638 research outputs found

    Inhibition of Trophoblast-Induced Spiral Artery Remodeling Reduces Placental Perfusion in Rat Pregnancy.

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    Rats harboring the human angiotensinogen and human renin genes develop preeclamptic features in pregnancy. The preeclamptic rats exhibit a deeper trophoblast invasion associated with a reduced resistance index by uterine Doppler. Doxycycline inhibits matrix metalloproteinase activity. We tested the hypothesis that matrix metalloproteinase inhibition reduces trophoblast invasion with subsequent changes in placental perfusion. Preeclamptic and pregnant control Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with doxycycline (30 mg/kg of body weight orally) from gestational day 12 until day 18. Placental perfusion was assessed using a micromarker contrast agent. The animals were euthanized on day 18 of pregnancy; biometric data were acquired, and trophoblast invasion was analyzed. Doxycycline resulted in intrauterine growth retardation and lighter placentas in both groups. Maternal body weight was not affected. As shown earlier, preeclamptic rats exhibited a deeper endovascular trophoblast invasion. However, doxycycline treatment reduced trophoblast invasion in the preeclamptic rats. The physiological spiral artery remodeling, as assessed by the deposition of fibrinoid and α-actin in the spiral artery contour, was significantly reduced by doxycycline. The vascularity index, as assessed by perfusion measurement of the placenta, was reduced after doxycycline treatment in preeclamptic rats. Thus, matrix metalloproteinase inhibition with doxycycline leads to reduced trophoblast invasion and associated reduced placental perfusion. These studies are the first to show that reducing trophoblast-induced vascular remodeling decreases subsequent placental perfusion. Our model allows the study of dysregulated trophoblast invasion and vascular remodeling in vivo to gain important insights into preeclampsia-related mechanisms

    The politics of international redistribution: Explaining public support for fiscal transfers in the EU

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.As a consequence of the Eurozone crisis and the creation of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), the prospect of a transfer union has become a particularly contested aspect of European integration. How should one understand the public backlash against fiscal transfers? And, what explains voter preferences for international transfers more generally? Using data from the 2014 European Elections Study (EES), this article describes the first cross-national analysis of voters’ preferences on international transfers. The analysis reveals a strong association between voters’ non-economic cultural orientations (i.e., their cosmopolitanism) and their position on transfers. At the same time, it is found that voters’ economic left-right orientations are crucial for a fuller understanding of the public conflict over transfers. This counters previous research that finds economic left-right orientations to be of little explanatory value. This study demonstrates that the association between economic left-right orientations and preferences for international transfers is conditional on a person's social class. Among citizens in a high-income class an economically left-leaning position is associated with support for transfers, whereas it is associated with opposition to transfers among citizens in a low-income class

    Probabilistic abstract interpretation: From trace semantics to DTMC’s and linear regression

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    In order to perform probabilistic program analysis we need to consider probabilistic languages or languages with a probabilistic semantics, as well as a corresponding framework for the analysis which is able to accommodate probabilistic properties and properties of probabilistic computations. To this purpose we investigate the relationship between three different types of probabilistic semantics for a core imperative language, namely Kozen’s Fixpoint Semantics, our Linear Operator Semantics and probabilistic versions of Maximal Trace Semantics. We also discuss the relationship between Probabilistic Abstract Interpretation (PAI) and statistical or linear regression analysis. While classical Abstract Interpretation, based on Galois connection, allows only for worst-case analyses, the use of the Moore-Penrose pseudo inverse in PAI opens the possibility of exploiting statistical and noisy observations in order to analyse and identify various system properties

    Linear phase retrieval for real-time adaptive optics

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    We developed a fast phase retrieval algorithm that is suitable for real-time applications such as adaptive optics. The phase retrieval model is developed by linearising the pupil function in the approximation of small aberrations and is valid for low-NA focused field. The linear model in conjunction with a particular choice for the position of the single out-of-focus measurement plane and an efficient control algorithm, significantly reduces the computation time for phase retrieval. The experimental results demonstrate the validity of the described approach for fast correction of aberrations

    Cyclic AMP metabolism and adenylate cyclase concentration in patients with advanced hepatic cirrhosis

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    Glucagon was tested for its effect on plasma adenosine 3â€Č,5â€Č-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP), insulin, and glucose in healthy subjects and in patients with advanced cirrhosis of the liver. In the normal subjects, intravenous infusion of glucagon caused a significant increase in plasma cyclic AMP, glucose, and insulin. In advanced cirrhotics, plasma cyclic AMP, glucose, and insulin did not increase. Adenylate cyclase concentration was measured in liver tissue from end stage cirrhotic patients and from brain-dead organ donors whose cardiovascular function was maintained in a stable state. Basal and total adenylate cyclase concentration were not different in the two groups. Adenylate cyclase from the livers of advanced cirrhotics was, however, significantly less responsive to glucagon stimulation than was that from donor livers. Hepatocytes in advanced cirrhosis have abnormal metabolic behavior characterized by abnormal adenylate cyclase-cyclic AMP response to hormonal stimulation. © 1978

    Pervasiveness of the IQ Rise: A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Generational IQ gains in the general population (termed the Flynn effect) show an erratic pattern across different nations as well as across different domains of intelligence (fluid vs crystallized). Gains of fluid intelligence in different countries have been subject to extensive research, but less attention was directed towards gains of crystallized intelligence, probably due to evidence from the Anglo-American sphere suggesting only slight gains on this measure. In the present study, development of crystallized intelligence in the German speaking general population is assessed. Methodology/Principal Findings: To investigate whether IQ gains for crystallized intelligence are in progress in Germanspeaking countries, two independent meta-analyses were performed. By means of a cited reference search in ISI Web of Science, all studies citing test manuals and review articles of two widely-used salient measures of crystallized intelligence were obtained. Additionally, the electronic database for German academic theses was searched to identify unpublished studies employing these tests. All studies reporting participants mean IQ or raw scores of at least one of the two measures were included in the present analyses, yielding over 500 studies (.1,000 samples;.45,000 individuals). We found a significant positive association between years of test performance and intelligence (1971–2007) amounting to about 3.5 IQ points per decade. Conclusions/Significance: This study clearly demonstrates that crystallized IQ gains are substantial and of comparabl
