдотов позволяет сохранить в переводах грамматические структуры. Часто в польских речевых переводах встречаются синтаксические русизмы. Понятие и подтекст политического анекдота не вызывают трудностей ни у переводчика, ни у слушателя. Поскольку переводы существуют чаще всего в речевой форме, исключается художественное транслационное восприятие. Подбор синонимических выражений в польском языке способствует точному переводу как фонического, так и звукового содержания текста

    Periodic diffraction patterns for 1D quasicrystals

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    A simple model of 1D structure based on a Fibonacci sequence with variable atomic spacings is proposed. The model allows for observation of the continuous transition between periodic and non-periodic diffraction patterns. The diffraction patterns are calculated analytically both using ``cut and project'' and ``average unit cell'' methods, taking advantage of the physical space properties of the structure.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, the language was polished. References added: [18], [23] & [28]. Paper accepted to Acta Physica Polonica

    Edukacja przedszkolna skierowana ku wartościom

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    Artykuł podejmuje problem wychowania ku wartościom w przedszkolu. Ukazuje potrzebę wychowania ku wartościom już na pierwszym etapie edukacji przedszkolnej, przy współpracy rodziny. Podjęte w artykule rozważania na temat wychowania ku wartościom dotyczą prawnych aspektów wychowania w przedszkolu, stąd została dokonana analiza Podstawy programowej wychowania przedszkolnego w celu określenia miejsca wychowania ku wartościom w wychowaniu ogólnym dziecka. W artykule zwrócono uwagę na antropologiczne podstawy wychowania ku wartościom i przedstawiono zasady opracowywania autorskiego programu z edukacji skierowanej ku wartościom. Podkreślono, że przygotowany program powinien być oparty na trzech podstawowych wartościach życia człowieka tzw. wartościach kardynalnych, tj.: prawdzie, dobru i pięknie. Podejmowane działania na etapie przedszkolnym mają charakter wprowadzający dziecko w świat wartości (nauczanie wartości) poprzez ich odkrywanie, przyswajanie i urzeczywistnianie w codziennym życiu

    Emotion Analysis of Twitter Data That Use Emoticons and Emoji Ideograms

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    Twitter is an online social networking service on which users worldwide publish their opinions on a variety of topics, discuss current issues, complain, and express many kinds of emotions. Therefore, Twitter is a rich source of data for opinion mining, sentiment and emotion analysis. This paper focuses on this issue by analysing symbols called emotion tokens, including emotion symbols (e.g. emoticons and emoji ideograms). According to observations, emotion tokens are commonly used in many tweets. They directly express one’s emotions regardless of his/her language, hence they have become a useful signal for sentiment analysis in multilingual tweets. The paper describes the approach to extending existing binary sentiment classification approaches using a multi-way emotions classification

    Learning Instance Segmentation from Sparse Supervision

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    Instance segmentation is an important task in many domains of automatic image processing, such as self-driving cars, robotics and microscopy data analysis. Recently, deep learning-based algorithms have brought image segmentation close to human performance. However, most existing models rely on dense groundtruth labels for training, which are expensive, time consuming and often require experienced annotators to perform the labeling. Besides the annotation burden, training complex high-capacity neural networks depends upon non-trivial expertise in the choice and tuning of hyperparameters, making the adoption of these models challenging for researchers in other fields. The aim of this work is twofold. The first is to make the deep learning segmentation methods accessible to non-specialist. The second is to address the dense annotation problem by developing instance segmentation methods trainable with limited groundtruth data. In the first part of this thesis, I bring state-of-the-art instance segmentation methods closer to non-experts by developing PlantSeg: a pipeline for volumetric segmentation of light microscopy images of biological tissues into cells. PlantSeg comes with a large repository of pre-trained models and delivers highly accurate results on a variety of samples and image modalities. We exemplify its usefulness to answer biological questions in several collaborative research projects. In the second part, I tackle the dense annotation bottleneck by introducing SPOCO, an instance segmentation method, which can be trained from just a few annotated objects. It demonstrates strong segmentation performance on challenging natural and biological benchmark datasets at a very reduced manual annotation cost and delivers state-of-the-art results on the CVPPP benchmark. In summary, my contributions enable training of instance segmentation models with limited amounts of labeled data and make these methods more accessible for non-experts, speeding up the process of quantitative data analysis

    Recepcja antycznej symboliki snu Hannibala na przykładzie dzieła malarskiego Jana Miela ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’

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    The submitted work is an attempt to interpret the combination of Hannibal’s dream symbolism derived from ancient literary sources with the image depicted in the painting ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’ by Jan Miel, placed in Sala del Consiglio of the Turin Palazzo Reale. These considerations are consistent with the problems of the reception of the ancient motif, creatively used by Christian tradition. The author of the article points out that the individual elements of the painting consist in a coherent entirety and aim at communicating a specific message to the recipient. The motto of the work, ‘Genius quo ducit eundum’, aimed at communicating the work of the divine will, serves this purpose in particular. The author of the article points out that an important role in distributing the story of Hannibal’s dream must have been played by the poem by Silius Italicus, depicting a mature composition of the motifs of ancient literature. The author also wonders for what reason Hannibal became the hero of the work, coming to the conclusion that the Carthaginian included in the Baroque painting is a clear symbol – an opponent of pagan Rome. A hero who opposed the corruption of Rome. Although Livy referred to Hannibal as an unfaithful man, he had never broken his oath to high gods – for he had never become a friend of the Romans. Thus Hannibal becomes a symbol of the lack of consent to acceptance of evil. His determination expressed in Jan Miel’s work appears as an inspiring and necessary component for Europe.Zamierzeniem autora przedłożonej pracy jest zbadanie recepcji antycznego motywu snu Hannibala, zobrazowanego przez Jana Miela w pracy malarskiej ‘Il Sonno di Annibale fra gl’Iberi’, umieszczonej w ‘Sala del Consiglio’ Turyńskiego Palazzo Reale. Wykorzystując przykład tej pracy plastycznej, autor przygląda się problemowi snów w świecie antycznym. Wskazując na ich profetyczne znaczenie, usiłuje powiązać atrakcyjność tego motywu z kulturowymi pryncypiami epoki nowożytnej. Zstąpienie boskiego posłańca, który komunikuje wolę boską budzącemu się Hannibalowi było ważnym elementem konceptualizacji dzieła malarskiego, mającego za zadanie przekazać konkretny komunikat odbiorcy. Celowi temu służyła podpowiedź w formie motta dzieła: ‘Genius quo ducit eundum’, mającego zakomunikować o działaniu woli boskiej. Autor artykułu zwraca uwagę, że istotną rolę w dystrybuowaniu wątku snu Hannibala musiał odegrać poemat Syliusza Italikusa, przedstawiający dojrzałą kompozycję motywów literatury antycznej. Autor zastanawia się również z jakiego powodu bohaterem pracy został Hannibal, dochodząc w efekcie do wniosku, że Kartagińczyk ujęty w barokowym dziele to pewien czytelny symbol – antagonista pogańskiego Rzymu, z chrześcijańskiej perspektywy, będącego substytutem zła. Pomimo, że Liwiusz określał Hannibala jako człowieka wiarołomnego, ten w istocie nigdy nie złamał danej swoim bogom przysięgi – nigdy bowiem nie stał się przyjacielem Rzymian. Tym samym Hannibal staje się symbolem braku przyzwolenia na akceptację zła. Jego determinacja wyrażona poprzez dzieło Jana Miela jawi się zatem jako czynnik inspirujący i potrzebny Europie

    Magnetic properties of individual iron filled carbon nanotubes and their application as probes for magnetic force microscopy

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    Iron filled carbon nanotubes (FeCNT) can be described as carbon nanotubes which contain an iron nanowire of several micrometers length and a diameter of approximately 10-100 nm. The carbon shells protect the iron core from oxidation and mechanical damage thus enabling a wide range of applications that require a long-term stability. The magnetic properties of the enclosed nanowire are in part determined by its small size and elongated shape. Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) measurements show that the iron wire exhibits a single domain behavior. Due to the large shape anisotropy it is magnetized along the long wire axis in the remanent state. Two magnetic monopoles of opposing polarity are located at the wire extremities. Depending on the structure and geometry of the individual nanowire, switching fields in the range of 100-400 mT can be found when the external field is applied along the FeCNT’s easy axis. Cantilever magnetometry shows that the switching can be attributed to a thermally assisted magnetization reversal mechanism with the nucleation and propagation of a domain wall. The defined magnetic properties of individual FeCNT combined with their mechanical strength make them ideal candidates for an application as high resolution high stability MFM probes. The fabrication of such probes can be achieved with the help of a micromanipulation setup in a scanning electron microscope. FeCNT MFM probes achieve a sub 25 nm lateral magnetic resolution. MFM measurements with FeCNT MFM probes in external fields show that the magnetization of these probes is exceptionally stable compared to conventional coated MFM probes. This greatly simplifies the data evaluation of such applied field MFM measurements. The emphasis of this work was put on the calibration of FeCNT probes to enable straightforward quantitative MFM measurements. The defined shape of the magnetically active iron nanowire allows an application of a point monopole description. Microscale parallel current carrying lines that produce a defined magnetic field are used as calibration structures to determine the effective magnetic moment of different MFM probes. The line geometry is varied in order to produce multiple magnetic field decay lengths and investigate the influence on the effective probe moment. The results show that while the effective magnetic monopole moment of a conventional MFM probe increases with an increasing sample stray field decay length, the effective moment of a FeCNT MFM probe remains constant. This enables a MFM probe calibration that stays valid for a large variety of magnetic samples. Furthermore, the fitted monopole moment of a FeCNT probe (in the order of 10E-9 Am) is consistent with the moment calculated from the nanowire geometry and the saturation magnetization of iron

    Physical space description of decorated quasicrystals

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    In this paper the systematic method of dealing with the arbitrary decorations of quasicrystals is presented. The method is founded on the average unit cell formalism and operates in the physical space only, where each decorating atom manifests itself just by an additional component of the displacement density function in the average unit cell. Such approach allows us to use almost all classical crystallography algorithms for structure refining based on experimental data and may meaningly decrease the number of parameters which have to be fit. Further help for such analysis may be the use of proposed recently average Patterson function, here applied to decorated sets. As an example we present a description of a class of decorated quasicrystals based on Sturmian sequence of two interatomic spacings: we calculate explicitly structure factor, the shape of average Patterson function and give an algorithm for pattern analysis.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure