31 research outputs found
Memasuki era transformasi (reformasi) nasional dan otonomi daerah, organisasi publik dan bisnis Indonesia dituntut untuk mampu mengembangkan daya saing, efisiensi, dan keefektifannya guna melakukan proses perubahan secara kreatif dan berkesinambungan (sustainable). Setiap organisasi perlu membangun strategi perubahan secara proactive dan interactive (real-time strategic) untuk menjadi the leader of crisis. Studi ini menjelaskan penerapan real-time strategic dengan memotret praktik manajemen aset bangunan perusahaan (corporate real-estate asset management or CREAM) di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan cluster analysis—dari 97 perusahaan yang menjadi responden—44 perusahaan (45%) berada dalam kelompok pasif, 37 perusahaan (38.10%) berada dalam kelompok selektif, dan 16 perusahaan (16.50%) berada dalam kelompok aktif. Hal ini menunjukkan potret perusahaan di Indonesia belum efisien dalam mengelola aset bangunannya. Dalam kondisi krisis multidimensional saat ini, berbagai kesalahan tipe I dan tipe III (mismanagement creates high level of inefficiency and high cost economy) menjadi suatu budaya yang harus segera dilakukan pembenahan secara sistematik, total, dan beorientasi pada program. Studi ini memberikan gambaran bagaimana bangsa Indonesia hijrah dari belenggu KKN (inactive and reactive strategic) menuju Indonesia Baru (a good corporate and government governance; proactive and interactive or real-time strategic) melalui corporate real estate asset management (CREAM)
Sistem Seleksi Calon Siswa Bidik Misi Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
Vocational Senior High School of Muhammadiyah 2 Sukoharjo, opens Student Scholarship of Bidik Misi to accept new students in every admission period of academic year. This school has difficulty to decide the candidates of scholarship grantee. In this research, there is solution by creating selection system to select the candidate of scholarship grantee using Simple Additive Weighting method. This research uses parents’ income, family living cost, students’ grades, and students’ achievement. This research also uses a Usecase Diagram to design the system. To test the system, this research uses Blackbox testing method. There are 25 valid questions in research result so that this application is suitable to select the new students. Based in its result, additive simple weighting method can be used as a method to support decision, especially in the selection of scholarship grantee candidates
Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Dan Komitmen Organisasi Terhadap Kesenjangan Anggaran (Studi Kasus Pada Pdam Kota Surakarta)
Anggaran yang disusun secara partisipasif cenderung akan lebih realistis dan tidak terjadi senjangan anggaran. Partisipasi manajer tingkat bawah dalam penyusunan anggaran akan menghasilkan pengungkapan informasi yang lebih sesuai, artinya anggaran akan lebih mudah terealisasi dan mengurangi senjangan anggaran. Partisipasi akan cenderung
meningkat jika partisipan dijadikan tolak ukur penilaian kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh partisipasi anggaran, gaya kepemimpinan, dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh terhadap kesenjangan anggaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan menggunakan
data primer yang diperoleh dari kuesioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh manajer tingkat bawah sampai menengah dan karyawan di PDAM Kota Surakarta. Sampel yang diambil manajer tingkat bawah sampai menengah dan staf yang terkait dengan penyusunan anggaran dengan jumlah 72 responden yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengujian instrument dengan uji validitas (korelasi
product moment) dan uji reliabilitas (cronbach alpha) dan data dianalisis dengan uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi linier berganda, koefisien determinasi, uji F, dan uji t (pengujian hipotesis). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi penyusunan anggaran, gaya kepemimpinan dan komitmen organisasi berpengaruh negatif terhadap kesenjangan anggaran. Ini berarti bahwa semakin tinggi
tingkat partisipasi anggaran, semakin baik gaya kepemimpinan dan semakin tinggi tingkat komitmen organisasi maka akan mengurangi kesenjangan anggara
Dampak Pertambangan Nikel Terhadap Daerah Penangkapan Ikan di Perairan Kabupaten Halmahera Timur
East Halmahera District is one of the mining central areas Nickel in North Moluccas. This mining had a great impact on water quality changes. The aims of this study were to determine the content of Suspended Particulate Matter in East Halmahera waters, determine the water quality level, and determine fishing ground degradation level. The results showed the suspended solids in East Halmahera waters were above NAB, which had been set by Ministry of Environment those were less than 25 mg/l. While the average of SPM content in East Halmahera waters were above 25 mg/l except Wasile. The content of nickel in waters were known under NAB, but it had approached the NAB value which it means nickel had impacted the waters. Water quality changes had given impact to the fish degradation in waters, which the fish were captured by lift netwere classified in ilegal size (IS), that Stolephorus spp 62%, Loligo spp 67%. The number of IS for anchovy and squid were caused by lift net operation which were located near the coastal area where this area has been pressed by mining activities. This condition did not happen on purse seine and gillnet which legal size (LS) of Decaptrus spp 96% and Rastrilliger spp 90%. It was caused by fishing gear which operated far from coastal area. Based on the analysis, can be concluded that the mines Ni has a considerable effect on the degradation of water quality and reduction in size of a decent fish caught mainly lift nets
The effect of combined probiotics with catalyst supplementation on digestion and rumen characteristic in Priangan sheep
An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of combined supplementation of probiotics and catalyst on digestion and rumen characteristic in Priangan sheep. The trial was conducted using 16 heads of young male Priangan sheep with average initial weight of 18 kg in completely randomized design with factorial 2x2 and 4 replication. The first factor was two types of probiotics mixed with catalyst supplement, while the second factor was two levels of supplement percentage of catalyst at 0.5 and 1.0% of concentrate. The type of probiotics applied was probion and probiotics of buffaloes rumen microbes. The feeding level was set at 3% of body weight based on dry matter and consisting of forage (King grass) and concentrate at 50:50 ratio. The results indicated a significantly greater fibre digestion value (NDF) and proportion of acetate molar in the group of sheep fed combination of probiotics of buffaloes rumen microbes and catalyst supplement. It was concluded that the recommendation level of the combined rumen microbe probiotics with catalyst supplement in sheep ration was 0.5%. Key words: Probiotic-Catalyst Supplement, Digestibiliy, Rumen Characteristic, Shee
Financial Review of Gillnet Fishermen's Joint Business Group (KUB) in Beach South West (BARSELA) Aceh
Production of marine fisheries in Barsela over the last five years, based on capture fisheries statistical data of Aceh province, has increased to 285,926.6 tonnes in 2010-2014. Therefore, the total production will affect fishing effort and the fishermen (DKP 2010-2014). The increasing factors of the number of fishing fleet in every year followed by the increasing of fish production still cannot increase the income and welfare of fishermen, particularly the joint business group (KUB) of gillnet fishermen whom are categorized as small-scale fishermen. This study aims to analyse the feasibility of gillnet fishermen's KUB in the area of Barsela Aceh. The result showed that KUB of gillnet fishermen is feasible to continue an average profit of Rp 58.878621. The value of R/C is > 1 with an average value of 1.50. The value of average PP is 1,49 (18 months) to restore the stock. The feasibility of business investment of gillnet fishermen's KUB obtained NPV value > 1, with the average value of 51.951.818, the value of Net B/C is > 1 with an average value of 1.73 and IRR values with an average value of 54%, higher than interest rate level (14%) so that it can be concluded that the JBG of gillnet fishermen is feasible to continue
Konsep Pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Di Kawasan Teluk Bone Dalam Perspektif Keberlanjutan
Fisheries management ideally could prevent the occurrence of overfishing which nowadays has occurred globally, including in Indonesia. On the basis of fishing status and biology of skipjack tuna, as well as analysis of relationship between sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a with skipjack tuna catches, the fisheries management should implement zoning regulation. The north zone was suggested to be prioritized as a conservation area for protecting skipjack juvenile (< 46,5 cm FL) from fishing activity. The middle and south zones were suggested to be fishing area where sustainable fishing is applied. The Application of these regulations has an implication on total allowable catches from Bone Bay. The number has lower value than the previous MSY and F-opt values. Number of skipjack tuna which was allowed to be caught in the north zone is 573 ton yr -1 , in the middle zone was 5,820 ton yr and in the south zone was 2,210 ton yr -1 . Overall, the value of allowed number of skipjack tuna catches in Bone Bay was estimated to be 8,600 ton yr effort per year is equivalent with 5,376 operational trips from pole and line boats. -1 with fishing-
Mapping of Shrimp Fishing Areas in Cilacap District in Central Java Province
Cilacap still be one of the centers of fisheries in Indonesia at this time. One of its main commodities are shrimp. Shrimp fishing activities in Cilacap waters is conducted using trammel net (three layered nets). This study aims to draw up a map of the location of Penaeidae spp shrimp fishing areas in Cilacap waters area using a trammel net. Type of shrimp as a target is catching banana prawn, endeavour prawn, tiger prawn, and tiger cat shrimp. Method of preparation of a map the location of shrimp fishing areas is to use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis technique is a technique used in studies analysing spatial. Preparation of shrimp fishing area location map using ArcGIS Geographic Information System Software. Shrimp fishing area mapping is useful to know the position or where shrimp is the target of fishing operations. By knowing the shrimp fishing areas, then the fishermen will easily find the point where shrimp congregate. This will cause the shrimp fishing operations become more effective and efficient because shrimp fishing vessels can go directly to shrimp fishing area. Some of the efficiencies that can be obtained by fishermen is the cost of fuel efficiency, the efficiency of material consumption must be issued at any time the arrest operation and efficiency of the operation time of arrest. Keywords: Cilacap, Shrimp, trammel net, shrimp fishing area map
Konsep Pengelolaan Perikanan Tangkap Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) di Kawasan Teluk Bone Dalam Perspektif Keberlanjutan
Fisheries management ideally could prevent the occurrence of overfishing which nowadays has occurred globally, including in Indonesia. On the basis of fishing status and biology of skipjack tuna, as well as analysis of relationship between sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a with skipjack tuna catches, the fisheries management should implement zoning regulation. The north zone was suggested to be prioritized as a conservation area for protecting skipjack juvenile (< 46,5 cm FL) from fishing activity. The middle and south zones were suggested to be fishing area where sustainable fishing is applied. The Application of these regulations has an implication on total allowable catches from Bone Bay. The number has lower value than the previous MSY and F-opt values. Number of skipjack tuna which was allowed to be caught in the north zone is 573 ton yr -1 , in the middle zone was 5,820 ton yr and in the south zone was 2,210 ton yr -1 . Overall, the value of allowed number of skipjack tuna catches in Bone Bay was estimated to be 8,600 ton yr effort per year is equivalent with 5,376 operational trips from pole and line boats. -1 with fishing-
Perubahan Nilai Nutrisi Ampas Sagu selam pada Fase Pertumbuhan Jamur Tiram Putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) yang berbeda
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan nutirisi ampas sagu yang dipermentasi menggunakan Pleurotus ostreatus pada berbegai fase pertumbuhannnya. Rancangan Acak lengkap digunakan pada penelitian ini, perlakuan yang diberikan adalah fase pertumbuhan dari Pleurotus ostreatu. Peubah yang diukur meliputi kandungan protein kasar, bahan kering, ADF, VDF, dan lignin dari ampas sagu yang difermentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa terdapat perubahan komposisi nutrisi ampas sago pada berbagai fase pertumbuhan Jamur Pleurotus ostreatus. Kandungan protein meningkat dan kandungan ligninoselulosa menurun, sehingga hasil fermentasi ini sangat potensial untuk dijadikan sebagai pakan ternak ruminansia.Kata kunci: Ampas sago, Pleurotus ostreatus, pakan ruminansia