188 research outputs found

    Effect of the dilution rate on microbial competition : r-strategist can win over k-strategist at low substrate concentration

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    The conditions present in both in vitro and in vivo ecosystems determine the microbial population harbouring it. One commonly accepted theory is that a species with a high substrate affinity and low growth rate (k-strategist) will win the competition against a second species with a lower substrate affinity and higher growth rate (r-strategist) if both species are subjected to low substrate concentrations. In this study two nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB), Nitrospira defluvii (k-strategist) and Nitrobacter vulgaris (r-strategist), were cultivated in a continuous reactor systems. The minimal hydraulic retention time (HRT) required for maintaining the slower growing Nitrospira was first determined. A reactor containing Nitrobacter was set to the same HRT and Nitrospira was injected to evaluate the effect of the dilution rate on the competition between both species. By following the microbial population dynamics with qPCR analysis, it was shown that not only the substrate affinity drives the competition between k- and r-strategists but also the dilution rate. Experimental data and numerical simulations both revealed that the washout of Nitrobacter was significantly delayed at dilution rates close to the mu max of Nitrospira. The competition could be even reverted towards Nitrobacter (r-strategist) despite of low nitrite concentrations and dilution rates lower than the ae max of Nitrospira

    Device-measured sedentary behavior and physical activity in older adults differ by demographic and health-related factors

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    Background: Our aim was to describe and explore older adults' device-measured sedentary behavior and physical activity (PA) pattern by sex, age, education, marital status, body mass index, and physical function; and to assess agreement regarding fulfillment of PA recommendations, i.e. 150 min/week of moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA), between device-measured and self-reported PA. Method: We included 656 older adults (64% women), aged 66, 81-87 or ≄ 90 years from a Swedish population-based cohort study. The activPAL3 accelerometer provided information on sedentary behavior (sedentary time, sedentary bouts, sit-to-stand transitions) and PA. Stepping ≄100 steps/min was considered MVPA; standing and stepping < 100 steps/min were considered light-intensity PA (LPA). Self-reported PA was compared with min/week in MVPA and steps/day. Results: On average, 60% of wear time was spent sedentary, 36% in LPA, and 4% in MVPA. Relative to men, women, had significantly (p < 0.05) more sit-to-stand transitions, spent 33 min/day less sedentary and 27 min/day more in LPA, and were more likely to report meeting PA recommendations, but showed no difference in steps/day, MVPA, or sedentary bout duration. Older age was associated with more sedentary time, lower MVPA and fewer steps/day. The prevalence of meeting PA recommendations was 59% device-measured and 88% by self-report with limited agreement between methods (Cohen's Kappa = 0.21, Spearman's rho = 0.28). Age differences were much more pronounced with objective measures than by self-report. Conclusions: We found significant sex differences in sedentary behavior and time in LPA in older adults, but not in MVPA, in contrast to previous findings. Sedentary time increased with age, with small differences in accumulation pattern. MVPA time was lower with older age, obesity, and poor physical function. A majority of the participants > 80 years did not meet the PA recommendations. Given the strong relationships between sedentary behavior, PA and health in older adults, programs are needed to address these behaviors. Agreement between device-measured and self-reported fulfillment of PA recommendations was limited. Device-based measurement adds value to PA studies, providing richer and different data than self-report. © 2020 The Author(s)

    Resource availability governs polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) accumulation and diversity of methanotrophic enrichments from wetlands

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    Aquatic environments account for half of global CH4 emissions, with freshwater wetlands being the most significant contributors. These CH4 fluxes can be partially offset by aerobic CH4 oxidation driven by methanotrophs. Additionally, some methanotrophs can convert CH4 into polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), an energy storage molecule as well as a promising bioplastic polymer. In this study, we investigate how PHA-accumulating methanotrophic communities enriched from wetlands were shaped by varying resource availability (i.e., C and N concentrations) at a fixed C/N ratio. Cell yields, PHA accumulation, and community composition were evaluated in high (20% CH4 and 10 mM NH4+) and low resource (0.2% CH4 and 0.1 mM NH4+) conditions simulating engineered and environmental settings, respectively. High resource availability decreased C-based cell yields, while N-based cell yields remained stable, suggesting nutrient exchange patterns differed between methanotrophic communities at different resource concentrations. PHA accumulation was only observed in high resource enrichments, producing approximately 12.6% ± 2.4% (m/m) PHA, while PHA in low resource enrichments remained below detection. High resource enrichments were dominated by Methylocystis methanotrophs, while low resource enrichments remained significantly more diverse and contained only a minor population of methanotrophs. This study demonstrates that resource concentration shapes PHA-accumulating methanotrophic communities. Together, this provides useful information to leverage such communities in engineering settings as well as to begin understanding their role in the environment

    Resource limitation modulates the fate of dissimilated nitrogen in a dual-pathway Actinobacterium

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    Respiratory ammonification and denitrification are two evolutionarily unrelated dissimilatory nitrogen (N) processes central to the global N cycle, the activity of which is thought to be controlled by carbon (C) to nitrate (NO₃⁻) ratio. Here we find that Intrasporangium calvum C5, a novel menaquinone-based dual-pathway denitrifier/respiratory ammonifier, disproportionately utilizes ammonification rather than denitrification when grown under carbon or nitrate limitation, not C:NO3- ratio. Instead, C:NO₃⁻ ratio is a confounding variable for resource limitation. We find that the protein atomic composition for denitrification modules (NirK) are significantly cost minimized for C and N compared to ammonification modules (NrfA), indicating that resource limitation is a major selective pressure imprinted in the architecture of these proteins. The evolutionary precedent for these findings suggests ecological and biogeochemical importance as evidenced by higher growth rates when I. calvum grows predominantly using its ammonification pathway and by assimilating its end-product (ammonium) for growth under ammonium-deplete conditions. Genomic analysis of I. calvum further reveals a versatile ecophysiology to cope with nutrient stress and redox conditions. Metabolite and transcriptional profiles during growth indicate that transcript abundances encoding for its nitrite reducing enzyme modules, NrfAH and NirK, significantly increase in response to nitrite production. Mechanistically, our results suggest that pathway selection is driven by intracellular redox potential (redox poise), which may be lowered during resource limitation, thereby decreasing catalytic activity of upstream electron transport steps needed for denitrification enzymes. Our work advances our understanding of the biogeochemical flexibility of N-cycling organisms, pathway evolution, and ecological food-webs

    Alternative strategies of nutrient acquisition and energy conservation map to the biogeography of marine ammonia-oxidizing archaea

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    Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are among the most abundant and ubiquitous microorganisms in the ocean, exerting primary control on nitrification and nitrogen oxides emission. Although united by a common physiology of chemoautotrophic growth on ammonia, a corresponding high genomic and habitat variability suggests tremendous adaptive capacity. Here, we compared 44 diverse AOA genomes, 37 from species cultivated from samples collected across diverse geographic locations and seven assembled from metagenomic sequences from the mesopelagic to hadopelagic zones of the deep ocean. Comparative analysis identified seven major marine AOA genotypic groups having gene content correlated with their distinctive biogeographies. Phosphorus and ammonia availabilities as well as hydrostatic pressure were identified as selective forces driving marine AOA genotypic and gene content variability in different oceanic regions. Notably, AOA methylphosphonate biosynthetic genes span diverse oceanic provinces, reinforcing their importance for methane production in the ocean. Together, our combined comparative physiological, genomic, and metagenomic analyses provide a comprehensive view of the biogeography of globally abundant AOA and their adaptive radiation into a vast range of marine and terrestrial habitats

    Unravelling the reasons for disproportion in the ratio of AOB and NOB in aerobic granular sludge

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    In this study, we analysed the nitrifying microbial community (ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB)) within three different aerobic granular sludge treatment systems as well as within one flocculent sludge system. Granular samples were taken from one pilot plant run on municipal wastewater as well as from two lab-scale reactors. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) showed that Nitrobacter was the dominant NOB in acetate-fed aerobic granules. In the conventional system, both Nitrospira and Nitrobacter were present in similar amounts. Remarkably, the NOB/AOB ratio in aerobic granular sludge was elevated but not in the conventional treatment plant suggesting that the growth of Nitrobacter within aerobic granular sludge, in particular, was partly uncoupled from the lithotrophic nitrite supply from AOB. This was supported by activity measurements which showed an approximately threefold higher nitrite oxidizing capacity than ammonium oxidizing capacity. Based on these findings, two hypotheses were considered: either Nitrobacter grew mixotrophically by acetate-dependent dissimilatory nitrate reduction (ping-pong effect) or a nitrite oxidation/nitrate reduction loop (nitrite loop) occurred in which denitrifiers reduced nitrate to nitrite supplying additional nitrite for the NOB apart from the AOB
