Energy Efficiency and Arhitectural Heritage: The Reconstruction of the French Pavilion in Zagreb


The exhibition pavilion of the Republic of France was built for the Zagreb Fair during the years 1936 and 1937 at 25 Savska Street 25 in Zagreb according to the design of the French architect Robert Camelot and the civil engineer Bernard Lafaille. The French Pavilion represents a unique engineering innovation, since a thin steel shell was applied for the first time as a load-bearing structure in high-rise building. Therefore, it is a building of exceptional cultural and historical, as well as technical and technological value. The reconstruction design envisaged that the Pavilion would keep its original use as an exhibition space with the possibility of holding some other public events such as lectures, promotions, round-table discussions and smaller performances. In order to enable the use of the Pavilion all year round, it was necessary to adapt the Pavilion appropriately to contemporary standards. In this process, special attention was given to energy efficiency with a contemporary treatment of the perimeter elements of the Pavilion structural system (non- and load bearing structures), which did not damage the authenticity of its idea and design in any segment

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