62 research outputs found

    Rapid treatment monitoring by field spectroscopy

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    Agricultural crops are in different physiological conditions caused by fertilizer, pest and disease incidence, drought or frost. Vegetation response to treatments varies with both the type and the degree of treatment. On the other hand, treatment may cause biochemical changes in the cellular or leaf structure, which have an effect on pigment system or the canopy moisture content. A variety of factors, including climate, soil, nutrients, phytomass, water content, disease, weeds, insects and more can be measured using field spectral radiometers, airborne multispectral, hyperspectral and thermal cameras. High resolution remote sensing provides primary source of information for identifying, classifying, mapping, monitoring of agricultural phenomenon. It can provide data for site specific management and precision organic farming. In case of our experiments using foliar fertilization treatments on organic spelt fields, field spectroscopy showed a good potential to predict crop quality, while point measurements (SPAD) could not be correlated with spelt quality data. Investigations will be broadened in 2014 in order to gain more detailed results

    A Machine Learning Framework for the Classification of Natura 2000 Habitat Types at Large Spatial Scales Using MODIS Surface Reflectance Data

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    Anthropogenic climate and land use change is causing rapid shifts in the distribution and composition of habitats with profound impacts on ecosystem biodiversity. The sustainable management of ecosystems requires monitoring programmes capable of detecting shifts in habitat distribution and composition at large spatial scales. Remote sensing observations facilitate such efforts as they enable cost-efficient modelling approaches that utilize publicly available datasets and can assess the status of habitats over extended periods of time. In this study, we introduce a modelling framework for habitat monitoring in Germany using readily available MODIS surface reflectance data. We developed supervised classification models that allocate (semi-)natural areas to one of 18 classes based on their similarity to Natura 2000 habitat types. Three machine learning classifiers, i.e., Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forests (RF), and C5.0, and an ensemble approach were employed to predict habitat type using spectral signatures from MODIS in the visible-to-near-infrared and short-wave infrared. The models were trained on homogenous Special Areas of Conservation that are predominantly covered by a single habitat type with reference data from 2013, 2014, and 2016 and tested against ground truth data from 2010 and 2019 for independent model validation. Individually, the SVM and RF methods achieved better overall classification accuracies (SVM: 0.72–0.93%, RF: 0.72–0.94%) than the C5.0 algorithm (0.66–0.93%), while the ensemble classifier developed from the individual models gave the best performance with overall accuracies of 94.23% for 2010 and 80.34% for 2019 and also allowed a robust detection of non-classifiable pixels. We detected strong variability in the cover of individual habitat types, which were reduced when aggregated based on their similarity. Our methodology is capable to provide quantitative information on the spatial distribution of habitats, differentiate between disturbance events and gradual shifts in ecosystem composition, and could successfully allocate natural areas to Natura 2000 habitat types

    Underwater Use of a Hyperspectral Camera to Estimate Optically Active Substances in theWater Column of Freshwater Lakes

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    Freshwater lakes provide many important ecosystem functions and services to support biodiversity and human well-being. Proximal and remote sensing methods represent an efficient approach to derive water quality indicators such as optically active substances (OAS). Measurements of above-ground remote and in situ proximal sensors, however, are limited to observations of the uppermost water layer. We tested a hyperspectral imaging system, customized for underwater applications, with the aim to assess concentrations of chlorophyll a (CHLa) and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the water columns of four freshwater lakes with different trophic conditions in Central Germany. We established a measurement protocol that allowed consistent reflectance retrievals at multiple depths within the water column independent of ambient illumination conditions. Imaging information from the camera proved beneficial for an optimized extraction of spectral information since low signal areas in the sensor’s field of view, e.g., due to non-uniform illumination, and other interfering elements, could be removed from the measured reflectance signal for each layer. Predictive hyperspectral models, based on the 470 nm–850 nm reflectance signal, yielded estimates of both water quality parameters (R² = 0.94, RMSE = 8.9 µg L−1 for CHLa; R² = 0.75, RMSE = 0.22 m−1 for CDOM) that were more accurate than commonly applied waveband indices (R² = 0.83, RMSE = 13.2 µg L−1 for CHLa; R² = 0.66, RMSE = 0.25 m−1 for CDOM). Underwater hyperspectral imaging could thus facilitate future water monitoring efforts through the acquisition of consistent spectral reflectance measurements or derived water quality parameters along the water column, which has the potential to improve the link between above-surface proximal and remote sensing observations and in situ point-based water probe measurements for ground truthing or to resolve the vertical distribution of OAS

    Combining Multiband Remote Sensing and Hierarchical Distance Sampling to Establish Drivers of Bird Abundance

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    Information on habitat preferences is critical for the successful conservation of endangered species. For many species, especially those living in remote areas, we currently lack this information. Time and financial resources to analyze habitat use are limited. We aimed to develop a method to describe habitat preferences based on a combination of bird surveys with remotely sensed fine-scale land cover maps. We created a blended multiband remote sensing product from SPOT 6 and Landsat 8 data with a high spatial resolution. We surveyed populations of three bird species (Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola, Ochre-rumped Bunting Emberiza yessoensis, and Black-faced Bunting Emberiza spodocephala) at a study site in the Russian Far East using hierarchical distance sampling, a survey method that allows to correct for varying detection probability. Combining the bird survey data and land cover variables from the remote sensing product allowed us to model population density as a function of environmental variables. We found that even small-scale land cover characteristics were predictable using remote sensing data with sufficient accuracy. The overall classification accuracy with pansharpened SPOT 6 data alone amounted to 71.3%. Higher accuracies were reached via the additional integration of SWIR bands (overall accuracy = 73.21%), especially for complex small-scale land cover types such as shrubby areas. This helped to reach a high accuracy in the habitat models. Abundances of the three studied bird species were closely linked to the proportion of wetland, willow shrubs, and habitat heterogeneity. Habitat requirements and population sizes of species of interest are valuable information for stakeholders and decision-makers to maximize the potential success of habitat management measures

    Rapid Monitoring of Organic Foliar Fertilizer Treatments on Organic Spelt by a Portable SPAD Meter and Field Spectroscopy

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    Remote sensing techniques are widely used for farming applications but are less widespread in the organic sector. This technique offers great perspective for organic farms as field scale spectroscopy could provide rapid monitoring of nutrient imbalances or stresses and the efficiency of organic foliar fertilizer treatments. One of our objectives is to decrease time and budget currently needed for destructive chemical analysis and increase the accuracy of on-site and quasi-real-time analysis of major constitutes

    Monitoring Water Diversity and Water Quality with Remote Sensing and Traits

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    Changes and disturbances to water diversity and quality are complex and multi-scale in space and time. Although in situ methods provide detailed point information on the condition of water bodies, they are of limited use for making area-based monitoring over time, as aquatic ecosystems are extremely dynamic. Remote sensing (RS) provides methods and data for the cost-effective, comprehensive, continuous and standardised monitoring of characteristics and changes in characteristics of water diversity and water quality from local and regional scales to the scale of entire continents. In order to apply and better understand RS techniques and their derived spectral indicators in monitoring water diversity and quality, this study defines five characteristics of water diversity and quality that can be monitored using RS. These are the diversity of water traits, the diversity of water genesis, the structural diversity of water, the taxonomic diversity of water and the functional diversity of water. It is essential to record the diversity of water traits to derive the other four characteristics of water diversity from RS. Furthermore, traits are the only and most important interface between in situ and RS monitoring approaches. The monitoring of these five characteristics of water diversity and water quality using RS technologies is presented in detail and discussed using numerous examples. Finally, current and future developments are presented to advance monitoring using RS and the trait approach in modelling, prediction and assessment as a basis for successful monitoring and management strategies.This research received no external funding.Peer Reviewe

    Snapshot Hyperspectral Imaging for Field Data Acquisition in Agriculture (in Raspberry Plantation)

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    A snapshot spectral camera with more than 100 spectral channels was used and tested. A native snapshot imaging spectrometer captures all spectra and the entire image at the same time without any time delay. It enables this imaging system to capture motion pictures and producing hyperspectral videos. In our horticulture study a snapshot camera was applied to spectrally document, map and characterize a raspberry plantation under differently coloured shade nets to analyse usability, flexibility and to record spectro-phenological parameters. Leading raspberry producers are located in Eastern Europe and contribute at least 80% of the world's raspberry production (FAOSTAT, 2016). Due to agricultural climate change scenarios raspberry plantations are at risk because evapotranspiration will be challenged by solar radiation and temperature changes. We concluded that spectral field data acquisition and length of data evaluation could be significantly reduced by snapshot spectral imaging

    Remote sensing of geomorphodiversity linked to biodiversity — part III: traits, processes and remote sensing characteristics

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    Remote sensing (RS) enables a cost-effective, extensive, continuous and standardized monitoring of traits and trait variations of geomorphology and its processes, from the local to the continental scale. To implement and better understand RS techniques and the spectral indicators derived from them in the monitoring of geomorphology, this paper presents a new perspective for the definition and recording of five characteristics of geomorphodiversity with RS, namely: geomorphic genesis diversity, geomorphic trait diversity, geomorphic structural diversity, geomorphic taxonomic diversity, and geomorphic functional diversity. In this respect, geomorphic trait diversity is the cornerstone and is essential for recording the other four characteristics using RS technologies. All five characteristics are discussed in detail in this paper and reinforced with numerous examples from various RS technologies. Methods for classifying the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity using RS, as well as the constraints of monitoring the diversity of geomorphology using RS, are discussed. RS-aided techniques that can be used for monitoring geomorphodiversity in regimes with changing land-use intensity are presented. Further, new approaches of geomorphic traits that enable the monitoring of geomorphodiversity through the valorisation of RS data from multiple missions are discussed as well as the ecosystem integrity approach. Likewise, the approach of monitoring the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity recording with RS is discussed, as are existing approaches for recording spectral geomorhic traits/ trait variation approach and indicators, along with approaches for assessing geomorphodiversity. It is shown that there is no comparable approach with which to define and record the five characteristics of geomorphodiversity using only RS data in the literature. Finally, the importance of the digitization process and the use of data science for research in the field of geomorphology in the 21st century is elucidated and discussed