332 research outputs found

    Implementation and evaluation of microaggregation algorithms for categorical data

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    Different data anonymization algorithms have been proposed in the literature, but sometimes it is not easy for the practitioners to understand which one is better for different situations.In a growingly digitalised world, the need for data privacy is apparent. Data scientists have contributed much previous work to ensure privacy regarding numerical data attributes in published datasets. However, work with categorical data tends to significantly affect the data utility concerning information loss, and less feasible research is available. The thesis aims to describe, implement and compare multiple microaggregation algorithms for categorical data. To achieve the goals of the thesis, and provide valuable output, multiple new proposals to handle categorical data based on the Mondrian algorithm were presented as part of the thesis. It was found that the proposals fared well compared to some previously presented algorithms, both in terms of algorithm execution time, potential information loss and reidentification risk

    On the universality of the global slope -- anisotropy inequality

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    Recently, some intriguing results have lead to speculations whether the central density slope -- velocity dispersion anisotropy inequality (An & Evans) actually holds at all radii for spherical dynamical systems. We extend these studies by providing a complete analysis of the global slope -- anisotropy inequality for all spherical systems in which the augmented density is a separable function of radius and potential. We prove that these systems indeed satisfy the global inequality if their central anisotropy is β01/2\beta_0\leq 1/2. Furthermore, we present several systems with β0>1/2\beta_0 > 1/2 for which the inequality does not hold, thus demonstrating that the global density slope -- anisotropy inequality is not a universal property. This analysis is a significant step towards an understanding of the relation for general spherical systems.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Ap

    Reproduktsiooniteooriad ja sotsiaalne muutus

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    Two-Point Functions of Four-Dimensional Simplicial Quantum Gravity

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    We investigate the interaction mechanism of pure quantum gravity in Regge discretization. We compute volume-volume and link-link correlation functions. In a preliminary analysis the forces turn out to be of Yukawa type, at least on our finite lattice being away from the continuum limit.Comment: 3 pages, uuencoded postscript file; Proceedings of the XI International Symposion on Lattice Field Theory, Dallas, Oct. 199

    Endovasale Lasertherapie und CHIVA-Behandlung: effektive und komplikationsarme Alternativen zum Venenstripping bei varikös veränderten Stammvenen

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    Einleitung: Die endovasale Lasertherapie (ELT) und CHIVA-Behandlung sind minimal-invasive Methoden zur Therapie varikös veränderter Stammvenen und werden als wirksame und komplikationsarme Alternativen zur Behandlung mittels chirurgischer Entfernung (Venenstripping) diskutiert. Erstmals sollten in einer kontrollierten prospektiven Studie Effektivität und Sicherheit der ELT und CHIVA-Behandlung mit der Stripping-Operation verglichen werden. Material und Methoden: Untersucht wurden alle Patienten, die sich von Januar 2003 bis Dezember 2004 einer ELT oder CHIVA-Behandlung unterzogen, sowie eine konsekutive Kontrollgruppe von Patienten mit konventionellem Venenstripping im gleichen Zeitraum. Als Primärparameter dienten komplette Entfernung, kompletter Verschluss bzw. Beseitigung des hämodynamisch relevanten Refluxes (initialer Behandlungserfolg). An Sekundärparameter wurden die intra- und postoperativen Komplikationsraten sowie die Rezidivraten innerhalb eines Jahres erfasst. Anhand eines Patientenfragebogens wurde eine Reihe von subjektiven Parametern (z.B. Schmerzerlebnis, kosmetisches Behandlungsergebnis) erhoben. Ergebnisse: Die Auswertung ergab für den initialen Behandlungserfolg in der ELT- und Kontrollgruppe eine 100%ige, in der CHIVA-Gruppe eine 86,6%ige Erfolgsrate. In 13,4% der Fälle musste nach einem CHIVA 2-Vorgehen konzeptkonform ein Zweiteingriff folgen. Intraoperative und schwere postoperative Komplikationen traten in keiner Gruppe auf. Leichtere Komplikationen waren in der Kontrollgruppe signifikant häufiger. Die Rezidivrate innerhalb eines Jahres war in allen drei Gruppen vergleichbar niedrig mit Werten von 1,5% bis 3%. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen, dass es sich bei den beiden alternativen Behandlungsverfahren ELT und CHIVA um effektive und komplikations‰rmere Alternativen zum Venenstripping bei varikös veränderten Stammvenen handelt. Weiterführende Untersuchungen mit längeren Nachbeobachtungszeiträumen sind notwendig, um Aussagen zur Langzeiteffektivität der beiden alternativen Verfahren treffen zu können

    Sustainable drainage systems in parking lots

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    Magistritöö Linna- ja tööstusmaastike korralduse õppekavalSademeveega seonduvaid uuringuid ja põhjalikumaid töid on Eestis tehtud vähesel määral. Siiani ei ole keegi välja toonud täpsemaid andmeid selle kohta, kuidas on säästlikud sademeveesüsteemid tööle hakanud ja ennast õigustanud, ning milline on rajamisel kasutatud materjalide valik. Võttes aluseks eelnev informatsioon püstitati magistritöö eesmärgiks võrrelda traditsioonilist sademevee käitlemiseks mõeldud süsteemi ja pakkuda välja kaks säästlikku lahendust, mis peaks Eesti kliimas töötama. Magistritöö koostamisel 2016. ja 2017 aastal vaadeldi erinevaid traditsiooniliselt rajatud parklaid ja nende negatiivseid külgi, mida saab säästlike lahenduste puhul vältida. Eraldi käsitlust leidis erinevate lahenduste puhul mõju ümbritsevale keskkonnale ja kahjulikkuse võimalik vähendamine rajades säästlikke sademevee ära juhtimissüsteeme.There are not many detailed researches made about drainage systems in Estonia. The data about working sustainable drainage systems and the materials used for building are not specified so far. According to that the aim of the master’s thesis is to compare traditional drainage system to two sustainable drainage systems that should work in Estonian climate. Different traditionally built parking lots were observed during 2016 and 2017 and pointed out negative sides that could be avoided when using sustainable systems. Extra attention was put on the influence of the environment and diminishing harmful effects in using sustainable drainage systems

    Anisotropic distribution functions for spherical galaxies

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    A method is presented for finding anisotropic distribution functions for stellar systems with known, spherically symmetric, densities, which depends only on the two classical integrals of the energy and the magnitude of the angular momentum. It requires the density to be expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. The solution corresponding to this type of density is in turn a sum of products of functions of the energy and of the magnitude of the angular momentum. The products of the density and its radial and transverse velocity dispersions can be also expressed as a sum of products of functions of the potential and of the radial coordinate. Several examples are given, including some of new anisotropic distribution functions. This device can be extended further to the related problem of finding two-integral distribution functions for axisymmetric galaxies.Comment: 5 figure

    Dynamical modelling of the elliptical galaxy NGC 2974

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    In this paper we analyse the relations between a previously described oblate Jaffe model for an ellipsoidal galaxy and the observed quantities for NGC 2974, and obtain the length and velocity scales for a relevant elliptical galaxy model. We then derive the finite total mass of the model from these scales, and finally find a good fit of an isotropic oblate Jaffe model by using the Gauss-Hermite fit parameters and the observed ellipticity of the galaxy NGC 2974. The model is also used to predict the total luminous mass of NGC 2974, assuming that the influence of dark matter in this galaxy on the image, ellipticity and Gauss-Hermite fit parameters of this galaxy is negligible within the central region, of radius 0.5Re.0.5R_{\rm e}.Comment: 7 figure