9 research outputs found
Some principles of therapeutic conduct in direct restoration with composites and glassionomer cements
Catedra Stomatologie terapeutică, FPM. USMF „N. Testemiţanu”An analysis of 150 clinical cases of direct restorative treatment with composites and glassionomer cements is made. The main principles of therapeutic conduct are listed.
Este făcută analiza a 150 cazuri clinice de terapie restaurativă directă cu compozite şi cementuri glasionomere, enumerându-se principiile de bază ale conduitei terapeutice
Dynamics of the bone healing process in cases of periapical lesions as a result of treatment with root canal sealer Acroseal
Catedra Stomatologie Terapeutica FPM USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The present study shows a good ability of Acroseal (root canal sealer containing calcium hydroxid) to induce bone regeneration in the therapy of cronic apical periodontitis with extensive bone distruction.
Studiul de faţă demonstrează, capacitatea preparatului Acroseal (Septodont) de a induce şi potenţia procesele osteoregenerative în zonele de distrucţie periapicala in dinţii ce au fost obturaţi cu acest sealer prin metoda condensării laterale
BioR the treatment of deep majuscule caries and some forms of pulpits
Rezumat. Cercetările clinice realizate prin tratamentul a 196 dinţi afectaţi de carie
şi pulpită acută focară la 155 pacienţi (grupa martor a fost medicată cu
Calcium Hydroxide, iar cea de experienţă cu BioR) au apreciat Bior-ul ca
biopreparat net superior cu capacităţi de menţinere a vitalităţii şi integrităţii organului pulpar.Summary.
Clinical studies in the treatment of 196 cases of caries and acute focal
pulpits (135 patients of which the witness group treated with Calcium Hydroxide and the trial groups with BioR) showed BioR to be definitely superior and capable of maintaining the vitality and integrity of the pulpal organ
Tooth whitening: Consequences and control
În procedeul de albire sunt posibile o sumedenie de efecte adverse, care pot
fi preântâmpinate numai graţie prin stricteţia realizării etapelor de albire.Summary
The procedure of whitening can be associated with a great number of
side‑effects that can be prevented by the strict fulfilment of the stages of
Some results of preventive endodontic treatment performed by practising dentists
Catedra Stomatologie Terapeutică FPM USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The analysis of endodontic treatment results of 186 teeth (46 monoradicular and 140 pluriradicular) performed by practising dentists have shown a lot of errors followed by severe local and general complications are still made: roof undermining – 48.3%, step development in the canal – 23.35%, endodontic instruments fractures in the apical and middle third of canal – 9.7%, periodontal mechanical and chemical lesions – 16.5%, periapical endodontic accidents – 5.9%, 2 cases of neuropathy of the lower alveolar nerve and vertical root fractures – 3.2%.
Analiza rezultatelor tratamentului endodontic a 186 de dinţi (46 monoradiculari şi 140 pluriradiculari) efectuat de medicii stomatologi practici a demonstrat că sunt comise încă multe erori сu consecinţe grave locale şi generale: subminări de tavan- 48,3%; apariţie de trepte pe canal – 23,35%; 9,7% de fracturi de instrumente endodontice în treimea medie şi apicală de canal; 16,5% de traumatizme mecanice şi chimice periodontale; 5,9% de accidente endodontice periapicale şi 2 cazuri de neuropatie a nervului alveolar inferior; 3,2% de fracturări verticale de rădăcină etc
Assessment of Bior‑therapy effectiveness in patients with inflammatory Parodontium affections
BioR‑terapia realizată la 153 pacienţi cu gingivită (110) şi parodontită
(43) a manifestat efecte imunomodulante şi de regenerare locale şi generale.Summary
BioR‑therapy employed in 153 patients with gingivitis (110) and parodontitis (43) showed immunomodulating and regenerative effects, both local and general
Obtaining and Characterizing Composite Biomaterials of Animal Resources with Potential Applications in Regenerative Medicine
Raw materials, such as collagen and chitosan, obtained from by-products from the food industry (beef hides and crustacean exoskeletons), can be used to obtain collagen–chitosan composite biomaterials, with potential applications in regenerative medicine. Functionalization of these composite biomaterials is a possibility, thus, resulting in a molecule with potential applications in regenerative medicine, namely clotrimazole (a molecule with antibacterial, antifungal, and antitumor activity), at a mass ratio (collagen–chitosan–clotrimazole) of 1:1:0.1. This functionalized composite biomaterial has great potential for application in regenerative medicine, due to the following properties: (1) it is porous, and the pores formed are interconnected, due to the use of a mass ratio between collagen and chitosan of 1:1; (2) the size of the formed pores is between 500–50 μm; (3) between collagen and chitosan, hydrogen bonds are formed, which ensure the unity of composite biomaterial; (4) the functionalized bio-composite exhibits in vitro antimicrobial activity for Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus aureus MRSA; for the latter microorganism, the antimicrobial activity is equivalent to that of the antibiotic Minocycline; (5) the proliferation tests performed on a standardized line of normal human cells with simple or composite materials obtained by lyophilization do not show cytotoxicity in the concentration range studied (10–500) μg/mL
Mortality after surgery in Europe: a 7 day cohort study
Background: Clinical outcomes after major surgery are poorly described at the national level. Evidence of heterogeneity between hospitals and health-care systems suggests potential to improve care for patients but this potential remains unconfirmed. The European Surgical Outcomes Study was an international study designed to assess outcomes after non-cardiac surgery in Europe.Methods: We did this 7 day cohort study between April 4 and April 11, 2011. We collected data describing consecutive patients aged 16 years and older undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery in 498 hospitals across 28 European nations. Patients were followed up for a maximum of 60 days. The primary endpoint was in-hospital mortality. Secondary outcome measures were duration of hospital stay and admission to critical care. We used χ² and Fisher’s exact tests to compare categorical variables and the t test or the Mann-Whitney U test to compare continuous variables. Significance was set at p<0·05. We constructed multilevel logistic regression models to adjust for the differences in mortality rates between countries.Findings: We included 46 539 patients, of whom 1855 (4%) died before hospital discharge. 3599 (8%) patients were admitted to critical care after surgery with a median length of stay of 1·2 days (IQR 0·9–3·6). 1358 (73%) patients who died were not admitted to critical care at any stage after surgery. Crude mortality rates varied widely between countries (from 1·2% [95% CI 0·0–3·0] for Iceland to 21·5% [16·9–26·2] for Latvia). After adjustment for confounding variables, important differences remained between countries when compared with the UK, the country with the largest dataset (OR range from 0·44 [95% CI 0·19 1·05; p=0·06] for Finland to 6·92 [2·37–20·27; p=0·0004] for Poland).Interpretation: The mortality rate for patients undergoing inpatient non-cardiac surgery was higher than anticipated. Variations in mortality between countries suggest the need for national and international strategies to improve care for this group of patients.Funding: European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, European Society of Anaesthesiology