2,461 research outputs found

    Compensatory role of the NBCn1 sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter on Ca2+-induced mitochondrial swelling in hypertrophic hearts

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    NBC Na+/HCO3 − cotransporter (NBCn1) and NHE1 Na+/H+ exchanger have been associated with cardiac disorders and recently located in coronary endothelial cells (CEC) and cardiomyocytes mitochondria, respectively. Mitochondrial NHE1 blockade delays permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening and reduces superoxide levels, two critical events exacerbated in cells of diseased hearts. Conversely, activation of NBCn1 prevented apoptosis in CEC subjected to ischemic stress. We characterized the role of the NHE1 and NBCn1 transporters in heart mitochondria from hypertrophic (SHR) and control (Wistar) rats. Expression of NHE1 was analyzed in left ventricular mitochondrial lysates (LVML), by immunoblots. NHE1 expression increased by ~40% in SHR compared to control (P < 0.05, n = 4). To examine NHE1-mediated Na+/H+ exchange activity in cardiac hypertrophy, mitochondria were loaded with BCECF-AM dye and the maximal rate of pHm change measured after the addition of 50 mM NaCl. SHR mitochondria had greater changes in pHm compared to Wistar, 0.10 ± 0.01 vs. 0.06 ± 0.01, respectively (P < 0.05, n = 5). In addition, mitochondrial suspensions from SHR and control myocardium were exposed to 200 μM CaCl2 to induce MPTP opening (light-scattering decrease, LSD) and swelling. Surprisingly, SHR rats showed smaller LSD and a reduction in mitochondrial swelling, 67 ± 10% (n = 15), compared to control, 100 ± 8% (n = 13). NBC inhibition with S0859 (1 μM) significantly increased swelling in both control 139 ± 10% (n = 8) and SHR 115 ± 10% (n = 4). Finally, NBCn1 Na+/HCO3 − cotransporter increased by twofold its expression in SHR LVML, compared to normal (P < 0.05, n = 5). We conclude that increased NBCn1 activity may play a compensatory role in hypertrophic hearts, protecting mitochondria from Ca-induced MPTP opening and swelling.Centro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculare

    Teaching and Learning About Whole Numbers in Primary School

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    Mathematics Education; Teaching; Learning and Instructio

    Richness and density of grassland bird species assessed by two methods

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    "Dentro de las aves, las de pastizal son de las más amenazadas en el mundo. En México, estos ecosistemas se han visto afectados por el sobre-apacentamiento con ganado doméstico y la conversión a la agricultura. Para desarrollar planes de conservación es necesario evaluar las poblaciones y utilizar herramientas precisas que permitan conocer el estado de éstas. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el conteo de aves por transecto y el puntual, para contrastar su efectividad al estimar la riqueza de especies y densidad de poblaciones, mediante cuatro diferentes distancias de detección en tres tipos de hábitats: pastizal mediano abierto, sabana y áreas agrícolas, las cuales diferían en su cubierta vegetal. La cuantificación se realizó en el periodo invierno-primavera 2004 - 2005. Las densidades más altas se obtuvieron con la técnica del conteo puntual en los intervalos de 0 - 25 y 25 - 50 m. El mayor número de especies se detectó con ambos métodos en las distancias de 0 a 75 m. Los resultados son consistentes para las dos estaciones y los tres hábitats, por lo que es posible combinar los métodos probados cuando se realicen inventarios referentes a la diversidad de aves de los pastizales semiáridos de México.""Inside the birds group, the grassland birds are the most threatened in the world. In Mexico, these ecosystems have been affected by overgrazing by domestic livestock and conversion of soil to agriculture. To develop conservation plans is necessary to evaluate birds populations and the use of tools that help us to accurately assess the status of bird populations. The main objective of our study was to compare two bird-count methods (transect and point count), to contrast the effectiveness of estimating species richness and population densities at four detection distances in three contrasting grassland habitats: open middle grassland, savanna grassland and agriculture lands, these habitats differ in vegetation cover. Bird counts were conducted during winter 2004 and spring 2005. Estimated population densities were highest when using the PC method at distances of 0 - 25 m and 25 - 50 m. The greatest number of species was detected when both methods at distances of 0 to 75 m. These results were consistent for both seasons and for the three grassland habitats, in base to these results, combining both methods when realizing birds' diversity inventories in Mexican semiarid grasslands.

    Potential distributional patterns of three wild ungulate species in a fragmented tropical region of northeastern Mexico

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    "In the northernmost American tropical forests of eastern Mexico, we analyzed the potential distribution of three ungulate species, Odocoileus virginianus, Mazama temama and Pecari tajacu, in response to several physical, climatic, biological, and anthropogenic variables, in order to identify environmental factors affecting distribution and potential key areas for ungulate conservation. Current presence records for these species were gathered, and potential distribution models were built using Maximum Entropy niche modeling (MaxEnt). Model suitability surfaces were used to calculate remaining potential habitat areas in the region, as well as the potential sympatric area and representation of these areas in Natural Protected Areas. Biological and anthropogenic variables were the best species distribution predictors. Landscape composition (the proportion of different land-use and land-cover classes: forest, agriculture, and pasture) within approximately 120 ha, was the most important variable for all models, influencing each species differently with respect to their tolerance of altered habitats. The remaining potential area of all three species is fragmented and has apparently been nearly lost in plains (<14% remaining). Distribution models allowed us to detect an important location in the western portion of our study area which may function as a large biological corridor in the Sierra Madre Oriental mastogeographic province, a region heavily transformed by land use change. In the context of habitat transformation, management promoting quality matrix at the landscape level promises to be a viable alternative for ungulate conservation in tropical regions of Mexico.

    Actualización de un texto guía de cálculo diferencial para estudiantes de ingeniería chilenos

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    Este trabajo muestra la primera etapa de una Investigación de Diseño (Plomp, 2010) que involucra la actualización, implementación y análisis de un libro (Arancibia y Mena, 1996) que se emplea desde hace dos décadas con futuros ingenieros de una universidad. Nuestro objetivo es exponer elementos del estado del arte sobre el uso de textos que aborden la axiomática de los números reales y la modelación matemática, temas necesarios para trabajar el cálculo diferencial. Bajo el paradigma cualitativo estudiamos dos componentes: los libros actualmente utilizados en universidades de nuestro país y el uso que se le otorga al libro por los docentes de la universidad. Consideramos el estudio de libros mayormente empleados en universidad nacionales, observando componentes matemáticos y/o didácticos. Del segundo componente se obtiene una diversidad de formas en que se usa el texto en estos temas en nuestra universidad, desde una simple sugerencia para el estudiante, hasta una presencia explícita, pero con un uso débil de las demostraciones. Esto nos propone un escenario complejo y desafiante para la actualización de un texto de manera de conectar la matemática y su didáctica como medio que fortalezca la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la matemática a nivel superior


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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a complex disorder and multiple cellular and molecular mechanisms are involved in AD onset and progression. Recent evidences have suggested that metabolic alterations are an important pathological feature in disease progression in AD. Likewise, diabetes and obesity, two mayor metabolic illnesses associated with white adipose tissue expansion, are risk factors for AD. Here, we hypothesize that the white adipose tissue may serve as a key communicator organ between the brain and peripheral metabolic illnesses. We used histological stains, immunohistochemistry and biochemical means to determine changes in the white adipose tissue from WT and db/db mice. Moreover, similar techniques were used in the brain of 3xTg-AD mice that received white fat pads from WT and db/db donors to determine any changes in amyloid and tau pathology. Our study shows that recipient 3xTg-AD mice from db/db fat pads mice develop profound changes in tau pathology due to increased CDK5/p25 expression compared to 3xTg-AD mice that received fad pads from WT mice. This increment in tau level was associated with elevated levels in IL-1β and microglial activation. However, we found that Aβ levels were reduced in recipient 3xTg-AD mice from db/db fat pads compared to 3xTg- AD mice that received fad pads from WT mice. These reduction in Aβ levels were correlated with an increment in microglia phagocytic capacity. Overall, our study demonstrates a novel important crosstalk between AD and diabetes type II through white adipose cells and a differential effect on tau and Aβ pathology

    Matrogimnasia y el desarrollo motor en niños entre 7 y 8 años con parálisis cerebral.

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    The following study aims to improve gross motor skill development in children seven years of old, with cerebral palsy, after an intervention of the method known as Matrogymnasia. Based on a methodology that includes the parents and representatives of the minor, to mix the affective part and at the same time, reinforce the exercises at home. It is a mixed, descriptive, phenomenological, field research, hermeneutically supported in theories that allow to clarify and support-research. The study is based on the relevance of physiotherapy exercises that allows, first, to develop the motor system of children with children cerebral palsy. Second, include in the method the parents and representatives of the minor, with the intention of intensifying family affection and reinforce exercises from home. And thirdly, demonstrate the importance of Matrogymnasia as a method for improvement in children with children cerebral palsy. It is proposed the adaptation of a series of exercises under specialized professional supervision, which helps the cognitive and motor development of minors with the intention of improving their condition in terms of bodily and mental postures. (English) [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]El siguiente estudio tiene por objetivo, mejorar el desarrollo motor grueso en niños de siete años de edad, con parálisis cerebral infantil (PCI), después de una intervención del método conocido como la Matrogimnasia. Basado en una metodología donde incluyen a los padres y representantes del menor, para mezclar la parte afectiva y al mismo tiempo, reforzar los ejercicios en el hogar. Es una investigación de tipo mixta, descriptiva, fenomenológica, de campo, apoyados hermenéuticamente en las teorías que permita aclarar y soportar la investigación. El estudio está basado en la relevancia de los ejercicios fisioterapéuticos que permite en primer lugar, desarrollar el sistema motor de los niños con PCI. Segundo, incluir en el método a los padres y representantes, con el propósito de intensificar el afecto familiar, y reforzar los ejercicios en el seno del hogar. Y, en tercer lugar, demostrar la importancia de la Matrogimnasia como método para el mejoramiento en niños con PCI. Se propone la adecuación de una serie de ejercicios bajo supervisión profesional especializada, que ayude al desarrollo cognitivo y motriz de los menores con la intención de mejorar su condición en cuanto a las posturas corporales y mentales

    Abnormal accumulation of autophagic vesicles correlates with axonal and synaptic pathology in young Alzheimer’s mice hippocampus

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    Dystrophic neurites associated with amyloid plaques precede neuronal death and manifest early in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In this work we have characterized the plaque-associated neuritic pathology in the hippocampus of young (4- to 6-month-old) PS1M146L/ APP751SL mice model, as the initial degenerative process underlying functional disturbance prior to neuronal loss. Neuritic plaques accounted for almost all fibrillar deposits and an axonal origin of the dystrophies was demonstrated. The early induction of autophagy pathology was evidenced by increased protein levels of the autophagosome marker LC3 that was localized in the axonal dystrophies, and by electron microscopic identification of numerous autophagic vesicles filling and causing the axonal swellings. Early neuritic cytoskeletal defects determined by the presence of phosphorylated tau (AT8-positive) and actin–cofilin rods along with decreased levels of kinesin-1 and dynein motor proteins could be responsible for this extensive vesicle accumulation within dystrophic neurites. Although microsomal Ab oligomers were identified, the presence of A11-immunopositive Ab plaques also suggested a direct role of plaque-associated Ab oligomers in defective axonal transport and disease progression. Most importantly, presynaptic terminals morphologically disrupted by abnormal autophagic vesicle buildup were identified ultrastructurally and further supported by synaptosome isolation. Finally, these early abnormalities in axonal and presynaptic structures might represent the morphological substrate of hippocampal dysfunction preceding synaptic and neuronal loss and could significantly contribute to AD pathology in the preclinical stages.Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS). Instituto de Salud Carlos III, España. PS09/00099, PS09/00151, PS09/00848 y PS09/00376Junta de Andalucía. SAS P09/496 y CTS-479

    Consumo de refrigerante reduz a ingestão de alimentos em ratos Wistar

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    Aims: To evaluate the effect of caloric and non-caloric soft drink intake on food consumption, body weight and composition, and metabolic parameters in rats. Methods: Controlled experimental study in which 30 male Wistar rats were divided into three groups and given food and beverage ad libitum during 17 weeks. The groups were as follows, according to the offered food: Control group - standard chow and water; Caloric soft drink group - standard chow, caloric soft drink, and water; and Non-caloric soft drink group-standard chow, non-caloric soft drink, and water. Results: There was no statistical difference in total energy intake, body weight, and fat deposition between groups. However, the chow energy intake was 45% lower in the caloric soft drink group compared to the control and non-caloric soft drink groups (198.7±0.7 kJ vs. 349.4±2.0 and 373.0±1.3 kJ, respectively), with 46% ofthe energy provided by the soft drink. The caloric soft drink group consumed 22% more carbohydrate, especially sucrose, compared to the control group (p<0.05). Macronutrient intake was not different between the control and non-caloric soft drink groups, but the caloric soft drink group consumed less protein and lipids when compared to the other groups (3.5±1.0 g ofprotein vs. 6.2±0.1 and 6.7±0.1 g, respectively; 0.7±0.01 g of lipids vs. 1.3±0.02 g and 1.4±0.02 g, respectively). Consumption of non-caloric soft drinks increased total sodium intake and consumption ofboth soft drinks decreased water intake. Although body weight varied during the experiment, there was no significant difference between groups at the end ofthe experiment, and no di:fference in fat deposition, fasting glucose, insulin and leptin, insulin resistance index, and lipid profile Conclusions: The consumption ofboth types of soft drinks did not affect energy intake, body weight and composition, or metabolic parameters; however, it increased fluid intake and decreased water ingestion. Caloric soft drink intake influenced the amount and the quality of solid food consumed, compromising diet quality.Objetivos:Avaliar o efeito do consumo de refrigerante calórico e não calórico sobre a ingestão alimentar, composição corporal, massa corporal e parâmetros metabólicos em ratos. Métodos: Estudo experimental com grupo controle. Trinta ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em três grupos e receberam alimentos e bebidas ad libitum. Os grupos foram os seguintes, conforme o alimento oferecido: Grupo controle - ração padrão e água; Grupo refrigerante calórico -ração padrão, refrigerante calórico e água; e Grupo refrigerante não calórico -ração padrão, refrigerante não calórico e água. Resultados: Não houve diferença estatística na ingestão total de energia, peso corporal e depósito adiposo entre os grupos. Entretanto, a ingestão de energia da ração foi 45% menor no Grupo refrigerante calórico comparado ao Grupo controle e ao Grupo refrigerante não calórico (198,7±0,7 kJ vs. 349,4±2,0 kJ e 373,0±1,3 kJ, respectivamente), sendo 46% da energia proveniente do refrigerante. O grupo refrigerante calórico consumiu 22% mais carboidrato, especialmente sacarose, comparado ao Grupo controle (p<0,05). A ingestão de macronutrientes não foi diferente entre o Grupo controle e o Grupo refrigerante não calórico, mas o Grupo refrigerante calórico consumiu menos proteína e lipídios que os outros dois (3,5±1,0 g de proteína vs. 6,2±0,1 e 6,7±0,1 g, respectivamente; 0,7±0,01 g de lipídios vs. 1,3±0,02 g e 1,4±0,02 g, respectivamente). O consumo de refrigerante não calórico aumentou a ingestão total de sódio e o consumo de ambos os refrigerantes diminuiu a ingestão de água Embora a massa corporal tenha variado durante o experimento, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos ao final do mesmo e, igualmente, não houve diferença no depósito adiposo, glicose, insulina e leptina em jejum, índice de resistência à insulina e perfil lipídico Conclusões: A ingestão de ambos os refrigerantes (calórico e não calórico) não afetou a ingestão de energia, composição e massa corporal e parâmetros metabólicos, entretanto aumentou a ingestão de fluidos e diminuiu a de água. A ingestão de refrigerante calórico influenciou a quantidade e qualidade de comida sólida consumida, comprometendo a qualidade da dieta

    Q ITESO: Análisis Crítico de Medios

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    En esta séptima entrega de Q ITESO: Análisis Crítico de Medios se examina un 2014 colmado de acontecimientos sobre la reconfiguración de los medios de Jalisco y del país, y sus relaciones con el estado, los empresarios y el público. Destaca la aprobación de la Ley Federal de Telecomunicaciones y Radiocomunicación y los nuevos equilibrios de poder que esto supone. También, se analizan las alianzas de algunos diarios nacionales y del estado con medios extranjeros, para compensar algunas carencias y ampliar su oferta editorial e informativa. Otras cuestiones no menos relevantes tienen que ver con la libertad de expresión y la inseguridad laboral en la que viven muchos trabajadores de los medios de comunicación jaliscienses, sobre todo los impresos, y el caso emblemático del llamado “cuarto de guerra” al servicio del gobernador del estado, Aristóteles Sandoval, para espiar -y en ocasiones hasta coaccionar- a directivos y reporteros de medios para atenuar la crítica al gobierno. El derecho a la información, la transparencia, la situación de los nuevos medios en línea, los periodistas que publican libros, el cambio climático y los periodistas que ya no están con nosotros merecen también una mirada atenta en este informe.ITESO, A.C