90 research outputs found

    The Appereance of Pars Planitis in Multiple Sclerosis

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical association of multiple sclerosis and pars planitis (or intermediate uveitis), as well as to determine the incidence of pars planitis in multiple sclerosis patients. During the period of one year authors examined 42 patients with multiple sclerosis divided into two groups. First group consisted of 23 patients with history of optic neuritis and the second group consisted of 19 patients who have never had optic neuritis. The mean age of patients in the first group was 31.7Ā±5.1 years and in the second group 29.1Ā±8.1 years. Pars planitis was found in 12 patients with multiple sclerosis. Age, sex and degree of neurological disability had no influence on the appearance of pars planitis. Although optic neuritis is considered to be the most common ocular manifestation of multiple sclerosis, the significant number of patients with multiple sclerosis has pars planitis

    The Impact of Tires on the Stability of Road Vehicles

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    Pneumatik je jedan od tri glavna elementa aktivne sigurnosti vozila. Njegov razvoj je počeo kao gumirani dio drvenog kotača, zatim je danaÅ”nji oblik dobio razvojem zračnice prvo kao dijagonalni a zatim kao radijalni pneumatik, odnosno danaÅ”nji standardni pneumatik je radijalni bez zračnice. Radijalni pneumatici su istisnuli iz svakidaÅ”nje upotrebe dijagonalne radi mnogih prednosti koje posjeduju. Također svaka nova generacija pneumatika posjeduje značajno bolje karakteristike od prethodne. Održavanje pneumatika nije zahtjevno, a trajnost pneumatika ovisi o unutarnjem tlaku, načinu vožnje i vozaču, te stanju kolnika i automobila. KoriÅ”tenje pneumatika izvan predviđenog godiÅ”njeg doba smanjuje sigurnost. Eu oznaka svrstava pneumatike u nekoliko razreda. Za pravilan odabir pneumatika pomažu testovi. Testovi se provode na suhoj podlozi, kiÅ”i i snijegu dovodeći pneumatike do njihovih granica.Pneumatic is one of the three main elements of active vehicle safety. Its development started as a rubberized part of a wooden wheel, then the present shape got the development of the tube first as a diagonal and then as a radial pneumatic, or today's standard pneumatic radial is without the radius. Radial tires are squeezed out of everyday use diagonal due to the many advantages they possess. Also every new generation of tires has significantly better characteristics than the previous one. Tire maintenance is not demanding, and the durability of the tire depends on internal pressure, driving mode and driver, and the condition of the carriageway and car. The use of tires outside of the anticipated annual seasons reduces safety. The marking marks the pneumatic in several grades. Tests for the correct tire selection are supported. Tests are conducted on dry substrates, rain and snow, bringing pneumatic to their limits

    The Impact of Tires on the Stability of Road Vehicles

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    Pneumatik je jedan od tri glavna elementa aktivne sigurnosti vozila. Njegov razvoj je počeo kao gumirani dio drvenog kotača, zatim je danaÅ”nji oblik dobio razvojem zračnice prvo kao dijagonalni a zatim kao radijalni pneumatik, odnosno danaÅ”nji standardni pneumatik je radijalni bez zračnice. Radijalni pneumatici su istisnuli iz svakidaÅ”nje upotrebe dijagonalne radi mnogih prednosti koje posjeduju. Također svaka nova generacija pneumatika posjeduje značajno bolje karakteristike od prethodne. Održavanje pneumatika nije zahtjevno, a trajnost pneumatika ovisi o unutarnjem tlaku, načinu vožnje i vozaču, te stanju kolnika i automobila. KoriÅ”tenje pneumatika izvan predviđenog godiÅ”njeg doba smanjuje sigurnost. Eu oznaka svrstava pneumatike u nekoliko razreda. Za pravilan odabir pneumatika pomažu testovi. Testovi se provode na suhoj podlozi, kiÅ”i i snijegu dovodeći pneumatike do njihovih granica.Pneumatic is one of the three main elements of active vehicle safety. Its development started as a rubberized part of a wooden wheel, then the present shape got the development of the tube first as a diagonal and then as a radial pneumatic, or today's standard pneumatic radial is without the radius. Radial tires are squeezed out of everyday use diagonal due to the many advantages they possess. Also every new generation of tires has significantly better characteristics than the previous one. Tire maintenance is not demanding, and the durability of the tire depends on internal pressure, driving mode and driver, and the condition of the carriageway and car. The use of tires outside of the anticipated annual seasons reduces safety. The marking marks the pneumatic in several grades. Tests for the correct tire selection are supported. Tests are conducted on dry substrates, rain and snow, bringing pneumatic to their limits

    The Impact of Tires on the Stability of Road Vehicles

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    Pneumatik je jedan od tri glavna elementa aktivne sigurnosti vozila. Njegov razvoj je počeo kao gumirani dio drvenog kotača, zatim je danaÅ”nji oblik dobio razvojem zračnice prvo kao dijagonalni a zatim kao radijalni pneumatik, odnosno danaÅ”nji standardni pneumatik je radijalni bez zračnice. Radijalni pneumatici su istisnuli iz svakidaÅ”nje upotrebe dijagonalne radi mnogih prednosti koje posjeduju. Također svaka nova generacija pneumatika posjeduje značajno bolje karakteristike od prethodne. Održavanje pneumatika nije zahtjevno, a trajnost pneumatika ovisi o unutarnjem tlaku, načinu vožnje i vozaču, te stanju kolnika i automobila. KoriÅ”tenje pneumatika izvan predviđenog godiÅ”njeg doba smanjuje sigurnost. Eu oznaka svrstava pneumatike u nekoliko razreda. Za pravilan odabir pneumatika pomažu testovi. Testovi se provode na suhoj podlozi, kiÅ”i i snijegu dovodeći pneumatike do njihovih granica.Pneumatic is one of the three main elements of active vehicle safety. Its development started as a rubberized part of a wooden wheel, then the present shape got the development of the tube first as a diagonal and then as a radial pneumatic, or today's standard pneumatic radial is without the radius. Radial tires are squeezed out of everyday use diagonal due to the many advantages they possess. Also every new generation of tires has significantly better characteristics than the previous one. Tire maintenance is not demanding, and the durability of the tire depends on internal pressure, driving mode and driver, and the condition of the carriageway and car. The use of tires outside of the anticipated annual seasons reduces safety. The marking marks the pneumatic in several grades. Tests for the correct tire selection are supported. Tests are conducted on dry substrates, rain and snow, bringing pneumatic to their limits

    Lobbying in the EU Comitology System - Experiences of Actors in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Croatia

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    Ovaj rad nastoji analizirati proces lobiranja unutar sustava komitologije EU. Radi se o neistraženom sustavu odbora EU koji je do nedavno bio izvan radara akademske zajednice. Međutim, interes za proučavanje sustava komitologije se povećao te je i mene nagnao na istraživanje jednog aspekta tog dijela političkog sustava Europske unije, a to je fenomen lobiranja. Radi se o studiji slučaja kojom se pokuÅ”ava izgraditi teorija koja bi bila primjenjiva na ostale slučajeve. Kao ogledni primjer odabrana je farmaceutska industrija zbog svoje snažne organizacije te jakog utjecaja. Podaci su prikupljeni putem polu-strukturiranih intervjua s akterima farmaceutske industrije u Hrvatskoj. Kroz analizu i sintezu njihovih iskustava, uz pomoć process-tracing metode, kreira se teorijski opis te hodogram procesa lobiranja unutar sustava komitologije EU, kao originalni doprinos ovog rada.This paper seeks to analyze the lobbying process within the EU comitology system.It is an unexplored system of EU committees that until recently was off the radar of academia. However, interes in studying EU comitology has increased, and has also pushed me to explore one aspect of this part of the European Union's political system, which is the phenomenon of lobbying. It is a case study attempting to construct a theory that would be applicable to other cases. The pharmaceutical industry was chosen as an example because of its strong organization and influence. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with pharmaceutical industry actors in Croatia. Through the analysis and synthesis of their experiences, with the help of the process-tracing method, a theoretical description and a flowchart of the lobbying process within the EU comitology system are created, as the original contribution of this paper

    Energy Efficiency and Arhitectural Heritage: The Reconstruction of the French Pavilion in Zagreb

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    The exhibition pavilion of the Republic of France was built for the Zagreb Fair during the years 1936 and 1937 at 25 Savska Street 25 in Zagreb according to the design of the French architect Robert Camelot and the civil engineer Bernard Lafaille. The French Pavilion represents a unique engineering innovation, since a thin steel shell was applied for the first time as a load-bearing structure in high-rise building. Therefore, it is a building of exceptional cultural and historical, as well as technical and technological value. The reconstruction design envisaged that the Pavilion would keep its original use as an exhibition space with the possibility of holding some other public events such as lectures, promotions, round-table discussions and smaller performances. In order to enable the use of the Pavilion all year round, it was necessary to adapt the Pavilion appropriately to contemporary standards. In this process, special attention was given to energy efficiency with a contemporary treatment of the perimeter elements of the Pavilion structural system (non- and load bearing structures), which did not damage the authenticity of its idea and design in any segment

    Assessment of Single European Sky Implementation in the Functional Airspace Block Central Europe

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    Implementation of Air Traffic Management (ATM) MasterPlan-defined projects represents a prerequisite for thesuccessful implementation of the Single European Sky initiativedefined by the European Commission in 2004. Theimplementation of ATM-related projects is currently underĀ the responsibility of the Single European Sky Research ProgrammeĀ Deployment Manager. While the definition of projectsĀ is being performed at the European Network level, theimplementation is performed through sub-regional groupingĀ of Air Navigation Service Providers in a form of FunctionalĀ Airspace Blocks. This paper analyses the level of implementationĀ of ATM-related projects in the Functional AirspaceĀ Block Central Europe and their relation to other FunctionalĀ Airspace Blocks defined in Europe. From this paper it isĀ obvious that even though the planning of Single EuropeanĀ Sky projects is based on the collaborative implementation ofĀ Functional Airspace Block level, the real implementation isĀ fragmented and based on national levels.</p

    Što čini Vladu Republike Hrvatske? Analiza unutarnjeg ustroja hrvatske vlade

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    Cilj je ovog rada napraviti prikaz strukture Vlade, koji proizlazi iz pravnog okvira RH, te pedantno ilustrirati da se radi o kompleksnoj instituciji koja posjeduje viÅ”e razina kroz koje svi zakonski prijedlozi, te prijedlozi drugih akata, moraju ā€žproćiā€œ kako bi bili usvojeni i poslani u daljnju proceduru ili bili predloženi Hrvatskome saboru. Proces donoÅ”enja odluka unutar Vlade međutim izlazi iz okvira ovoga rada, te je tome potrebno posvetiti posebnu analizu kojoj je analiza organizacijske strukture pretpostavka. Na temelju analize regulatornog okvira, dat ćemo prikaz svih ustrojbenih jedinica Vlade RH te ukratko opisati najbitnije nadležnosti i poslove koje obavljaju. Ustroj Vlade razmatramo funkcionalno, pa smo ustrojbene jedinice podijelili u četiri odvojene razine: politička tijela Vlade, kabinet, Uži kabinet te Ured predsjednika i potpredsjednika Vlade; zatim tehničko-administrativne službe okupljene u Glavnom tajniÅ”tvu Vlade; potom radna tijela Vlade koja imaju političke i stručne funkcije; te posljednja četvrta razina koja se sastoji od stručnih službi Vlade, odnosno raznih Vladinih ureda. Svaka skupina tijela Vlade posvećena je srodnim poslovima, odnosno u nadležnosti ima zadatke sa sličnim funkcijama, povezanim svrhama u radu Vlade. Na kraju rada predstavit ćemo organigram Vlade, shematski prikaz unutarnjeg organizacijskog ustroja Vlade, kao glavni stručni doprinos ovoga rada

    Menadžment poslovnih procesa i znanja u hrvatskim poduzećima

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    Contemporary companies function in constantly changing and highly turbulent business environment which is the cause of a constant need for change and learning at individual, group, organizational as well as interorganizational level (61). Organizational learning is considered to be one of the most promising concepts in modern managerial literature. According to de Geus ā€˜ability to learn faster than your competitors might be the only sustainable competitive advantage you haveā€™ (11). Dimovski (12) provides an overview of previous research and identifies four perspectives on organizational learning. His model manages to merge informational, interpretational, strategic and behavioral approach to organizational learning and defines it as a process of information acquisition, information interpretation and resulting behavioral and cognitive changes, which should in turn have an impact on organizational performance. In recent research, another measurement variable for organizational learning emerged ā€“ Information quality (18). Another research topic introduced in this research was determination and evaluation of the business process orientation construct. Although definitions of the business process orientation vary, we adopt the McCormackā€™s and Johnsonā€™s (2001) definition of process orientation: An organization that, in all its thinking, emphasizes process as opposed to hierarchies with a special emphasis on outcomes and customer satisfaction. McCormack and Johnson (2001) conducted an empirical study to explore the relationship between BPO and enhanced business performance. The research results showed that BPO is critical in reducing conflict and encouraging greater connectedness within an organization, while improving business performance. The more business process oriented an organization, the better it performs both from an overall perspective as well as from the perspective of the employees. The BPO construct describes a four-step pathway for systematically advancing business processes along the maturity continuum (Ad Hoc, Defined, Linked, and Integrated level). Each step builds on the work of the previous steps to apply improvement strategies that are appropriate to the current maturity level. It is important to note that trying to skip maturity levels is counter-productive, since each level builds a foundation from which to achieve the subsequent level. An organization must evolve through these levels to establish a culture of process excellence. The goal of our contribution was to test differences in the way companies learn and perceive their business process orientation in Slovenia and Croatia. During September and October 2005 questionnaires were distributed to Slovenian and Croatian companies with more than 50 employees. In Slovenian case, 203 completed questionnaires were returned (which accounts for 16.5% response rate) while in Croatia 202 completed questionnaires were returned to the research group (which accounts for 11.5% response rate). Received questionnaires from both countries allow us to compare the results and to implicitly test the impact of various country-based factors on the organizational learning phenomena. Using data gathered from two independent samples (Slovenia and Croatia) analysis of variance method and t-test were used in order to get the answer to our research question relating to differences in organizational learning and business process orientation between Slovenian and Croatian companies. Results indicate that Slovenian and Croatian companies differ only in 17 out of 48 items considering organizational learning research ā€“ especially in the way they acquire information and the way they perceive behavioral and cognitive changes currently under place. Croatian companies are more outward directed when acquiring information and are witnessing more turbulent changes in their internal as well as external business environment. Nevertheless, there are much more similar traits in the way Slovenian and Croatian companies learn than there are dissimilarities. However, there are some indications that Slovenian companies already bridged the transition period, while majority of Croatian companies still has to cross that bridge. Data analysis considering second part of the research revealed some important aspects of business process orientation in Slovenia and Croatia. It showed that Slovenian companies have reached slightly higher maturity level than Croatian companies, which was not surprising considering Croatian contemporary history. Though statistically significant, the difference is not large and the general state of the BPO in both countries is promising. Still, a lot is left to change and improve in order to transform the companies into process-oriented ones. The investigation also revealed some differences between both counties. Slovenian companies give more emphasis to the quality of process data and have monitoring and control systems in place to assure it. Besides that jobs are more frequently multidimensional and not just simple tasks in Slovenia then in Croatia. This is important aspect of process orientation whereby employees need to be equipped with wide arsenal of knowledge and skills in order to participate in different areas of a process. To realize BPO projects, most companies use different business process modelling/management methods and tools, which integrate components for static and dynamic modelling, measuring and monitoring the performance of the processes, as well as enabling the transformation of business process diagrams into tailor-made applications supporting the execution of workflows. The focus of this paper is to discuss the application of business process oriented concepts in different areas, depending on different projects' objectives and goals. The paper provides the results of a search in literature as well as a summary and comparison of features concerning business process modelling and business process management tools, placing them within an empirically derived framework.menadžment poslovnih procesa, menadžment znanja
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