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    391 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Affecting Business Performance of Agricultural Young Entrepreneurs Program (PWMP)

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    Program Penumbuhan Wirausaha Muda Pertanian (PWMP) merupakan salah satu kegiatan Kementan (Kementrian Pertanian) dalam rangka mewujudkan regenerasi petani yang dirancang untuk penyadaran, penumbuhan, pengembangan dan pemandirian minat, ketrampilan, dan jiwa kewirausahaan generasi muda di bidang pertanian/peternakan.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja usaha program PWMP. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Survey. Jumlah responden adalah 16 orang. Penelitian dilakukan pada alumni mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran yang menerima bantuan dana PWMP di Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil usaha kelompok PWMP ini seperti, volume produksi, biaya produksi, volume penjualan, dan keuntungan sangat variatif dari yang nilainya kecil hingga besar. Adapun dua variabel yang secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja usaha adalah volume produksi dan volume penjualan. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan volume produksi harus diiringi dengan peningkatan kualitas produk, sedangkan peningkatan volume penjualan harus diiringi dengan promosi produk melalui media sosial yang lebih murah dibandingkan dengan media promosi lainnya.

    Factors Affecting the Reproductive Performance Efficiency of Beef Cattle in the South Sulawesi Province

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    The application of artificial insemination (AI) technology continues to improve, especially in South Sulawesi, one of Indonesia's beef cattle population centers. This study aims to determine the factors influencing AI implementation in South Sulawesi. Reproduction performance secondary data was obtained from iSIKHNAS. Data were tabulated by district, inseminator, cattle breed, and reproductive variables (S/C value and pregnancy percentage). Data were analyzed using descriptive, variance, and correlation analyses. Bali, Limousin, and Simmental cattle had S/C of 2.24, 2.44, and 2.61, respectively. Different district locations have better S/C (P<0.05), such as Palopo, Barru, Sidenreng Rappang, Jeneponto, North Luwu, Sinjai, Bantaeng, and Tana Toraja. The performance of inseminators had a significant effect (P<0.05). Although with a low number of inseminators, Tana Toraja had the best reproductive efficiency, compared to Soppeng, which has many inseminators but low livestock reproductive efficiency (P<0.05). In conclusion, reproductive efficiency performance is influenced by location (district topography) and inseminator performance, whereas the breed of cattle does not affect S/C values and pregnancy percentage. The results of the correlation analysis showed that S/C has a positive correlation with inseminator performance of 44.3%

    Farm Resources Utilization on the Integrated System of Bali Cattle-Palm Oil

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    A study on cattle-oil palm integrated farms aimed to identify the level of utilization of farmer resources, and the technical efficiency at the individual level compared to its best potential achievement (frontier production). Observations were conducted on 152 farmers in four sub-districts in Paser Regency, East Borneo. They were randomly selected in two stages: (1) choosing a farmer group, and (2) choosing farmers from the selected group. Model the causal relationship between resource utilization and output of mixed farming using the Cobb-Douglas equation. Regression analysis was used to estimate the degree of technical efficiency ratio using the stochastic frontier analysis. The results of the analysis showed that farm cattle production was at a constant return to scale, meaning that a doubling of the farm outputs was obtained from doubling the resources used. The number of cattle ownership and labor are two factors that significantly increase farm output. As much as 46.7 percent of farmers achieve the first and second grades of technical efficiency with an efficiency index range is 0.7-0.9. The rest or 53,3 percent have an index range of below 0.7. This means that there is still a large chance for this sector to use resources more efficiently. Cattle are reproducible and transferable capital assets, it is relatively practical and affordable for farmers to provide them. While the productivity of oil palm plantations decreases due to aging, the addition of livestock assets can be relied upon to strengthen farmers' livelihood and income

    The Quality of Broiler Chicken Meat Fed with Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Peel Flour

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    The study aims to evaluate the effect of dragon fruit peel flour (DPF) on the meat quality of broiler chicken. A total of 96 DOCs of the Ross strain were randomly divided into 4 treatments and 6 replications. The treatments included T0=Basal diet (BD), T1=BD + 0.5% DPF, T2=BD + 1% DPF, and T3=BD + 1.5% DPF. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan Multiple Range Test. Observed variables were water content, dry matter, protein, and fat mass of the broiler chicken’s meat. The results showed that there was an increase (P0.05). It was concluded that adding dragon fruit peel flour in broiler diets up to 1.5% could increase broiler meat's weight, protein, and fat mass

    The Influence of Different Land Transportation Time from Banjarnegara to Semarang on Body Condition Response of Local Male Sheep

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    This study aims to determine the body conditions and body weight loss of male local sheep after transportation from Banjarnegara to Semarang at different times. This study used 22 local rams aged 10 months weighing 17.14 + 1.68 kg (CV= 9.8%). This research used a Completely Randomized Design with two treatments and 11 replications. The treatments were different transportation times consisting of 4 hours (T1) and 6 hours (T2). The parameters used in this study were pulse rate, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature in Banjarnegara (before transportation), Temanggung (during rest), and Semarang (after transportation), as well as body weight loss from male local sheep. The data were analyzed by using a t-test. The results showed that before transportation, the pulse and respiratory rate of T2 rams were higher (P0.05) with an average of 18.33 kg before transportation and  16.80 kg after transportation. The body weight loss of T1 and T2 was about 1.53 kg, and was not significantly different (P>0.05). It can be concluded that different transportation times (4 hours and 6 hours) affected local rams’ physiological conditions with similar body weight loss.Key words : sheep, transportation, physiological conditions, and body weight loss

    Consumer Preference for Buying Beef at the Traditional Market in Magelang City

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and examine the characteristics and attitudes of consumers preferences towards buying beef in the Traditional Markets of Magelang City, namely Gotong Royong Market, Rejowinangun Market, and Kebonpolo Market. The research was carried out in December 2022. The research method used is descriptive analytic. The number of respondents as many as 100 people with the sampling method that is purposive random sampling. The data obtained were analyzed using the validity test, reliability test, descriptive analysis, and fishbein multi-attribute analysis. The results of the validity test and reliability test show the validity and reliability of all available question items. The research results show that consumer characteristics to be in the age group of 41-65 years, female, senior high school (SMA), work as an entrepreneur, and have a total monthly income of IDR 500,000-IDR 1,500,000. Consumer preference decisions is ruby and chili red meat colors, small amount of fat, top meat parts, and meat prices according to quality. Results fishbein multi-attribute analysis obtained a total score of 61.00, which means that consumers of the Traditional Market in Magelang City fall into the neutral or normal category for beef attributes such as color, amount of fat, portion, and price

    Differences in Characteristics and Income of Duck Farming in Sukra and Sindang Districts, Indramayu Regency

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    AbstractDuck is one of the commodities breeders rely on in Indramayu Regency as a source of income to support the farmer's family expenses. Two areas became the basis for providing duck products in Indramayu Regency: Sukra District and Sindang District. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in the average characteristics of the breeder's variables consisting of livestock experience, age, number of family members out of the farmer, distance to marketing centers, farmer expenses, duck farming costs, duck farming revenue, and farmer income (per head per year). The method used was a survey with 100 farmers as respondents. Data were collected using interviews with questionnaires. The results showed that to conduct a valid independent sample t-test, several steps were needed, namely removing outliers and variables that did not have normally distributed data. This process produces 4 valid variables used in the difference test. In the end, the variables significantly different between duck farmers in Sukra and Sindang Districts were the average age of the breeders and the average cost of raising ducks. This is because the sources of production inputs used are different from each other, and optimizing the use of production factors is not easy due to the relatively small number of livestock, which is less than 1000 heads per farmer.

    Laying hens breeding's contribution to Indonesia's small-scale farmers' economic income - A Review

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    This paper reviews the development of regional laying hen farming in Indonesia in an illustrative way, in addition to the economic contribution made by small farmers to the development of the country through the production of laying hens on their modest holdings and their ability to support self-sufficiency. By achieving the largest possible production of eggs and chickens, the aim is to determine the contribution of laying hens to the national economy and the self-sufficiency of small farmers. The study focused on small farmers in the regions of North Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, and West Nusatenggara. It was concluded from this study that the small farmers who had little capital for raising laying hens benefited from the net present value of IDR 36,213,611 in their favor. 4,233 heads were used, resulting in an average of 5,644 kg of eggs per month, IDR 98,996,826,00 in average monthly revenue, and IDR 16,418,183 in net profit. This meant that the laying hens’ business was profitable for both community and personal gain

    Performa Produksi dan Kondisi Fisiologis Kambing Kacang yang Diberi Tepung Kulit Buah Naga

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    Pelaksanaan penelitian di kandang CV. Prima BREED sejak tanggal 23 september 2019 sampai dengan tanggal 2 Desember 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa produksi, status faal, nilai hematologis, bobot karkas dan non karkas kambing Kacang yang mendapat tepung kulit buah naga dan tanpa pemberian tepung kulit buah naga. Kambing Kacang yang digunakan berjumla 11 ekor kambing Kacangbetina. Analisis data Uji-t ulangan tidak sama untuk membandingkan antara dua perlakuan. Analisis Uji-t menunjukkan kambing yang diberi tepung kulit buah naga nyata meningkatkan pertambahan bobot badan, efisiensi penggunaan bahan kering dan protein kasar ransum, persentase karkas, jumlah sel darah merah, kadar hemoglobin dan nilai hematokrit darah kambing dibanding kambing yang tidak diberi tepung kulit buah naga. Namun, konsumsi bahan kering ransum, konsumsi protein kasar ransum, status faal, jumlah sel darah putih, bobot potong, bobot karkas, bobot komponen karkas, bobot dan persentase non karkas internal, bobot dan persentase non karkas eksternal, serta bobot dan persentase non karkas edible tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang nyata dari kedua perlakuan


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    This study aims to compare the performance of broiler GPS flocks from 4 GPS strains in Indonesia (Cobb, Ross, Indian River, Hubbard). This research was conducted from November 2022 to March 2023. Data were collected from some breeding companies' audit results conducted by the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health. The results showed that the broiler GPS flock performance in the young age group showed a significance value of <0.05, and there was a significant difference in the HDP variable indicator. The average HDP weight for the Ross, Cobb, Indian River, and Hubbard GPS strains was 78.05±3.28, 74.00±3.30, 78.99±3.37 and 75.85±3.61, respectively. The average egg and hatchling weight was also significantly different among each strain, but only on the variable factor of the breeding company. There were no significant differences among the strain factor variables and primary product variables, such as the average number of DOC PS per hen by breeding company and strain. On average, a female GPS line in the young age group period for the Ross, Cobb, Indian River, and Hubbard strains produced 15.14 ± 2.2, 14.92 ± 4.6, 15.35 ±1.47, and 13.78 DOC, respectively. There is no mutual interaction between the performance of HDP flocks, egg weight, and hatching weight of DOC PS from variable factors of the breeding companies with each strain. Factorial interactions only occur in the primary product variable, meaning each broiler GPS strain reared by each breeder company in Indonesia has different performances


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