1,615 research outputs found

    Negatively Charged Strangelet Search using the E864 Spectrometer at the AGS

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    We provide a status report on the progress of searching for negatively charged strangelets using the E864 spectrometer at the AGS. About 200 million recorded events representing approximately 14 billion 10% central interactions of Au + Pt at 11.5 GeV/c taken during the 1996-1997 run of the experiment are used in the analysis. No strangelet candidates are seen for charges Z=-1 and Z=-2, corresponding to a 90% confidence level for upper limits of strangelet production of ~1 x 10^{-8} and ~4 x 10^{-9} per central collision respectively. The limits are nearly uniform over a wide range of masses and are valid only for strangelets which are stable or have lifetimes greater than ~50 ns.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; Talk at SQM'98, Padova, Italy (July 20-24, 1998

    Detection of nonthermal emission from the bow shock of a massive runaway star

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    The environs of massive, early-type stars have been inspected in recent years in the search for sites where particles can be accelerated up to relativistic energies. Wind regions of massive binaries that collide have already been established as sources of high-energy emission; however, there is a different scenario for massive stars where strong shocks can also be produced: the bow-shaped region of matter piled up by the action of the stellar strong wind of a runaway star interacting with the interstellar medium. We study the bow-shock region produced by a very massive runaway star, BD+43 3654, to look for nonthermal radio emission as evidence of a relativistic particle population. We observed the field of BD+43 3654 at two frequencies, 1.42 and 4.86 GHz, with the Very Large Array (VLA), and obtained a spectral index map of the radio emission. We have detected, for the first time, nonthermal radio emission from the bow shock of a massive runaway star. After analyzing the radiative mechanisms that can be at work, we conclude that the region under study could produce enough relativistic particles whose radiation might be detectable by forthcoming gamma-ray instruments, like CTA North.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Traces of Thermalization from Transverse Momentum Fluctuations in Nuclear Collisions

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    Scattering of particles produced in Au+Au collisions at RHIC can wrestle the system into a state near local thermal equilibrium. I illustrate how measurements of the centrality dependence of the mean transverse momentum and its fluctuations can exhibit this thermalization.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, final version to appear in PR

    Correcting for Distortions due to Ionization in the STAR TPC

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    Physics goals of the STAR Experiment at RHIC in recent (and future) years drive the need to operate the STAR TPC at ever higher luminosities, leading to increased ionization levels in the TPC gas. The resulting ionic space charge introduces field distortions in the detector which impact tracking performance. Further complications arise from ionic charge leakage into the main TPC volume from the high gain anode region. STAR has implemented corrections for these distortions based on measures of luminosity, which we present here. Additionally, we highlight a novel approach to applying the corrections on an event-by-event basis applicable in conditions of rapidly varying ionization sources.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, proceedings of the Workshop on Tracking in High Multiplicity Environments (TIME 05) in Zurich, Switzerland, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.

    CO emission and variable CH and CH+ absorption towards HD34078: evidence for a nascent bow shock ?

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    The runaway star HD34078, initially selected to investigate small scale structure in a foreground diffuse cloud has been shown to be surrounded by highly excited H2. We first search for an association between the foreground cloud and HD34078. Second, we extend previous investigations of temporal absorption line variations (CH, CH+, H2) in order to better characterize them. We have mapped the CO(2-1) emission at 12 arcsec resolution around HD34078's position, using the 30 m IRAM antenna. The follow-up of CH and CH+ absorption lines has been extended over 5 more years. In parallel, CH absorption towards the reddened star Zeta Per have been monitored to check the homogeneity of our measurements. Three more FUSE spectra have been obtained to search for N(H2) variations. CO observations show a pronounced maximum near HD34078's position, clearly indicating that the star and diffuse cloud are associated. The optical spectra confirm the reality of strong, rapid and correlated CH and CH+ fluctuations. On the other hand, N(H2, J=0) has varied by less than 5 % over 4 years. We also discard N(CH) variations towards Zeta Per at scales less than 20 AU. Observational constraints from this work and from 24 micron dust emission appear to be consistent with H2 excitation but inconsistent with steady-state bow shock models and rather suggest that the shell of compressed gas surrounding HD34078, is seen at an early stage of the interaction. The CH and CH+ time variations as well as their large abundances are likely due to chemical structure in the shocked gas layer located at the stellar wind/ambient cloud interface. Finally, the lack of variations for both N(H2, J=0) towards HD34078 and N(CH) towards Zeta Per suggests that quiescent molecular gas is not subject to pronounced small-scale structure.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Discovery of two infrared supernovae: a new window on the SN search

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    We report the discovery of two supernovae (SN 1999gw and SN 2001db) obtained within the framework of an infrared monitoring campaign of Luminous Infrared Galaxies, aimed at detecting obscured supernovae. SN 2001db, extinguished by Av~5.5 mag, is the first supernova discovered in the infrared which has received the spectroscopic confirmation. This result highlights the power of infrared monitoring in detecting obscured SNe and indicates that optical surveys are probably missing a significant fraction of SNe, especially in obscured systems such as starburst galaxies. The preliminary estimate of SN rate in LIRG galaxies is about an order of magnitude higher than that expected from optical surveys.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Alignement experience in STAR

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    The STAR experiment at RHIC uses four layers of silicon strip and silicon drift detectors for secondary vertex reconstruction. An attempt for a direct charm meson measurement put stringent requirements on alignment and calibration. We report on recent alignment and drift velocity calibration work performed on the inner silicon tracking system

    An IR Search for Extinguished Supernovae in Starburst Galaxies

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    IR and Radio band observations of heavily extinguished regions in starburst galaxies suggest a very high SN rate associated with such regions. Optically measured supernova (SN) rates may therefore underestimate the total SN rate by factors of up to 10, due to the high extinction to SNe in starburst regions. The IR/radio SN rates come from a variety of indirect means, however, which suffer from model dependence and other problems. We describe a direct measurement of the SN rate from a regular patrol of starburst galaxies done with K' band imaging to minimize the effects of extinction. A collection of K' measurements of core-collapse SNe near maximum light is presented. Results of a preliminary SN search using the MIRC camera at the Wyoming IR Observatory (WIRO), and an improved search using the ORCA optics are described. A monthly patrol of starburst galaxies within 25 Mpc should yield 1.6 - 9.6 SNe/year. Our MIRC search with low-resolution (2.2" pixels) failed to find extinguished SNe, limiting the SN rate outside the nucleus (at > 15" radius) to less than 3.8 Supernova Rate Units (SRU or SNe/century/10^10 L(solar); 90% confidence). The MIRC camera had insufficient resolution to search nuclear starburst regions, where SN activity is concentrated, explaining why we found no heavily obscured SNe. We conclude that high-resolution, small field SN searches in starburst nuclei are more productive than low resolution, large-field searches, even for our large galaxies. With our ORCA high-resolution optics, we could limit the total SN rate to < 1.3 SRU at 90% confidence in 3 years of observations, lower than the most pessimistic estimate.Comment: AJ Submitted 1998 Dec. 13. View figures and download all as one file at http://panisse.lbl.gov/public/bruce/irs
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