35 research outputs found

    Evaluación del desempeño del protocolo de enrutamiento AODV para diferentes escenarios de redes de sensores inalámbricos

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    Emerging applications in the area of wireless sensor networks that include a wide variety of scenarios typically involve a significant number of nodes deployed in a wide area. To ensure proper communication between the network nodes to the base station, the messages are propagated by intermediate nodes, so a route with multiple links is established. In general, sensor nodes are characterized by limited resources; therefore it is essential to use protocols that ensure not only communication but also that save the most energy while providing scalability. Different routing protocols have been proposed for WSNs, but the reactive routing algorithms have shown be more energy efficient, which makes them suitable for wireless sensor networks. In this paper the performance of the reactive type protocol (Ad -Hoc On Demand Distance Vector) is evaluated under the simulation platform OMNeT++ through different scenarios . The AODV protocol has been chosen by the performance superiority comparing with Emerging applications in the area of wireless sensor networks that include a wide variety of scenarios typically involve a significant number of nodes deployed in a wide area. To ensure proper communication between the network nodes to the base station, the messages are propagated by intermediate nodes, so a route with multiple links is established. In general, sensor nodes are characterized by limited resources; therefore it is essential to use protocols that ensure not only communication but also that save the most energy while providing calability. Different routing protocols have been proposed for WSNs, but the reactive routing algorithms have shown be more energy efficient, which makes them suitable for wireless sensor networks. In this paper the performance of the reactive type protocol (Ad -Hoc On Demand Distance Vector) is evaluated under the simulation platform OMNeT++ through different scenarios . The AODV protocol has been chosen by the performance superiority comparing withLas aplicaciones emergentes en el área de redes de sensores inalámbricos comprenden una amplia variedad de escenarios que involucran típicamente un número significativo de nodos desplegados en un área amplia. Para garantizar una correcta comunicación entre los nodos de la red con la estación base, los mensajes se propagan por nodos intermedios, de forma que se establece una ruta con múltiples enlaces. En general, los nodos de una red de sensores se caracterizan por sus  recursos limitados, en consecuencia, es fundamental el uso de protocolos que garanticen no solo la comunicación sino también que permitan ahorrar la mayor cantidad de energía mientras proporcionan escalabilidad. Diferentes protocolos de enrutamiento han sido propuestos para redes inalámbricas de sensores, sin embargo, los algoritmos de enrutamiento de tipo reactivo han mostrado ser energéticamente más eficientes, lo que los hace adecuados para las redes de sensores nalámbricos. En este trabajo se evalúa el desempeño del protocolo de tipo reactivo (ad-hoc on demand distance vector) bajo la plataforma de simulación OMNeT++ probando diversos escenarios. El protocolo AODV ha sido elegido por la superioridad en el rendimiento, demostrada frente a otros protocolos reactivos reportados en la literatura. El protocolo ha sido evaluado bajo las siguientes métricas: tasa de entrega de paquetes, retardo promedio, sobrecarga de enrutamiento y consumo de energía. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que AODV reduce su desempeño conforme el número de nodos aumenta, en consecuencia, su usabilidad restringe la escalabilidad de la red, adicionalmente, los resultados demuestran que la distribución espacial de los nodos influye en el desempeño del protocolo. Para nuestro trabajo concreto, la distribución uniforme es la que muestra mejores resultados

    Impact of quality of life related to foot problems : a case-control study

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    [Abstract] Foot problems are highly prevalent conditions, being a frequent reason for medical and podiatric consultation. The aim of this study was to compare the differences of quality of life (QoL) related to foot health in people with and without the presence of foot problems. A case-control study was carried out in an outpatient centre, where a clinician recorded data related to sociodemographic and clinical characteristics. In addition, self-reported data on foot health-related quality of life were recorded using the Spanish version of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire. The sample consisted of 498 participants (249 cases and 249 controls), with a median age of 30 years and an interquartile range of 23 years. The differences between the groups were statistically significant for gender, age, footwear, general health, foot health, and physical activity. Cases showed lower scores for the domain of footwear, physical activity and vitality compared to controls. Foot pathologies have a negative impact on quality of life related to foot health, and the domains of footwear, general health and physical activity seem to be the factors that are associated with the presence of alterations and foot deformities

    Estudio de la estructura de recubrimientos de silicio depositados mediante proyección térmica por llama oxiacetilénica

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    RESUMEN: Se estudió el efecto del tipo de llama, del tipo de sustrato y de la distancia de proyección sobre la porosidad y el espesor de recubrimientos de silicio depositados por medio de proyección térmica por llama oxiacetilénica. Para la elaboración de los recubrimientos se utilizó una llama reductora, una neutra y una oxidante, con el objetivo de calentar y posteriormente proyectar las partículas de silicio sobre sustratos de aluminio y de Ti6Al4V, a una distancia de proyección de 15 cm y 8.5 cm. Los resultados indican que los recubrimientos depositados a 8.5 cm son más compactos y que la utilización de una llama neutra reduce ligeramente la porosidad y permite tener capas más gruesas. Así mismo, los recubrimientos depositados sobre sustratos de Ti6Al4V presentaron menor porosidad y menos fallas estructurales que los depositados sobre aluminio.ABSTRACT: The effect of flame type, material substrate and spray distance on the porosity and thickness of silicon coatings elaborated by oxy-acetylene flame spray were studied. Reductive, neutral and oxidative flames were used in order to manufacture the coatings on aluminum and Ti6Al4V substrates, using spray distances of 15 cm and 8.5 cm. The results indicate that the coatings elaborated using a spray distance of 8.5 cm are more compact than those manufactured using a spray distance of 15 cm and that the use of a neutral flame slightly decreases the porosity increases thickness. Also the porosity and structural defects in coatings elaborated on Ti6Al4V substrates are lower than those manufactured on aluminum

    The second-generation antipsychotic drug aripiprazole modulates the serotonergic system in pancreatic islets and induces beta cell dysfunction in female mice

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    [Aims/hypothesis]: Second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) drugs have been associated with the development of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome in patients with schizophrenia. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of two different SGA drugs, olanzapine and aripiprazole, on metabolic state and islet function and plasticity. [Methods]: We analysed the functional adaptation of beta cells in 12-week-old B6;129 female mice fed an olanzapine- or aripiprazole-supplemented diet (5.5–6.0 mg kg−1 day−1) for 6 months. Glucose and insulin tolerance tests, in vivo glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and indirect calorimetry were performed at the end of the study. The effects of SGAs on beta cell plasticity and islet serotonin levels were assessed by transcriptomic analysis and immunofluorescence. Insulin secretion was assessed by static incubations and Ca2+ fluxes by imaging techniques. [Results]: Treatment of female mice with olanzapine or aripiprazole for 6 months induced weight gain (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively), glucose intolerance (p<0.01) and impaired insulin secretion (p<0.05) vs mice fed a control chow diet. Aripiprazole, but not olanzapine, induced serotonin production in beta cells vs controls, likely by increasing tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) expression, and inhibited Ca2+ flux. Of note, aripiprazole increased beta cell size (p<0.05) and mass (p<0.01) vs mice fed a control chow diet, along with activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1)/S6 signalling, without preventing beta cell dysfunction. [Conclusions/interpretation]: Both SGAs induced weight gain and beta cell dysfunction, leading to glucose intolerance; however, aripiprazole had a more potent effect in terms of metabolic alterations, which was likely a result of its ability to modulate the serotonergic system. The deleterious metabolic effects of SGAs on islet function should be considered while treating patients as these drugs may increase the risk for development of the metabolic syndrome and diabetes.This work was funded by H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN-TREATMENT (Grant Agreement 721236, European Commission). We also acknowledge grants RTI2018-094052-B-100/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional [FEDER]) and S2017/BMD-3684 (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain), and grants from Fundación Ramón Areces (Spain) and CIBERDEM (ISCIII, Spain)

    Intravitreal methotrexate in type B lymphoblastic leukemia—Case Report

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    Leukemia is a common neoplasia that, in its progress, can have ocular involvement due to direct infiltration or secondary to hematological alterations typical of the disease. These findings are consistent with an involvement of the central nervous system and are thus related to the prognosis. Despite the existing systemic therapies, there needs to be more literature that shows the treatment in the ocular involvement of this disease. A case report of a child with ocular involvement due to treatment-refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia, successfully managed with intravitreal methotrexate, is presented

    Neuropathological findings in fatal COVID-19 and their associated neurological clinical manifestations

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    9 p.Severe cases of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) can present with multiple neurological symptoms. The available neuropathological studies have described different lesions; the most frequent was the presence of neuroinflammation and vascular-related lesions. The objective of this study was to report the neuropathological studies performed in a medical institution, with abundant long intensive care unit stays, and their associated clinical manifestations. This is a retrospective monocentric case series study based on the neuropathological reports of 13 autopsies with a wide range of illness duration (13-108 days). A neuroinflammatory score was calculated based on the quantification of CD8- and CD68-positive cells in representative areas of the central nervous system. This score was correlated afterwards with illness duration and parameters related to systemic inflammation. Widespread microglial and cytotoxic T-cell activation was found in all patients. There was no correlation between the neuroinflammatory score and the duration of the illness; nor with parameters of systemic inflammation such as the peak of IL-6 or the HScore (a parameter of systemic macrophage activation syndrome). Two patients had global hypoxic ischaemic damage and five patients had subacute infarcts. One patient had many more brain vascular microthrombi compared to the others and multiple subacute pituitary infarcts. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was not detected with qRT-PCR. The proportion of brain lesions in severe COVID-19 patients could be related to illness duration. In our series, with abundant long hospitalisation stays, neuroinflammation was present in all patients and was more prominent between day 34 and day 45 after onset of symptoms. Clinical correlation showed that two patients with the highest neuroinflammatory scores had severe encephalopathies that were not attributable to any other cause. The second most frequent lesions were related to vascular pathology.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIICIBERONCInstituto Ramón y Cajal de Investigación SanitariaMerck, Sharp & Dohme (MSD

    Formative research contributions to the development of Risaralda

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    Es importante establecer y visibilizar a los estudiantes los beneficios relacionados con la formación en investigación, dentro de los cuales encontramos el fortalecimiento de las capacidades de liderazgo así como el compromiso activo y las experiencias en independencia y colaboración. Así mismo, la formación integral hacia una mayor apreciación del valor de la literatura disciplinaria, generando de esta manera habilidades de pensamiento crítico, indagación y análisis. Además, esto permite forjar la confianza en sí mismo para presentar las propias ideas a la comunidad, permitiendo al estudiante la preparación de futuras actividades académicas, incluidos estudios de posgrado. La investigación formativa tiene como propósito la difusión de la información existente y permitir que el estudiante la integre como conocimientos, considerándolo como un aprendizaje permanente y necesario. Uno de los principales problemas que debe enfrentar la investigación formativa es el número de docentes con las capacidades necesarias para generar en el estudiante capacidades investigativas, exigiendo al profesor universitario adoptar una actitud contraria al objeto de enseñanza, generando un carácter complejo y dinámico del conocimiento.CONTENTS RETOS DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN EN PREGRADO..................................................5 CHALLENGES OF UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH.............................................9 German Oved Acevedo Osorio CHAPTER 1 HEALTH AND SPORTS SCIENCES FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH EXACERBATIONS OR CRISIS EVENTS OF CHRONIC NON COMMUNICABLE DISEASES.........................13 Giovanni García Castro, Sandra Milena Bedoya Gaviria, Isabela Patiño Pulgarín y Valentina Valencia Flórez ORAL ANTICOAGULATION IN PATIENTS WITH NON-VALVULAR ATRIAL FIBRILLATION IN A UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL IN COLOMBIA.....................................................................................................29 María Leonor Galindo Márquez, Adrian Giraldo Diaconeasa, Juan Darío Franco Ramírez y Eduardo Ramírez Vallejo PERFORMANCE IN INITIAL TRAUMAASSESSMENT OF EMERGENCY TEAMS FROM PREHOSPITAL CARE TEAMS..................43 Giovanni García Castro, Yamileth Estrada Berrio, Manuela Aguirre Torres e Isabella Díaz Leal ACADEMIC TRAINING AND WORKING CONDITIONS OF NURSING PROFESSIONALS IN PEREIRA - RISARALDA 2020.....................55 Miguel Ángel Gómez Puerta, Laura Isabel Orozco Santamaría, Alexandra Villa Patiño y Gladys Judith Basto Hernández EFFECTS OF DYNAMIC TAPE WITH ANTI-VALGUS APPLICATION ON VERTICAL JUMP PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICALLY ACTIVE WOMEN: A CASE STUDY ..........................................73 María Camila Arias Castro, Alejandro Gómez Rodas y Ángela María Cifuentes Ríos PROPOSAL OF CARE FOR DIAGNOSTIC PREVALENT NURSES IN AN EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT................................................................89 Tatiana Restrepo Pérez, Jessica Viviana Ríos Uribe, Anyi Daniela Lemos Córdoba, Anyi Katherine Mapura Benjumea and Mónica Margarita Barón Castro FACTORS AND CONCEPTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE INITIATION OF CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF PEREIRA, COLOMBIA ............................................................................... 113 Giovanni García Castro, Claudia Milena Bernal Parra, Natalia Cardona Arroyave, Brahiam Stiven Moreno Bustamante y Daniela Ospina Sierra CHAPTER 2 ECONOMIC, ADMINISTRATIVE AND ACCOUNTING SCIENCES TECHNICAL-FINANCIAL EVALUATION OF BEAN (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS) VARIETY CARGAMANTO IN THE VILLAGE OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF SIBUNDOY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUTUMAYO ................................................................................................ 131 Adriana María Cuervo Rubio, Alejandra Arango Baranza IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NIF IN MICRO-ENTERPRISES OF PEREIRA CITY ............................................................................................ 151 Laura Cortes Correa y Nataly Andrea Gutiérrez STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION IN COLOMBIA................................................................................................... 163 Paulina Murillo Gómez, Manuela Ramírez Osorio, Laura Juliana Rodríguez Henao, Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera, Isabel Redondo Ramírez SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY........... 179 Mariana Buitrago Zuleta, Laura Juliana Rodríguez Henao, Lindy Neth Perea Mosquera y Marlen Isabel Redondo Ramírez CHAPTER 3 ARTS, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PERSONAL AND FAMILY CHANGES OF UNDERGRADUATE PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS. IS A PROGRAM IN PSYCHOLOGY A PATHWAY TO PERSONALAND FAMILY CHANGE?...................................197 Linda Michelle De La Torre Álvarez, Mireya Ospina Botero PREGNANT MOTHERS DEPRIVED OF LIBERTY IN COLOMBIA AND MEXICO. A LOOK FROM COMPARATIVE LAW .................................225 Mary Luz Vélez Cárdenas, Katherine Almanza Astrid Milena Calderón Cárdenas CHAPTER 4 NATURAL SCIENCES DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF CUTANEOUS LYMPHOMA VS MASTOCYTOMA IN A 9 YEARS OLD CANINE: CASE REPORT...................................................................................................241 Diana Patricia Diaz García, Stephany Loaiza Pulgarín, Rafael R. Santisteban Arenas y Juan C. Ramírez Ante CHAPTER 5 TECHNOLOGÍES AND ENGINEERING STUDY OF INVENTORY-ROUTING PROBLEM IRP.....................................257 Frank Alejandro Hincapié Londoño, Jhonatan Stiven García Guevara y Eliana Mirldey Toro Ocamp

    Fecal microbiota transplantation in HIV: A pilot placebo-controlled study

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    Changes in the microbiota have been linked to persistent inflammation during treated HIV infection. In this pilot double-blind study, we study 30 HIV-infected subjects on antiretroviral therapy (ART) with a CD4/CD8 ratio < 1 randomized to either weekly fecal microbiota capsules or placebo for 8 weeks. Stool donors were rationally selected based on their microbiota signatures. We report that fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is safe, not related to severe adverse events, and attenuates HIV-associated dysbiosis. FMT elicits changes in gut microbiota structure, including significant increases in alpha diversity, and a mild and transient engraftment of donor’s microbiota during the treatment period. The greater engraftment seems to be achieved by recent antibiotic use before FMT. The Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae families, which are typically depleted in people with HIV, are the taxa more robustly engrafted across time-points. In exploratory analyses, we describe a significant amelioration in the FMT group in intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (IFABP), a biomarker of intestinal damage that independently predicts mortality. Gut microbiota manipulation using a non-invasive and safe strategy of FMT delivery is feasible and deserves further investigation. Trial number: NCT03008941.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Plan Estatal de I + D + i 2013–2016, project PI18/00154, a Gilead Fellowship (GLD16-00030), the SPANISH AIDS Research Network RD16/0025/0001project), and co-financed by the European Development Regional Fund ‘A way to achieve Europe’ (ERDF). The present investigation was also funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the Fundación Asociación Española contra el Cáncer within the ERANET TRANSCAN-2 program, grant number AC17/00022, a crowdfunding project from the precipita platform of the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) and a restricted grant from Finch Therapeutics. The SEIMC-GESIDA Foundation supported this study with safety and data monitoring (GESIDA 9116).Peer reviewe

    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social Apuestas para el desarrollo regional.

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    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social: apuestas para el desarrollo regional [Edición 1 / Nov. 6 - 7: 2019 Bogotá D.C.]El Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social “Apuestas para el Desarrollo Regional”, se llevó a cabo los días 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2019 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. como un evento académico e investigativo liderado por la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -UNIMINUTO – Rectoría Cundinamarca cuya pretensión fue el fomento de nuevos paradigmas, la divulgación de conocimiento renovado en torno a la Responsabilidad Social; finalidad adoptada institucionalmente como postura ética y política que impacta la docencia, la investigación y la proyección social, y cuyo propósito central es la promoción de una “sensibilización consciente y crítica ante las situaciones problemáticas, tanto de las comunidades como del país, al igual que la adquisición de unas competencias orientadas a la promoción y al compromiso con el desarrollo humano y social integral”. (UNIMINUTO, 2014). Dicha postura, de conciencia crítica y sensibilización social, sumada a la experiencia adquirida mediante el trabajo articulado con otras instituciones de índole académico y de forma directa con las comunidades, permitió establecer como objetivo central del evento la reflexión de los diferentes grupos de interés, la gestión de sus impactos como elementos puntuales que contribuyeron en la audiencia a la toma de conciencia frente al papel que se debe asumir a favor de la responsabilidad social como aporte seguro al desarrollo regional y a su vez al fortalecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social Apuestas para el desarrollo regional.

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    Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social: apuestas para el desarrollo regional [Edición 1 / Nov. 6 - 7: 2019 Bogotá D.C.]El Congreso Internacional de Responsabilidad Social “Apuestas para el Desarrollo Regional”, se llevó a cabo los días 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2019 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C. como un evento académico e investigativo liderado por la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios -UNIMINUTO – Rectoría Cundinamarca cuya pretensión fue el fomento de nuevos paradigmas, la divulgación de conocimiento renovado en torno a la Responsabilidad Social; finalidad adoptada institucionalmente como postura ética y política que impacta la docencia, la investigación y la proyección social, y cuyo propósito central es la promoción de una “sensibilización consciente y crítica ante las situaciones problemáticas, tanto de las comunidades como del país, al igual que la adquisición de unas competencias orientadas a la promoción y al compromiso con el desarrollo humano y social integral”. (UNIMINUTO, 2014). Dicha postura, de conciencia crítica y sensibilización social, sumada a la experiencia adquirida mediante el trabajo articulado con otras instituciones de índole académico y de forma directa con las comunidades, permitió establecer como objetivo central del evento la reflexión de los diferentes grupos de interés, la gestión de sus impactos como elementos puntuales que contribuyeron en la audiencia a la toma de conciencia frente al papel que se debe asumir a favor de la responsabilidad social como aporte seguro al desarrollo regional y a su vez al fortalecimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible