34 research outputs found

    Optimization of Cellulose Enzyme in the Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Sugarcane Bagasse on the Second-generation Bioethanol Production Technology

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    AbstractSugarcane bagasse as raw material were treated on chemical delignification with NaOH and used for Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSF). SSF was incubated during 5 days by adding Sacharomyches cereviceae, cellulose enzymes (Trichoderma reesei) and nutrients. The variable of this research was the cellulose enzyme variation of 10-60 fpu with 10 fpu on intervals. Optimal results were obtained on 60 fpu which producing ethanol content of 1.3544% or dry weight conversion of 21.3724g/L with potential prediction shaped on logarithmic equation. In the advanced prediction can be obtained approximate optimal value of enzyme contents on 96.6802 fpu

    Optimization of Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Incubation Time Using Cellulose Enzyme for Sugarcane Bagasse on the Second-generation Bioethanol Production Technology

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    AbstractBioethanol production using lignocellulosic materials (the second-generation technology) was consist of pretreatment and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) process. This research optimize the SSF incubation time using cellulose enzyme and Saccharomyces cerevisiae combination for sugarcane bagasse. The bagasse was pre-treated by delignification with NaOH. The SSF was conducted by Sacharomyches cereviceae, cellulose enzymes (Trichoderma reesei) and nutrients combination during 3 d, 5 d and 7 d as incubation time variables. The optimum result was 0.748 5% of ethanol concentration or dry weight conversion by 11.810 5g · L–1 which obtained after 5 d incubation time based on ethanol conversion, microbiology test and sugar reduction concentration

    Development of Methylmercury Analysis by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with ICP-MS and Its Application on Sharks’ Meat Measurement

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    This study analyzed MeHg in a fast, simple, low-waste, and accurate by using ultra-high liquid chromatography coupled with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Simple preparation by liquid extraction with sonication at room temperature was effective extract MeHg from Certified Reference Material (CRM) and shark meat samples. Effective MeHg separation was achieved in less than 300 s using a C18 Hypersil Gold analytical column with a mobile gradient phase of 0.5% (w/v) L-cysteine in 2% (v/v) HNO3 and 100% methanol. The MeHg was extracted from 100 mg of shark meat using 1 mL of 0.5% (w/v) L-cysteine in 2% (v/v) HNO3 and sonicated for 30 min. Analysis of certified reference material (DORM-4) showed values between the experimental and certified values. The observed limit of detection and quantification MeHg were 0.86 and 2.85 pg/L, respectively. This method was applied to measure MeHg in shark meat from Binuangeun areas. The MeHg concentration in Rhizoprionodon acutus was 0.22–0.63 mg/kg wet weight (w.w.), Squalus hemipinis 0.68–1.14 mg/kg w.w., and 0.29–1.22 mg/kg w.w. for Sphyrna lewini. This study provides a quick and easy method to evaluate MeHg in shark meat or other seafood products and applies to many samples in a single assay

    Peruraian Anaerobik Termofilik Limbah Vinasse : Pengaruh Zeolit Alam Teraktivasi Asam dan Basa Terhadap Performa Proses

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    Vinasse merupakan limbah produksi bioetanol dengan kadar chemical oxygen demand (COD) tinggi dan dapat diolah melalui peruraian anaerobik untuk menghasilkan biogas. Optimasi proses dapat dilakukan pada kondisi termofilik (55°C) dengan penambahan zeolit alam terkativasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi efek zeolit alam terkativasi asam dan basa terhadap performa proses peruraian anaerobik termofilik vinasse. Proses aktivasi zeolit alam diawali dengan perendaman selama 24 jam pada larutan asam klorida (HCl) 3 M atau natrium hidroksida (NaOH) 3 M, dilanjutkan pengeringan dan kalsinasi. Selanjutnya zeolit alam tanpa aktivasi (NZ), teraktivasi asam (NZA), dan teraktivasi basa (NZB) ditambahkan pada proses peruraian anaerobik termofilik limbah vinasse secara batch dengan inokulum digested vinasse yang diperoleh dari reaktor skala laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan NZB mempercepat puncak produksi gas metana (hari ke9) dibanding NZ (hari ke-12), sedangkan pada NZA tidak terdapat produksi gas metana. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perbedaan pH cairan. Penambahan NZB menyebabkan pH berada pada kisaran nilai optimum sedangkan NZA menyebabkan hasil sebaliknya. Hasil methane yield NZB juga menunjukkan hasil lebih tinggi yakni 84.37 mL-CH4/g-sCOD removal dibanding NZ 73.94 dan NZA 0.07. Oleh karena itu, direkomendasikan penambahan zeolite teraktivasi basa untuk meningkatkan performa process peruraian anaerobik termofilik limbah vinasse.Kata Kunci: aktivasi zeolit alam, kondisi termofilik, limbah vinasse, peruraian anaerobi

    Sterilization of ready to serve product for special needs of Hajj and Umrah: Skipjack tuna in a retort pouch package

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    One crucial period in the provision of food for Hajj/Umrah is the time between opening the package and consuming it by the pilgrims. This study aimed to determine the sterilization time to prevent damage and maintain acceptance by consumers. The methodology of this research was sterilization with variations in retort pressure settings and raw materials: (A) 1.8 bar pressure, 100 % skipjack; (B) 1.2 bar pressure, 90 % skipjack; (C) 1.2 bar pressure, 70 % skipjack; (D) 1.8 bar pressure, 50 % skipjack. The analysis included two components. The (i) was the determination of the adequacy of sterilization time, the (ii) was the observation of quality deterioration, which was based on organoleptic and Total Plate Count. The results showed that the adequacy of sterilization for variations A, B, C, and D was: 121.5 °C for 4.8 min; 114.5 °C for 4.8 min; 115.4 °C for 5.31 min, and 124.0 °C for 13.4 min. TPC analysis, which was carried out at 0 h, 3 h, 9 h, and 12 h in a row were 4 × 100 , 2 × 102 , 2 × 102 , and 3 × 103 . In terms of consumer acceptance, sterilized products have good values, with organoleptic values ranging from 7.8 to 8.2 (scale 1 to 10

    Pirolisis Limbah Biomassa Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Campuran : Parameter Proses dan Analisis Produk Asap Cair

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    Produksi tahunan biomassa kayu mencapai 1011-1012 ton di seluruh dunia, pemrosesan 100 kg kayu dengan gergaji menghasilkan 10–25 % limbah biomassa. Pengolahan limbah biomassa dengan proses pirolisis dapat menghasilkan produk berupa asap cair melalui kondensasi yang mengandung berbagai senyawa kimia aktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk produk pangan maupun sebagai anti bakteri. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran parameter pirolisis bertujuan untuk mengetahui performa reaktor pirolisis. Asap cair dianalisis untuk mengetahui komponen senyawa aktifnya melalui metode eksperimental. Komposisi lignoselulosa serbuk gergaji kayu campuran berupa hemiselulosa 17.54±3.16 %, selulosa 39.97±1.62 %, lignin 25.59±1.95 %, zat larut air 16.9±0.29 % dan kadar air 10.18±0.36 %. 3.6 kg biomassa di pirolisis pada suhu 500 °C selama 8 jam, menghasilkan asap cair 1.14 kg, arang 1.54 kg, nilai pH 3 dengan warna kuning tua, transparan, dan sedikit benda terapung. Pengamatan performa reaktor menunjukan nilai laju pemanasan 1.9±0.36 °C/min, dan pada beberapa titik terjadi kerugian panas yang tidak merata. Analisis asap cair dengan GC-MS menunjukkan tidak adanya senyawa PAH, sementara diketahui terdapat senyawa berbahaya lainnya, 2-propanone, 2 butanone, dan cyclopentanone masing-masing sebesar 2.05 %, 0.79 %, dan 1.84%

    Techno-economic Analysis of Rooftop Photovoltaic System (RPVS) using Thin-Frameless Solar Panels for Household Customers in Indonesia

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    The availability of thin-frameless solar panels on the market today makes the installation of rooftop Photovoltaic (RPVS) systems more attractive. The purpose of this research is to analyze financially the use of thinframeless solar panels for on-grid RPVS by household electricity customers in Indonesia. The investment cost, the maintenance costs, and the electricity cost savings were involved for the financial analysis, such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Present Value (NPV), and Pay Back Period (PBP). The calculation is carried out for ideal conditions, the direction of a non-ideal rooftop and the yearly increase of electricity prices is 15 %. The analysis results show that the minimum available rooftop area is still sufficient for the rooftop area needs for solar panel placement, the thin solar panels are safer than standard solar panels, and savings on electricity payments for the return on investment of the RPVS is to be attractive with the IRR > 12 %. The average investment cost of the non-ideal condition is 8 % higher than the ideal condition. This study provides an overview to the policymakers and developers in exploiting the potential of RPVS, especially in Indonesia. For future research directions, this study needs to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of using hybrid smart-grid technology with batteries

    Potential Utilization of Dried Rice Leftover of Household Organic Waste for Poultry Functional Feed

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    Indonesia produced 30 × 106 t of waste in 2021; 40 % was organic and 276 × 103 t leftover rice. Meanwhile, broiler chicken farmers have been struggling with high feed costs to continue their production. Processing leftover rice into "aking-rice" is environmentally friendly, and it also provides alternative feed for chickens. "Aking-rice" is a type of resistant starch because it has undergone a gelatinization process that works as a synthesis of short-chain fatty acids that positively improve the function of the digestive tract because it increases the villi in the small intestine. This study analyzed the potential of “aking- rice” in broiler chicken productivity. The experimental method was a completely randomized design with three treatments, five replications and 12 chickens in each unit. The treatments are T0 (100 % basal feed), T1 (80 % basal feed + 20 % “aking- rice” spread on top of the basal feed), and T2 (80 % basal feed + 20 % "aking-rice" mix). Statistical analysis used ANOVA, and continued with LSD with observed variables, i.e. Feed Intake (FI), Average Daily Gain (ADG), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), and Performance Index (PI). The results showed that the highest FI values were T0 (99.02), T1 (97.45), and T2 (96.58). The highest ADG was T1 (40.40) then T0 (37.07) and the lowest was T2 (36.40). T1 has the lowest FCR (2.42) compared to T0 (2.68), T2 (2.66). The lowest FCR is T1 (2.42), then T2 (2.66) and the highest is T0 (2.68). The third variable was not significantly different, but the PI results showed a significant difference with the highest PI value T1 (433.84), while T0 (374.81) and T2 (372.67) were not different. Economic analysis also shows that the highest cost T0 (118 475) is significantly different from T1 (110 541) and T2 (109 558). The highest profit is shown by T1 (2 102) then T2 (1 063) and T0 (507). In conclusion, the use of "aking-rice" can increase the performance index with a higher ADG value and a lower FCR so that the costs are smaller and the profit is greater


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    Biogas merupakan salah satu energi alternatif yang telah banyak diaplikasikan ke masyarakat, khususnya bagi masyarakat peternakan. Dari berbagai jenis gas yang terkandung dalam biogas yang merupakan sumber energi adalah metana dengan komposisi berkisar antara 40 – 70 %. Apabila konsentrasi metana dalam biogas < 65 %, pemanfaatan metana hanya terbatas sebagai bahan bakar. Dengan dilakukan tahap pemurnian metana dalam biogas menggunakan zeolit lokal Gunungkidul yang termodifikasi, maka biogas dapat dikonversikan menjadi energi listrik dengan menggunakan generator sehingga dapat diaplikasikan untuk berbagai kegiatan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan modifikasi zeolit lokal gunungkidul dengan berbagai material yang lain, yaitu basa kuat (NaOH), bentonit lokal Boyolali, kaolin lokal Semin - Gunungkidul, gamping, tapioka dan kitosan cair. Dari modifikasi yang dilakukan dipilih material modifikasi zeolit dengan kaolin lokal Semin – Gunungkidul yang menghasilkan listrik dari generator sebesar 181,9 V ; 1,13 A