494 research outputs found

    Competence between propioceptive and exteroceptive conditional stimuli in a conditional discrimination task

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    Se realizó un experimento con sujetos humanos de edades comprendidas entre los 7 y los 53 años en el que se utilizó un procedimiento de discriminación condicional con muestras compuestas formadas por estímulos exteroceptivos (figuras geométricas coloreadas) y propioceptivos (diferentes formas de señalar tales figuras). De esta forma, los sujetos fueron entrenados a emitir una conducta diferencial ante cada muestra y a elegir la comparación correcta. Posteriormente se evaluó la ejecución de los sujetos tanto en una discriminación condicional con muestra simple para cada uno de los componentes del anterior estímulo compuesto (sólo conducta y sólo figuras coloreadas) como mediante un procedimiento de competencia. Los resultados indicaron que los estímulos exteroceptivos adquirieron mayor control sobre la conducta de elección que los estímulos propioceptivos. Se discuten los resultados en relación con la importancia que la discriminación de la propia conducta puede tener en la génesis del control discriminativo bidireccional.An experiment was carried out with humans as subjects, aged between 7 and 53, in which a conditional discrimination procedure with compound samples made up by exteroceptive (colored geometric shapes) and proprioceptive stimuli (different ways of pointing at them) was used. Thus, subjects were trained to perform differently in the presence of each sample, and later to choose the correct comparison. They were then evaluated in a conditional discrimination with unitary samples for each one of the components of the previous compound stimulus (only behavior and only colored shapes). For this, a competition procedure was designed. Results showed that the exteroceptive stimuli exerted more influence over the chosen behavior than the proprioceptive stimuli. Results are discussed in relation to the importance that one’s own behavior discrimination may have in the origins of bi-directional discriminative control

    La formación para la acreditación de líderes escolares

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    Los líderes escolares deben adaptar sus actuaciones a los retos actuales, desempeñando funciones vinculadas a su perfil profesional, acorde a las líneas estratégicas establecidas en el marco normativo vigente. De ahí que sea necesario formar directivos que sepan liderar y gestionar los cambios que la escuela demanda, al tiempo que se favorece el desarrollo de sus correspondientes competencias tanto genéricas como específicas. Así, desde el marco de formación permanente, se gestiona el “Curso sobre el desarrollo de la función directiva” de ámbito regional andaluz, mediante el cual, se promueven competencias esenciales para el desempeño directivo relativas al liderazgo, relaciones humanas, gestión del aprendizaje y evaluación institucional. En este trabajo, presentaremos datos obtenidos en la última convocatoria realizada, describiendo la muestra de participantes, estructura y diseño de la propuesta formativa e instrumentos de recogida de evidencias con los que realizar análisis valorativo de los participantes, extracto de perfiles de género, años de docencia y de experiencia en el desempeño de la función directiva. En los resultados se presentan conclusiones alcanzadas en torno al liderazgo escolar, competencias profesionales directivas, dificultades y logros aportados para la gestión y organización escolar y la propia valoración del directivo en cuanto al procedimiento de acreditación.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    ¿Qué es la psicología para los estudiantes españoles de educación a distancia?

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    Se aplicó a los estudiantes de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia en España (UNED) una modificación de la escala estandarizada por Thiriat (1981) y que ha sido utilizada (con más o menos cambios) en casi la totalidad de los trabajos de este tipo. En la encuesta se indaga sobre el autor, la obra y el fenómeno que considerasen como los más destacados de nuestra disciplina. También se les pedía que eligiesen entre varias definiciones de psicología y de diferentes conceptos relevantes como el pensamiento, la inteligencia o la mente. Por último, se les requería una valoración de diferentes aspectos de la psicología y de la propia psicología en su conjunto en comparación con otros campos del saber. Se concluye comparando los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo con otros similares realizados con otras poblacione

    syn-Selective Michael reaction of α-branched aryl acetaldehydes with nitroolefins promoted by squaric amino acid derived bifunctional Brønsted bases

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    [EN] Here we describe a direct access to 2,2,3-trisubstituted syn γ-nitroaldehydes by addition of α-branched aryl acetaldehydes to nitroolefins promoted by a cinchona based squaric acid-derived amino acid peptide. Different α-methyl arylacetaldehydes react with β-aromatic and β-alkyl nitroolefins to afford the Michael adducts in high enantioselectivity and syn-selectivity. NMR experiments and DFT calculations predict the reaction to occur through the intermediacy of E-enolate. The interaction between the substrates and the catalyst follows Pápai’s model, wherein an intramolecular H-bond interaction in the catalyst between the NH group of one of the tert-leucines and the squaramide oxygen seems to be key for discrimination of the corresponding reaction transition states.Support has been provided by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (UFI QOSYC 11/22), Basque Government (GV grant IT1236-19), and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (grant PID2019-109633GB-C21), Spain. A. G. and T. E. thank Basque Government and MINECO respectively for fellowships. We would like to express our gratitude to the students I. Gonzalez-Mujika and M. Campo for their participation in conducting some experiments of the reaction scope. We also thank SGIker (UPV/EHU) for providing NMR, HRMS. X-Ray and computational resources

    Necesidades de formación del profesorado de Lengua y Literatura para el desarrollo de la argumentación informal en el comentario de texto

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    This study is part of an R+D+i project on the training of teachers of Spanish as a first and foreign language in the didactics of informal argumentation involved in text commentary, which was sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain. The general aim of this research consists of delving into the demands of training and teaching materials for the development of informal argumentation when doing textcommentary. The research adopts a qualitative methodology with an interpretative-phenomenological design in order to explore the meanings that explain the aforementioned demands. 34 teachers were selected, and later interviewed, as key informants according to their profile and professional experience. Data analysis was conducted by means of the reduction of the information obtained in a map of meanings, through an inductive system of data categorisationand codification carried out with the qualitative analysis program Atlas.ti 7. Finally, the dialogue fostered through the interviews revealed arguments of great interest regarding the demands of training and teaching materials, which these teachers formulate with causal reasons and with the will to authenticate their competent professional development in the didactics of informal argumentation in text commentary.Este estudio se enmarca en un proyecto de I+D+i sobre la formación del profesorado de español como lengua materna y extranjera en la didáctica de la argumentación informal implicada en el comentario de texto, el cual ha sido patrocinado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad de Gobierno de España. El objetivo general de la presente investigación consiste en profundizar en las demandas de formación y de materiales didácticospor parte de este profesorado para el desarrollo de la argumentación informal en el comentario de texto. La investigación se centra en una metodología cualitativa de diseño interpretativo-fenomenológico para explorar los significados que explican las demandas aludidas, por medio del instrumento de la entrevista realizada a 34 docentes, que han sido seleccionados como informantes clave en atención a su perfil y experiencia profesional. El proceso de análisis se ha llevado a cabo mediante la reducción de la información obtenida en un mapa de significados, a través de un sistema inductivo de categorización y codificación de los datos realizado por el programa de análisis cualitativo Atlas.ti 7.Finalmente, el diálogo propiciado a través de las entrevistas ha revelado argumentos de gran interés sobre las demandas de formación y de materiales didácticos que este profesorado formula con razones causales y con la voluntad de autentificar su desarrollo profesional competente en didáctica de la argumentación informal en el comentario de textos

    Time-varying thermal dynamics modeling of the prototype of the REMS wind sensor

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    The objective of this work is to show the results from the analysis of the thermal dynamics of a prototype of the REMS 3D wind anemometer using the tools of Diffusive Representation (DR). DR is a mathematical tool that allows the description of physical phenomena based on diffusion using state- space models of arbitrary order in the frequency domain. From open-loop experimental measurements, where a current signal with a wide frequency spectrum is injected in the heaters, time-varying dynamical thermal models are extracted for different wind velocities. This models provide the temperature evolution of the parts of the system under study as a function of the power delivered to the heat sources. The prototype of the wind sensor used in the experimental setup is based on thermal anemometry, which is the method that has been used in multiple occasions for the challenging task of wind sensing in Mars. It is based on the detection of the wind velocity by measuring the power dissipated of a heated element due to forced convection. This technique was employed in the wind sensor of REMS (Remote Environmental Monitor System) sensor suite, on board Curiosity rover since 2012. In 2018, it is expected to be launched the InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigation, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission to Mars. It will include the TWINS instrument (Temperature and Wind sensors for InSight mission) which is an heritage from REMS. The prototype used in the experiments, is composed of three PCBs (Printed Circuit Board) placed on a cylindrical supporting structure (boom) at 120 ¿ from each other. Each PCB contains four Silicon dice set with Platinum resistors that are used as heating elements. The thermal dynamical characterization of one of the dice and its cross-heating with the boom is going to be presented.Postprint (published version

    Thermal dynamics modeling of a 3D wind sensor based on hot thin film anemometry

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    The objective of this paper is to obtain time-varying models of the thermal dynamics of a 3D hot thin film anemometer for Mars atmosphere. To this effect, a proof of concept prototype of the REMS (Rover Environmental Monitoring Station) wind sensor on board the Curiosity rover has been used. The self and cross-heating effects of the thermal structures have been characterized from open-loop measurements using Diffusive Representation. These models have been proven to be suitable in the analysis of the thermal dynamics of the sensor under constant temperature operation employing the tools of Sliding Mode Controllers. This analysis allows to understand the long term heat diffusion processes in the whole structure and how they may affect the raw output signals.Postprint (author's final draft

    Sliding mode analysis applied to improve the dynamical response of a spherical 3D wind sensor for Mars atmosphere

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    The objective of this paper is to show how the structure of a thermal wind anemometer can be tuned to ensure a fast response when the sensor works in closed loop configuration (constant temperature operation). If the thermal filter associated to the sensor structure has only one significative time constant, the resulting system time response, working in closed loop, is enhanced beyond the natural limit imposed by its own thermal circuit. This effect is theoretically explained using the theory of sliding mode controllers. Experimental corroboration is presented by comparing the results obtained with two prototypes of a spherical wind sensor for Mars atmosphere. It will be shown that in case of having only one significant time constant, the time response in closed loop is much faster than the value associated with that time constant. It will be experimentally shown that this effect is lost when the thermal filter has more than one significant time constant. Diffusive representation is used to obtain arbitrary-order models of the thermal structures of the sensors.Preprin

    Testing campaign of a martian spherical wind sensor at the AWTSII Wind Tunnel Facility

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the experimental results obtained with a prototype of a 4-sector spherical anemometer, in the Aarhus Wind Tunnel Simulator II (AWTSII) reproducing Martian conditions. The main objective of the experimental campaign has been to measure wind velocity for a wide number of yaw and pitch angles, in an environment in the range of typical Mars conditions. The experimental results indicate that wind speed and angle recovery can be achieved with the proposed spherical sensor. The obtained responses are close to the empirical models found in the literature.Authors want to show their gratefulness to the Planetary Environment Facilities at Aarhus University (DK) for their hostage and professional approach. This laboratory is a member of Europlanet 2020 RI which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654208. This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry MINECO under Project grant no. ESP2016-79612-C3-2R.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of age and type of reinforcer in the equivalence-equivalence by a partition procedure

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    La respuesta de equivalencia – equivalencia (Barnes, Hegarty y Smeets, 1997), basada en la derivación sin entrenamiento explícito de respuestas relacionales, ha servido para fundamentar un modelo analítico – funcional de razonamiento analógico. Tradicionalmente, el procedimiento utilizado para la derivación de estas respuestas se ha basado en discriminaciones condicionales. En este trabajo se explora la utilización del procedimiento de partición para la formación de clases de equivalencia funcional de Vaughan (1988) como base para la derivación de estas relaciones más complejas en niños, investigando el papel del tipo de reforzador utilizado (primario o secundario) y la edad de los participantes (9-10 años o 12-13 años). Los resultados del experimento indican que el procedimiento de partición da lugar a la derivación de relaciones de equivalencia – equivalencia, con influencia de ambos factores: Los niños de mayor edad, y aquellos a los que se aplica reforzamiento primario aprenden la tarea en menos ensayos y derivan en mayor proporción la respuesta relacional. No se encontró interacción entre los factores. El procedimiento de partición puede aportar una nueva vía de investigación para esclarecer os prerrequisitos conductuales de esta importante habilidad.Equivalence – Equivalence responding (Barnes et al., 1997), based on derived or non-explicitly trained relational responding, supports a behaviour-analytic model of analogical reasoning. Conditional discriminations are the most common procedure used to train its prerequisites. In this exploratory work we test Vaughan’s (1988) simple discrimination procedure instead to derive Eq-Eq responses in children. Two factors were assessed: type of reinforcer used (primary or secondary) and age of participants (9-10 or 12-13 years). The procedure successfully leaded to the derivation of equivalence – equivalence responses, and both factors influenced the results: selecting older children and applying primary reinforcement leaded to faster learning and better results in the equivalence – equivalence test. No interaction between factors was found. This training procedure can provide a new way to investigate the behavioural prerequisites of this important abilit