772 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation and User Scheduling in Coordinated Multicell MIMO Systems

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    ISBN 978-953-307-223-4This book provides an insight on both the challenges and the technological solutions of several approaches, which allow connecting vehicles between each other and with the network. It underlines the trends on networking capabilities and their issues, further focusing on the MAC and Physical layer challenges. Ranging from the advances on radio access technologies to intelligent mechanisms deployed to enhance cooperative communications, cognitive radio and multiple antenna systems have been given particular highlight

    El TLC Colombia - Estados Unidos. Una nueva relación para el siglo XXI

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    A través de esta publicación se podrán conocer las condiciones para el uso adecuado de los diversos instrumentos del TLC firmado por Colombia con Estados Unidos (en vigor desde el 15 de mayo de 2012), las diferentes oportunidades de negocios de exportació

    Approach to the work of Adam Smith and David Ricardo in the context of globalization

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    Desde hace unos quince años el contexto de la economía mundial ha sido de apertura económica, enmarcada en una tercera ola de globalización que tiene como elementos característicos principales, la universalización de la economía de mercado, con la consolidación del capitalismo post-industrial de alto contenido tecnológico e investigativo, la exigencia de regímenes democráticos , la revolución de la informática y de las grandes transnacionales, el desbordamiento de las fronteras en espacios económicos ampliados reflejados en el capitalismo abierto de procesos de integración latinoamericanos y la consolidadación de acuerdos y organismos internacionales como la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC).For some fifteen years the context of the world economy has been one of economic openness, framed in a third wave of globalization whose main characteristic elements are the universalization of the market economy, with the consolidation of high-content post-industrial capitalism. technological and investigative, the demand for democratic regimes, the revolution in information technology and large transnational corporations, the overflow of borders in expanded economic spaces reflected in the open capitalism of Latin American integration processes and the consolidation of international agreements and organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO)

    Las crisis financieras de la globalización

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    En el siglo XX se produjo el debate entre la corriente keynesiana y la corriente neoliberal de economía de mercado y prevaleció el modelo keynesiano hasta la llegada de la globalización contemporánea que adoptó el paradigma neoliberal. En lugar de una globalización productiva se desarrolló primero una globalización financiera, que ha dado paso a crisis financieras recurrentes desde 1929, la última iniciada en 2008, que todavía incide de forma negativa en el entorno económico del planeta. El resultado ha sido frenar la autorregulación del mercado propia del modelo neoliberal, con la incorporación nuevamente de mecanismos de vigilancia y seguimiento por los Estados y los organismos internacionales que permitan prever la ocurrencia de crisis tan graves para la economía mundial. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22518/16578953.14

    Uso do atletismo como estratégia didática no trabalho da educação física escolar

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    O objetivo geral deste estudo foi o de demonstrar a relevância do atletismo como uma das formas lúdicas que favorecem o processo de ensino-aprendizagem dentro do ensino fundamental. A pesquisa pode ser classificada em descritiva e explicativa, tendo base bibliográfica, buscando em livros, artigos e periódicos argumentos para a composição dos argumentos científicos. Pode-se concluir que a Educação Física é uma ciência que estuda o movimento, base fundamental que complementa a formação do indivíduo tanto físico, intelectual e cognitivo. É uma disciplina transversal que completa as disciplinas intelectuais e usa dela para a sua própria composição. A inserção do atletismo em escolas deve ser incentivada porque colabora com todas as ordens de desenvolvimento motor como precisão (dos 0 aos 7 anos), rapidez (dos 7 aos 10 anos) e força muscular (dos 10 aos 15 anos). No entanto, não deve ser inserido como ensino técnico logo de imediato, devendo ser inserido de modo lúdico, ou seja, contextualizado, tendo em vista que a ludicidade envolvida na inserção da modalidade de atletismo favorece a aprendizagem, melhora o repertório motor e proporciona condições adequadas ao desenvolvimento físico, motor e cognitivo dos estudantes

    Las crisis financieras de la globalización

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    En el siglo XX se produjo el debate entre la corriente keynesiana y la corriente neoliberal de economía de mercado y prevaleció el modelo keynesiano hasta la llegada de la globalización contemporánea que adoptó el paradigma neoliberal. En lugar de una globalización productiva se desarrolló primero una globalización financiera, que ha dado paso a crisis financieras recurrentes desde 1929, la última iniciada en 2008, que todavía incide de forma negativa en el entorno económico del planeta. El resultado ha sido frenar la autorregulación del mercado propia del modelo neoliberal, con la incorporación nuevamente de mecanismos de vigilancia y seguimiento por los Estados y los organismos internacionales que permitan prever la ocurrencia de crisis tan graves para la economía mundial. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22518/16578953.14

    El TLC Colombia - Canadá : Nuevo escenario para el comercio y la inversión

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    En este tercer tomo de su Colección sobre globalización el Centro de Estudios sobre Globalización e Integración aborda en detalle la negociación realizada entre los gobiernos de Colombia y Canadá, la cual constituye un desafío para el exportador nacional

    Lower limb muscle coactivation levels in healthy younger and older adults during functional dual-task gait

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of daily cognitive task on stiffness of old and young female adults during the gait. The study included 17 physically active younger and 18 older women, with low risk of falls. The volunteers were asked to walk on the treadmill at two different gait conditions: normal gait and functional dual-task gait. The electromyographic signals were collected of the lower limb muscles. The percentage of coactivation for the tibialis anterior/gastrocnemius lateralis and tibialis anterior/soleus were significantly higher in elderly than in younger in the normal gait and dual-task gait. Our results suggest that the elderly have a greater stiffness in the ankle joint during gait normal and daily dual task gait. Thus, we conclude that challenging cognitively situations during the gait may increase the risk of falls in this population

    Health-Related Characteristics of Older Adults Who Attend Congregate Meal Sites in the United States

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    The purpose of this study was to determine health-related characteristics of a representative sample of older adults who attend congregate meal sites in the United States, and compare races/ethnicities and sexes. Participants were adults, aged 60 years and older, (N = 901) of the 2015 Tenth Annual National Survey of Older American Act Participants (NSOAAP). Difficulties with mobility and Activities of Daily Living were common among older adults who attended congregate meals. Health-related characteristics differed by race/ethnicity and sex. Higher percentages of men reported eating more than half their calories from the site: 61.0% (53, 68), compared to women: 41.2% (33,50); while twice the number of women reported exercising at the site: 42.7% (36, 50), compared to 21.8% (16, 29) for men. Hispanics reported poor/fair health, food insecurity, diabetes, and poverty more often than White non-Hispanics. The odds of reporting that meals helped maintain independence were higher for persons with food insecurity: OR = 2.67 (1.05, 6.80) and those who reported eating half or more of their calories from the site: OR = 5.78 (2.36, 14.30). Strategies that consider preferences by sex and race/ethnicity are required at congregate meal sites to encourage mobility and healthy eating

    R ates and factors associated with falls in older European Americans, Afro-Caribbeans, African-Americans, and Hispanics

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    Purpose: To evaluate rates and factors associated with older adult falls in different ethnic groups. Participants and methods: Information on demographics, medical and falls history, and pain and physical activity levels was collected from 550 community-dwelling older adults (75±9 years old, 222 European Americans, 109 Afro-Caribbeans, 106 African-Americans, and 113 Hispanics). Results: Taking medications for anxiety (risk ratio [RR] =1.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] =1.1–2.0), having incontinence (RR =1.4, 95% CI =1.1–1.8, P=0.013), back pain (RR =1.4, 95% CI =1.0–1.8), feet swelling (RR =1.3, 95% CI =1.1–1.7), and age 75years(RR=1.3,9575 years (RR =1.3, 95% CI =1.0–1.6) were associated with falls. The associations were stronger for Afro-Caribbeans, but they presented approximately 40% lower prevalence of falls than the other groups. Conclusion: Taking anxiety medication, incontinence, back pain, feet swelling, and age 75 years were associated with falls, and Afro-Caribbeans presented lower prevalence of falls. These findings need to be taken into consideration in clinical interventions in aging. Keywords: ethnicity, falls, risks, community dwelling, older adult