Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN - STMIK Sinar Nusantara)
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    142 research outputs found

    UI/UX Design Of D'Paragon Employee Attendance System Using Thinking Design Method

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    The purpose of this thesis is to help D'Paragon company to make changes to the absence system that still uses finger print to the absence system model using a mobile application. The company has several employees who may not be able to be absent again at the central location because there are several tasks that must be carried out in several locations other than the central location. Therefore, an online attendance system was created using a mobile-based attendance system. The author will design the UI/UX display of the attendance application to make it easier for developers to design applications, which can later be used for employee attendance. The research method used is the Design Thinking method. This method is known as a comprehensive thinking process that concentrates on creating solutions that begin with a process of empathy for a particular human-centered need. There are 5 stages in this method, namely Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Testing

    Implementasi Logika Fuzzy Pada Game RPG Perang Baratayuda

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    Indonesia is a country that has many cultures in it. Javanese Puppet is one of the Indonesian cultural arts that is growing rapidly on the islands of Java and Bali. Javanese Puppet stories have been used as material for Javanese language lessons in Indonesian schools, especially on the island of Java. However, these stories seem to be starting to be forgotten following the increasing age of the community and also the declining public interest in them. The purpose of this research is to create an RPG game using one of the Javanese puppet stories called the Baratayuda War by using the help of Sugeno's Fuzzy logic implementation in making artificial intelligence on enemy characters. The data collection method uses the Literature Study method which is carried out to obtain information and references from books, papers and scientific journals. From the results of testing the calculation of enemy character variable data consisting of Life, Distance and Ammunition variables, it is evident that Sugeno's Fuzzy logic has been successfully used in determining the behavior of enemy characters. The results of the highest percentage of enemy behavior obtained were 42 % attacking behavior by Striker-type enemies, 35 % attacking behavior by Archer-type enemies and 67% aggressive behavior by Leader-type enemies. From the questionnaires collected by researchers to users of the Baratayuda War game, the overall average result was 86.4%, so that the use of the Baratayuda War game was included in the Very Good category

    Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perekonomian Pada Dpmptsp Kota Surakarta Menggunakan Framework Cobit 4.1 Dengan Model Maturity Levels

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    Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Surakarta is an institution that can be used as a solution by the Regional Government, especially the Surakarta City Government to overcome the problems of public services that are expected to have the competitive advantage of Surakarta City in service to the community. The forms of services provided include prime licensing and non-licensing services and one door with convenience, transparent costs, and timely completion. In addition, it is also supported by the use of an adequate Information and Information Technology System, so that the data stored and data presented are always fast, precise and accurate. The purpose of this study was to obtain knowledge about the application of an integrated service information system and to evaluate to determine whether the system was used with the existing provisions and according to procedures. Weaknesses of agencies that have never been measured by system performance in the application system. Based on the constraints that exist in the agency, the method used in this study is the COBIT 4.1 framework with the Delivery and Support domain which includes DS10 (manage problem) and DS11 (manage data). From this research produces on process DS10 count to 3.71 and DS11 count to 3.86 that describe DPMPTSP Surakarta is only at level 4 (manage level) which means the use of the system is in accordance with its functions and procedures existing and standardized in the Standard Operating System (SOP) documented and applied and formalized. The optimized procedure has been socialized to all management and employees and has been obeyed and worked on in daily activities

    Diagnosa Penyakit Antraks dengan Metode Naive Bayes (Studi Kasus: Kambing Jawarandu

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    ABSTRAKAnthrax is a zoonotic disease that can cause pain in various animal species, as well as in humans. The incidence of disease is often in susceptible animals, namely herbivorous mammals. Another name for anthrax is inflammation of the spleen. It is usually caused by bacteria that enter the body through foods and beverages containing basillus anthracis bacteria. In addition to unclean food, anthrax bacteria can enter the body through soil contaminated with bacteria that enter through breathing and wounds in livestock. Transmission of the disease can quickly spread, both direct and indirect transmission. Mr. Aries's goat farm is one of the goat farms in Pandeyan village, Boyolali sub-district. Obstacles experienced by farmers include dealing with anthrax disease. Farmers must be agile if they find farm animals experiencing clinical symptoms. Therefore, there is a system that can be used to predict anthrax disease in order to prevent the spread of anthrax disease and infected livestock immediately get special treatment. The purpose of this study was to implement the implementation of the Naive Bayes algorithm to diagnose anthrax disease in goat jawarandu. The data processed is data on symptoms of anthrax disease in 2018 obtained from experts, namely: fever, weakness, bleeding in the hole and blood in black or red viscous, diarrhea, breathlessness, swelling in the lower abdomen, seizures near death, and sudden death. The results obtained from this study are an application of anthrax disease diagnosis. Based on the results of validity testing with the confusion matrix method, which obtained accuracy results of 100

    Algoritma C4.5 Untuk Penentuan Tim Pemain Utama Olahraga Voli

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    The current system in the DX JUNIOR Volleyball Team still uses a manual process, because there is no application or method used in determining players on the first team. However, with so many prospective players who want to play to become the main players, it becomes an obstacle in determining who deserves to enter the first team, and requires a long process in determining prospective players who are eligible and not eligible to enter the first team. So a determination classification system is needed by applying the C4.5 Algorithm method which can simplify the process of determining the main players. The purpose of this research is to create an application for Classification of Volleyball First Team Determination Using the C4.5 Algorithm in the DX JUNIOR volleyball team. The methods used include the type of data for data collection techniques using observation and interview methods and literature studies to determine the theoretical basis for research related to the matters under study. As for the system analysis method, for system design using UML, Matlab. The application of the C4.5 Algorithm method for determining first team players was made to make it easier to determine prospective players in the first team based on criteria, namely Physical Strength, Attitude, Cooperation, and Test Score. The results of the research were tested using the blackbox test the system runs accordingly, the validity test was tested on 72 data, resulting in an analysis value which can be concluded that the results of the comparison of Entropy and Gain calculated manually with Entropy and Gain calculated by the program process the results are the same, so the application is in accordance with the results of the C4.5 algorithm analysis

    Implementasi Algoritma C4.5 Untuk Tes Kepribadian Penerimaan Karyawan Di Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    The employee who has bad performance in working can influence the other employee to disturb many jobs. The purpose of this research is creating prediction system which it makes easier for HRD to select prospective employees who have appropriate personality based on the position, by utilizing the C4.5 algorithm known to be the personality of employees of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Transportation Office with a level of accuracy in the implementation of the C.45 algorithm. Testing using the confusion matrix, obtained a system accuracy of 79.167%.

    Cloud Storage untuk Embedded Intrusion Detection System

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    The Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic has had a major social and economic impact on the world. Along with the potential challenges of sharing domains, brings with it many cybersecurity challenges that need to be addressed in a timely manner for critical infrastructure. The increase in the use of internet technology during this pandemic is directly proportional to the increase in the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and cybercrime. Therefore, it is necessary to elaborate the existing ICTs to reduce the impact caused by attacks on the network according to the needs and capabilities of the users. This study applies a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) based on the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B using Snort IDS with log storage media on cloud storage by visualizing the alerts generated to facilitate the analysis of anomalies that occur on the network. The result of this research is that there are attack signatures that are not available in the default rules so that further configuration is needed on Snort. The performance of the IDS sensor does not reduce the capability of the IDS sensor which acts as a hotspot when an attack occurs. 

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Pemantauan Kualitas Udara Berbasis Arduino Untuk Mendeteksi Polusi Udara Di Perkotaan

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    Air pollution is a pressing environmental issue that poses significant risks to human health and the environment. To address this issue, the development of a reliable air quality monitoring system is essential. This research focuses on the design and implementation of a monitoring system based on Arduino Uno microcontroller and sensors such as MQ135, MQ136, and DHT11. The system aims to detect and measure air pollutants, temperature, and humidity levels. The Arduino Uno processes the data collected from the sensors and displays the information on the LCD screen. The system provides real-time monitoring of air quality, allowing quick action to be taken to improve the environment. The use of an Arduino Uno microcontroller enables efficient data processing and control of the overall system operation. The MQ135 sensor is used to detect and measure levels of air pollutants, particularly carbon monoxide (CO). The MQ136 sensor, on the other hand, is used to detect and measure levels of certain air pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide (SO2). In addition, the DHT11 sensor is used to measure the temperature and humidity levels in the air. The results of testing carried out 16 times under the condition of good conditions resulted in an average of CO 8.6 and SO2 15,25 where it is included in the high accuracy category

    Rancang Bangun Game Edukasi ‘Den Sarwo’ Berbasis Mobile Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Jawa Materi Aksara Jawa di Kelas IVB SD Negeri Mojosongo 3

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    The purpose of this research is to design a mobile-based educational game "Den Sarwo" on Javanese language subjects on Javanese script material to help students to understand Javanese script. Researchers used the Research and development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development model. Data collection using interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Testing of the educational game "Den Sarwo" was carried out using the Blackbox Testing method and validation by experts who were converted using a Likert Scale. The results showed that the educational game "Den Sarwo" obtained very feasible criteria according to media experts having a feasibility level of 92%, according to material expert validation having a feasibility level of 92% with very feasible criteria, and feasibility assessment by educators getting a percentage of 97.3% with very feasible criteria, so that the educational game "Den Sarwo" is feasible to use as a learning media and entertainment facility when studying independently anytime and anywhere

    Penerapan Moving Average Pada Prediksi Penjualan Accu

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    The problem faced by TIO ACCU is the difficulty of providing stock according to consumer needed, it caused every month has difference sale of product.  The purpose of this research is to create a battery sales prediction system using the Moving Average method. The Moving Average algorithm used for past sales data doesn’t has seasonal trends or elements. This method is applied to predict the number of battery sales in future periods. The results from 5 periods and validity test with 31 sales data for the MAD method is 3.90, for the MSE method is 20.09, and for the MAPE method is 7.72%. Meanwhile, the results of calculation 7 periods with validity test of 29 sales data for the MAD method is 3.70, the MSE method is 18.90, and for the MAPE method is 7.28%. The test results of the battery sales prediction system using the Moving Average method have run well and optimally with accuracy rate of 92.28% for 5-period predictions and 92.72% for 7-period predictions can be classified as very good criteria, because it has an error rate of less than 10%.


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