1,166 research outputs found

    Uso de temas químico-sociais no ensino de química - uma intervenção do projeto PIBID

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    Além da formação para o mercado ou aprovação no vestibular, ensino de química deve ser voltado, principalmente, para formar cidadãos, possibilitando ao aluno a construção de conhecimentos que venham a auxiliá-lo nos processos de intervenção e superação de situações-problema. Para isso, odocente precisa esforçar-se para aproximar os conceitos científicos à vivência dos discentes. Ainda, precisa se conscientizar de seus deveres, do papel do ensino de ciências e da importância da utilização de ferramentas como o diálogo, temas químicos-sociais e atividades experimentais. No presentetrabalho, desenvolveram-se análises das respostas dos estudantes obtidas por meio das atividades desencadeadas pelo projeto PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas a Iniciação à Docência), realizadas em uma escola pública do interior Capixaba, cujo contexto está diretamente relacionado ao tema leite.Tais respostas evidenciam quais foram as superações e dificuldades dos estudantes em estabelecer relação de significado entre os conceitos químicos e os elementos de contexto regional


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    This work presents part of the results of the Course Completion Work of one of the authors, whose theme is Experimentation in Chemistry Teaching. This research sought to present the main results of an investigation, of ideas about the “experimentation”, of a graduate in Chemistry working in a state school in the southern region of Espírito Santo, which can influence and/or help essential elements of teaching practice: planning, execution, and evaluation of experimental activities. The methodological route of the research was based on the Narrative Interview as a data collection instrument, based on the studies by Jovchelovich and Bauer (2008). The interview with the only research collaborator was submitted to the Content Analysis, by Franco (2005), creating categories based on inferences that culminated in the corpus of this work. The results showed different conceptions of “experimentation” regarding the initial formative process and as a teaching professional of the graduate, among which they were remodeled from one period to the next. Initially, the licensee showed ideas about “experimentation” limited to experiments and a specific place, the laboratory, but it expands to the new and current conception of experimentation as a possibility of providing students with different experiences through different types of activity. The analysis of these categories suggests that the licensee's ideas about “experimentation” can support the teaching work with this type of activity, which allowed the construction of a list of concepts to think about the planning, execution, and evaluation of experimental activities in teaching.Este trabalho apresenta parte dos resultados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de um dos autores, que tem como temática a Experimentação no Ensino de Química. Esta pesquisa buscou apresentar os principais resultados de uma investigação, de ideias sobre “experimentação”, de um licenciado em Química em atuação em uma escola estadual na região sul do Espírito Santo, que podem influenciar e/ou auxiliar elementos basilares da prática docente: planejamento, execução e avaliação de atividades experimentais. O percurso metodológico da pesquisa baseou-se na Entrevista Narrativa como instrumento de coleta de dados, tendo base os estudos de Jovchelovich e Bauer (2008). A entrevista com o único colaborador de pesquisa foi posta à Análise de Conteúdo, de Franco (2005), sendo criada categorias postas a inferências que culminaram no corpus deste trabalho. Os resultados evidenciaram diferentes concepções sobre “experimentação” no tocante ao processo formativo inicial e enquanto profissional docente do licenciado, dentre as quais se mostraram remodeladas de um período ao outro. Inicialmente, o licenciado evidenciou ideias sobre “experimentação” limitadas a experimentos e a um local específico, o laboratório, mas que se expande para a nova e atual concepção de experimentação enquanto possibilidade de proporcionar experiências diversas aos educandos por diferentes modalidades de atividade. A análise dessas categorias sugere que as ideias sobre “experimentação” do licenciado podem alicerçar o trabalho docente com esse tipo de atividade, o que permitiu a construção de um rol de concepções para se pensar nas questões planejamento, execução e avaliação de atividades experimentais no ensino

    Stakeholders' perceptions on sustainability transition pathways of the cocoa value chain towards improved livelihood of small-scale farming households in Cameroon

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    Given the persistent poor livelihood of cocoa-farming households, future climate predictions and the worldwide demand pressure for higher cocoa quality and productivity, there is still a strong need to find new approaches that guarantee a sustainable cocoa future in cocoa-producing countries amongst which Cameroon is one of them. This exploratory research investigates potential future pathways for the cocoa sector in Cameroon by mapping the perceptions of actors involved in the socio-technical regime. Qualitative expert interviews, structured questionnaires and field observation, as well as a focus group discussion have been applied to understand how a sustainability transition can be triggered. The study shows that actors envisage a sustainability change which determines their actions; however, their perceptions towards future transitions are not actively coordinated. Actors are not finding a way of adopting new organizational structures and letting a transition occur effectively, like in the case of certification standards. An alignment of perceptions and activities, and a stronger cooperation between the private and public are strongly recommended. The study encourages to consider a coordination of actors' perceptions towards future scenarios as a starting point to study sustainability transitions

    Stakeholders' perceptions on sustainability transition pathways of the cocoa value chain towards improved livelihood of small-scale farming households in Cameroon

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    Given the persistent poor livelihood of cocoa-farming households, future climate predictions and the worldwide demand pressure for higher cocoa quality and productivity, there is still a strong need to find new approaches that guarantee a sustainable cocoa future in cocoa-producing countries amongst which Cameroon is one of them. This exploratory research investigates potential future pathways for the cocoa sector in Cameroon by mapping the perceptions of actors involved in the socio-technical regime. Qualitative expert interviews, structured questionnaires and field observation, as well as a focus group discussion have been applied to understand how a sustainability transition can be triggered. The study shows that actors envisage a sustainability change which determines their actions; however, their perceptions towards future transitions are not actively coordinated. Actors are not finding a way of adopting new organizational structures and letting a transition occur effectively, like in the case of certification standards. An alignment of perceptions and activities, and a stronger cooperation between the private and public are strongly recommended. The study encourages to consider a coordination of actors' perceptions towards future scenarios as a starting point to study sustainability transitions

    Self-assembled monolayer formation of pentamers-like molecules onto FCC(111) surfaces: The case of curcuminoids onto Au(111) surface

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    The adsorption of rigid straight electrically polarized pentamers over a FCC(111) surface is studied. The model was inspired by the deposition of 2-thiophene molecules over the Au(111) surface, which was previously characterized by experimental techniques and simulated under the frame of the density functional theory. We now obtain and report the charge distribution of the molecule which allows to propose a deposition model followed by Monte Carlo simulations over an ad-hoc lattice gas model. We show that for a certain value of the chemical potential there exists anisotropic-nematic phase transition which can explain the formation of a self-assembled monolayer like the one observed in the transmission electron microscopy images. An order parameter is defined to characterize the transition which presents a step-like behavior at a critical chemical potential value. The possible nature of the nematic transition in conjunction with an ergodicity breakdown is discussed as future work by means of statistical physics techniques.Fil: Cisternas, Eduardo. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Dos Santos Mendez, Gonzalo Joaquín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich"; Argentina. Universidad de Mendoza. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Flores, Marcos. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Vogel, Eugenio Emilio. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Ramirez Pastor, Antonio Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich"; Argentin


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    Apesar de bem-adaptada ao Sul do Brasil, a Hovenia dulcis é pouco conhecida em nossas condições, principalmente na fase de viveiro. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o crescimento de mudas de Hovenia dulcis Thunberg sob o efeito de diferentes doses de vermicomposto. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Os tratamentos foram: Testemunha com 0% de vermicompsto, 10% de vermicomposto, 20% de vermicomposto, 30% de vermicomposto, 40% de vermicomposto, do volume total do tubete de 185 cm3. Decorridos 90 dias da semeadura, foram avaliados os parâmetros: diâmetro do colo, altura da parte aérea, massa seca aérea, massa seca radicular e massa seca total. As plantas de Hovenia dulcis responderam, de forma positiva, em todos os parâmetroas avaliados, à aplicação de vermicomposto. A dose mais indicada para produção de mudas de Hovenia dulcis é a de 40% de vermicomposto