525 research outputs found

    Diverse Backgrounds and Policing

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    In recent years, high-profile cases of police violence have garnered national debate around the future of policing and how it will address racial/ethnic bias. Current police recruiting campaigns target diversity, hiring racially and ethnically diverse officers, as a solution to the ongoing tensions between officers and the ethnically/racially diverse communities they serve. Consequently, bias is present in all Americans, as race has culturally constructed American society. This research questions the reliability of an officer\u27s racial/ethnic status as catalysts of change for biases present in police organizations and police practices. More so, this research prompts using diverse experiences from childhood and adolescence as markers of possible implicit bias and internalized prejudice. Police officers from a southeastern city are assessed on their exposure to diversity as children/adolescents. Officers are also assessed using the Harvard Race Implicit Association Test (IAT), which evaluates their levels of implicit racial bias. The Exposure to Diversity Scale (EDS) is constructed to identify diverse experiences throughout childhood and adolescence (primary socialization) that may influence an individual\u27s internalization of prejudice and impact their implicit bias scores. The relationship between the EDS and Harvard\u27s Race Implicit Association Test (IAT) is investigated using bivariate analysis. In conclusion, officers with more diverse experiences tended to have lower levels of implicit racial bias. Experiences with Black police officers, Black businessmen and women, and Black community leaders were negatively significant with IAT scores

    Models of Psychosis and the Limitations of Psychiatric Knowledge

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    SOWK 6100, Award Nominated Practice-based Research Paper, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, School of Social Work, York University, Year 2014In this paper, the medical discourse on the constructs of “psychosis” and “schizophrenia” is challenged by a literature review of contradictory evidence, alternative theories, phenomenological explorations of psychosis, and perspectives of people who have experienced psychosis. One purpose is to expose the violence that occurs in constructing madness as an illness and “treating” it through pharmacology, while another is to deconstruct the binary of “sane” versus “insane” by examining the social and existential factors that may contribute to the development of psychosis. Implications for social work practice are discussed


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    ABSTRACTIt has been over a decade since the Ministry of Education and Culture in Indonesia mandated teachers to foster critical thinking; however, studies document that in Indonesia, students’ critical thinking still lags behind other countries. This condition led us to investigate teachers’ understanding of critical thinking as they hold the central role in promoting it. This qualitative research survey involved 64 English language teachers who had signed up for a webinar about critical thinking. The respondents varied in terms of gender, educational background, and teaching experience. The questionnaire was distributed online, and their participation in filling out the questionnaire was voluntary. Questions were divided into two categories: the respondents’ demographic data, including gender, educational background, and teaching context. The second category focused on teachers’ understanding of critical thinking and its implementation in the classroom context. The study found that teachers do not yet have comprehensive knowledge about critical thinking, and this is reflected in their teaching practice and assessment of students’ critical thinking. Interestingly, the study revealed that only a few teachers realized that their difficulties in promoting critical thinking might derive from their limited understanding about the notion.ABSTRAKSudah lebih dari satu dekade sejak Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan di Indonesia mengamanatkan guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis; namun, beberapa studi mendokumentasikan bahwa di Indonesia, tingkat kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa masih tertinggal dari negara lain. Kondisi ini mendorong Kami untuk meneliti pemahaman guru tentang berpikir kritis mengingat guru memegang peran penting sentral dalam mempromosikannya. Survei penelitian kualitatif ini melibatkan 64 guru bahasa Inggris yang telah mendaftar untuk webinar tentang berpikir kritis. Responden bervariasi dalam hal jenis kelamin, latar belakang pendidikan, dan pengalaman mengajar. Kuesioner disebarkan secara online, dan partisipasi mereka dalam mengisi kuesioner bersifat sukarela. Pertanyaan dibagi menjadi dua kategori: data demografi responden, termasuk jenis kelamin, latar belakang pendidikan, dan konteks pengajaran. Kategori kedua berfokus pada pemahaman guru tentang berpikir kritis dan implementasinya dalam konteks kelas. Studi ini menemukan bahwa guru belum memiliki pengetahuan yang komprehensif tentang berpikir kritis, dan hal ini tercermin dalam praktik mengajar mereka serta dalam menilai kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Salah satu temuan menarik dari penelitian ini adalah hanya sedikit guru yang menyadari bahwa kesulitan mereka dalam mempromosikan berpikir kritis pada siswa kemungkinan besar dikarenakan pemahaman mereka yang terbatas tentang konsep berpikir kritis tersebut.


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    The sudden switch to learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic impacted teachers across the world. In Indonesia, schools were closed from early March 2020 onwards. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative research project that investigated how Indonesian teachers of English responded to the challenges of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) and whether ERT would lead to greater learner autonomy. Ten teachers responded to an invitation to participate in focus groups and individual interviews on Zoom and to contribute examples of their lesson plans from the lockdown period. All teachers found that WhatsApp was the most efficient and effective platform for remote teaching, allowing synchronous and asynchronous sharing of audio, video and text-based materials. Despite the challenges of poor connectivity and lack of face-to-face contact, the teachers were able to continue involving their students actively in integrated, communicative tasks that pushed them to extend their communicative competence. Unexpectedly, however, the move to online teaching did not herald a shift towards greater learner autonomy. The data from this research shows that English language teaching in Indonesia is still firmly teacher-controlled despite the affordances of online learning


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    Gestión integral de residuos sólidos en la empresa Cyrgo SAS

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, consiste en la elaboración de un Plan de Gestión Integral para el manejo de residuos sólidos en la empresa Cyrgo SAS, cuyo objetivo general radica en la formulación de dicho Plan. La metodología diseñada es Investigación de Tipo Descriptivo Exploratorio con enfoque mixto; cualitativo - cuantitativo y se construye con un diagnóstico completo realizado en cuanto al manejo actual de residuos sólidos en la empresa, con el fin de establecer las medidas a implementar y estructurar un Plan de seguimiento a las actividades propuestas. Los resultados obtenidos a través del trabajo de campo e interacción con las diferentes personas y áreas objeto de estudio, permiten obtener un documento con el conjunto de medidas a implementar para que la empresa lo adopte y de alguna u otra forma pueda disminuir los impactos ambientales negativos que se puedan generar por un inadecuado manejo de residuos sólidos

    Does debt affect health? Cross country evidence on the debt-health nexus

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    We investigate the relationship between aggregate household debt and aggregate health outcomes across 17 European countries over the period 1995 to 2012. Using a dataset of country-level standardized and objective measures of household debt, health outcomes and a rich set of control variables, we estimate an instrumental variable (GMM) model to address possible reverse causality concerns. We find that aggregate household debt affects health outcomes, and that this varies by the maturity of debt. Both short and medium-term debt has a positive effect on health outcomes. Long-term unsecured debt and mortgage debt are associated with poorer health outcomes. These findings are robust after controlling for alternative measures of health and debt. Overall, the results suggest that aggregate household debt is an important determinant of aggregate health outcomes across countries

    Spatial Provocations | Activating a critique of the alliance of God and Mammon within the Evangelical Protestant right

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    Research Question | How can design research understand and respond to alliances between neoliberalism and Evangelical populism? This work documents an investigation into how installations and spatial artefacts might be designed for the purpose of activating a critique examining the relationship between neoliberalism and Evangelical populism. A critique will be developed through the analysis of concepts, tactical spatial configurations and affective spatial devices present in subversive works of art and in the spatial archetypes of the Evangelical Protestant right. The potential use of spatial artifices in the design of subversive spaces will be explored. Used in this way, spatial artifices may aid in the transmission of cultural replicators. The work of subversive practitioners who operate in the field of art, architecture and literature, is surveyed for the potential visual translation of ideas and tactics for activating subversive spaces and artefacts that question the neoliberalism of the Evangelical Protestant right

    Human Powered Vehicle Capstone

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    In the ASME Human Powered Vehicle Challenge (HPVC), students design, develop, construct, and test different designs of human-powered vehicles. The design utilizes two wheels, the rear of which is responsible for power transmission from a pedal crank and braking through a disc and caliper. The design also utilizes the front wheel fork wheel for steering. Steering and braking are controlled by two levers on the handlebars. To determine whether the design was sufficient, it was compared to the standards set by ASME, including maximum weight, minimum speed, minimum turning radius, minimum ride distance, load testing, harness verification, and a complete rollover protection system. Assembling the design consisted of welding the unique frame and attaching all parts which includes wheels, gears, chains, a seat, and a harness. Testing the design was done by applying the specified loads after assembly, which was not able to be completed at the time of the report. Speed testing was done by using a GPS spedometer while riding the bike, and the vehicle met speed standards. Testing of the brakes was done similarly and braking distance was measured once the bicycle met the desired speed, which the vehicle passed. Sustained travel testing was done by attempting to ride the bike without assistance, but this failed. All other testing was done by inspection of the vehicle, including turning radius, harness, and proper functioning of the rollover protection system. Overall, the vehicle would have failed to compete in the HPVC due to its inability to travel without assistance

    2016 BA Annual Visual and Critical Studies

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    The first BA Annual publication celebrates the work of current and graduating students in OCAD University’s first Bachelor of Arts (BA) Honours program in Visual and Critical Studies. Comprising critical essays, exhibition reviews, artist portfolios, and creative non-fiction, the inaugural volume reflects the innovative and interdiscipli- nary approaches to art history and visual culture that are at the core of this unique program