13,699 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada Bengkel Adi Service Samarinda

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    The purpose of this study is : 1.) To find out the reliability effect the customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 2.) To find out responsiveness effect the customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 3.) To find out the assurance effect on customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 4.) To find out empathy effect customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 5.) To find out tangible effect customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 6.) To find out the price effect on customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 7.) To find out the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangible and price together effect customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop. The theory used in this research is service quality, price and customer satisfaction.This research was conducted at Samarinda Adi Service Workshop. Samples taken as many as 77 respondents with the Probability Sampling method with sampling techniques using Simple Random Sampling. Data collection by distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale to measure each indicator. The analytical tool in the study used multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS v23 statistical program tools.The results showed that : 1.) Reliability variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service Workshop. 2.) Responsiveness variable had no significant effect on customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 3.) Assurance variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 4.) Empathy variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service Workshop. 5.) Tangible variable has a significant effect on customer satisfaction at Samarinda Adi Service Workshop. 6.) Price variable had no significant effect on customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop. 7.) The variables of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangible and price together have a significant effect on customer satisfaction at the Samarinda Adi Service workshop

    Spatial Temporal Analysis of Urban Heat Hazard on Education Area (University of Indonesia)

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    As education area, campus or university is full with various activities which have an impact on the existence of land-use or land-cover. The variation of activities dynamically change the shape of land-use or land-cover within the campus area, thus also create variations in Land Surface Temperature (LST). The LST are impacting the coziness of human activity especially when reaches more than 30 oC. This study used the term Urban Heat Signature (UHS) to explain LST in different land-use or land-cover types. The objective of this study is to examine UHS as an Urban Heat Hazard (UHH) based on Universal Temperature Climate Index (UTCI) and Effective Temperature Index (ETI) in University of Indonesia. Thermal bands of Landsat 8 images (the acquisition year 2013-2015) were used to create LST model. A ground data known as Air Surface Temperature (AST) were used to validate the model. The result showed an increased level of maximum temperature during September-October since 2013 until 2014. The maximum temperature was reduced in October 2014, however it increased again in August 2015. The UTCI showed “moderate” and “strong heat stress”, while EFI showed “uncomfortable” and “very uncomfortable” categories during that period. This research concluded that build up area in UI Campus highest temperature on UI campus based on UHS. Range UHS in Campus UI on 2013 (21.8-31.1oC), 2014 (25.0-36.2oC) and 2015 (24.9-38.2oC). This maximum UHS on September (2014 and 2015) put on levelling UTCI included range temperature 32-35oC, with an explanation of sensation temperature is warm and sensation of comfort is Uncomfortable, Psychology with  Increasing Stress Case by Sweating and Blood Flow and Health category is Cardiovascular Embarrassment. This UHS occurs in September will give impact on psychology and health, that’s become the UHH of the living on education area

    Semiotics Analysis of Cibuntu Tourism Village Logo

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    Cibuntu Tourism Village is located in Pesawahan District, Kuningan Regency, West Java. Its ancient heritage and racial landscape have made the Cibuntu Tourism Village win national and international awards in the community-based tourism category. In this study, the visual identity of Cibuntu Tourism Village was dissected and analyzed using the semiotics perspective of Roland Barthes. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews, observation and literature reviews. Through semiotics analysis it was found that the Cibuntu Tourism Village logo did not represent the characteristics of the village. Further research is needed in the form of designing visual identity with the rules of the logo with the approach of natural characteristics and the warmth of the village has made it easier for consumers to reflect on the experience of visiting this village. Keywords: Logo, Semiotics, Cibuntu Villag


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    Urban Heat Island (UHI) is a phenomenon which is affected by human activities. Land use change by humanactivities, expressed by urbanization that means rural or suburban areas changed to urban areas. This study isintended to identify the UHI phenomena in Tangerang city. To answer the aim of this research,temperature datais collected (direct and indirect data). Direct collection for air surface temperature conducted by surveyingsome location collect in 24 hour period (April 2012) and another location by rapid 10 – 15 minute in day time(April, July, August and September 2012). This technique employed mobile temperature and humidity tools.Secondary air surface temperature data (24 hour period) during 2009-2012 also use in this study. Indirect dataemployed Landsat TM only two year data 2001 and 2012 for land surface temperature. Satellite data employedto identify land cover change to get information about land use change. The result shown that the temperaturecondition, both air surface and land surface temperature, were changed. UHI phenomenon in Tangerang Cityindicated by temperature higher than 300C. Based on land surface temperature, UHI phenomenon in 2001already occurred at small area. UHI phenomenon in 2012 almost covered the Tangerang City area. UHI Indexin 2009 is 3.60C, in 2011 is 1.50C and then 2012 become 1.20C. This study concludes that UHI phenomenafound since 2001 and trend of UHI Index AST since 2009 with average UHI Index AST of 20C. UHI Index LSTin 2001 is 9.780C and 2012 is 13.960


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    Perkembangan zaman yang disertai oleh perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK) yang sangat pesat dan keterbukaan, sehingga sumber daya manusia harus mampu menguasai IPTEK serta mampu mengaplikasikannya dalam setiap kehidupan. Pembangunan konstruksi dengan logam pada masa sekarang ini banyak melibatkan unsur pengelasan khususnya bidang rancang bangun karena sambungan las merupakan salah satu pembuatan sambungan yang secara teknis memerlukan ketrampilan yang tinggi bagi pengelasnya agar diperoleh sambungan dengan kualitas baik. Teknik pengelasan dalam konstruksi sangat luas meliputi perkapalan, jembatan, rangka baja, bejana tekan, sarana transportasi, rel, pipa saluran dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis elektroda, polaritas langsung dan polaritas terbalik terhadap kekuatan tarik pada baja st 41. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan jumlah 12 benda uji. 6 benda uji dilas menggunakan polaritas langsung dan polaritas terbalik dengan jenis elektroda E7016 dan 6 benda uji yang lainnya menggunakan elektroda E7018 masing–masing  diberi arus 85 A. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik elektroda E7016 dan eletroda E7018 pengutupan langsung diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh terhadap kekuatan tarik pada baja ST.41 akan tetapi hasilnya tidak signifikan karena nilai F hitung 3,149 signifikasi 0,151 lebih kecil dari pada F tabel ( 1,4 ) sebesar 7,71. Berdasarkan hasil statistik elektroda E7016 dan eletroda E7018 pengutupan terbalik diketahui bahwa ada pengaruh  terhadap kekuatan tarik pada baja ST.41 akan tetapi hasilnya tidak signifikan karena nilai F hitung 0,125 signifikasi 0.742 lebih kecil pada dari F tabel ( 1,4 ) sebesar 7,71.   Kata Kunci: Jenis Elektroda, Pengutupan Langsung, Pengutupan Terbalik, Kekuatan Tarik

    KADAR TNF-aIL-6 DAN APOPTOSIS TROFOBLAST PLASENTA Pada Preeklampsia-Eklampsia dan non Preklampsia-Eklampsia

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate the relation among TNF-a -6 concentration/expression with placental tissue infarction and apoptosis between PE-E and non PE-E. Material and method: Research subjects were 35 subjects, composed of 17 non PE-E and 18 PE-E parturient that delivery or hospitalized on Department of OBGYN Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Semarang. The concentration/expression of TNF- -6 were measured from vein blood sample and placental tissue by ELISA and immunohystochemistry (IHC) method. Apoptosis area was measured by IHC with Acridine orange staining. Results: The average of infarction on normal subjects was 12.5%, however, on PE-E was 35.3% (p=0.001). The average of apoptosis on normal subjects was 32.3 %, however, on PE-E subjects were 71.0% (p=0.001). The average of placenta TNFpg/ mL, on PE-E was 2.0 pg/mL (p<0.001). The average of serum TNFnormal subjects was 2.3 pg/mL, on PE-E was 2.8 pg/mL (p<0.001). The average of placenta IL- 6 concentration of normal subjects was 0.6 pg/mL, on PE-E was 1.3 pg/mL (p<0.001). The average of serum IL-6 concentration of normal subjects was 1.4 pg/mL, on PE-E was 2.0 pg/mL (p<0.001). There were a significant correlation among TNF-a -6 serum and placenta with apoptosis of placenta. Conclusion: Proinflammatory cytokines concentration on serum and placenta extract of subjects with PE-E were significantly higher than non PE-E. There was a significant correlation between proinflammatory cytokines concentration on serum or placenta with apoptosis of placental tissue. Keywords: TNF-a , IL-6, infarct, apoptosis, placenta, preeclampsia, eclampsia


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    This project aims to analyze the character Malcolm River in Identity movie. The result of analyzing the figures Malcolm Riversis that he suffered multiple personality syndrome or now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder. Malcolm was abused, neglected, and finally abandoned by his mother was a prostitute whenhe was a child.He felt extremely insecure so he made a new personality or a new identity to protect his original identity. However, this new identity was in fact a killer. As time goes on he made new identities to fight against the identity of the killer and also protect him from any threat

    Studi Tentang General Reaction Score pada Wanita yang Mengalami Stres Bising Pesawat Udara di Sekitar Bandara Adi Sumarmo Boyolali

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    Exposure to noise constitutes a health risk. There is sufficient scientific evidence that aircraft noise exposure can induce hearing impairment, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, annoyance, sleep disturbance, and decreased school performance. The aims of the research is to find out the effect of the aircraft noise level to the General Reaction Score of women in the area of Adi Sumarmo Airport of Boyolali.The research finding is expected to contribute to the science development and to give benefits for local government and among people in the Area of Adi Sumarmo Airport in preventing the effect of aircraft noise. The research design was an analytical survey with a cross sectional approach, taking location at the Dibal and Gagak Sipat Village, Ngemplak Sub district, Boyolali District. The research was conducted from July 2008 to October 2008. The number of respondens was 39. They were divided into 3 groups; Group 1 was exposed 92.29dB of noise level (13 respondents); Group 2 was exposed 71.79 dB of noise level (13 respondents); and Group 3 was exposed 52.17 dB of noise level (13 respondents). The samples were taken using simple random sampling. The data were analyzed by Anova followed by Post Hoc Test using LSD test completed with Homogenous Subsets. Based on the results of the analysis, a conclusion was drawn that there was a significant effect of the aircraft noise level to the difference of General Reaction Score of women in the area of Adi Sumarmo Airport of Boyolali (p < 0,05)

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pemasaran Berbasis Web Di CV. Mitra Adi

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    Marketing using the Internet continues to evolve rapidly. Many developed and developing companies use this technology to market their products. Marketing advantage using the Internet is able to reduce marketing costs and can extend the reach of marketing, thus making internet as a marketing target at many companies. CV. Mitra Adi as a growing company that uses the Internet as a target marketing products using CMS (Content Management System) WordPress. The ability CMS WordPress is only displaying products and news articles, so the internet marketing function is not optimal to use. It needs a system that emphasizes marketing functions, such as online-based sales, customer relations, and inter-customer forum. The author then design a web-based marketing information system in accordance with the new marketing functions proposed by CV. Mitra Adi. The new marketing functions proposed by CV. Mitra Adi are: the system can provide information quickly and accurately; the system can be used as a powerful promotion media campaign and be able to reach out globally; the system can be used to displaying article; the system can be used to directly interact with users through chatting media; the system can be used as media consultation between the fellow users, and users with admin; the system can be used as a web-based sales, and the system can be used to display hyperlink. The new web-based marketing information system has been built have the principal functions are divided into three parts, the media and information campaign that consists of the publication of articles, product promotion, and web links; interaction media with for the admin and member that consists of the media of consulting and web chatting; and web-based sales. Principal functions of a web-based marketing information system have meet the internet marketing needs of CV. Mitra Adi

    Persepsi Pencitraan Politik Pada Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II Ditinjau Dari Jenis Pekerjaan

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    Persepsi adalah proses yang menyangkut masuknya pesan atau informasi ke ke dalam otak manusia. Citra adalah kecenderungan yang tersusun dari pikiran dan kesudian, citra selalu berubah seiring dengan berubahnya pengalaman. Persepsi pencitraan dapat terlihat dari pendapat ataupun pola pikir pada saat mempersepsikan suatu realitas yang terjadi, dengan begitu satu hal yang perlu dipahami dan diperhatikan kaitannya dengan pembentukan citra adalah persepsi terhadap realitas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan persepsi pencitraan politik pada kinerja Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II ditinjau dari jenis pekerjaan. Pada penelitian ini, jenis pekerjaan dibagi menjadi dua yaitu PNS dan buruh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kuantitatif, yaitu dengan menggunakan skala sebagai alat ukur persepsi dan analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment dan uji Anava satu jalur. Partisipan penelitian ini adalah PNS Diknaspora Surakarta dan buruh PP Jerapah Mojosongso Surakarta berrjumlah 86 orang. Hasil penelitian dengan analisis data menggunakan Uji Anava satu Jalur yang mana menunjukkan adanya hasil uji t antar A sebesar -1,200 dengan nilai p = 0,231 (p > 0,05). Hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara persepsi PNS dan Buruh mengenai pencitraan politik dan Hasil Rerata persepsi pada PNS sebesar 195,023 dan buruh sebesar 201,953 dengan nilai rerata hipotetik sebesar 145. Maka tingkat persepsi subjek pada penelitian ini tergolong tinggi