2,623 research outputs found

    Quality of life in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer managed with modern radiotherapy: impact on bowel habit, sexual function and urinary symptoms

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    Pacientes con Cáncer de próstataObjective: The increase in the diagnosis of tumors in early stages, associated with similar life expectations among the different treatments, create a challenge for both patients and treating doctors when choosing the best therapeutic option. The objective is to assess the impact on the quality of life in the sexual, intestinal and urinary fields in patients with localized prostate cancer who received treatment with modern radiotherapy. Methods: Descriptive observational study in which the validated EPIC-26 and SF-36 surveys were applied in the period between December 2015 and November 2018, in order to assess quality of life in men with localized prostate cancer before and after modern radiation therapy. Results: Surveys were applied to 70 individuals. In the EPIC-26 survey, relevant changes in the quality of life for urinary incontinence were found, with a previous average score of 81.75 (100 - 12.5) versus a subsequent 72.99 (100 - 0). In the SF-36 Health Questionnaire it was found that there is no significant difference in the overall quality of life, with an average score of 77 (99 - 31) and 76.63 (100 - 39.58) respectively. Conclusion: There is a tendency to oversize the impact of radiotherapy on the quality of life when there is a curative intent in patients with localized prostate cancer. Our study only demonstrated a clinically relevant difference in urinary incontinence, which allows us to suggest that most of the alterations in the quality of life could be secondary to natural changes in aging.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8707-4277https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1271-5612https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8202-9744https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7540-4734https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0346-7349Revista Internacional - No indexadaN

    Clinical comparison of marginal fit of ceramic inlays between digital and conventional impressions

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    PURPOSE. The aim of this stuldy was to compare the clinical marginal fit of CAD-CAM inlays obtained from intraoral digital impression or addition silicone impression techniques. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The study included 31 inlays for prosthodontics purposes of 31 patients: 15 based on intraoral digital impressions (DI group); and 16 based on a conventional impression technique (CI group). Inlays included occlusal and a non-occlusal surface. Inlays were milled in ceramic. The inlay-teeth interface was replicated by placing each inlay in its corresponding uncemented clinical preparation and taking interface impressions with silicone material from occlusal and free surfaces. Interface analysis was made using white light confocal microscopy (WLCM) (scanning area: 694 × 510 μm2) from the impression samples. The gap size and the inlay overextension were measured from the microscopy topographies. For analytical purposes (i.e., 95-%-confidence intervals calculations and P -value calculations), the procedure REGRESS in SUDAAN was used to account for clustering (i.e., multiple measurements). For p-value calculation, the log transformation of the dependent variables was used to normalize the distributions. RESULTS. Marginal fit values for occlusal and free surfaces were affected by the type of impression. There were no differences between surfaces (occlusal vs. free). Gap obtained for DI group was 164 ± 84 μm and that for CI group was 209 ± 104 μm, and there were statistical differences between them (p = .041). Mean overextension values were 60 ± 59 μm for DI group and 67 ± 73 μm for CI group, and there were no differences between then (p = .553). CONCLUSION. Digital impression achieved inlays with higher clinical marginal fit and performed better than the conventional silicone materials. [J Adv Prosthodont 2024;16:57-65]IOIA. SL, Granada, SpainProject PID2020.116082GB.I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)Research group CTS-974 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain

    Programa de Proyección de los Servicios de la Liga de Tenis de Mesa de Antioquia

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    El proyecto de investigación parte de la problemática que tiene la Liga de Tenis de Mesa de Antioquia (LTMA) debido a su poca oferta de servicios deportivos para su población. Se planteó como objetivo, diseñar un programa de proyección de los servicios que se desarrolle en las subregiones del departamento de Antioquia en tres líneas; iniciación deportiva, que fortalece los procesos en edades tempranas; desarrollo deportivo, garantiza la regularidad en la frecuencia de competencia y masificación del deporte, que permite el fomento del tenis de mesa en el departamento. Se empleó el método de investigación cualitativa que estudia fenómenos de manera sistemática, donde se aplicaron técnicas e instrumentos como entrevista semiestructurada, grupo focal y revisión documental. Como resultado se estructuró un programa de proyección de los servicios de la LTMA con tres subprogramas “DE LA ESCUELA A LA MESA”, “LIGA PAISA DE TENIS DE MESA” y “TENIS DE MESA AL PARQUE”, los cuales se implementarán inicialmente en los municipios de El Retiro y Rionegro (oriente Antioqueño). En función de los resultados se espera que, la LTMA concentre sus esfuerzos en gestionar con otros municipios nuevas alianzas, para que el programa sea replicado de manera exitosa

    Desenlaces clínicos en nefritis lúpica. Reporte de una serie de casos del Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá

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    The following retrospective series of cases aims to describe the characteristics and clinical outcomes of patients at the Central Military Hospital of Bogotá with proliferative lupus nephritis. It is frequently found at the time of diagnosis proteinuria, 37% of them in nephrotic range, and alterations in uroanalysis. We describe the results of the main hematological and immunological variables. We did not find differences between the types of induction nor in the outcomes as: percentage of remission, decrease of creatinine and proteinuria reduction.La presente serie retrospectiva de casos, pretende describir las características y desenlaces clínicos de los pacientes del Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá, con nefritis lúpica proliferativa. Es frecuente encontrar al momento del diagnóstico proteinuria, 37% de ellas en rango nefrótico y alteraciones en el uroanálisis.Describimos los resultados de las principales variables hematológicas e inmunológicas. No encontramos diferencias entre los tipos de inducción ni en los desenlaces como: porcentaje de remisión, disminución de creatinina y reducción de proteinuria

    Análisis espacio-temporal de la captura incidental de picudos por la pesquería cerquera venezolana de atún en el Pacífico oriental

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    The Venezuelan eastern Pacific tuna purse-seine fishery was analyzed to determine the spatial and temporal distribution of billfish´s incidental catch. The Venezuelan National Observer Program data-base was used, including the incidental catch and fishing effort from 1995 to 2006. Effort was expressed in number of sets and catch in number of organisms. Billfishes represented only 0.4% of the total incidental catch, and were grouped in two families: Xiphidae (swordfish) and Isthiophoridae (marlins and sailfish). The mean incidental catch did not show a well defined annual distribution pattern, with the highest vales registered in 1998, 2000 and 2003, with significant statistical differences among years. The highest catches were observed in Zone 3, ranging from the central American coasts to 120° W, between 5 and 20° N. Significant statistical differences were found among zones. The highest percentage of billfish incidental catch was registered with marine mammal sets (55%), followed by school-sets (29%) and lastly log-sets (16%). With significant statistical differences among these three types of sets. Billfishes were mainly incidentally caught from 26.5 to 30.5 °C of sea surface temperature. Most billfishes caught incidentally were big (>150 cm) (88%).Se realizó un análisis de la pesquería venezolana de atún con cerco que opera en el océano Pacífico oriental, con el objetivo de determinar la distribución espacio temporal de la captura incidental de picudos. Se utilizó la serie histórica de datos de la captura incidental de picudos y el esfuerzo de 1995 a 2006 proporcionados por el Programa Nacional de Observadores de Venezuela. El esfuerzo de pesca se expresó en número de lances y la captura en número de organismos. Los picudos representaron 0.4% de la captura incidental y estuvieron agrupados en dos familias: Xiphidae (pez espada) e Isthiophoridae (marlines y pez vela). La captura no mostró un patrón de distribución anual bien definido, siendo los años 1998, 2000 y 2003 los que presentaron los valores más altos de todo el período. El promedio de la captura anual mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas. Las capturas más altas se observaron en la Zona 3, comprendida desde el litoral de Centroamérica, al oeste, hasta 120° O, entre los paralelos 5° N y 20° N. Se comprobó que existen diferencias significativas entre zonas. El mayor porcentaje de captura incidental de picudos provino de lances realizados sobre mamíferos (55%), seguida sobre brisas (29%) y, finalmente sobre objetos flotantes (16%). La comparación estadística estableció que existe diferencia significativa de la captura media entre estos tres indicadores de pesca. Los organismos se capturaron principalmente desde los 26.5 °C hasta los 30.5 °C de temperatura superficial del mar. El 88% de los picudos capturados fueron grandes (>150 cm)

    Pre-anesthesia evaluation in patients with chronic renal disease (emphasis on cardiovascular risk)

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    Chronic renal disease is a public health problem worldwide. Several times these patients will undergo surgical procedures related to dialysis or surgeries related to their co-morbidities. The purpose of the pre-anesthesia evaluation is to assess the risk of cardiovascular events and initiate interventions that may influence morbidity and mortality. This article describes the relevant epidemiological data of chronic kidney disease and its cardiovascular risk and provides a guide on clinical assessment, diagnostic tools and strategies to reduce surgical risk. This narrative literature review is based on articles written in both English and Spanish limited to the last 10 years, information from basic textbooks and primary databases (i.e., PUBMED - EMBASE - LILACS), supported by articles referenced in the above-mentioned search.La enfermedad renal crónica es un problema de salud pública mundial. En varias ocasiones los pacientes son llevados a cirugías relacionadas con su diálisis con operaciones propias de sus comorbilidades. El propósito de la valoración preanestésica es asesorar el riesgo de eventos cardiovasculares e iniciar las intervenciones que puedan influir en su morbimortalidad El presente artículo describe datos epidemiológicos relevantes de la enfermedad renal crónica, así como su riesgo cardiovascular, y nos orienta en su valoración clínica, ayudas diagnósticas y estrategias para reducir el riesgo quirúrgico. La presente revisión narrativa de la literatura fue desarrollada con artículos escritos en inglés y español, limitados a los últimos 10 años, información referenciada en textos guía y bases de datos primaria

    Proposal of Two Measures of Complexity Based on Lempel-Ziv for Dynamic Systems: An Application for Manufacturing Systems

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    The measure of complexity of Lempel-Ziv (LZC) is used for the analysis of time series generated by dynamic systems with the objective of determining its complexity. This work measures LZC of different series coming from periodic functions, probabilistic functions, and chaotic systems. Later, these metrics of complexity are applied to the average of the number of parts in the waiting line in a manufacturing workshop. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the LZC to establish the level of the dynamic behavior of the manufacturing systems, through the time series

    Factores de riesgo de mortalidad en pacientes que presentaron peritonitis en diálisis peritoneal crónica en el Hospital Militar Central de Bogotá

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    In Colombia, chronic peritoneal dialysis (CPD) is one of the most common forms of onset of chronic renal replacement therapy. Complications associated with therapy are low. However, the peritonitis associated with CKD has been related to change from therapeutic mode to chronic hemodialysis with increased hospitalization rates. A case-control study was performed to evaluate the mortality and risk factors associated in patients who presented peritonitis in CPS in the period from January 1st of 2010 to December 31st of 2012. The risk factors identified for the development of peritonitis and mortality were not statistically significant. The cases of peritonitis attributed to fatigue of the caregiver presented an increased risk of recurrence and relapse. In regard to the risk of mortality it was found to be 1.75 times greater in men, 1.6 times higher in males, 2.2 times greater in patients older than 75 years, 3.5 times higher in diabetic patients and 5.6 timeshigher in hypertensive patients.La diálisis peritoneal crónica (DPC) es una de las opciones más frecuentes de inicio de terapia de remplazo renal crónico en Colombia. La presencia de complicaciones inherentes a la terapia tiene baja incidencia, sin embargo, la peritonitis asociada con DPC se ha relacionado con el posterior cambio de modalidad terapéutica a hemodiálisis crónica y con aumento de las tasas de hospitalización. Se desarrolló un estudio de casos y controles con el fin de evaluar la mortalidad y posibles factores de riesgo asociados en los pacientes que presentaron peritonitis en DPC en el periodo comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2010 y el 31 de diciembre de 2012.Los factores de riesgo identificados para desarrollo de peritonitis y mortalidad no tuvieron significancia estadística. Los casos de peritonitis atribuidos a fatiga del cuidador, presentaron mayor riesgo de recurrencia y recaída de la peritonitis. En cuanto al riesgo de mortalidad se encontró que la probabilidad para la presentación de dicho desenlace fue 1,75 veces mayor en los hombres, 2.2 veces mayor en los pacientes mayores de 75 años, 3.5 veces mayor en los diabéticos y 5.6 veces más elevado en los pacientes hipertensos

    Transcription Analysis of Central Metabolism Genes in Escherichia coli. Possible Roles of σ38 in Their Expression, as a Response to Carbon Limitation

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    The phosphoenolpyruvate: carbohydrate transferase system (PTS) transports glucose in Escherichia coli. Previous work demonstrated that strains lacking PTS, such as PB11, grow slow on glucose. PB11 has a reduced expression of glycolytic, and upregulates poxB and acs genes as compared to the parental strain JM101, when growing on glucose. The products of the latter genes are involved in the production of AcetylCoA. Inactivation of rpoS that codes for the RNA polymerase σ38 subunit, reduces further (50%) growth of PB11, indicating that σ38 plays a central role in the expression of central metabolism genes in slowly growing cells. In fact, transcription levels of glycolytic genes is reduced in strain PB11rpoS− as compared to PB11. In this report we studied the role of σ70 and σ38 in the expression of the complete glycolytic pathway and poxB and acs genes in certain PTS− strains and their rpoS− derivatives. We determined the transcription start sites (TSSs) and the corresponding promoters, in strains JM101, PB11, its derivative PB12 that recovered its growth capacity, and in their rpoS− derivatives, by 5′RACE and pyrosequencing. In all these genes the presence of sequences resembling σ38 recognition sites allowed the proposition that they could be transcribed by both sigma factors, from overlapping putative promoters that initiate transcription at the same site. Fourteen new TSSs were identified in seventeen genes. Besides, more than 30 putative promoters were proposed and we confirmed ten previously reported. In vitro transcription experiments support the functionality of putative dual promoters. Alternatives that could also explain lower transcription levels of the rpoS− derivatives are discussed. We propose that the presence if real, of both σ70 and σ38 dependent promoters in all glycolytic genes and operons could allow a differential transcription of these central metabolism genes by both sigma subunits as an adaptation response to carbon limitation