71 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Near-Infrared Properties of the Variable Source Sagittarius A*

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    This thesis on observational astronomy focuses on the highly variable near-infrared source Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) at the center of the Milky Way, associated with the central super-massive black hole. It is divided in two parts: a comprehensive data description of Ks-band measurements of Sgr A*, covering the last seven years of observations with the Very Large Telescope and the state-of-the-art instrument NAOS/CONICA, and an effort in polarimetric instrumentation, the calibration of the instrumental polarization properties of NAOS/CONICA in the Ks-band. In the first part I characterize the statistical properties of the near-infrared variability of Sgr A*, the electromagnetic manifestation of the Galactic Center super-massive black hole, and find the flux density to be power-law distributed. I cannot confirm the evidence of a two state process with different flux density distributions behind the variability, as reported in other publications. I find a linear rms-flux relation for the flux density range up to 12 mJy on a timescale of 24 minutes. This and the power- law flux density distribution imply a phenomenological, formally non-linear statistical variability model with which I can simulate the observed variability and extrapolate its behavior to higher flux levels and longer timescales. I can show that a bright outburst within the last 400 years, that has been discussed as the possible reason for the X- ray emission from massive molecular clouds surrounding the Galactic Center, can be expected as an extreme value of our statistics without the need for a cosmic event. I give arguments, why data with our time support cannot be used to decide on the question whether the power spectral density of the underlying random process shows more structure at timescales below 100 min compared to what is expected from a red noise random process, as discussed in the context of orbiting hot spots in the accretion flow of the black hole. In the second part I report on the results of calibrating and simulating the instrumental polarization properties of the Very Large Telescope adaptive optics camera system NAOS/CONICA (NACO) in the Ks-band. Here my goal was to understand the influence of systematic calibration effects on the time-resolved polarimetric observations of Sgr A*. I used the Stokes/Mueller formalism for metallic reflections to describe the instrumental polarization. The model is compared to standard-star observations and time-resolved observations of bright sources in the Galactic Center. I simulated the differences between calibration methods and tested their influence on three examples of polarimetric Ks-band light curves of Sgr A*. I find the instrumental polarization to be highly dependent on the pointing position of the telescope and about 4% at maximum. I report a polarization angle offset of 13.2° due to a position angle offset of the λ /2-wave plate with respect to the data-header value that affects the calibration of NACO data taken before autumn 2009. With the new model of the instrumental polarization of NACO it is possible to measure the polarization with an accuracy of 1% in polarization degree. The uncertainty of the polarization angle is ≤ 5° for polarization degrees ≥ 4%. For densely sampled polarimetric time series I find that the improved understanding of the polarization properties gives results that are consistent with the previously used method to derive the polarization of Sgr A*. The difference between the derived and the previously employed polarization calibration is well within the statistical uncertainties of the measurements, and for Sgr A* they do not affect the results from our relativistic modeling of the accretion process

    Ks- and Lp-band polarimetry on stellar and bow-shock sources in the Galactic center

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    Infrared observations of the Galactic center (GC) provide a unique opportunity to study stellar and bow-shock polarization effects in a dusty environment. The goals of this work are to present new Ks- and Lp-band polarimetry on an unprecedented number of sources in the central parsec of the GC, thereby expanding our previous results in the H- and Ks-bands. We use AO-assisted Ks- and Lp-band observations, obtained at the ESO VLT. High precision photometry and the new polarimetric calibration method for NACO allow us to map the polarization in a region of 8" x 25" (Ks) resp. 26" x 28" (Lp). These are the first polarimetric observations of the GC in the Lp-band in 30 years, with vastly improved spatial resolution compared to previous results. This allows resolved polarimetry on bright bow-shock sources in this area for the first time at this wavelength. We find foreground polarization to be largely parallel to the Galactic plane (Ks-band: 6.1% at 20 degrees, Lp-band: 4.5% at 20 degrees, in good agreement with our previous findings and with older results. The previously described Lp-band excess in the foregound polarization towards the GC could be confirmed here for a much larger number of sources. The bow-shock sources contained in the FOV seem to show a different relation between the polarization in the observed wavelength bands than what was determined for the foreground. This points to the different relevant polarization mechanisms. The resolved polarization patterns of IRS 5 and 10W match the findings we presented earlier for IRS~1W. Additionally, intrinsic Lp-band polarization was measured for IRS 1W and 21, as well as for other, less prominent MIR-excess sources (IRS 2S, 2L, 5NE). The new data offer support for the presumed bow-shock nature of several of these sources (1W, 5, 5NE, 10W, 21) and for the model of bow-shock polarization presented in our last work.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Using infrared/X-ray flare statistics to probe the emission regions near the event horizon of Sgr A*

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    The supermassive black hole at the centre of the Galaxy flares at least daily in the infrared (IR) and X-ray bands, yet the process driving these flares is still unknown. So far detailed analysis has only been performed on a few bright flares. In particular, the broadband spectral modelling suffers from a strong lack of simultaneous data. However, new monitoring campaigns now provide data on thousands of flaring events, allowing a statistical analysis of the flare properties. In this paper, we investigate the X-ray and IR flux distributions of the flare events. Using a self-consistent calculation of the particle distribution, we model the statistical properties of the flares. Based on a previous work on single flares, we consider two families of models: pure synchrotron models and synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) models. We investigate the effect of fluctuations in some relevant parameters (e.g. acceleration properties, density, magnetic field) on the flux distributions. The distribution of these parameters is readily derived from the flux distributions observed at different wavelengths. In both scenarios, we find that fluctuations of the power injected in accelerated particles plays a major role. This must be distributed as a power-law (with different indices in each model). In the synchrotron dominated scenario, we derive the most extreme values of the acceleration power required to reproduce the brightest flares. In that model, the distribution of the acceleration slope fluctuations is constrained and in the SSC scenario we constrain the distributions of the correlated magnetic field and flow density variations.Comment: 9 pages, 3 tables, 6 figures, MNRAS, June 201

    Constraining the Variability and Binary Fraction of Galactic Center Young Stars

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    We present constraints on the variability and binarity of young stars in the central 10 arcseconds (~0.4 pc) of the Milky Way Galactic Center (GC) using Keck Adaptive Optics data over a 12 year baseline. Given our experiment's photometric uncertainties, at least 36% of our sample's known early-type stars are variable. We identified eclipsing binary systems by searching for periodic variability. In our sample of spectroscopically confirmed and likely early-type stars, we detected the two previously discovered GC eclipsing binary systems. We derived the likely binary fraction of main sequence, early-type stars at the GC via Monte Carlo simulations of eclipsing binary systems, and find that it is at least 32% with 90% confidence.Comment: Accepted for publication in Proceedings of IAU Symposium 322: The Multi-Messenger Astrophysics of the Galactic Centre, 2 pages, 1 figur

    The Intrinsic Two-Dimensional Size of Sagittarius A*

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    We report the detection of the two-dimensional structure of the radio source associated with the Galactic Center black hole, Sagittarius A*, obtained from Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations at a wavelength of 7mm. The intrinsic source is modeled as an elliptical Gaussian with major axis size 35.4 x 12.6 R_S in position angle 95 deg East of North. This morphology can be interpreted in the context of both jet and accretion disk models for the radio emission. There is supporting evidence in large angular-scale multi-wavelength observations for both source models for a preferred axis near 95 deg. We also place a maximum peak-to-peak change of 15% in the intrinsic major axis size over five different epochs. Three observations were triggered by detection of near infrared (NIR) flares and one was simultaneous with a large X-ray flare detected by NuSTAR. The absence of simultaneous and quasi-simultaneous flares indicates that not all high energy events produce variability at radio wavelengths. This supports the conclusion that NIR and X-ray flares are primarily due to electron excitation and not to an enhanced accretion rate onto the black hole.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    An Adaptive Optics Survey of Stellar Variability at the Galactic Center

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    We present a 11.5\approx 11.5 year adaptive optics (AO) study of stellar variability and search for eclipsing binaries in the central 0.4\sim 0.4 pc (10\sim 10'') of the Milky Way nuclear star cluster. We measure the photometry of 563 stars using the Keck II NIRC2 imager (KK'-band, λ0=2.124 μm\lambda_0 = 2.124 \text{ } \mu \text{m}). We achieve a photometric uncertainty floor of ΔmK0.03\Delta m_{K'} \sim 0.03 (3%\approx 3\%), comparable to the highest precision achieved in other AO studies. Approximately half of our sample (50±2%50 \pm 2 \%) shows variability. 52±5%52 \pm 5\% of known early-type young stars and 43±4%43 \pm 4 \% of known late-type giants are variable. These variability fractions are higher than those of other young, massive star populations or late-type giants in globular clusters, and can be largely explained by two factors. First, our experiment time baseline is sensitive to long-term intrinsic stellar variability. Second, the proper motion of stars behind spatial inhomogeneities in the foreground extinction screen can lead to variability. We recover the two known Galactic center eclipsing binary systems: IRS 16SW and S4-258 (E60). We constrain the Galactic center eclipsing binary fraction of known early-type stars to be at least 2.4±1.7%2.4 \pm 1.7\%. We find no evidence of an eclipsing binary among the young S-stars nor among the young stellar disk members. These results are consistent with the local OB eclipsing binary fraction. We identify a new periodic variable, S2-36, with a 39.43 day period. Further observations are necessary to determine the nature of this source.Comment: 69 pages, 28 figures, 12 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Detection of Galactic Center source G2 at 3.8 μ\mum during periapse passage

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    We report new observations of the Galactic Center source G2 from the W. M. Keck Observatory. G2 is a dusty red object associated with gas that shows tidal interactions as it nears closest approach with the Galaxy's central black hole. Our observations, conducted as G2 passed through periapse, were designed to test the proposal that G2 is a 3 earth mass gas cloud. Such a cloud should be tidally disrupted during periapse passage. The data were obtained using the Keck II laser guide star adaptive optics system (LGSAO) and the facility near-infrared camera (NIRC2) through the K' [2.1 μ\mum] and L' [3.8 μ\mum] broadband filters. Several results emerge from these observations: 1) G2 has survived its closest approach to the black hole as a compact, unresolved source at L'; 2) G2's L' brightness measurements are consistent with those over the last decade; 3) G2's motion continues to be consistent with a Keplerian model. These results rule out G2 as a pure gas cloud and imply that G2 has a central star. This star has a luminosity of \sim30 LL_{\odot} and is surrounded by a large (\sim2.6 AU) optically thick dust shell. The differences between the L' and Br-γ\gamma observations can be understood with a model in which L' and Br-γ\gamma emission arises primarily from internal and external heating, respectively. We suggest that G2 is a binary star merger product and will ultimately appear similar to the B-stars that are tightly clustered around the black hole (the so-called S-star cluster).Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters, 2014 October 1

    Modeling instrumental field-dependent aberrations in the NIRC2 instrument on the Keck II telescope

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    We present a model of field-dependent aberrations arising in the NIRC2 instrument on the W. M. Keck II telescope. We use high signal-to-noise phase diversity data employing a source in the Nasmyth focal plane to construct a model of the optical path difference as a function of field position and wavelength. With a differential wavefront error of up to 190 nm, this effect is one of the main sources of astrometric and photometric measurement uncertainties. Our tests of temporal stability show sufficient reliability for our measurements over a 20-month period at the field extrema. Additionally, while chromaticity exists, applying a correction for field-dependent aberrations provides overall improvement compared to the existing aberrations present across the field of view

    General relativistic MHD simulations of non-thermal flaring in Sagittarius A*

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    Sgr A* exhibits regular variability in its multiwavelength emission, including daily X-ray flares and almost continuous near-infrared (NIR) flickering. The origin of this variability is still ambiguous since both inverse Compton and synchrotron emission are possible radiative mechanisms. The underlying particle distributions are also not well constrained, particularly the non-thermal contribution. In this work, we extend previous studies of flare flux distributions employing 3D general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) simulations of accreting black holes using the GPU-accelerated code H-AMR to higher resolutions than previously attempted for Sgr A*. We use the general relativistic ray-tracing (GRRT) code BHOSS to perform the radiative transfer, assuming a hybrid thermal+non-thermal electron energy distribution. We extract ~60 hr lightcurves in the sub-millimetre, NIR and X-ray wavebands and, for the first time, compare the power spectra and the cumulative flux distributions of the lightcurves to statistical descriptions for Sgr A* flares. Our results indicate that non-thermal populations of electrons arising from turbulence-driven reconnection in weakly magnetised accretion flows lead to moderate NIR and X-ray flares and reasonably describe the X-ray flux distribution while fulfilling multiwavelength flux constraints. These models exhibit high rms% amplitudes, >~150% both in the NIR and the X-rays, with changes in the accretion rate driving the 230 GHz flux variability, in agreement with Sgr A* observations.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcom