37 research outputs found

    Understanding and Encouraging Student Diversity: Involving the Community

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    The Committee on Diversity in the Collegeof Educationof ColumbusStateUniversityhas been involved in several programs since 2004 to increase the diversity in the college, both with students and faculty/staff. This has been accomplished by involving the community in and around Columbus, Georgia. This article addresses the committee’s work to adapt several strategies to develop a three-pronged approach: (1) acceptance of diversity within our ranks, (2) partnering with One Columbus, a community organization to promote diversity, racial harmony, and unity in Columbus, and (3) participation with CHISPA, a Hispanic organization intended to recruit and retain Hispanic students at CSU and to build community in the College of Education. Ideas for each of these are shared

    El índice de calidad de la nutrición en las residencias de ancianos (QUINN). Una nueva herramienta para evaluar la calidad de la dieta en las residencias de ancianos

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    Acknowledgements: the authors would like to thank the cooperation of the personnel of this institution — Yolanda Velasco, Alfredo Zapatero-Llanos, Carolina Calderon-Niño, and Lidia Peña-Rampérez, and all the residents of the center who participated in the study. The authors would like to thank Verónica Casanova- Muñoz for her constructive comments on some aspects of this manuscript.Background: the assessment of diet quality (DQ) is fundamental to the study of disease-diet associations, and it is necesary to implement an easy to-apply tool in nursing homes (NHs). Our objective was to propose and apply a novel diet quality indicator (DQIn) using an a priori approach for NHs. Methods: the QUality Index for Nutrition in Nursing homes (QUINN) was implemented in a public NH located in Valladolid, Spain, during a 5-week period (n = 137 subjects). The choice of the QUINN components was based on a rapid review. The QUINN was based on 15 dietary components — 12 were basic (vegetables, fruits, legumes, olive oil, cereals, dairy, white fish and seafood, white-meat, eggs/positive; other fats, red and processed meat, and sweets/negative), and 3 were supplementary (fruits and vegetables variety, oily-fish, and whole-grains/positive). Each component was classified into 4-categories (0, 1, 2 o 3 points; range: 0-45 points). Results: the QUINN was tested on a menu offered by a NH giving a result of 34 points (good diet). The components with the highest scores were related to the Mediterranean diet (high consumption of legumes, olive oil, white fish and shellfish; low intake of other fats; and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables), together with cereals, white meat, dairy, and eggs. The components that required a major change were red- and processed-meats, sweets, and whole grains. Conclusion: the menu of this Spanish NH showed a good DQ according to the QUINN. The assessment of the DQ in NHs using QUINN will allow the proposal of interventions aimed at improving their diet.Antecedentes: la valoración de la calidad de la dieta es fundamental para el estudio de las asociaciones enfermedad-dieta, y es necesario implantar una herramienta de fácil aplicación en las residencias de ancianos. Nuestro objetivo fue proponer y aplicar un nuevo indicador de calidad de la dieta (diet quality indicator, DQIn) utilizando un enfoque a priori para su utilización en residencias de ancianos. Métodos: el Índice de Calidad Nutricional en Residencias de Ancianos (QUality Index for Nutrition in Nursing homes, QUINN) se aplicó en una residencia pública de Valladolid durante un periodo de 5 semanas (n = 137 sujetos). La elección de los componentes del QUINN se basó en una revisión rápida. En el QUINN se consideraron 15 componentes dietéticos, 12 básicos (verduras, frutas, legumbres, aceite de oliva, cereales, lácteos, pescado blanco y marisco, carnes blancas, huevos/positivos; otras grasas, carnes rojas y procesadas, y dulces/negativos) y 3 adicionales (variedad de frutas y verduras, pescado azul, y cereales integrales/positivos). Cada componente se clasificó en 4 categorías (0, 1, 2 o 3 puntos; rango: 0-45 puntos). Resultados: el QUINN se aplicó en el menú ofertado por una residencia de ancianos dando un resultado de 34 puntos (dieta de buena calidad). Los componentes con mayor puntuación estaban relacionados con la dieta mediterránea (alto consumo de legumbres, aceite de oliva, pescado blanco y marisco, bajo consumo de otras grasas y variedad de frutas y verduras), junto con los cereales, las carnes blancas, los lácteos y los huevos. Los componentes que requerían un cambio importante fueron las carnes rojas y procesadas, los dulces y los cereales integrales. Conclusión: el menú de esta residencia de ancianos situada en España mostró una calidad de la dieta buena según el QUINN. La evaluación de la calidad de la dieta en las residencias de ancianos mediante el QUINN permitirá proponer intervenciones para mejorar la dieta

    Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma: report of two cases

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    BACKGROUND: Retroperitoneal cystadenocarcinomas are rare lesions, the majority of cases presented as one-patient reports. METHODS: We present two cases of retroperitoneal cystadenocarcinoma, both in women of reproductive age: one with aggressive behavior, and the remaining case, with a more indolent clinical evolution. RESULTS: One case presented as pelvic tumor, was treated with surgical resection of the disease, but manifested with recurrent disease a few months later despite use of chemotherapy. The second case involved a patient with diagnosis of abdominal tumor; during laparotomy, a retroperitoneal tumor was found and was totally removed. At follow-up, the patient is disease-free with no other treatment. CONCLUSION: The behavior and treatment of retroperitoneal cystadenocarcinoma are controversial. We suggest aggressive surgery including radical hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoopherectomy with adjuvant chemotherapy in these cases


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    Hypnosis is a medical procedure that has accompanied man since primitive stages, and in the last 50 years its study and practice has gained more space within the field of Psychology. In the Psychiatry service of the Manuel Fajardo Rivero Hospital, Villa Clara, Cuba different diseases are treated through the use of this technique. Taking into account the results achieved in emotional disorders and the high incidence of adjustment disorders, where depression is one of the most frequent clinical syndromes, this research was aimed at conducting an explanatory study with a quantitative approach, with the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of multimodal treatment with hypnosis in the attenuation of the depressive state in adjustment disorders, in the period from January to October 2017. The sample was selected in a non-probabilistic, intentional way, being made up of 20 patients, in ages between 18 and 35 years old. Documentary review, clinical interview, Beck's inventory and the depression evaluation scale by specialists were used. The patients evaluated presented before starting the multimodal treatment a depressive state with a predominance of thought and somatic symptoms. After treatment, the initial depressive state was not confirmed. The main manifestations that formed a depressive state before starting treatment were greater in intensity and frequency than those present at the end of it, not presenting indicators of depressive nosological identity.La hipnosis es un proceder médico que ha acompañado al hombre desde etapas primitivas, en los últimos 50 años su estudio y práctica ha ganado mayor espacio dentro del campo de la Psicología. En el servicio de Psiquiatría del Hospital Manuel Fajardo Rivero, Villa Clara, Cuba, son tratadas diferentes enfermedades a través del empleo de esta técnica. Teniéndose en cuenta los resultados alcanzados en los desórdenes emocionales y la alta incidencia de los trastornos de adaptación, donde la depresión es uno de los síndromes clínicos más frecuentes, es que la presente investigación se dirigió a realizar un estudio explicativo con enfoque cuantitativo, con el objetivo de evaluar la efectividad del tratamiento multimodal con hipnosis en la atenuación del estado depresivo en los trastornos de adaptación, en el periodo de enero a octubre de 2017. La muestra se seleccionó de forma no probabilística, intencional quedando conformada por 20 pacientes, en edades comprendidas entre 18 y 35 años. Se empleó la revisión documental, entrevista clínica, inventario de Beck y la escala de evaluación de la depresión por especialistas. Los pacientes evaluados presentaron antes de iniciar el tratamiento multimodal un estado depresivo con predominio de síntomas de pensamientos y somáticos. Posterior al tratamiento no se constató el estado depresivo inicial. Las manifestaciones principales que conformaron un estado depresivo antes de iniciar el tratamiento eran mayores en intensidad y frecuencia que las presentes al concluir el mismo, no presentando indicadores de identidad nosológica depresiva

    Ética, hermenéutica y política. Filosofía en el fondo

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    Esta obra colectiva de ensayos académicos dictaminados, inspirados en el ciclo de conferencias Filosofía en el Fondo, ofrece una rica y entretejida lectura que, en cuatro secciones (La ética ante el problema del mal, Diferencia y alteridad, Hermenéutica de la modernidad, e Intersticios políticos), profundiza los problemas humanos que resisten el paso del tiempo desde enfoques hermenéuticos, genealógicos y críticos.ITESO, A.C

    The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis

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    This work was supported by NIA P01AG031719 to J.W.V. and S.C.A., with additional support provided by the Max Planck Institute of Demographic Research and the Duke University Population Research Institute.Is it possible to slow the rate of ageing, or do biological constraints limit its plasticity? We test the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis, which posits that the rate of ageing is relatively fixed within species, with a collection of 39 human and nonhuman primate datasets across seven genera. We first recapitulate, in nonhuman primates, the highly regular relationship between life expectancy and lifespan equality seen in humans. We next demonstrate that variation in the rate of ageing within genera is orders of magnitude smaller than variation in pre-adult and age-independent mortality. Finally, we demonstrate that changes in the rate of ageing, but not other mortality parameters, produce striking, species-atypical changes in mortality patterns. Our results support the invariant rate of ageing hypothesis, implying biological constraints on how much the human rate of ageing can be slowed.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantifying the Spatial Ecology of Wide-Ranging Marine Species in the Gulf of California: Implications for Marine Conservation Planning

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    There is growing interest in systematic establishment of marine protected area (MPA) networks and representative conservation sites. This movement toward networks of no-take zones requires that reserves are deliberately and adequately spaced for connectivity. Here, we test the network functionality of an ecoregional assessment configuration of marine conservation areas by evaluating the habitat protection and connectivity offered to wide-ranging fauna in the Gulf of California (GOC, Mexico). We first use expert opinion to identify representative species of wide-ranging fauna of the GOC. These include leopard grouper, hammerhead sharks, California brown pelicans and green sea turtles. Analyzing habitat models with both structural and functional connectivity indexes, our results indicate that the configuration includes large proportions of biologically important habitat for the four species considered (25–40%), particularly, the best quality habitats (46–57%). Our results also show that connectivity levels offered by the conservation area design for these four species may be similar to connectivity levels offered by the entire Gulf of California, thus indicating that connectivity offered by the areas may resemble natural connectivity. The selected focal species comprise different life histories among marine or marine-related vertebrates and are associated with those habitats holding the most biodiversity values (i.e. coastal habitats); our results thus suggest that the proposed configuration may function as a network for connectivity and may adequately represent the marine megafauna in the GOC, including the potential connectivity among habitat patches. This work highlights the range of approaches that can be used to quantify habitat protection and connectivity for wide-ranging marine species in marine reserve networks

    Evidence for maintenance of sex determinants but not of sexual stages in red yeasts, a group of early diverged basidiomycetes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The red yeasts are an early diverged group of basidiomycetes comprising sexual and asexual species. Sexuality is based on two compatible mating types and sexual identity is determined by <it>MAT </it>loci that encode homeodomain transcription factors, peptide pheromones and their receptors. The objective of the present study was to investigate the presence and integrity of <it>MAT </it>genes throughout the phylogenetic diversity of red yeasts belonging to the order Sporidiobolales.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We surveyed 18 sexual heterothallic and self-fertile species and 16 asexual species. Functional pheromone receptor homologues (<it>STE3.A1 </it>and <it>STE3.A2</it>) were found in multiple isolates of most of the sexual and asexual species. For each of the two mating types, sequence comparisons with whole-genome data indicated that synteny tended to be conserved along the pheromone receptor region. For the homeodomain transcription factor, likelihood methods suggested that diversifying selection acting on the self/non-self recognition region promotes diversity in sexual species, while rapid evolution seems to be due to relaxed selection in asexual strains.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The majority of both sexual and asexual species of red yeasts have functional pheromone receptors and homeodomain homologues. This and the frequent existence of asexual strains within sexual species, makes the separation between sexual and asexual species imprecise. Events of loss of sexuality seem to be recent and frequent, but not uniformly distributed within the Sporidiobolales. Loss of sex could promote speciation by fostering the emergence of asexual lineages from an ancestral sexual stock, but does not seem to contribute to the generation of exclusively asexual lineages that persist for a long time.</p